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The #FakeNews Will Not Report This

For CHINA, IsGUO Wengui More Important Than A State Level Ally?

Breaking & Shocking CCP Conspiracies Disclosed By Guo Wengui on Feb4, 2019, Luna New Year Eve.

By Voice of Guo.Media Volunteer Translation Team


In Dec 2013, as instructed by MENG Jianzhu(then Head of CCPPolice Force), GUO Wengui, as an intermediary, using his connections arranged aTelevision interview to the Dalai Lama by Chief Reporter (ZHENG Hao) fromPhoenix TV (Japan Branch). The videoclip of the interview was submitted toPresident XI Jinping afterwards.

(Note:Phoenix TV is de facto being controlled by MENG Jianzhu and other CCP Rulingelites, therefore, its reporters are essentially CCP agents and/or Spyies).

Together with this interview, the Dalai Lama himself wrote aletter to XI Jinping, in which the Dalai Lama has re-iterated and/or clarifiedhis views as regarding Tibet since 1979, which are

1.      The Dalai Lama has given up the pursuit of TibetIndependence since 1974, since then been seeking he has been seekingAutonomy of Tibet within the frame of Chinese Constitution;

2.      Confirmation and Clarification that Dalai Lamahasn’t use the concept of the “BIG Tibet” (the alleged “Big Tibet” is inclusiveof huge areas in the Provinces of Sichuan, Gansu, Qinghai and probably Yunnan,which is almost double the area of Tibet).

3.      The Dalai Lama has NEVER raised the request of “HighDegree of Autonomy” in Tibet;

4.      (the Dalai Lama’s) Seeking Tibet’s Independenceand (afterwards) Deportation of Han Chinese thru “the third way (or themiddle approach, raised by the Dalai Lama since 1979 since DENG Xiaoping Era)”is ungrounded allegations;

5.      Whether Dalai Lama would reincarnate or not,should be decided by Tibetans;

6.      The Dalai Lama doesn’t recognize and would notsupport self-burnings committed by Tibetans;

The letter was prepared in Duplicate, one copy was kept byGUO Wengui. Once received the letter from GUO Wengui, MENG Jianzhu told GUOWengui, that (we) won’t allow him to return by all means, GUO would receivetop, State Reward if GUO “has the ‘Fucking Monk’(秃驴) killed”.

The disclosed videoclip of Dalai Lama’s Interview by Phoenix, togetherwith the Dalai Lama’s letter to XI Jinping, clearly shows that CCP has beenlying to the whole world for decades, including Tibetans in China, blaming thatDalai Lama is the obstacle of the Tibet issue – seeking Tibet Independence andencouraging Tibetan self-burning sacrifices.


On May 21, 2017, in Elliot Broidy email (GUO Wenguidisclosed the retyped email with Chinese translation during the livestreaming)to then Attorney General Jeff Sessions, in the name of “Improve Law EnforcementRelations between the US and China”, China would cooperate “to deliver majorassistance with regard to North Korea”, for example, bank accounts and assetsof Kim Jong-Un and many of his family members in Macau and China. In return,the US need to extradite GUO Wengui, a fugitive Chinese billionaire who waswaging a war against CCP.

In July 2017, when SUN Lijun, then vice minister of CCPPublic Security, was visiting the US, the abovementioned bank accounts andassets info were provided, the biologic information of Kim Jong-Un wasrequested by the US. In the following CHINA visits made by Kim Jong-Un, thebiologic information (inclusive of finger print) of Kim Jong-Un and hisretinues were acquired and then submitted to the US. In Sept. 2018, moreinformation about Kim Jong-Un was provided to the US.

Doing all of these, plus many more $ that they are willingto pay, the ruling elites of CCP the CCP, or to be more specifically, CCPkleptocrats, have only ONE request – revoke of GUO Wengui’s Visa and sendinghim back to CHINA.

In another words, CCP ruling elites (Gang of WANG Qishan)would rather sell North Korea(its closest state ally) out for the return of asingle person – GUO Wengui, the CCP’s biggest opponent of the world.

DOWN OF HONG KONG and “One-Country, Two System”

CCP Law Enforcement in Hong Kong (illegal)

In about July 2017, CCP Central National Security Councilreleased a series of highly confidential directions (GUO Wengui disclosed atleast 2 original documents during the livestreaming) to Ministry of PublicSecurity, Ministry of National Security and CCP Hong Kong and Macau AffairOffice (HMO), to suppress Anti-CCP movements in Hong Kong. To facilitate this (illegal)initiative:

1.      National Security law enforcement personnelwould be sent to Hong Kong/Macau;

2.      These national security personnel’s presence inHong Kong/Macau should be HIGHLY confidential (therefore, no entry/exit recordsat borders? Therefore, kidnapping of “suspects” and transferring to mainlandwould not be recorded, no mention reported?).

3.      HMO need to “supervise” Government of HKSAR tomake it happening;

4.      Any law enforcement staff of HKSAR does notfully cooperate with this (illegal initiative), should receive appropriatewarning, transfer to other department, removal from duties and, “in case ofserious situation”, criminal charges as punishment to send strong signals toothers;

5.      Target of this initiatives were those“participated illegal organization in the past 5 years” and “participated inmajor anti-CCP events, such as ‘9.28 Occupation of Central’”.

Establish CCP Economic Dominance in Hong Kong – Business is Politics

In 2017, The CCP General Office released a direction (FileNumber 2017- 039), clearly indicated that all parties should work together tomake sure Chinese Companies (especially state-owned-enterprises) can establisheconomic dominance in Hong Kong.

Given the fact that the Chief Executive of HKSAR is underthe supervision of HMO and its branch in Hong Kong (LOCPG – Liaison Office ofthe Central People’s Government in HKSAR), there is no surprise that thegovernment of HKSAR will spare no efforts on this initiative.


Jan 2016, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) won the generalelection, CCP established a special team to evaluate DPP’s stands with regardsto “1992 Consensus” and approaches of handling Taiwan Independence issue fromMay 20, 2016 to May 21, 2017.

During the livestreaming, GUO Wengui released one classifieddocument and decided to put the rest 2 documents on-hold (after receivinginformation from others?). However, below factual information disclosed by GUOWengui are far beyond shocking.

1.      CCP or CCP elites doesn’t worry about MAYing-jeou, instead, it worries more about Tsai Ing-wen with regard theacknowledgement of “1992 Consensus”. (Has MA Ying-jeou been compromised by CCPalready?)

2.      Most of the Kuomintang (KMT) (senior) officialshave been compromised (BGYed) by CCP, they are acting as what CCP requests;

3.      A big team of CCP special (secret) personnelwere send to Taiwan by May 19, 2017, in a bid to conduct its BGY campaigntoward DPP officials.