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backend api

G edited this page Jan 8, 2021 · 3 revisions

Get Settings

To get the current settings, you need to use this route /get_settings. This route will respond with a dictionary object that has proxy:target http or https proxy, user_agent:custom user agent, google:[google api key,google api cv] and websites:[{website entry},{website entry},{website entry}..]

curl -X GET

   "user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:84.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/84.0",

Each website entry has "index": an index, "url":"example.ccc" and "selected":"where is active or not (true or false)"


Save Settings

To save the current settings, you need to use this route /save_settings. It needs the following parameters websites=indexes separated by comma, user_agent=custom user agent, proxy=target http or https proxy, google_key=google api key & google_cv=google cv key

curl -X POST -d "websites=1,2&user_agent=Mozilla&proxy=&google_key=******&google_cv=******" 

Analyze string\profile

To analyze a string or profile, you need to use this route /url. This route needs the following parameters string=string to analyze, option=an option to use & uuid=some random uuid

The current option[s] that you can choose from are

LookUps                <- Interacts with google api (Needs an API key & CV)
WordInfo               <- Interacts with duckduckgo api
CustomSearch           <- Finds profile by using custom search queries (Needs an API key & CV)
MostCommon             <- Finds all common words in a string, sort them by language
SplitWordsByUpperCase  <- Finds upper case words in a string and splits them
SplitWordsByAlphabet   <- Finds words start with Alphabet letters in a string and splits them
ConvertNumbers         <- Finds numbers in words and convert them into letters
FindNumbers            <- Finds all numbers in a string
FindSymbols            <- Finds all symbols in a string
FindOrigins            <- Finds all sub words and their origins
FindUserProflesFast    <- Finds profiles with get requests based on detection table (fast)
FindUserProflesSlow    <- Finds profiles with webdriver based on detection table (slow)
ShowUserProflesSlow    <- Screenshot profiles with webdriver (slow)
FindUserProflesSpecial <- Finds profiles based on special detection table (slow & limited)

Example of analyzing string=joe with option=WordInfo

curl -X POST -d "string=joe&option=WordInfo&uuid=12345678"

   "info": {
      "items": [],
      "original": "",
      "corrected": "",
      "total": 0,
      "checking": "Using mike with no lookups"
   "table": {
      "name": [
      "maybe": [
   "common": [],
   "words_info": [
         "word": "ike",
         "text": "unknown",
         "results": [
               "type": "Related",
               "text": "Internet Key Exchange The protocol used to set up a security association in the IPsec protocol suite.",
               "url": ""
               "type": "Other uses",
               "text": "Ike (given name) Meanings A list of people with the name or nickname.",
               "url": ""
         "word": "mike",
         "text": "Mike is a character in the TV series Twin Peaks, portrayed by Al Strobel.",
         "results": [
               "type": "Related",
               "text": "Mike Pompeo An American politician, diplomat, businessman, and attorney who, since April 2018, has been...",
               "url": ""
               "type": "See also",
               "text": "Michael Cox Meanings Several people.",
               "url": ""
               "type": "See also",
               "text": "Mike Jones Meanings Multiple people.",
               "url": ""
   "user_info_normal": {
      "data": {},
      "type": "all"
   "user_info_advanced": {
      "data": {},
      "type": "all"
   "user_info_special": {
      "data": {},
      "type": "all"
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