From a2c033c804538ce3837d0cfc1df69dd68adb585e Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Philip Meier <>
Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2023 12:06:09 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] Remove prototype code / tests / CI on release branch (#7390)

 .../workflows/prototype-tests-linux-gpu.yml   |   94 -
 test/                 | 1582 -----------------
 test/                |   82 -
 test/             |  133 --
 test/       |  282 ---
 test/         |  302 ----
 test/                 |   84 -
 test/             |  535 ------
 torchvision/prototype/             |    1 -
 torchvision/prototype/datapoints/  |    1 -
 torchvision/prototype/datapoints/    |   78 -
 torchvision/prototype/datasets/    |   15 -
 torchvision/prototype/datasets/        |   65 -
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/     |  340 ----
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/   |   22 -
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/    |  212 ---
 .../datasets/_builtin/caltech101.categories   |  101 --
 .../datasets/_builtin/caltech256.categories   |  257 ---
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/     |  200 ---
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/      |  142 --
 .../datasets/_builtin/cifar10.categories      |   10 -
 .../datasets/_builtin/cifar100.categories     |  100 --
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/      |  107 --
 .../datasets/_builtin/coco.categories         |   91 -
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/       |  274 ---
 .../datasets/_builtin/country211.categories   |  211 ---
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/ |   81 -
 .../datasets/_builtin/cub200.categories       |  200 ---
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/     |  265 ---
 .../datasets/_builtin/dtd.categories          |   47 -
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/        |  139 --
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/    |   66 -
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/    |   64 -
 .../datasets/_builtin/food101.categories      |  101 --
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/    |   97 -
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/      |  112 --
 .../datasets/_builtin/imagenet.categories     | 1000 -----------
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/   |  223 ---
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/      |  419 -----
 .../_builtin/oxford-iiit-pet.categories       |   37 -
 .../datasets/_builtin/      |  146 --
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/       |  129 --
 .../datasets/_builtin/sbd.categories          |   20 -
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/        |  165 --
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/    |   55 -
 .../_builtin/stanford-cars.categories         |  196 --
 .../datasets/_builtin/        |  117 --
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/       |   84 -
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/       |   70 -
 .../datasets/_builtin/voc.categories          |   21 -
 .../prototype/datasets/_builtin/        |  222 ---
 torchvision/prototype/datasets/     |   66 -
 torchvision/prototype/datasets/       |   28 -
 torchvision/prototype/datasets/   |  661 -------
 .../datasets/       |   61 -
 .../prototype/datasets/utils/      |    4 -
 .../prototype/datasets/utils/      |   57 -
 .../prototype/datasets/utils/      |   57 -
 .../prototype/datasets/utils/     |  194 --
 .../prototype/datasets/utils/     |  235 ---
 torchvision/prototype/models/      |    1 -
 .../prototype/models/depth/        |    1 -
 .../prototype/models/depth/stereo/ |    2 -
 .../models/depth/stereo/          | 1463 ---------------
 .../models/depth/stereo/        |  838 ---------
 torchvision/prototype/transforms/  |    6 -
 torchvision/prototype/transforms/  |  300 ----
 torchvision/prototype/transforms/ |  125 --
 torchvision/prototype/transforms/     |   58 -
 torchvision/prototype/transforms/  |   80 -
 .../prototype/transforms/  |   29 -
 torchvision/prototype/utils/       |    1 -
 torchvision/prototype/utils/      |  126 --
 73 files changed, 13790 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 .github/workflows/prototype-tests-linux-gpu.yml
 delete mode 100644 test/
 delete mode 100644 test/
 delete mode 100644 test/
 delete mode 100644 test/
 delete mode 100644 test/
 delete mode 100644 test/
 delete mode 100644 test/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datapoints/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datapoints/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/caltech101.categories
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/caltech256.categories
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/cifar10.categories
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/cifar100.categories
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/coco.categories
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/country211.categories
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/cub200.categories
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/dtd.categories
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/food101.categories
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/imagenet.categories
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/oxford-iiit-pet.categories
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/sbd.categories
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/stanford-cars.categories
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/voc.categories
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/utils/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/utils/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/utils/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/utils/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/datasets/utils/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/models/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/models/depth/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/models/depth/stereo/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/models/depth/stereo/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/models/depth/stereo/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/transforms/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/transforms/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/transforms/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/transforms/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/transforms/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/transforms/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/utils/
 delete mode 100644 torchvision/prototype/utils/

diff --git a/.github/workflows/prototype-tests-linux-gpu.yml b/.github/workflows/prototype-tests-linux-gpu.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 76e6b71b7b9..00000000000
--- a/.github/workflows/prototype-tests-linux-gpu.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,94 +0,0 @@
-name: Prototype tests on Linux
-  pull_request:
-  tests:
-    strategy:
-      matrix:
-        python-version:
-          - "3.8"
-          - "3.9"
-          - "3.10"
-        gpu-arch-type: ["cpu"]
-        gpu-arch-version: [""]
-        runner: ["linux.2xlarge"]
-        include:
-          - python-version: "3.8"
-            gpu-arch-type: cuda
-            gpu-arch-version: "11.7"
-            runner: linux.4xlarge.nvidia.gpu
-      fail-fast: false
-    uses: pytorch/test-infra/.github/workflows/linux_job.yml@main
-    with:
-      job-name: Python ${{ matrix.python-version }}, ${{ matrix.gpu-arch-type }}
-      repository: pytorch/vision
-      gpu-arch-type: ${{ matrix.gpu-arch-type }}
-      gpu-arch-version: ${{ matrix.gpu-arch-version }}
-      runner: ${{ matrix.runner }}
-      timeout: 45
-      script: |
-        # Mark Build Directory Safe
-        echo '::group::Set PyTorch conda channel'
-        if [[ (${GITHUB_BASE_REF} = 'release'*) || (${GITHUB_REF} = 'refs/heads/release'*) ]]; then
-          POSTFIX=test
-        else
-          POSTFIX=nightly
-        fi
-        PYTORCH_CHANNEL=pytorch-"${POSTFIX}"
-        echo "${PYTORCH_CHANNEL}"
-        echo '::endgroup::'
-        echo '::group::Set PyTorch conda mutex'
-        if [[ ${{ matrix.gpu-arch-type }} = 'cuda' ]]; then
-          PYTORCH_MUTEX="pytorch-cuda=${{ matrix.gpu-arch-version }}"
-        else
-          PYTORCH_MUTEX=cpuonly
-        fi
-        echo "${PYTORCH_MUTEX}"
-        echo '::endgroup::'
-        echo '::group::Create conda environment'
-        conda create --prefix $PWD/ci \
-          --quiet --yes \
-          python=${{ matrix.python-version }} \
-          numpy libpng jpeg scipy
-        conda activate $PWD/ci
-        echo '::endgroup::'
-        echo '::group::Install PyTorch'
-        conda install \
-          --quiet --yes \
-          -c "${PYTORCH_CHANNEL}" \
-          -c nvidia \
-          pytorch \
-          "${PYTORCH_MUTEX}"
-        if [[ ${{ matrix.gpu-arch-type }} = 'cuda' ]]; then
-          python3 -c "import torch; exit(not torch.cuda.is_available())"
-        fi
-        echo '::endgroup::'
-        echo '::group::Install TorchVision'
-        python develop
-        echo '::endgroup::'
-        echo '::group::Collect PyTorch environment information'
-        python -m torch.utils.collect_env
-        echo '::endgroup::'
-        echo '::group::Install testing utilities'
-        pip install --progress-bar=off pytest pytest-mock pytest-cov
-        echo '::endgroup::'
-        echo '::group::Run prototype tests'
-        # We don't want to run the prototype datasets tests. Since the positional glob into `pytest`, i.e.
-        # `test/test_prototype*.py` takes the highest priority, neither `--ignore` nor `--ignore-glob` can help us here.
-        rm test/test_prototype_datasets*.py
-        pytest \
-          --durations=25 \
-          --cov=torchvision/prototype \
-          --cov-report=term-missing \
-          test/test_prototype*.py
-        echo '::endgroup::'
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index ef5d5e1ec96..00000000000
--- a/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1582 +0,0 @@
-import bz2
-import csv
-import functools
-import gzip
-import io
-import itertools
-import json
-import lzma
-import pathlib
-import pickle
-import random
-import shutil
-import unittest.mock
-import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
-from collections import Counter, defaultdict
-import numpy as np
-import pytest
-import torch
-from common_utils import combinations_grid
-from datasets_utils import create_image_file, create_image_folder, make_tar, make_zip
-from torch.nn.functional import one_hot
-from torch.testing import make_tensor as _make_tensor
-from torchvision.prototype import datasets
-make_tensor = functools.partial(_make_tensor, device="cpu")
-make_scalar = functools.partial(make_tensor, ())
-__all__ = ["DATASET_MOCKS", "parametrize_dataset_mocks"]
-class DatasetMock:
-    def __init__(self, name, *, mock_data_fn, configs):
-        # FIXME: error handling for unknown names
- = name
-        self.mock_data_fn = mock_data_fn
-        self.configs = configs
-    def _parse_mock_info(self, mock_info):
-        if mock_info is None:
-            raise pytest.UsageError(
-                f"The mock data function for dataset '{}' returned nothing. It needs to at least return an "
-                f"integer indicating the number of samples for the current `config`."
-            )
-        elif isinstance(mock_info, int):
-            mock_info = dict(num_samples=mock_info)
-        elif not isinstance(mock_info, dict):
-            raise pytest.UsageError(
-                f"The mock data function for dataset '{}' returned a {type(mock_info)}. The returned object "
-                f"should be a dictionary containing at least the number of samples for the key `'num_samples'`. If no "
-                f"additional information is required for specific tests, the number of samples can also be returned as "
-                f"an integer."
-            )
-        elif "num_samples" not in mock_info:
-            raise pytest.UsageError(
-                f"The dictionary returned by the mock data function for dataset '{}' has to contain a "
-                f"`'num_samples'` entry indicating the number of samples."
-            )
-        return mock_info
-    def load(self, config):
-        # `datasets.home()` is patched to a temporary directory through the autouse fixture `test_home` in
-        # test/
-        root = pathlib.Path(datasets.home()) /
-        # We cannot place the mock data upfront in `root`. Loading a dataset calls `OnlineResource.load`. In turn,
-        # this will only download **and** preprocess if the file is not present. In other words, if we already place
-        # the file in `root` before the resource is loaded, we are effectively skipping the preprocessing.
-        # To avoid that we first place the mock data in a temporary directory and patch the download logic to move it to
-        # `root` only when it is requested.
-        tmp_mock_data_folder = root / "__mock__"
-        tmp_mock_data_folder.mkdir(parents=True)
-        mock_info = self._parse_mock_info(self.mock_data_fn(tmp_mock_data_folder, config))
-        def patched_download(resource, root, **kwargs):
-            src = tmp_mock_data_folder / resource.file_name
-            if not src.exists():
-                raise pytest.UsageError(
-                    f"Dataset '{}' requires the file {resource.file_name} for {config}"
-                    f"but it was not created by the mock data function."
-                )
-            dst = root / resource.file_name
-            shutil.move(str(src), str(root))
-            return dst
-        with unittest.mock.patch(
-            "", new=patched_download
-        ):
-            dataset = datasets.load(, **config)
-        extra_files = list(tmp_mock_data_folder.glob("**/*"))
-        if extra_files:
-            raise pytest.UsageError(
-                (
-                    f"Dataset '{}' created the following files for {config} in the mock data function, "
-                    f"but they were not loaded:\n\n"
-                )
-                + "\n".join(str(file.relative_to(tmp_mock_data_folder)) for file in extra_files)
-            )
-        tmp_mock_data_folder.rmdir()
-        return dataset, mock_info
-def config_id(name, config):
-    parts = [name]
-    for name, value in config.items():
-        if isinstance(value, bool):
-            part = ("" if value else "no_") + name
-        else:
-            part = str(value)
-        parts.append(part)
-    return "-".join(parts)
-def parametrize_dataset_mocks(*dataset_mocks, marks=None):
-    mocks = {}
-    for mock in dataset_mocks:
-        if isinstance(mock, DatasetMock):
-            mocks[] = mock
-        elif isinstance(mock,
-            mocks.update(mock)
-        else:
-            raise pytest.UsageError(
-                f"The positional arguments passed to `parametrize_dataset_mocks` can either be a `DatasetMock`, "
-                f"a sequence of `DatasetMock`'s, or a mapping of names to `DatasetMock`'s, "
-                f"but got {mock} instead."
-            )
-    dataset_mocks = mocks
-    if marks is None:
-        marks = {}
-    elif not isinstance(marks,
-        raise pytest.UsageError()
-    return pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        ("dataset_mock", "config"),
-        [
-            pytest.param(dataset_mock, config, id=config_id(name, config), marks=marks.get(name, ()))
-            for name, dataset_mock in dataset_mocks.items()
-            for config in dataset_mock.configs
-        ],
-    )
-def register_mock(name=None, *, configs):
-    def wrapper(mock_data_fn):
-        nonlocal name
-        if name is None:
-            name = mock_data_fn.__name__
-        DATASET_MOCKS[name] = DatasetMock(name, mock_data_fn=mock_data_fn, configs=configs)
-        return mock_data_fn
-    return wrapper
-class MNISTMockData:
-    _DTYPES_ID = {
-        torch.uint8: 8,
-        torch.int8: 9,
-        torch.int16: 11,
-        torch.int32: 12,
-        torch.float32: 13,
-        torch.float64: 14,
-    }
-    @classmethod
-    def _magic(cls, dtype, ndim):
-        return cls._DTYPES_ID[dtype] * 256 + ndim + 1
-    @staticmethod
-    def _encode(t):
-        return torch.tensor(t, dtype=torch.int32).numpy().tobytes()[::-1]
-    @staticmethod
-    def _big_endian_dtype(dtype):
-        np_dtype = getattr(np, str(dtype).replace("torch.", ""))().dtype
-        return np.dtype(f">{np_dtype.kind}{np_dtype.itemsize}")
-    @classmethod
-    def _create_binary_file(cls, root, filename, *, num_samples, shape, dtype, compressor, low=0, high):
-        with compressor(root / filename, "wb") as fh:
-            for meta in (cls._magic(dtype, len(shape)), num_samples, *shape):
-                fh.write(cls._encode(meta))
-            data = make_tensor((num_samples, *shape), dtype=dtype, low=low, high=high)
-            fh.write(data.numpy().astype(cls._big_endian_dtype(dtype)).tobytes())
-    @classmethod
-    def generate(
-        cls,
-        root,
-        *,
-        num_categories,
-        num_samples=None,
-        images_file,
-        labels_file,
-        image_size=(28, 28),
-        image_dtype=torch.uint8,
-        label_size=(),
-        label_dtype=torch.uint8,
-        compressor=None,
-    ):
-        if num_samples is None:
-            num_samples = num_categories
-        if compressor is None:
-            compressor =
-        cls._create_binary_file(
-            root,
-            images_file,
-            num_samples=num_samples,
-            shape=image_size,
-            dtype=image_dtype,
-            compressor=compressor,
-            high=float("inf"),
-        )
-        cls._create_binary_file(
-            root,
-            labels_file,
-            num_samples=num_samples,
-            shape=label_size,
-            dtype=label_dtype,
-            compressor=compressor,
-            high=num_categories,
-        )
-        return num_samples
-def mnist(root, config):
-    prefix = "train" if config["split"] == "train" else "t10k"
-    return MNISTMockData.generate(
-        root,
-        num_categories=10,
-        images_file=f"{prefix}-images-idx3-ubyte.gz",
-        labels_file=f"{prefix}-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz",
-    )
-    {
-        name: DatasetMock(name, mock_data_fn=mnist, configs=combinations_grid(split=("train", "test")))
-        for name in ["mnist", "fashionmnist", "kmnist"]
-    }
-    configs=combinations_grid(
-        split=("train", "test"),
-        image_set=("Balanced", "By_Merge", "By_Class", "Letters", "Digits", "MNIST"),
-    )
-def emnist(root, config):
-    num_samples_map = {}
-    file_names = set()
-    for split, image_set in itertools.product(
-        ("train", "test"),
-        ("Balanced", "By_Merge", "By_Class", "Letters", "Digits", "MNIST"),
-    ):
-        prefix = f"emnist-{image_set.replace('_', '').lower()}-{split}"
-        images_file = f"{prefix}-images-idx3-ubyte.gz"
-        labels_file = f"{prefix}-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz"
-        file_names.update({images_file, labels_file})
-        num_samples_map[(split, image_set)] = MNISTMockData.generate(
-            root,
-            # The image sets that merge some lower case letters in their respective upper case variant, still use dense
-            # labels in the data files. Thus, num_categories != len(categories) there.
-            num_categories=47 if config["image_set"] in ("Balanced", "By_Merge") else 62,
-            images_file=images_file,
-            labels_file=labels_file,
-        )
-    make_zip(root, "", *file_names)
-    return num_samples_map[(config["split"], config["image_set"])]
-@register_mock(configs=combinations_grid(split=("train", "test", "test10k", "test50k", "nist")))
-def qmnist(root, config):
-    num_categories = 10
-    if config["split"] == "train":
-        num_samples = num_samples_gen = num_categories + 2
-        prefix = "qmnist-train"
-        suffix = ".gz"
-        compressor =
-    elif config["split"].startswith("test"):
-        # The split 'test50k' is defined as the last 50k images beginning at index 10000. Thus, we need to create
-        # more than 10000 images for the dataset to not be empty.
-        num_samples_gen = 10001
-        num_samples = {
-            "test": num_samples_gen,
-            "test10k": min(num_samples_gen, 10_000),
-            "test50k": num_samples_gen - 10_000,
-        }[config["split"]]
-        prefix = "qmnist-test"
-        suffix = ".gz"
-        compressor =
-    else:  # config["split"] == "nist"
-        num_samples = num_samples_gen = num_categories + 3
-        prefix = "xnist"
-        suffix = ".xz"
-        compressor =
-    MNISTMockData.generate(
-        root,
-        num_categories=num_categories,
-        num_samples=num_samples_gen,
-        images_file=f"{prefix}-images-idx3-ubyte{suffix}",
-        labels_file=f"{prefix}-labels-idx2-int{suffix}",
-        label_size=(8,),
-        label_dtype=torch.int32,
-        compressor=compressor,
-    )
-    return num_samples
-class CIFARMockData:
-    NUM_PIXELS = 32 * 32 * 3
-    @classmethod
-    def _create_batch_file(cls, root, name, *, num_categories, labels_key, num_samples=1):
-        content = {
-            "data": make_tensor((num_samples, cls.NUM_PIXELS), dtype=torch.uint8).numpy(),
-            labels_key: torch.randint(0, num_categories, size=(num_samples,)).tolist(),
-        }
-        with open(pathlib.Path(root) / name, "wb") as fh:
-            pickle.dump(content, fh)
-    @classmethod
-    def generate(
-        cls,
-        root,
-        name,
-        *,
-        folder,
-        train_files,
-        test_files,
-        num_categories,
-        labels_key,
-    ):
-        folder = root / folder
-        folder.mkdir()
-        files = (*train_files, *test_files)
-        for file in files:
-            cls._create_batch_file(
-                folder,
-                file,
-                num_categories=num_categories,
-                labels_key=labels_key,
-            )
-        make_tar(root, name, folder, compression="gz")
-@register_mock(configs=combinations_grid(split=("train", "test")))
-def cifar10(root, config):
-    train_files = [f"data_batch_{idx}" for idx in range(1, 6)]
-    test_files = ["test_batch"]
-    CIFARMockData.generate(
-        root=root,
-        name="cifar-10-python.tar.gz",
-        folder=pathlib.Path("cifar-10-batches-py"),
-        train_files=train_files,
-        test_files=test_files,
-        num_categories=10,
-        labels_key="labels",
-    )
-    return len(train_files if config["split"] == "train" else test_files)
-@register_mock(configs=combinations_grid(split=("train", "test")))
-def cifar100(root, config):
-    train_files = ["train"]
-    test_files = ["test"]
-    CIFARMockData.generate(
-        root=root,
-        name="cifar-100-python.tar.gz",
-        folder=pathlib.Path("cifar-100-python"),
-        train_files=train_files,
-        test_files=test_files,
-        num_categories=100,
-        labels_key="fine_labels",
-    )
-    return len(train_files if config["split"] == "train" else test_files)
-def caltech101(root, config):
-    def create_ann_file(root, name):
-        import
-        box_coord = make_tensor((1, 4), dtype=torch.int32, low=0).numpy().astype(np.uint16)
-        obj_contour = make_tensor((2, int(torch.randint(3, 6, size=()))), dtype=torch.float64, low=0).numpy()
- / name), dict(box_coord=box_coord, obj_contour=obj_contour))
-    def create_ann_folder(root, name, file_name_fn, num_examples):
-        root = pathlib.Path(root) / name
-        root.mkdir(parents=True)
-        for idx in range(num_examples):
-            create_ann_file(root, file_name_fn(idx))
-    images_root = root / "101_ObjectCategories"
-    anns_root = root / "Annotations"
-    image_category_map = {
-        "Faces": "Faces_2",
-        "Faces_easy": "Faces_3",
-        "Motorbikes": "Motorbikes_16",
-        "airplanes": "Airplanes_Side_2",
-    }
-    categories = ["Faces", "Faces_easy", "Motorbikes", "airplanes", "yin_yang"]
-    num_images_per_category = 2
-    for category in categories:
-        create_image_folder(
-            root=images_root,
-            name=category,
-            file_name_fn=lambda idx: f"image_{idx + 1:04d}.jpg",
-            num_examples=num_images_per_category,
-        )
-        create_ann_folder(
-            root=anns_root,
-            name=image_category_map.get(category, category),
-            file_name_fn=lambda idx: f"annotation_{idx + 1:04d}.mat",
-            num_examples=num_images_per_category,
-        )
-    (images_root / "BACKGROUND_Goodle").mkdir()
-    make_tar(root, f"{}.tar.gz", images_root, compression="gz")
-    make_tar(root, f"{}.tar", anns_root)
-    return num_images_per_category * len(categories)
-def caltech256(root, config):
-    dir = root / "256_ObjectCategories"
-    num_images_per_category = 2
-    categories = [
-        (1, "ak47"),
-        (127, "laptop-101"),
-        (198, "spider"),
-        (257, "clutter"),
-    ]
-    for category_idx, category in categories:
-        files = create_image_folder(
-            dir,
-            name=f"{category_idx:03d}.{category}",
-            file_name_fn=lambda image_idx: f"{category_idx:03d}_{image_idx + 1:04d}.jpg",
-            num_examples=num_images_per_category,
-        )
-        if category == "spider":
-            open(files[0].parent / "RENAME2", "w").close()
-    make_tar(root, f"{}.tar", dir)
-    return num_images_per_category * len(categories)
-@register_mock(configs=combinations_grid(split=("train", "val", "test")))
-def imagenet(root, config):
-    from import savemat
-    info ="imagenet")
-    if config["split"] == "train":
-        num_samples = len(info["wnids"])
-        archive_name = "ILSVRC2012_img_train.tar"
-        files = []
-        for wnid in info["wnids"]:
-            create_image_folder(
-                root=root,
-                name=wnid,
-                file_name_fn=lambda image_idx: f"{wnid}_{image_idx:04d}.JPEG",
-                num_examples=1,
-            )
-            files.append(make_tar(root, f"{wnid}.tar"))
-    elif config["split"] == "val":
-        num_samples = 3
-        archive_name = "ILSVRC2012_img_val.tar"
-        files = [create_image_file(root, f"ILSVRC2012_val_{idx + 1:08d}.JPEG") for idx in range(num_samples)]
-        devkit_root = root / "ILSVRC2012_devkit_t12"
-        data_root = devkit_root / "data"
-        data_root.mkdir(parents=True)
-        with open(data_root / "ILSVRC2012_validation_ground_truth.txt", "w") as file:
-            for label in torch.randint(0, len(info["wnids"]), (num_samples,)).tolist():
-                file.write(f"{label}\n")
-        num_children = 0
-        synsets = [
-            (idx, wnid, category, "", num_children, [], 0, 0)
-            for idx, (category, wnid) in enumerate(zip(info["categories"], info["wnids"]), 1)
-        ]
-        num_children = 1
-        synsets.extend((0, "", "", "", num_children, [], 0, 0) for _ in range(5))
-        synsets = np.array(
-            synsets,
-            dtype=np.dtype(
-                [
-                    ("ILSVRC2012_ID", "O"),
-                    ("WNID", "O"),
-                    ("words", "O"),
-                    ("gloss", "O"),
-                    ("num_children", "O"),
-                    ("children", "O"),
-                    ("wordnet_height", "O"),
-                    ("num_train_images", "O"),
-                ]
-            ),
-        )
-        savemat(data_root / "meta.mat", dict(synsets=synsets))
-        make_tar(root, devkit_root.with_suffix(".tar.gz").name, compression="gz")
-    else:  # config["split"] == "test"
-        num_samples = 5
-        archive_name = "ILSVRC2012_img_test_v10102019.tar"
-        files = [create_image_file(root, f"ILSVRC2012_test_{idx + 1:08d}.JPEG") for idx in range(num_samples)]
-    make_tar(root, archive_name, *files)
-    return num_samples
-class CocoMockData:
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_annotations_json(
-        cls,
-        root,
-        name,
-        *,
-        images_meta,
-        fn,
-    ):
-        num_anns_per_image = torch.randint(1, 5, (len(images_meta),))
-        num_anns_total = int(num_anns_per_image.sum())
-        ann_ids_iter = iter(torch.arange(num_anns_total)[torch.randperm(num_anns_total)])
-        anns_meta = []
-        for image_meta, num_anns in zip(images_meta, num_anns_per_image):
-            for _ in range(num_anns):
-                ann_id = int(next(ann_ids_iter))
-                anns_meta.append(dict(fn(ann_id, image_meta), id=ann_id, image_id=image_meta["id"]))
-        anns_meta.sort(key=lambda ann: ann["id"])
-        with open(root / name, "w") as file:
-            json.dump(dict(images=images_meta, annotations=anns_meta), file)
-        return num_anns_per_image
-    @staticmethod
-    def _make_instances_data(ann_id, image_meta):
-        def make_rle_segmentation():
-            height, width = image_meta["height"], image_meta["width"]
-            numel = height * width
-            counts = []
-            while sum(counts) <= numel:
-                counts.append(int(torch.randint(5, 8, ())))
-            if sum(counts) > numel:
-                counts[-1] -= sum(counts) - numel
-            return dict(counts=counts, size=[height, width])
-        return dict(
-            segmentation=make_rle_segmentation(),
-            bbox=make_tensor((4,), dtype=torch.float32, low=0).tolist(),
-            iscrowd=True,
-            area=float(make_scalar(dtype=torch.float32)),
-            category_id=int(make_scalar(dtype=torch.int64)),
-        )
-    @staticmethod
-    def _make_captions_data(ann_id, image_meta):
-        return dict(caption=f"Caption {ann_id} describing image {image_meta['id']}.")
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_annotations(cls, root, name, *, images_meta):
-        num_anns_per_image = torch.zeros((len(images_meta),), dtype=torch.int64)
-        for annotations, fn in (
-            ("instances", cls._make_instances_data),
-            ("captions", cls._make_captions_data),
-        ):
-            num_anns_per_image += cls._make_annotations_json(
-                root, f"{annotations}_{name}.json", images_meta=images_meta, fn=fn
-            )
-        return int(num_anns_per_image.sum())
-    @classmethod
-    def generate(
-        cls,
-        root,
-        *,
-        split,
-        year,
-        num_samples,
-    ):
-        annotations_dir = root / "annotations"
-        annotations_dir.mkdir()
-        for split_ in ("train", "val"):
-            config_name = f"{split_}{year}"
-            images_meta = [
-                dict(
-                    file_name=f"{idx:012d}.jpg",
-                    id=idx,
-                    width=width,
-                    height=height,
-                )
-                for idx, (height, width) in enumerate(
-                    torch.randint(3, 11, size=(num_samples, 2),
-                )
-            ]
-            if split_ == split:
-                create_image_folder(
-                    root,
-                    config_name,
-                    file_name_fn=lambda idx: images_meta[idx]["file_name"],
-                    num_examples=num_samples,
-                    size=lambda idx: (3, images_meta[idx]["height"], images_meta[idx]["width"]),
-                )
-                make_zip(root, f"{config_name}.zip")
-            cls._make_annotations(
-                annotations_dir,
-                config_name,
-                images_meta=images_meta,
-            )
-        make_zip(root, f"annotations_trainval{year}.zip", annotations_dir)
-        return num_samples
-    configs=combinations_grid(
-        split=("train", "val"),
-        year=("2017", "2014"),
-        annotations=("instances", "captions", None),
-    )
-def coco(root, config):
-    return CocoMockData.generate(root, split=config["split"], year=config["year"], num_samples=5)
-class SBDMockData:
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_split_files(cls, root_map, *, split):
-        splits_and_idcs = [
-            ("train", [0, 1, 2]),
-            ("val", [3]),
-        ]
-        if split == "train_noval":
-            splits_and_idcs.append(("train_noval", [0, 2]))
-        ids_map = {split: [f"2008_{idx:06d}" for idx in idcs] for split, idcs in splits_and_idcs}
-        for split, ids in ids_map.items():
-            with open(root_map[split] / f"{split}.txt", "w") as fh:
-                fh.writelines(f"{id}\n" for id in ids)
-        return sorted(set(itertools.chain(*ids_map.values()))), {split: len(ids) for split, ids in ids_map.items()}
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_anns_folder(cls, root, name, ids):
-        from import savemat
-        anns_folder = root / name
-        anns_folder.mkdir()
-        sizes = torch.randint(1, 9, size=(len(ids), 2)).tolist()
-        for id, size in zip(ids, sizes):
-            savemat(
-                anns_folder / f"{id}.mat",
-                {
-                    "GTcls": {
-                        "Boundaries": cls._make_boundaries(size),
-                        "Segmentation": cls._make_segmentation(size),
-                    }
-                },
-            )
-        return sizes
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_boundaries(cls, size):
-        from scipy.sparse import csc_matrix
-        return [
-            [csc_matrix(torch.randint(0, 2, size=size, dtype=torch.uint8).numpy())] for _ in range(cls._NUM_CATEGORIES)
-        ]
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_segmentation(cls, size):
-        return torch.randint(0, cls._NUM_CATEGORIES + 1, size=size, dtype=torch.uint8).numpy()
-    @classmethod
-    def generate(cls, root, *, split):
-        archive_folder = root / "benchmark_RELEASE"
-        dataset_folder = archive_folder / "dataset"
-        dataset_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-        ids, num_samples_map = cls._make_split_files(
-            defaultdict(lambda: dataset_folder, {"train_noval": root}), split=split
-        )
-        sizes = cls._make_anns_folder(dataset_folder, "cls", ids)
-        create_image_folder(
-            dataset_folder, "img", lambda idx: f"{ids[idx]}.jpg", num_examples=len(ids), size=lambda idx: sizes[idx]
-        )
-        make_tar(root, "benchmark.tgz", archive_folder, compression="gz")
-        return num_samples_map[split]
-@register_mock(configs=combinations_grid(split=("train", "val", "train_noval")))
-def sbd(root, config):
-    return SBDMockData.generate(root, split=config["split"])
-def semeion(root, config):
-    num_samples = 3
-    num_categories = 10
-    images = torch.rand(num_samples, 256)
-    labels = one_hot(torch.randint(num_categories, size=(num_samples,)), num_classes=num_categories)
-    with open(root / "", "w") as fh:
-        for image, one_hot_label in zip(images, labels):
-            image_columns = " ".join([f"{pixel.item():.4f}" for pixel in image])
-            labels_columns = " ".join([str(label.item()) for label in one_hot_label])
-            fh.write(f"{image_columns} {labels_columns} \n")
-    return num_samples
-class VOCMockData:
-        "2007": "VOCtrainval_06-Nov-2007.tar",
-        "2008": "VOCtrainval_14-Jul-2008.tar",
-        "2009": "VOCtrainval_11-May-2009.tar",
-        "2010": "VOCtrainval_03-May-2010.tar",
-        "2011": "VOCtrainval_25-May-2011.tar",
-        "2012": "VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar",
-    }
-        "2007": "VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar",
-    }
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_split_files(cls, root, *, year, trainval):
-        split_folder = root / "ImageSets"
-        if trainval:
-            idcs_map = {
-                "train": [0, 1, 2],
-                "val": [3, 4],
-            }
-            idcs_map["trainval"] = [*idcs_map["train"], *idcs_map["val"]]
-        else:
-            idcs_map = {
-                "test": [5],
-            }
-        ids_map = {split: [f"{year}_{idx:06d}" for idx in idcs] for split, idcs in idcs_map.items()}
-        for task_sub_folder in ("Main", "Segmentation"):
-            task_folder = split_folder / task_sub_folder
-            task_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-            for split, ids in ids_map.items():
-                with open(task_folder / f"{split}.txt", "w") as fh:
-                    fh.writelines(f"{id}\n" for id in ids)
-        return sorted(set(itertools.chain(*ids_map.values()))), {split: len(ids) for split, ids in ids_map.items()}
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_detection_anns_folder(cls, root, name, *, file_name_fn, num_examples):
-        folder = root / name
-        folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-        for idx in range(num_examples):
-            cls._make_detection_ann_file(folder, file_name_fn(idx))
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_detection_ann_file(cls, root, name):
-        def add_child(parent, name, text=None):
-            child = ET.SubElement(parent, name)
-            child.text = str(text)
-            return child
-        def add_name(obj, name="dog"):
-            add_child(obj, "name", name)
-        def add_size(obj):
-            obj = add_child(obj, "size")
-            size = {"width": 0, "height": 0, "depth": 3}
-            for name, text in size.items():
-                add_child(obj, name, text)
-        def add_bndbox(obj):
-            obj = add_child(obj, "bndbox")
-            bndbox = {"xmin": 1, "xmax": 2, "ymin": 3, "ymax": 4}
-            for name, text in bndbox.items():
-                add_child(obj, name, text)
-        annotation = ET.Element("annotation")
-        add_size(annotation)
-        obj = add_child(annotation, "object")
-        add_name(obj)
-        add_bndbox(obj)
-        with open(root / name, "wb") as fh:
-            fh.write(ET.tostring(annotation))
-    @classmethod
-    def generate(cls, root, *, year, trainval):
-        archive_folder = root
-        if year == "2011":
-            archive_folder = root / "TrainVal"
-            data_folder = archive_folder / "VOCdevkit"
-        else:
-            archive_folder = data_folder = root / "VOCdevkit"
-        data_folder = data_folder / f"VOC{year}"
-        data_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-        ids, num_samples_map = cls._make_split_files(data_folder, year=year, trainval=trainval)
-        for make_folder_fn, name, suffix in [
-            (create_image_folder, "JPEGImages", ".jpg"),
-            (create_image_folder, "SegmentationClass", ".png"),
-            (cls._make_detection_anns_folder, "Annotations", ".xml"),
-        ]:
-            make_folder_fn(data_folder, name, file_name_fn=lambda idx: ids[idx] + suffix, num_examples=len(ids))
-        make_tar(root, (cls._TRAIN_VAL_FILE_NAMES if trainval else cls._TEST_FILE_NAMES)[year], archive_folder)
-        return num_samples_map
-    configs=[
-        *combinations_grid(
-            split=("train", "val", "trainval"),
-            year=("2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012"),
-            task=("detection", "segmentation"),
-        ),
-        *combinations_grid(
-            split=("test",),
-            year=("2007",),
-            task=("detection", "segmentation"),
-        ),
-    ],
-def voc(root, config):
-    trainval = config["split"] != "test"
-    return VOCMockData.generate(root, year=config["year"], trainval=trainval)[config["split"]]
-class CelebAMockData:
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_ann_file(cls, root, name, data, *, field_names=None):
-        with open(root / name, "w") as file:
-            if field_names:
-                file.write(f"{len(data)}\r\n")
-                file.write(" ".join(field_names) + "\r\n")
-            file.writelines(" ".join(str(item) for item in row) + "\r\n" for row in data)
-    _SPLIT_TO_IDX = {
-        "train": 0,
-        "val": 1,
-        "test": 2,
-    }
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_split_file(cls, root):
-        num_samples_map = {"train": 4, "val": 3, "test": 2}
-        data = [
-            (f"{idx:06d}.jpg", cls._SPLIT_TO_IDX[split])
-            for split, num_samples in num_samples_map.items()
-            for idx in range(num_samples)
-        ]
-        cls._make_ann_file(root, "list_eval_partition.txt", data)
-        image_file_names, _ = zip(*data)
-        return image_file_names, num_samples_map
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_identity_file(cls, root, image_file_names):
-        cls._make_ann_file(
-            root, "identity_CelebA.txt", [(name, int(make_scalar(low=1, for name in image_file_names]
-        )
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_attributes_file(cls, root, image_file_names):
-        field_names = ("5_o_Clock_Shadow", "Young")
-        data = [
-            [name, *[" 1" if attr else "-1" for attr in make_tensor((len(field_names),), dtype=torch.bool)]]
-            for name in image_file_names
-        ]
-        cls._make_ann_file(root, "list_attr_celeba.txt", data, field_names=(*field_names, ""))
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_bounding_boxes_file(cls, root, image_file_names):
-        field_names = ("image_id", "x_1", "y_1", "width", "height")
-        data = [
-            [f"{name}  ", *[f"{coord:3d}" for coord in make_tensor((4,), low=0,]]
-            for name in image_file_names
-        ]
-        cls._make_ann_file(root, "list_bbox_celeba.txt", data, field_names=field_names)
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_landmarks_file(cls, root, image_file_names):
-        field_names = ("lefteye_x", "lefteye_y", "rightmouth_x", "rightmouth_y")
-        data = [
-            [
-                name,
-                *[
-                    f"{coord:4d}" if idx else coord
-                    for idx, coord in enumerate(make_tensor((len(field_names),), low=0,
-                ],
-            ]
-            for name in image_file_names
-        ]
-        cls._make_ann_file(root, "list_landmarks_align_celeba.txt", data, field_names=field_names)
-    @classmethod
-    def generate(cls, root):
-        image_file_names, num_samples_map = cls._make_split_file(root)
-        image_files = create_image_folder(
-            root, "img_align_celeba", file_name_fn=lambda idx: image_file_names[idx], num_examples=len(image_file_names)
-        )
-        make_zip(root, image_files[0].parent.with_suffix(".zip").name)
-        for make_ann_file_fn in (
-            cls._make_identity_file,
-            cls._make_attributes_file,
-            cls._make_bounding_boxes_file,
-            cls._make_landmarks_file,
-        ):
-            make_ann_file_fn(root, image_file_names)
-        return num_samples_map
-@register_mock(configs=combinations_grid(split=("train", "val", "test")))
-def celeba(root, config):
-    return CelebAMockData.generate(root)[config["split"]]
-@register_mock(configs=combinations_grid(split=("train", "val", "test")))
-def country211(root, config):
-    split_folder = pathlib.Path(root, "country211", "valid" if config["split"] == "val" else config["split"])
-    split_folder.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-    num_examples = {
-        "train": 3,
-        "val": 4,
-        "test": 5,
-    }[config["split"]]
-    classes = ("AD", "BS", "GR")
-    for cls in classes:
-        create_image_folder(
-            split_folder,
-            name=cls,
-            file_name_fn=lambda idx: f"{idx}.jpg",
-            num_examples=num_examples,
-        )
-    make_tar(root, f"{}.tgz", split_folder.parent, compression="gz")
-    return num_examples * len(classes)
-@register_mock(configs=combinations_grid(split=("train", "test")))
-def food101(root, config):
-    data_folder = root / "food-101"
-    num_images_per_class = 3
-    image_folder = data_folder / "images"
-    categories = ["apple_pie", "baby_back_ribs", "waffles"]
-    image_ids = []
-    for category in categories:
-        image_files = create_image_folder(
-            image_folder,
-            category,
-            file_name_fn=lambda idx: f"{idx:04d}.jpg",
-            num_examples=num_images_per_class,
-        )
-        image_ids.extend(path.relative_to(path.parents[1]).with_suffix("").as_posix() for path in image_files)
-    meta_folder = data_folder / "meta"
-    meta_folder.mkdir()
-    with open(meta_folder / "classes.txt", "w") as file:
-        for category in categories:
-            file.write(f"{category}\n")
-    splits = ["train", "test"]
-    num_samples_map = {}
-    for offset, split in enumerate(splits):
-        image_ids_in_split = image_ids[offset :: len(splits)]
-        num_samples_map[split] = len(image_ids_in_split)
-        with open(meta_folder / f"{split}.txt", "w") as file:
-            for image_id in image_ids_in_split:
-                file.write(f"{image_id}\n")
-    make_tar(root, f"{}.tar.gz", compression="gz")
-    return num_samples_map[config["split"]]
-@register_mock(configs=combinations_grid(split=("train", "val", "test"), fold=(1, 4, 10)))
-def dtd(root, config):
-    data_folder = root / "dtd"
-    num_images_per_class = 3
-    image_folder = data_folder / "images"
-    categories = {"banded", "marbled", "zigzagged"}
-    image_ids_per_category = {
-        category: [
-            str(path.relative_to(path.parents[1]).as_posix())
-            for path in create_image_folder(
-                image_folder,
-                category,
-                file_name_fn=lambda idx: f"{category}_{idx:04d}.jpg",
-                num_examples=num_images_per_class,
-            )
-        ]
-        for category in categories
-    }
-    meta_folder = data_folder / "labels"
-    meta_folder.mkdir()
-    with open(meta_folder / "labels_joint_anno.txt", "w") as file:
-        for cls, image_ids in image_ids_per_category.items():
-            for image_id in image_ids:
-                joint_categories = random.choices(
-                    list(categories - {cls}), k=int(torch.randint(len(categories) - 1, ()))
-                )
-                file.write(" ".join([image_id, *sorted([cls, *joint_categories])]) + "\n")
-    image_ids = list(itertools.chain(*image_ids_per_category.values()))
-    splits = ("train", "val", "test")
-    num_samples_map = {}
-    for fold in range(1, 11):
-        random.shuffle(image_ids)
-        for offset, split in enumerate(splits):
-            image_ids_in_config = image_ids[offset :: len(splits)]
-            with open(meta_folder / f"{split}{fold}.txt", "w") as file:
-                file.write("\n".join(image_ids_in_config) + "\n")
-            num_samples_map[(split, fold)] = len(image_ids_in_config)
-    make_tar(root, "dtd-r1.0.1.tar.gz", data_folder, compression="gz")
-    return num_samples_map[config["split"], config["fold"]]
-@register_mock(configs=combinations_grid(split=("train", "test")))
-def fer2013(root, config):
-    split = config["split"]
-    num_samples = 5 if split == "train" else 3
-    path = root / f"{split}.csv"
-    with open(path, "w", newline="") as file:
-        field_names = ["emotion"] if split == "train" else []
-        field_names.append("pixels")
-        file.write(",".join(field_names) + "\n")
-        writer = csv.DictWriter(file, fieldnames=field_names, quotechar='"', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONNUMERIC)
-        for _ in range(num_samples):
-            rowdict = {
-                "pixels": " ".join([str(int(pixel)) for pixel in torch.randint(256, (48 * 48,), dtype=torch.uint8)])
-            }
-            if split == "train":
-                rowdict["emotion"] = int(torch.randint(7, ()))
-            writer.writerow(rowdict)
-    make_zip(root, f"{}.zip", path)
-    return num_samples
-@register_mock(configs=combinations_grid(split=("train", "test")))
-def gtsrb(root, config):
-    num_examples_per_class = 5 if config["split"] == "train" else 3
-    classes = ("00000", "00042", "00012")
-    num_examples = num_examples_per_class * len(classes)
-    csv_columns = ["Filename", "Width", "Height", "Roi.X1", "Roi.Y1", "Roi.X2", "Roi.Y2", "ClassId"]
-    def _make_ann_file(path, num_examples, class_idx):
-        if class_idx == "random":
-            class_idx = torch.randint(1, len(classes) + 1, size=(1,)).item()
-        with open(path, "w") as csv_file:
-            writer = csv.DictWriter(csv_file, fieldnames=csv_columns, delimiter=";")
-            writer.writeheader()
-            for image_idx in range(num_examples):
-                writer.writerow(
-                    {
-                        "Filename": f"{image_idx:05d}.ppm",
-                        "Width": torch.randint(1, 100, size=()).item(),
-                        "Height": torch.randint(1, 100, size=()).item(),
-                        "Roi.X1": torch.randint(1, 100, size=()).item(),
-                        "Roi.Y1": torch.randint(1, 100, size=()).item(),
-                        "Roi.X2": torch.randint(1, 100, size=()).item(),
-                        "Roi.Y2": torch.randint(1, 100, size=()).item(),
-                        "ClassId": class_idx,
-                    }
-                )
-    archive_folder = root / "GTSRB"
-    if config["split"] == "train":
-        train_folder = archive_folder / "Training"
-        train_folder.mkdir(parents=True)
-        for class_idx in classes:
-            create_image_folder(
-                train_folder,
-                name=class_idx,
-                file_name_fn=lambda image_idx: f"{class_idx}_{image_idx:05d}.ppm",
-                num_examples=num_examples_per_class,
-            )
-            _make_ann_file(
-                path=train_folder / class_idx / f"GT-{class_idx}.csv",
-                num_examples=num_examples_per_class,
-                class_idx=int(class_idx),
-            )
-        make_zip(root, "", archive_folder)
-    else:
-        test_folder = archive_folder / "Final_Test"
-        test_folder.mkdir(parents=True)
-        create_image_folder(
-            test_folder,
-            name="Images",
-            file_name_fn=lambda image_idx: f"{image_idx:05d}.ppm",
-            num_examples=num_examples,
-        )
-        make_zip(root, "", archive_folder)
-        _make_ann_file(
-            path=root / "GT-final_test.csv",
-            num_examples=num_examples,
-            class_idx="random",
-        )
-        make_zip(root, "", "GT-final_test.csv")
-    return num_examples
-@register_mock(configs=combinations_grid(split=("train", "val", "test")))
-def clevr(root, config):
-    data_folder = root / "CLEVR_v1.0"
-    num_samples_map = {
-        "train": 3,
-        "val": 2,
-        "test": 1,
-    }
-    images_folder = data_folder / "images"
-    image_files = {
-        split: create_image_folder(
-            images_folder,
-            split,
-            file_name_fn=lambda idx: f"CLEVR_{split}_{idx:06d}.jpg",
-            num_examples=num_samples,
-        )
-        for split, num_samples in num_samples_map.items()
-    }
-    scenes_folder = data_folder / "scenes"
-    scenes_folder.mkdir()
-    for split in ["train", "val"]:
-        with open(scenes_folder / f"CLEVR_{split}_scenes.json", "w") as file:
-            json.dump(
-                {
-                    "scenes": [
-                        {
-                            "image_filename":,
-                            # We currently only return the number of objects in a scene.
-                            # Thus, it is sufficient for now to only mock the number of elements.
-                            "objects": [None] * int(torch.randint(1, 5, ())),
-                        }
-                        for image_file in image_files[split]
-                    ]
-                },
-                file,
-            )
-    make_zip(root, f"{}.zip", data_folder)
-    return num_samples_map[config["split"]]
-class OxfordIIITPetMockData:
-    @classmethod
-    def _meta_to_split_and_classification_ann(cls, meta, idx):
-        image_id = "_".join(
-            [
-                *[(str.title if meta["species"] == "cat" else str.lower)(part) for part in meta["cls"].split()],
-                str(idx),
-            ]
-        )
-        class_id = str(meta["label"] + 1)
-        species = "1" if meta["species"] == "cat" else "2"
-        breed_id = "-1"
-        return (image_id, class_id, species, breed_id)
-    @classmethod
-    def generate(self, root):
-        classification_anns_meta = (
-            dict(cls="Abyssinian", label=0, species="cat"),
-            dict(cls="Keeshond", label=18, species="dog"),
-            dict(cls="Yorkshire Terrier", label=36, species="dog"),
-        )
-        split_and_classification_anns = [
-            self._meta_to_split_and_classification_ann(meta, idx)
-            for meta, idx in itertools.product(classification_anns_meta, (1, 2, 10))
-        ]
-        image_ids, *_ = zip(*split_and_classification_anns)
-        image_files = create_image_folder(
-            root, "images", file_name_fn=lambda idx: f"{image_ids[idx]}.jpg", num_examples=len(image_ids)
-        )
-        anns_folder = root / "annotations"
-        anns_folder.mkdir()
-        random.shuffle(split_and_classification_anns)
-        splits = ("trainval", "test")
-        num_samples_map = {}
-        for offset, split in enumerate(splits):
-            split_and_classification_anns_in_split = split_and_classification_anns[offset :: len(splits)]
-            with open(anns_folder / f"{split}.txt", "w") as file:
-                writer = csv.writer(file, delimiter=" ")
-                for split_and_classification_ann in split_and_classification_anns_in_split:
-                    writer.writerow(split_and_classification_ann)
-            num_samples_map[split] = len(split_and_classification_anns_in_split)
-        segmentation_files = create_image_folder(
-            anns_folder, "trimaps", file_name_fn=lambda idx: f"{image_ids[idx]}.png", num_examples=len(image_ids)
-        )
-        # The dataset has some rogue files
-        for path in image_files[:3]:
-            path.with_suffix(".mat").touch()
-        for path in segmentation_files:
-            path.with_name(f".{}").touch()
-        make_tar(root, "images.tar.gz", compression="gz")
-        make_tar(root, anns_folder.with_suffix(".tar.gz").name, compression="gz")
-        return num_samples_map
-@register_mock(name="oxford-iiit-pet", configs=combinations_grid(split=("trainval", "test")))
-def oxford_iiit_pet(root, config):
-    return OxfordIIITPetMockData.generate(root)[config["split"]]
-class _CUB200MockData:
-    @classmethod
-    def _category_folder(cls, category, idx):
-        return f"{idx:03d}.{category}"
-    @classmethod
-    def _file_stem(cls, category, idx):
-        return f"{category}_{idx:04d}"
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_images(cls, images_folder):
-        image_files = []
-        for category_idx, category in [
-            (1, "Black_footed_Albatross"),
-            (100, "Brown_Pelican"),
-            (200, "Common_Yellowthroat"),
-        ]:
-            image_files.extend(
-                create_image_folder(
-                    images_folder,
-                    cls._category_folder(category, category_idx),
-                    lambda image_idx: f"{cls._file_stem(category, image_idx)}.jpg",
-                    num_examples=5,
-                )
-            )
-        return image_files
-class CUB2002011MockData(_CUB200MockData):
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_archive(cls, root):
-        archive_folder = root / "CUB_200_2011"
-        images_folder = archive_folder / "images"
-        image_files = cls._make_images(images_folder)
-        image_ids = list(range(1, len(image_files) + 1))
-        with open(archive_folder / "images.txt", "w") as file:
-            file.write(
-                "\n".join(
-                    f"{id} {path.relative_to(images_folder).as_posix()}" for id, path in zip(image_ids, image_files)
-                )
-            )
-        split_ids = torch.randint(2, (len(image_ids),)).tolist()
-        counts = Counter(split_ids)
-        num_samples_map = {"train": counts[1], "test": counts[0]}
-        with open(archive_folder / "train_test_split.txt", "w") as file:
-            file.write("\n".join(f"{image_id} {split_id}" for image_id, split_id in zip(image_ids, split_ids)))
-        with open(archive_folder / "bounding_boxes.txt", "w") as file:
-            file.write(
-                "\n".join(
-                    " ".join(
-                        str(item)
-                        for item in [image_id, *make_tensor((4,),, low=0).to(torch.float).tolist()]
-                    )
-                    for image_id in image_ids
-                )
-            )
-        make_tar(root, archive_folder.with_suffix(".tgz").name, compression="gz")
-        return image_files, num_samples_map
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_segmentations(cls, root, image_files):
-        segmentations_folder = root / "segmentations"
-        for image_file in image_files:
-            folder = segmentations_folder.joinpath(image_file.relative_to(image_file.parents[1]))
-            folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)
-            create_image_file(
-                folder,
-                image_file.with_suffix(".png").name,
-                size=[1, *make_tensor((2,), low=3,],
-            )
-        make_tar(root, segmentations_folder.with_suffix(".tgz").name, compression="gz")
-    @classmethod
-    def generate(cls, root):
-        image_files, num_samples_map = cls._make_archive(root)
-        cls._make_segmentations(root, image_files)
-        return num_samples_map
-class CUB2002010MockData(_CUB200MockData):
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_hidden_rouge_file(cls, *files):
-        for file in files:
-            (file.parent / f"._{}").touch()
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_splits(cls, root, image_files):
-        split_folder = root / "lists"
-        split_folder.mkdir()
-        random.shuffle(image_files)
-        splits = ("train", "test")
-        num_samples_map = {}
-        for offset, split in enumerate(splits):
-            image_files_in_split = image_files[offset :: len(splits)]
-            split_file = split_folder / f"{split}.txt"
-            with open(split_file, "w") as file:
-                file.write(
-                    "\n".join(
-                        sorted(
-                            str(image_file.relative_to(image_file.parents[1]).as_posix())
-                            for image_file in image_files_in_split
-                        )
-                    )
-                )
-            cls._make_hidden_rouge_file(split_file)
-            num_samples_map[split] = len(image_files_in_split)
-        make_tar(root, split_folder.with_suffix(".tgz").name, compression="gz")
-        return num_samples_map
-    @classmethod
-    def _make_anns(cls, root, image_files):
-        from import savemat
-        anns_folder = root / "annotations-mat"
-        for image_file in image_files:
-            ann_file = anns_folder / image_file.with_suffix(".mat").relative_to(image_file.parents[1])
-            ann_file.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
-            savemat(
-                ann_file,
-                {
-                    "seg": torch.randint(
-                        256, make_tensor((2,), low=3,, dtype=torch.uint8
-                    ).numpy(),
-                    "bbox": dict(
-                        zip(("left", "top", "right", "bottom"), make_tensor((4,), dtype=torch.uint8).tolist())
-                    ),
-                },
-            )
-        readme_file = anns_folder / "README.txt"
-        readme_file.touch()
-        cls._make_hidden_rouge_file(readme_file)
-        make_tar(root, "annotations.tgz", anns_folder, compression="gz")
-    @classmethod
-    def generate(cls, root):
-        images_folder = root / "images"
-        image_files = cls._make_images(images_folder)
-        cls._make_hidden_rouge_file(*image_files)
-        make_tar(root, images_folder.with_suffix(".tgz").name, compression="gz")
-        num_samples_map = cls._make_splits(root, image_files)
-        cls._make_anns(root, image_files)
-        return num_samples_map
-@register_mock(configs=combinations_grid(split=("train", "test"), year=("2010", "2011")))
-def cub200(root, config):
-    num_samples_map = (CUB2002011MockData if config["year"] == "2011" else CUB2002010MockData).generate(root)
-    return num_samples_map[config["split"]]
-def eurosat(root, config):
-    data_folder = root / "2750"
-    data_folder.mkdir(parents=True)
-    num_examples_per_class = 3
-    categories = ["AnnualCrop", "Forest"]
-    for category in categories:
-        create_image_folder(
-            root=data_folder,
-            name=category,
-            file_name_fn=lambda idx: f"{category}_{idx + 1}.jpg",
-            num_examples=num_examples_per_class,
-        )
-    make_zip(root, "", data_folder)
-    return len(categories) * num_examples_per_class
-@register_mock(configs=combinations_grid(split=("train", "test", "extra")))
-def svhn(root, config):
-    import as sio
-    num_samples = {
-        "train": 2,
-        "test": 3,
-        "extra": 4,
-    }[config["split"]]
-    sio.savemat(
-        root / f"{config['split']}_32x32.mat",
-        {
-            "X": np.random.randint(256, size=(32, 32, 3, num_samples), dtype=np.uint8),
-            "y": np.random.randint(10, size=(num_samples,), dtype=np.uint8),
-        },
-    )
-    return num_samples
-@register_mock(configs=combinations_grid(split=("train", "val", "test")))
-def pcam(root, config):
-    import h5py
-    num_images = {"train": 2, "test": 3, "val": 4}[config["split"]]
-    split = "valid" if config["split"] == "val" else config["split"]
-    images_io = io.BytesIO()
-    with h5py.File(images_io, "w") as f:
-        f["x"] = np.random.randint(0, 256, size=(num_images, 10, 10, 3), dtype=np.uint8)
-    targets_io = io.BytesIO()
-    with h5py.File(targets_io, "w") as f:
-        f["y"] = np.random.randint(0, 2, size=(num_images, 1, 1, 1), dtype=np.uint8)
-    # Create .gz compressed files
-    images_file = root / f"camelyonpatch_level_2_split_{split}_x.h5.gz"
-    targets_file = root / f"camelyonpatch_level_2_split_{split}_y.h5.gz"
-    for compressed_file_name, uncompressed_file_io in ((images_file, images_io), (targets_file, targets_io)):
-        compressed_data = gzip.compress(uncompressed_file_io.getbuffer())
-        with open(compressed_file_name, "wb") as compressed_file:
-            compressed_file.write(compressed_data)
-    return num_images
-@register_mock(name="stanford-cars", configs=combinations_grid(split=("train", "test")))
-def stanford_cars(root, config):
-    import as io
-    from numpy.core.records import fromarrays
-    split = config["split"]
-    num_samples = {"train": 5, "test": 7}[split]
-    num_categories = 3
-    if split == "train":
-        images_folder_name = "cars_train"
-        devkit = root / "devkit"
-        devkit.mkdir()
-        annotations_mat_path = devkit / "cars_train_annos.mat"
-    else:
-        images_folder_name = "cars_test"
-        annotations_mat_path = root / "cars_test_annos_withlabels.mat"
-    create_image_folder(
-        root=root,
-        name=images_folder_name,
-        file_name_fn=lambda image_index: f"{image_index:5d}.jpg",
-        num_examples=num_samples,
-    )
-    make_tar(root, f"cars_{split}.tgz", images_folder_name)
-    bbox = np.random.randint(1, 200, num_samples, dtype=np.uint8)
-    classes = np.random.randint(1, num_categories + 1, num_samples, dtype=np.uint8)
-    fnames = [f"{i:5d}.jpg" for i in range(num_samples)]
-    rec_array = fromarrays(
-        [bbox, bbox, bbox, bbox, classes, fnames],
-        names=["bbox_x1", "bbox_y1", "bbox_x2", "bbox_y2", "class", "fname"],
-    )
-    io.savemat(annotations_mat_path, {"annotations": rec_array})
-    if split == "train":
-        make_tar(root, "car_devkit.tgz", devkit, compression="gz")
-    return num_samples
-@register_mock(configs=combinations_grid(split=("train", "test")))
-def usps(root, config):
-    num_samples = {"train": 15, "test": 7}[config["split"]]
-    with / f"usps{'.t' if not config['split'] == 'train' else ''}.bz2", "wb") as fh:
-        lines = []
-        for _ in range(num_samples):
-            label = make_tensor(1, low=1, high=11,
-            values = make_tensor(256, low=-1, high=1, dtype=torch.float)
-            lines.append(
-                " ".join([f"{int(label)}", *(f"{idx}:{float(value):.6f}" for idx, value in enumerate(values, 1))])
-            )
-        fh.write("\n".join(lines).encode())
-    return num_samples
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8259246c0cb..00000000000
--- a/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,82 +0,0 @@
-import dataclasses
-from typing import Optional, Sequence
-import pytest
-import torch
-from common_utils import combinations_grid, DEFAULT_EXTRA_DIMS, from_loader, from_loaders, TensorLoader
-from torch.nn.functional import one_hot
-from torchvision.prototype import datapoints
-class LabelLoader(TensorLoader):
-    categories: Optional[Sequence[str]]
-def _parse_categories(categories):
-    if categories is None:
-        num_categories = int(torch.randint(1, 11, ()))
-    elif isinstance(categories, int):
-        num_categories = categories
-        categories = [f"category{idx}" for idx in range(num_categories)]
-    elif isinstance(categories, and all(isinstance(category, str) for category in categories):
-        categories = list(categories)
-        num_categories = len(categories)
-    else:
-        raise pytest.UsageError(
-            f"`categories` can either be `None` (default), an integer, or a sequence of strings, "
-            f"but got '{categories}' instead."
-        )
-    return categories, num_categories
-def make_label_loader(*, extra_dims=(), categories=None, dtype=torch.int64):
-    categories, num_categories = _parse_categories(categories)
-    def fn(shape, dtype, device):
-        # The idiom `make_tensor(..., dtype=torch.int64).to(dtype)` is intentional to only get integer values,
-        # regardless of the requested dtype, e.g. 0 or 0.0 rather than 0 or 0.123
-        data = torch.testing.make_tensor(shape, low=0, high=num_categories, dtype=torch.int64, device=device).to(dtype)
-        return datapoints.Label(data, categories=categories)
-    return LabelLoader(fn, shape=extra_dims, dtype=dtype, categories=categories)
-make_label = from_loader(make_label_loader)
-class OneHotLabelLoader(TensorLoader):
-    categories: Optional[Sequence[str]]
-def make_one_hot_label_loader(*, categories=None, extra_dims=(), dtype=torch.int64):
-    categories, num_categories = _parse_categories(categories)
-    def fn(shape, dtype, device):
-        if num_categories == 0:
-            data = torch.empty(shape, dtype=dtype, device=device)
-        else:
-            # The idiom `make_label_loader(..., dtype=torch.int64); ...; one_hot(...).to(dtype)` is intentional
-            # since `one_hot` only supports int64
-            label = make_label_loader(extra_dims=extra_dims, categories=num_categories, dtype=torch.int64).load(device)
-            data = one_hot(label, num_classes=num_categories).to(dtype)
-        return datapoints.OneHotLabel(data, categories=categories)
-    return OneHotLabelLoader(fn, shape=(*extra_dims, num_categories), dtype=dtype, categories=categories)
-def make_one_hot_label_loaders(
-    *,
-    categories=(1, 0, None),
-    extra_dims=DEFAULT_EXTRA_DIMS,
-    dtypes=(torch.int64, torch.float32),
-    for params in combinations_grid(categories=categories, extra_dims=extra_dims, dtype=dtypes):
-        yield make_one_hot_label_loader(**params)
-make_one_hot_labels = from_loaders(make_one_hot_label_loaders)
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 04e3cd67f96..00000000000
--- a/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,133 +0,0 @@
-import pytest
-import torch
-from torchvision.prototype import datapoints as proto_datapoints
-    ("data", "input_requires_grad", "expected_requires_grad"),
-    [
-        ([0.0], None, False),
-        ([0.0], False, False),
-        ([0.0], True, True),
-        (torch.tensor([0.0], requires_grad=False), None, False),
-        (torch.tensor([0.0], requires_grad=False), False, False),
-        (torch.tensor([0.0], requires_grad=False), True, True),
-        (torch.tensor([0.0], requires_grad=True), None, True),
-        (torch.tensor([0.0], requires_grad=True), False, False),
-        (torch.tensor([0.0], requires_grad=True), True, True),
-    ],
-def test_new_requires_grad(data, input_requires_grad, expected_requires_grad):
-    datapoint = proto_datapoints.Label(data, requires_grad=input_requires_grad)
-    assert datapoint.requires_grad is expected_requires_grad
-def test_isinstance():
-    assert isinstance(
-        proto_datapoints.Label([0, 1, 0], categories=["foo", "bar"]),
-        torch.Tensor,
-    )
-def test_wrapping_no_copy():
-    tensor = torch.tensor([0, 1, 0], dtype=torch.int64)
-    label = proto_datapoints.Label(tensor, categories=["foo", "bar"])
-    assert label.data_ptr() == tensor.data_ptr()
-def test_to_wrapping():
-    tensor = torch.tensor([0, 1, 0], dtype=torch.int64)
-    label = proto_datapoints.Label(tensor, categories=["foo", "bar"])
-    label_to =
-    assert type(label_to) is proto_datapoints.Label
-    assert label_to.dtype is torch.int32
-    assert label_to.categories is label.categories
-def test_to_datapoint_reference():
-    tensor = torch.tensor([0, 1, 0], dtype=torch.int64)
-    label = proto_datapoints.Label(tensor, categories=["foo", "bar"]).to(torch.int32)
-    tensor_to =
-    assert type(tensor_to) is torch.Tensor
-    assert tensor_to.dtype is torch.int32
-def test_clone_wrapping():
-    tensor = torch.tensor([0, 1, 0], dtype=torch.int64)
-    label = proto_datapoints.Label(tensor, categories=["foo", "bar"])
-    label_clone = label.clone()
-    assert type(label_clone) is proto_datapoints.Label
-    assert label_clone.data_ptr() != label.data_ptr()
-    assert label_clone.categories is label.categories
-def test_requires_grad__wrapping():
-    tensor = torch.tensor([0, 1, 0], dtype=torch.float32)
-    label = proto_datapoints.Label(tensor, categories=["foo", "bar"])
-    assert not label.requires_grad
-    label_requires_grad = label.requires_grad_(True)
-    assert type(label_requires_grad) is proto_datapoints.Label
-    assert label.requires_grad
-    assert label_requires_grad.requires_grad
-def test_other_op_no_wrapping():
-    tensor = torch.tensor([0, 1, 0], dtype=torch.int64)
-    label = proto_datapoints.Label(tensor, categories=["foo", "bar"])
-    # any operation besides .to() and .clone() will do here
-    output = label * 2
-    assert type(output) is torch.Tensor
-    "op",
-    [
-        lambda t: t.numpy(),
-        lambda t: t.tolist(),
-        lambda t: t.max(dim=-1),
-    ],
-def test_no_tensor_output_op_no_wrapping(op):
-    tensor = torch.tensor([0, 1, 0], dtype=torch.int64)
-    label = proto_datapoints.Label(tensor, categories=["foo", "bar"])
-    output = op(label)
-    assert type(output) is not proto_datapoints.Label
-def test_inplace_op_no_wrapping():
-    tensor = torch.tensor([0, 1, 0], dtype=torch.int64)
-    label = proto_datapoints.Label(tensor, categories=["foo", "bar"])
-    output = label.add_(0)
-    assert type(output) is torch.Tensor
-    assert type(label) is proto_datapoints.Label
-def test_wrap_like():
-    tensor = torch.tensor([0, 1, 0], dtype=torch.int64)
-    label = proto_datapoints.Label(tensor, categories=["foo", "bar"])
-    # any operation besides .to() and .clone() will do here
-    output = label * 2
-    label_new = proto_datapoints.Label.wrap_like(label, output)
-    assert type(label_new) is proto_datapoints.Label
-    assert label_new.data_ptr() == output.data_ptr()
-    assert label_new.categories is label.categories
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4848e799f04..00000000000
--- a/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,282 +0,0 @@
-import io
-import pickle
-from collections import deque
-from pathlib import Path
-import pytest
-import torch
-import torchvision.transforms.v2 as transforms
-from builtin_dataset_mocks import DATASET_MOCKS, parametrize_dataset_mocks
-from torch.testing._comparison import not_close_error_metas, ObjectPair, TensorLikePair
-# TODO: replace with torchdata.dataloader2.DataLoader2 as soon as it is stable-ish
-from import DataLoader
-# TODO: replace with torchdata equivalent as soon as it is available
-from import get_all_graph_pipes
-from torchdata.dataloader2.graph.utils import traverse_dps
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import ShardingFilter, Shuffler
-from torchdata.datapipes.utils import StreamWrapper
-from torchvision import datapoints
-from torchvision._utils import sequence_to_str
-from torchvision.prototype import datasets
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import EncodedImage
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE
-from torchvision.transforms.v2.utils import is_simple_tensor
-def assert_samples_equal(*args, msg=None, **kwargs):
-    error_metas = not_close_error_metas(
-        *args, pair_types=(TensorLikePair, ObjectPair), rtol=0, atol=0, equal_nan=True, **kwargs
-    )
-    if error_metas:
-        raise error_metas[0].to_error(msg)
-def extract_datapipes(dp):
-    return get_all_graph_pipes(traverse_dps(dp))
-def consume(iterator):
-    # Copied from the official itertools recipes:
-    deque(iterator, maxlen=0)
-def next_consume(iterator):
-    item = next(iterator)
-    consume(iterator)
-    return item
-def test_home(mocker, tmp_path):
-    mocker.patch("torchvision.prototype.datasets._api.home", return_value=str(tmp_path))
-    mocker.patch("torchvision.prototype.datasets.home", return_value=str(tmp_path))
-    yield tmp_path
-def test_coverage():
-    untested_datasets = set(datasets.list_datasets()) - DATASET_MOCKS.keys()
-    if untested_datasets:
-        raise AssertionError(
-            f"The dataset(s) {sequence_to_str(sorted(untested_datasets), separate_last='and ')} "
-            f"are exposed through `torchvision.prototype.datasets.load()`, but are not tested. "
-            f"Please add mock data to `test/`."
-        )
-class TestCommon:
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize("name", datasets.list_datasets())
-    def test_info(self, name):
-        try:
-            info =
-        except ValueError:
-            raise AssertionError("No info available.") from None
-        if not (isinstance(info, dict) and all(isinstance(key, str) for key in info.keys())):
-            raise AssertionError("Info should be a dictionary with string keys.")
-    @parametrize_dataset_mocks(DATASET_MOCKS)
-    def test_smoke(self, dataset_mock, config):
-        dataset, _ = dataset_mock.load(config)
-        if not isinstance(dataset, datasets.utils.Dataset):
-            raise AssertionError(f"Loading the dataset should return an Dataset, but got {type(dataset)} instead.")
-    @parametrize_dataset_mocks(DATASET_MOCKS)
-    def test_sample(self, dataset_mock, config):
-        dataset, _ = dataset_mock.load(config)
-        try:
-            sample = next_consume(iter(dataset))
-        except StopIteration:
-            raise AssertionError("Unable to draw any sample.") from None
-        except Exception as error:
-            raise AssertionError("Drawing a sample raised the error above.") from error
-        if not isinstance(sample, dict):
-            raise AssertionError(f"Samples should be dictionaries, but got {type(sample)} instead.")
-        if not sample:
-            raise AssertionError("Sample dictionary is empty.")
-    @parametrize_dataset_mocks(DATASET_MOCKS)
-    def test_num_samples(self, dataset_mock, config):
-        dataset, mock_info = dataset_mock.load(config)
-        assert len(list(dataset)) == mock_info["num_samples"]
-    @pytest.fixture
-    def log_session_streams(self):
-        debug_unclosed_streams = StreamWrapper.debug_unclosed_streams
-        try:
-            StreamWrapper.debug_unclosed_streams = True
-            yield
-        finally:
-            StreamWrapper.debug_unclosed_streams = debug_unclosed_streams
-    @parametrize_dataset_mocks(DATASET_MOCKS)
-    def test_stream_closing(self, log_session_streams, dataset_mock, config):
-        def make_msg_and_close(head):
-            unclosed_streams = []
-            for stream in StreamWrapper.session_streams.keys():
-                unclosed_streams.append(repr(stream.file_obj))
-                stream.close()
-            unclosed_streams = "\n".join(unclosed_streams)
-            return f"{head}\n\n{unclosed_streams}"
-        if StreamWrapper.session_streams:
-            raise pytest.UsageError(make_msg_and_close("A previous test did not close the following streams:"))
-        dataset, _ = dataset_mock.load(config)
-        consume(iter(dataset))
-        if StreamWrapper.session_streams:
-            raise AssertionError(make_msg_and_close("The following streams were not closed after a full iteration:"))
-    @parametrize_dataset_mocks(DATASET_MOCKS)
-    def test_no_unaccompanied_simple_tensors(self, dataset_mock, config):
-        dataset, _ = dataset_mock.load(config)
-        sample = next_consume(iter(dataset))
-        simple_tensors = {key for key, value in sample.items() if is_simple_tensor(value)}
-        if simple_tensors and not any(
-            isinstance(item, (datapoints.Image, datapoints.Video, EncodedImage)) for item in sample.values()
-        ):
-            raise AssertionError(
-                f"The values of key(s) "
-                f"{sequence_to_str(sorted(simple_tensors), separate_last='and ')} contained simple tensors, "
-                f"but didn't find any (encoded) image or video."
-            )
-    @parametrize_dataset_mocks(DATASET_MOCKS)
-    def test_transformable(self, dataset_mock, config):
-        dataset, _ = dataset_mock.load(config)
-        dataset =
-        consume(iter(dataset))
-    @parametrize_dataset_mocks(DATASET_MOCKS)
-    def test_traversable(self, dataset_mock, config):
-        dataset, _ = dataset_mock.load(config)
-        traverse_dps(dataset)
-    @parametrize_dataset_mocks(DATASET_MOCKS)
-    def test_serializable(self, dataset_mock, config):
-        dataset, _ = dataset_mock.load(config)
-        pickle.dumps(dataset)
-    # This has to be a proper function, since lambda's or local functions
-    # cannot be pickled, but this is a requirement for the DataLoader with
-    # multiprocessing, i.e. num_workers > 0
-    def _collate_fn(self, batch):
-        return batch
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize("num_workers", [0, 1])
-    @parametrize_dataset_mocks(DATASET_MOCKS)
-    def test_data_loader(self, dataset_mock, config, num_workers):
-        dataset, _ = dataset_mock.load(config)
-        dl = DataLoader(
-            dataset,
-            batch_size=2,
-            num_workers=num_workers,
-            collate_fn=self._collate_fn,
-        )
-        consume(dl)
-    # TODO: we need to enforce not only that both a Shuffler and a ShardingFilter are part of the datapipe, but also
-    #  that the Shuffler comes before the ShardingFilter. Early commits in
-    #  contain a custom test for that, but we opted to wait for a potential solution / test from torchdata for now.
-    @parametrize_dataset_mocks(DATASET_MOCKS)
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize("annotation_dp_type", (Shuffler, ShardingFilter))
-    def test_has_annotations(self, dataset_mock, config, annotation_dp_type):
-        dataset, _ = dataset_mock.load(config)
-        if not any(isinstance(dp, annotation_dp_type) for dp in extract_datapipes(dataset)):
-            raise AssertionError(f"The dataset doesn't contain a {annotation_dp_type.__name__}() datapipe.")
-    @parametrize_dataset_mocks(DATASET_MOCKS)
-    def test_save_load(self, dataset_mock, config):
-        dataset, _ = dataset_mock.load(config)
-        sample = next_consume(iter(dataset))
-        with io.BytesIO() as buffer:
-  , buffer)
-            assert_samples_equal(torch.load(buffer), sample)
-    @parametrize_dataset_mocks(DATASET_MOCKS)
-    def test_infinite_buffer_size(self, dataset_mock, config):
-        dataset, _ = dataset_mock.load(config)
-        for dp in extract_datapipes(dataset):
-            if hasattr(dp, "buffer_size"):
-                # TODO: replace this with the proper sentinel as soon as is
-                #  resolved
-                assert dp.buffer_size == INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE
-    @parametrize_dataset_mocks(DATASET_MOCKS)
-    def test_has_length(self, dataset_mock, config):
-        dataset, _ = dataset_mock.load(config)
-        assert len(dataset) > 0
-class TestQMNIST:
-    def test_extra_label(self, dataset_mock, config):
-        dataset, _ = dataset_mock.load(config)
-        sample = next_consume(iter(dataset))
-        for key, type in (
-            ("nist_hsf_series", int),
-            ("nist_writer_id", int),
-            ("digit_index", int),
-            ("nist_label", int),
-            ("global_digit_index", int),
-            ("duplicate", bool),
-            ("unused", bool),
-        ):
-            assert key in sample and isinstance(sample[key], type)
-class TestGTSRB:
-    def test_label_matches_path(self, dataset_mock, config):
-        # We read the labels from the csv files instead. But for the trainset, the labels are also part of the path.
-        # This test makes sure that they're both the same
-        if config["split"] != "train":
-            return
-        dataset, _ = dataset_mock.load(config)
-        for sample in dataset:
-            label_from_path = int(Path(sample["path"])
-            assert sample["label"] == label_from_path
-class TestUSPS:
-    def test_sample_content(self, dataset_mock, config):
-        dataset, _ = dataset_mock.load(config)
-        for sample in dataset:
-            assert "image" in sample
-            assert "label" in sample
-            assert isinstance(sample["image"], datapoints.Image)
-            assert isinstance(sample["label"], Label)
-            assert sample["image"].shape == (1, 16, 16)
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2098ac736ac..00000000000
--- a/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,302 +0,0 @@
-import gzip
-import pathlib
-import sys
-import numpy as np
-import pytest
-import torch
-from datasets_utils import make_fake_flo_file, make_tar
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import FileOpener, TarArchiveLoader
-from torchvision.datasets._optical_flow import _read_flo as read_flo_ref
-from torchvision.datasets.utils import _decompress
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, GDriveResource, HttpResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import fromfile, read_flo
-@pytest.mark.filterwarnings("error:The given NumPy array is not writeable:UserWarning")
-    ("np_dtype", "torch_dtype", "byte_order"),
-    [
-        (">f4", torch.float32, "big"),
-        ("<f8", torch.float64, "little"),
-        ("<i4", torch.int32, "little"),
-        (">i8", torch.int64, "big"),
-        ("|u1", torch.uint8, sys.byteorder),
-    ],
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("count", (-1, 2))
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("mode", ("rb", "r+b"))
-def test_fromfile(tmpdir, np_dtype, torch_dtype, byte_order, count, mode):
-    path = tmpdir / "data.bin"
-    rng = np.random.RandomState(0)
-    rng.randn(5 if count == -1 else count + 1).astype(np_dtype).tofile(path)
-    for count_ in (-1, count // 2):
-        expected = torch.from_numpy(np.fromfile(path, dtype=np_dtype, count=count_).astype(np_dtype[1:]))
-        with open(path, mode) as file:
-            actual = fromfile(file, dtype=torch_dtype, byte_order=byte_order, count=count_)
-        torch.testing.assert_close(actual, expected)
-def test_read_flo(tmpdir):
-    path = tmpdir / "test.flo"
-    make_fake_flo_file(3, 4, path)
-    with open(path, "rb") as file:
-        actual = read_flo(file)
-    expected = torch.from_numpy(read_flo_ref(path).astype("f4", copy=False))
-    torch.testing.assert_close(actual, expected)
-class TestOnlineResource:
-    class DummyResource(OnlineResource):
-        def __init__(self, download_fn=None, **kwargs):
-            super().__init__(**kwargs)
-            self._download_fn = download_fn
-        def _download(self, root):
-            if self._download_fn is None:
-                raise pytest.UsageError(
-                    "`_download()` was called, but `DummyResource(...)` was constructed without `download_fn`."
-                )
-            return self._download_fn(self, root)
-    def _make_file(self, root, *, content, name="file.txt"):
-        file = root / name
-        with open(file, "w") as fh:
-            fh.write(content)
-        return file
-    def _make_folder(self, root, *, name="folder"):
-        folder = root / name
-        subfolder = folder / "subfolder"
-        subfolder.mkdir(parents=True)
-        files = {}
-        for idx, root in enumerate([folder, folder, subfolder]):
-            content = f"sentinel{idx}"
-            file = self._make_file(root, name=f"file{idx}.txt", content=content)
-            files[str(file)] = content
-        return folder, files
-    def _make_tar(self, root, *, name="archive.tar", remove=True):
-        folder, files = self._make_folder(root, name=name.split(".")[0])
-        archive = make_tar(root, name, folder, remove=remove)
-        files = {str(archive / pathlib.Path(file).relative_to(root)): content for file, content in files.items()}
-        return archive, files
-    def test_load_file(self, tmp_path):
-        content = "sentinel"
-        file = self._make_file(tmp_path, content=content)
-        resource = self.DummyResource(
-        dp = resource.load(tmp_path)
-        assert isinstance(dp, FileOpener)
-        data = list(dp)
-        assert len(data) == 1
-        path, buffer = data[0]
-        assert path == str(file)
-        assert == content
-    def test_load_folder(self, tmp_path):
-        folder, files = self._make_folder(tmp_path)
-        resource = self.DummyResource(
-        dp = resource.load(tmp_path)
-        assert isinstance(dp, FileOpener)
-        assert {path: for path, buffer in dp} == files
-    def test_load_archive(self, tmp_path):
-        archive, files = self._make_tar(tmp_path)
-        resource = self.DummyResource(
-        dp = resource.load(tmp_path)
-        assert isinstance(dp, TarArchiveLoader)
-        assert {path: for path, buffer in dp} == files
-    def test_priority_decompressed_gt_raw(self, tmp_path):
-        # We don't need to actually compress here. Adding the suffix is sufficient
-        self._make_file(tmp_path, content="raw_sentinel", name="file.txt.gz")
-        file = self._make_file(tmp_path, content="decompressed_sentinel", name="file.txt")
-        resource = self.DummyResource(
-        dp = resource.load(tmp_path)
-        path, buffer = next(iter(dp))
-        assert path == str(file)
-        assert == "decompressed_sentinel"
-    def test_priority_extracted_gt_decompressed(self, tmp_path):
-        archive, _ = self._make_tar(tmp_path, remove=False)
-        resource = self.DummyResource(
-        dp = resource.load(tmp_path)
-        # If the archive had been selected, this would be a `TarArchiveReader`
-        assert isinstance(dp, FileOpener)
-    def test_download(self, tmp_path):
-        download_fn_was_called = False
-        def download_fn(resource, root):
-            nonlocal download_fn_was_called
-            download_fn_was_called = True
-            return self._make_file(root, content="_", name=resource.file_name)
-        resource = self.DummyResource(
-            file_name="file.txt",
-            download_fn=download_fn,
-        )
-        resource.load(tmp_path)
-        assert download_fn_was_called, "`download_fn()` was never called"
-    # This tests the `"decompress"` literal as well as a custom callable
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "preprocess",
-        [
-            "decompress",
-            lambda path: _decompress(str(path), remove_finished=True),
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_preprocess_decompress(self, tmp_path, preprocess):
-        file_name = "file.txt.gz"
-        content = "sentinel"
-        def download_fn(resource, root):
-            file = root / resource.file_name
-            with, "wb") as fh:
-                fh.write(content.encode())
-            return file
-        resource = self.DummyResource(file_name=file_name, preprocess=preprocess, download_fn=download_fn)
-        dp = resource.load(tmp_path)
-        data = list(dp)
-        assert len(data) == 1
-        path, buffer = data[0]
-        assert path == str(tmp_path / file_name).replace(".gz", "")
-        assert == content
-    def test_preprocess_extract(self, tmp_path):
-        files = None
-        def download_fn(resource, root):
-            nonlocal files
-            archive, files = self._make_tar(root, name=resource.file_name)
-            return archive
-        resource = self.DummyResource(file_name="folder.tar", preprocess="extract", download_fn=download_fn)
-        dp = resource.load(tmp_path)
-        assert files is not None, "`download_fn()` was never called"
-        assert isinstance(dp, FileOpener)
-        actual = {path: for path, buffer in dp}
-        expected = {
-            path.replace(resource.file_name, resource.file_name.split(".")[0]): content
-            for path, content in files.items()
-        }
-        assert actual == expected
-    def test_preprocess_only_after_download(self, tmp_path):
-        file = self._make_file(tmp_path, content="_")
-        def preprocess(path):
-            raise AssertionError("`preprocess` was called although the file was already present.")
-        resource = self.DummyResource(
-  ,
-            preprocess=preprocess,
-        )
-        resource.load(tmp_path)
-class TestHttpResource:
-    def test_resolve_to_http(self, mocker):
-        file_name = "data.tar"
-        original_url = f"{file_name}"
-        redirected_url = original_url.replace("http", "https")
-        sha256_sentinel = "sha256_sentinel"
-        def preprocess_sentinel(path):
-            return path
-        original_resource = HttpResource(
-            original_url,
-            sha256=sha256_sentinel,
-            preprocess=preprocess_sentinel,
-        )
-        mocker.patch("torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._resource._get_redirect_url", return_value=redirected_url)
-        redirected_resource = original_resource.resolve()
-        assert isinstance(redirected_resource, HttpResource)
-        assert redirected_resource.url == redirected_url
-        assert redirected_resource.file_name == file_name
-        assert redirected_resource.sha256 == sha256_sentinel
-        assert redirected_resource._preprocess is preprocess_sentinel
-    def test_resolve_to_gdrive(self, mocker):
-        file_name = "data.tar"
-        original_url = f"{file_name}"
-        id_sentinel = "id-sentinel"
-        redirected_url = f"{id_sentinel}/view"
-        sha256_sentinel = "sha256_sentinel"
-        def preprocess_sentinel(path):
-            return path
-        original_resource = HttpResource(
-            original_url,
-            sha256=sha256_sentinel,
-            preprocess=preprocess_sentinel,
-        )
-        mocker.patch("torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._resource._get_redirect_url", return_value=redirected_url)
-        redirected_resource = original_resource.resolve()
-        assert isinstance(redirected_resource, GDriveResource)
-        assert == id_sentinel
-        assert redirected_resource.file_name == file_name
-        assert redirected_resource.sha256 == sha256_sentinel
-        assert redirected_resource._preprocess is preprocess_sentinel
-def test_missing_dependency_error():
-    class DummyDataset(Dataset):
-        def __init__(self):
-            super().__init__(root="root", dependencies=("fake_dependency",))
-        def _resources(self):
-            pass
-        def _datapipe(self, resource_dps):
-            pass
-        def __len__(self):
-            pass
-    with pytest.raises(ModuleNotFoundError, match="depends on the third-party package 'fake_dependency'"):
-        DummyDataset()
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d9f22c1543..00000000000
--- a/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-import pytest
-import test_models as TM
-import torch
-from common_utils import cpu_and_gpu, set_rng_seed
-from torchvision.prototype import models
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("model_fn", (models.depth.stereo.raft_stereo_base,))
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("model_mode", ("standard", "scripted"))
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("dev", cpu_and_gpu())
-def test_raft_stereo(model_fn, model_mode, dev):
-    # A simple test to make sure the model can do forward pass and jit scriptable
-    set_rng_seed(0)
-    # Use corr_pyramid and corr_block with smaller num_levels and radius to prevent nan output
-    # get the idea from test_models.test_raft
-    corr_pyramid = models.depth.stereo.raft_stereo.CorrPyramid1d(num_levels=2)
-    corr_block = models.depth.stereo.raft_stereo.CorrBlock1d(num_levels=2, radius=2)
-    model = model_fn(corr_pyramid=corr_pyramid, corr_block=corr_block).eval().to(dev)
-    if model_mode == "scripted":
-        model = torch.jit.script(model)
-    img1 = torch.rand(1, 3, 64, 64).to(dev)
-    img2 = torch.rand(1, 3, 64, 64).to(dev)
-    num_iters = 3
-    preds = model(img1, img2, num_iters=num_iters)
-    depth_pred = preds[-1]
-    assert len(preds) == num_iters, "Number of predictions should be the same as model.num_iters"
-    assert depth_pred.shape == torch.Size(
-        [1, 1, 64, 64]
-    ), f"The output shape of depth_pred should be [1, 1, 64, 64] but instead it is {preds[0].shape}"
-    # Test against expected file output
-    TM._assert_expected(depth_pred, name=model_fn.__name__, atol=1e-2, rtol=1e-2)
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("model_fn", (models.depth.stereo.crestereo_base,))
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("model_mode", ("standard", "scripted"))
-@pytest.mark.parametrize("dev", cpu_and_gpu())
-def test_crestereo(model_fn, model_mode, dev):
-    set_rng_seed(0)
-    model = model_fn().eval().to(dev)
-    if model_mode == "scripted":
-        model = torch.jit.script(model)
-    img1 = torch.rand(1, 3, 64, 64).to(dev)
-    img2 = torch.rand(1, 3, 64, 64).to(dev)
-    iterations = 3
-    preds = model(img1, img2, flow_init=None, num_iters=iterations)
-    disparity_pred = preds[-1]
-    # all the pyramid levels except the highest res make only half the number of iterations
-    expected_iterations = (iterations // 2) * (len(model.resolutions) - 1)
-    expected_iterations += iterations
-    assert (
-        len(preds) == expected_iterations
-    ), "Number of predictions should be the number of iterations multiplied by the number of pyramid levels"
-    assert disparity_pred.shape == torch.Size(
-        [1, 2, 64, 64]
-    ), f"Predicted disparity should have the same spatial shape as the input. Inputs shape {img1.shape[2:]}, Prediction shape {disparity_pred.shape[2:]}"
-    assert all(
-        d.shape == torch.Size([1, 2, 64, 64]) for d in preds
-    ), "All predicted disparities are expected to have the same shape"
-    # test a backward pass with a dummy loss as well
-    preds = torch.stack(preds, dim=0)
-    targets = torch.ones_like(preds, requires_grad=False)
-    loss = torch.nn.functional.mse_loss(preds, targets)
-    try:
-        loss.backward()
-    except Exception as e:
-        assert False, f"Backward pass failed with an unexpected exception: {e.__class__.__name__} {e}"
-    TM._assert_expected(disparity_pred, name=model_fn.__name__, atol=1e-2, rtol=1e-2)
diff --git a/test/ b/test/
deleted file mode 100644
index 255c3b5c32f..00000000000
--- a/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,535 +0,0 @@
-import itertools
-import re
-import PIL.Image
-import pytest
-import torch
-from common_utils import (
-    assert_equal,
-    make_bounding_box,
-    make_detection_mask,
-    make_image,
-    make_images,
-    make_segmentation_mask,
-    make_video,
-    make_videos,
-from prototype_common_utils import make_label, make_one_hot_labels
-from torchvision.datapoints import BoundingBox, BoundingBoxFormat, Image, Mask, Video
-from torchvision.prototype import datapoints, transforms
-from torchvision.transforms.v2._utils import _convert_fill_arg
-from torchvision.transforms.v2.functional import InterpolationMode, pil_to_tensor, to_image_pil
-from torchvision.transforms.v2.utils import check_type, is_simple_tensor
-BATCH_EXTRA_DIMS = [extra_dims for extra_dims in DEFAULT_EXTRA_DIMS if extra_dims]
-def parametrize(transforms_with_inputs):
-    return pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        ("transform", "input"),
-        [
-            pytest.param(
-                transform,
-                input,
-                id=f"{type(transform).__name__}-{type(input).__module__}.{type(input).__name__}-{idx}",
-            )
-            for transform, inputs in transforms_with_inputs
-            for idx, input in enumerate(inputs)
-        ],
-    )
-    [
-        (
-            transform,
-            [
-                dict(inpt=inpt, one_hot_label=one_hot_label)
-                for inpt, one_hot_label in itertools.product(
-                    itertools.chain(
-                        make_images(extra_dims=BATCH_EXTRA_DIMS, dtypes=[torch.float]),
-                        make_videos(extra_dims=BATCH_EXTRA_DIMS, dtypes=[torch.float]),
-                    ),
-                    make_one_hot_labels(extra_dims=BATCH_EXTRA_DIMS, dtypes=[torch.float]),
-                )
-            ],
-        )
-        for transform in [
-            transforms.RandomMixup(alpha=1.0),
-            transforms.RandomCutmix(alpha=1.0),
-        ]
-    ]
-def test_mixup_cutmix(transform, input):
-    transform(input)
-    input_copy = dict(input)
-    input_copy["path"] = "/path/to/somewhere"
-    input_copy["num"] = 1234
-    transform(input_copy)
-    # Check if we raise an error if sample contains bbox or mask or label
-    err_msg = "does not support PIL images, bounding boxes, masks and plain labels"
-    input_copy = dict(input)
-    for unsup_data in [
-        make_label(),
-        make_bounding_box(format="XYXY"),
-        make_detection_mask(),
-        make_segmentation_mask(),
-    ]:
-        input_copy["unsupported"] = unsup_data
-        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match=err_msg):
-            transform(input_copy)
-class TestSimpleCopyPaste:
-    def create_fake_image(self, mocker, image_type):
-        if image_type == PIL.Image.Image:
-            return"RGB", (32, 32), 123)
-        return mocker.MagicMock(spec=image_type)
-    def test__extract_image_targets_assertion(self, mocker):
-        transform = transforms.SimpleCopyPaste()
-        flat_sample = [
-            # images, batch size = 2
-            self.create_fake_image(mocker, Image),
-            # labels, bboxes, masks
-            mocker.MagicMock(spec=datapoints.Label),
-            mocker.MagicMock(spec=BoundingBox),
-            mocker.MagicMock(spec=Mask),
-            # labels, bboxes, masks
-            mocker.MagicMock(spec=BoundingBox),
-            mocker.MagicMock(spec=Mask),
-        ]
-        with pytest.raises(TypeError, match="requires input sample to contain equal sized list of Images"):
-            transform._extract_image_targets(flat_sample)
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize("image_type", [Image, PIL.Image.Image, torch.Tensor])
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize("label_type", [datapoints.Label, datapoints.OneHotLabel])
-    def test__extract_image_targets(self, image_type, label_type, mocker):
-        transform = transforms.SimpleCopyPaste()
-        flat_sample = [
-            # images, batch size = 2
-            self.create_fake_image(mocker, image_type),
-            self.create_fake_image(mocker, image_type),
-            # labels, bboxes, masks
-            mocker.MagicMock(spec=label_type),
-            mocker.MagicMock(spec=BoundingBox),
-            mocker.MagicMock(spec=Mask),
-            # labels, bboxes, masks
-            mocker.MagicMock(spec=label_type),
-            mocker.MagicMock(spec=BoundingBox),
-            mocker.MagicMock(spec=Mask),
-        ]
-        images, targets = transform._extract_image_targets(flat_sample)
-        assert len(images) == len(targets) == 2
-        if image_type == PIL.Image.Image:
-            torch.testing.assert_close(images[0], pil_to_tensor(flat_sample[0]))
-            torch.testing.assert_close(images[1], pil_to_tensor(flat_sample[1]))
-        else:
-            assert images[0] == flat_sample[0]
-            assert images[1] == flat_sample[1]
-        for target in targets:
-            for key, type_ in [
-                ("boxes", BoundingBox),
-                ("masks", Mask),
-                ("labels", label_type),
-            ]:
-                assert key in target
-                assert isinstance(target[key], type_)
-                assert target[key] in flat_sample
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize("label_type", [datapoints.Label, datapoints.OneHotLabel])
-    def test__copy_paste(self, label_type):
-        image = 2 * torch.ones(3, 32, 32)
-        masks = torch.zeros(2, 32, 32)
-        masks[0, 3:9, 2:8] = 1
-        masks[1, 20:30, 20:30] = 1
-        labels = torch.tensor([1, 2])
-        blending = True
-        resize_interpolation = InterpolationMode.BILINEAR
-        antialias = None
-        if label_type == datapoints.OneHotLabel:
-            labels = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(labels, num_classes=5)
-        target = {
-            "boxes": BoundingBox(
-                torch.tensor([[2.0, 3.0, 8.0, 9.0], [20.0, 20.0, 30.0, 30.0]]), format="XYXY", spatial_size=(32, 32)
-            ),
-            "masks": Mask(masks),
-            "labels": label_type(labels),
-        }
-        paste_image = 10 * torch.ones(3, 32, 32)
-        paste_masks = torch.zeros(2, 32, 32)
-        paste_masks[0, 13:19, 12:18] = 1
-        paste_masks[1, 15:19, 1:8] = 1
-        paste_labels = torch.tensor([3, 4])
-        if label_type == datapoints.OneHotLabel:
-            paste_labels = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(paste_labels, num_classes=5)
-        paste_target = {
-            "boxes": BoundingBox(
-                torch.tensor([[12.0, 13.0, 19.0, 18.0], [1.0, 15.0, 8.0, 19.0]]), format="XYXY", spatial_size=(32, 32)
-            ),
-            "masks": Mask(paste_masks),
-            "labels": label_type(paste_labels),
-        }
-        transform = transforms.SimpleCopyPaste()
-        random_selection = torch.tensor([0, 1])
-        output_image, output_target = transform._copy_paste(
-            image, target, paste_image, paste_target, random_selection, blending, resize_interpolation, antialias
-        )
-        assert output_image.unique().tolist() == [2, 10]
-        assert output_target["boxes"].shape == (4, 4)
-        torch.testing.assert_close(output_target["boxes"][:2, :], target["boxes"])
-        torch.testing.assert_close(output_target["boxes"][2:, :], paste_target["boxes"])
-        expected_labels = torch.tensor([1, 2, 3, 4])
-        if label_type == datapoints.OneHotLabel:
-            expected_labels = torch.nn.functional.one_hot(expected_labels, num_classes=5)
-        torch.testing.assert_close(output_target["labels"], label_type(expected_labels))
-        assert output_target["masks"].shape == (4, 32, 32)
-        torch.testing.assert_close(output_target["masks"][:2, :], target["masks"])
-        torch.testing.assert_close(output_target["masks"][2:, :], paste_target["masks"])
-class TestFixedSizeCrop:
-    def test__get_params(self, mocker):
-        crop_size = (7, 7)
-        batch_shape = (10,)
-        spatial_size = (11, 5)
-        transform = transforms.FixedSizeCrop(size=crop_size)
-        flat_inputs = [
-            make_image(size=spatial_size, color_space="RGB"),
-            make_bounding_box(format=BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY, spatial_size=spatial_size, extra_dims=batch_shape),
-        ]
-        params = transform._get_params(flat_inputs)
-        assert params["needs_crop"]
-        assert params["height"] <= crop_size[0]
-        assert params["width"] <= crop_size[1]
-        assert (
-            isinstance(params["is_valid"], torch.Tensor)
-            and params["is_valid"].dtype is torch.bool
-            and params["is_valid"].shape == batch_shape
-        )
-        assert params["needs_pad"]
-        assert any(pad > 0 for pad in params["padding"])
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize("needs", list(itertools.product((False, True), repeat=2)))
-    def test__transform(self, mocker, needs):
-        fill_sentinel = 12
-        padding_mode_sentinel = mocker.MagicMock()
-        transform = transforms.FixedSizeCrop((-1, -1), fill=fill_sentinel, padding_mode=padding_mode_sentinel)
-        transform._transformed_types = (mocker.MagicMock,)
-        mocker.patch("torchvision.prototype.transforms._geometry.has_any", return_value=True)
-        needs_crop, needs_pad = needs
-        top_sentinel = mocker.MagicMock()
-        left_sentinel = mocker.MagicMock()
-        height_sentinel = mocker.MagicMock()
-        width_sentinel = mocker.MagicMock()
-        is_valid = mocker.MagicMock() if needs_crop else None
-        padding_sentinel = mocker.MagicMock()
-        mocker.patch(
-            "torchvision.prototype.transforms._geometry.FixedSizeCrop._get_params",
-            return_value=dict(
-                needs_crop=needs_crop,
-                top=top_sentinel,
-                left=left_sentinel,
-                height=height_sentinel,
-                width=width_sentinel,
-                is_valid=is_valid,
-                padding=padding_sentinel,
-                needs_pad=needs_pad,
-            ),
-        )
-        inpt_sentinel = mocker.MagicMock()
-        mock_crop = mocker.patch("torchvision.prototype.transforms._geometry.F.crop")
-        mock_pad = mocker.patch("torchvision.prototype.transforms._geometry.F.pad")
-        transform(inpt_sentinel)
-        if needs_crop:
-            mock_crop.assert_called_once_with(
-                inpt_sentinel,
-                top=top_sentinel,
-                left=left_sentinel,
-                height=height_sentinel,
-                width=width_sentinel,
-            )
-        else:
-            mock_crop.assert_not_called()
-        if needs_pad:
-            # If we cropped before, the input to F.pad is no longer inpt_sentinel. Thus, we can't use
-            # `MagicMock.assert_called_once_with` and have to perform the checks manually
-            mock_pad.assert_called_once()
-            args, kwargs = mock_pad.call_args
-            if not needs_crop:
-                assert args[0] is inpt_sentinel
-            assert args[1] is padding_sentinel
-            fill_sentinel = _convert_fill_arg(fill_sentinel)
-            assert kwargs == dict(fill=fill_sentinel, padding_mode=padding_mode_sentinel)
-        else:
-            mock_pad.assert_not_called()
-    def test__transform_culling(self, mocker):
-        batch_size = 10
-        spatial_size = (10, 10)
-        is_valid = torch.randint(0, 2, (batch_size,), dtype=torch.bool)
-        mocker.patch(
-            "torchvision.prototype.transforms._geometry.FixedSizeCrop._get_params",
-            return_value=dict(
-                needs_crop=True,
-                top=0,
-                left=0,
-                height=spatial_size[0],
-                width=spatial_size[1],
-                is_valid=is_valid,
-                needs_pad=False,
-            ),
-        )
-        bounding_boxes = make_bounding_box(
-            format=BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY, spatial_size=spatial_size, extra_dims=(batch_size,)
-        )
-        masks = make_detection_mask(size=spatial_size, extra_dims=(batch_size,))
-        labels = make_label(extra_dims=(batch_size,))
-        transform = transforms.FixedSizeCrop((-1, -1))
-        mocker.patch("torchvision.prototype.transforms._geometry.has_any", return_value=True)
-        output = transform(
-            dict(
-                bounding_boxes=bounding_boxes,
-                masks=masks,
-                labels=labels,
-            )
-        )
-        assert_equal(output["bounding_boxes"], bounding_boxes[is_valid])
-        assert_equal(output["masks"], masks[is_valid])
-        assert_equal(output["labels"], labels[is_valid])
-    def test__transform_bounding_box_clamping(self, mocker):
-        batch_size = 3
-        spatial_size = (10, 10)
-        mocker.patch(
-            "torchvision.prototype.transforms._geometry.FixedSizeCrop._get_params",
-            return_value=dict(
-                needs_crop=True,
-                top=0,
-                left=0,
-                height=spatial_size[0],
-                width=spatial_size[1],
-                is_valid=torch.full((batch_size,), fill_value=True),
-                needs_pad=False,
-            ),
-        )
-        bounding_box = make_bounding_box(
-            format=BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY, spatial_size=spatial_size, extra_dims=(batch_size,)
-        )
-        mock = mocker.patch("torchvision.prototype.transforms._geometry.F.clamp_bounding_box")
-        transform = transforms.FixedSizeCrop((-1, -1))
-        mocker.patch("torchvision.prototype.transforms._geometry.has_any", return_value=True)
-        transform(bounding_box)
-        mock.assert_called_once()
-class TestLabelToOneHot:
-    def test__transform(self):
-        categories = ["apple", "pear", "pineapple"]
-        labels = datapoints.Label(torch.tensor([0, 1, 2, 1]), categories=categories)
-        transform = transforms.LabelToOneHot()
-        ohe_labels = transform(labels)
-        assert isinstance(ohe_labels, datapoints.OneHotLabel)
-        assert ohe_labels.shape == (4, 3)
-        assert ohe_labels.categories == labels.categories == categories
-class TestPermuteDimensions:
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        ("dims", "inverse_dims"),
-        [
-            (
-                {Image: (2, 1, 0), Video: None},
-                {Image: (2, 1, 0), Video: None},
-            ),
-            (
-                {Image: (2, 1, 0), Video: (1, 2, 3, 0)},
-                {Image: (2, 1, 0), Video: (3, 0, 1, 2)},
-            ),
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_call(self, dims, inverse_dims):
-        sample = dict(
-            image=make_image(),
-            bounding_box=make_bounding_box(format=BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY),
-            video=make_video(),
-            str="str",
-            int=0,
-        )
-        transform = transforms.PermuteDimensions(dims)
-        transformed_sample = transform(sample)
-        for key, value in sample.items():
-            value_type = type(value)
-            transformed_value = transformed_sample[key]
-            if check_type(value, (Image, is_simple_tensor, Video)):
-                if transform.dims.get(value_type) is not None:
-                    assert transformed_value.permute(inverse_dims[value_type]).equal(value)
-                assert type(transformed_value) == torch.Tensor
-            else:
-                assert transformed_value is value
-    @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("error")
-    def test_plain_tensor_call(self):
-        tensor = torch.empty((2, 3, 4))
-        transform = transforms.PermuteDimensions(dims=(1, 2, 0))
-        assert transform(tensor).shape == (3, 4, 2)
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize("other_type", [Image, Video])
-    def test_plain_tensor_warning(self, other_type):
-        with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=re.escape("`torch.Tensor` will *not* be transformed")):
-            transforms.PermuteDimensions(dims={torch.Tensor: (0, 1), other_type: (1, 0)})
-class TestTransposeDimensions:
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize(
-        "dims",
-        [
-            (-1, -2),
-            {Image: (1, 2), Video: None},
-        ],
-    )
-    def test_call(self, dims):
-        sample = dict(
-            image=make_image(),
-            bounding_box=make_bounding_box(format=BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY),
-            video=make_video(),
-            str="str",
-            int=0,
-        )
-        transform = transforms.TransposeDimensions(dims)
-        transformed_sample = transform(sample)
-        for key, value in sample.items():
-            value_type = type(value)
-            transformed_value = transformed_sample[key]
-            transposed_dims = transform.dims.get(value_type)
-            if check_type(value, (Image, is_simple_tensor, Video)):
-                if transposed_dims is not None:
-                    assert transformed_value.transpose(*transposed_dims).equal(value)
-                assert type(transformed_value) == torch.Tensor
-            else:
-                assert transformed_value is value
-    @pytest.mark.filterwarnings("error")
-    def test_plain_tensor_call(self):
-        tensor = torch.empty((2, 3, 4))
-        transform = transforms.TransposeDimensions(dims=(0, 2))
-        assert transform(tensor).shape == (4, 3, 2)
-    @pytest.mark.parametrize("other_type", [Image, Video])
-    def test_plain_tensor_warning(self, other_type):
-        with pytest.warns(UserWarning, match=re.escape("`torch.Tensor` will *not* be transformed")):
-            transforms.TransposeDimensions(dims={torch.Tensor: (0, 1), other_type: (1, 0)})
-import importlib.machinery
-import importlib.util
-from pathlib import Path
-def import_transforms_from_references(reference):
-    HERE = Path(__file__).parent
-    PROJECT_ROOT = HERE.parent
-    loader = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader(
-        "transforms", str(PROJECT_ROOT / "references" / reference / "")
-    )
-    spec = importlib.util.spec_from_loader("transforms", loader)
-    module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec)
-    loader.exec_module(module)
-    return module
-det_transforms = import_transforms_from_references("detection")
-def test_fixed_sized_crop_against_detection_reference():
-    def make_datapoints():
-        size = (600, 800)
-        num_objects = 22
-        pil_image = to_image_pil(make_image(size=size, color_space="RGB"))
-        target = {
-            "boxes": make_bounding_box(spatial_size=size, format="XYXY", extra_dims=(num_objects,), dtype=torch.float),
-            "labels": make_label(extra_dims=(num_objects,), categories=80),
-            "masks": make_detection_mask(size=size, num_objects=num_objects, dtype=torch.long),
-        }
-        yield (pil_image, target)
-        tensor_image = torch.Tensor(make_image(size=size, color_space="RGB"))
-        target = {
-            "boxes": make_bounding_box(spatial_size=size, format="XYXY", extra_dims=(num_objects,), dtype=torch.float),
-            "labels": make_label(extra_dims=(num_objects,), categories=80),
-            "masks": make_detection_mask(size=size, num_objects=num_objects, dtype=torch.long),
-        }
-        yield (tensor_image, target)
-        datapoint_image = make_image(size=size, color_space="RGB")
-        target = {
-            "boxes": make_bounding_box(spatial_size=size, format="XYXY", extra_dims=(num_objects,), dtype=torch.float),
-            "labels": make_label(extra_dims=(num_objects,), categories=80),
-            "masks": make_detection_mask(size=size, num_objects=num_objects, dtype=torch.long),
-        }
-        yield (datapoint_image, target)
-    t = transforms.FixedSizeCrop((1024, 1024), fill=0)
-    t_ref = det_transforms.FixedSizeCrop((1024, 1024), fill=0)
-    for dp in make_datapoints():
-        # We should use prototype transform first as reference transform performs inplace target update
-        torch.manual_seed(12)
-        output = t(dp)
-        torch.manual_seed(12)
-        expected_output = t_ref(*dp)
-        assert_equal(expected_output, output)
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/ b/torchvision/prototype/
deleted file mode 100644
index 200f5cd9552..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from . import datapoints, models, transforms, utils
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datapoints/ b/torchvision/prototype/datapoints/
deleted file mode 100644
index 604628b2540..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datapoints/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from ._label import Label, OneHotLabel
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datapoints/ b/torchvision/prototype/datapoints/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7ed2f7522b0..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datapoints/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,78 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import annotations
-from typing import Any, Optional, Sequence, Type, TypeVar, Union
-import torch
-from torch.utils._pytree import tree_map
-from torchvision.datapoints._datapoint import Datapoint
-L = TypeVar("L", bound="_LabelBase")
-class _LabelBase(Datapoint):
-    categories: Optional[Sequence[str]]
-    @classmethod
-    def _wrap(cls: Type[L], tensor: torch.Tensor, *, categories: Optional[Sequence[str]]) -> L:
-        label_base = tensor.as_subclass(cls)
-        label_base.categories = categories
-        return label_base
-    def __new__(
-        cls: Type[L],
-        data: Any,
-        *,
-        categories: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
-        dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None,
-        device: Optional[Union[torch.device, str, int]] = None,
-        requires_grad: Optional[bool] = None,
-    ) -> L:
-        tensor = cls._to_tensor(data, dtype=dtype, device=device, requires_grad=requires_grad)
-        return cls._wrap(tensor, categories=categories)
-    @classmethod
-    def wrap_like(cls: Type[L], other: L, tensor: torch.Tensor, *, categories: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None) -> L:
-        return cls._wrap(
-            tensor,
-            categories=categories if categories is not None else other.categories,
-        )
-    @classmethod
-    def from_category(
-        cls: Type[L],
-        category: str,
-        *,
-        categories: Sequence[str],
-        **kwargs: Any,
-    ) -> L:
-        return cls(categories.index(category), categories=categories, **kwargs)
-class Label(_LabelBase):
-    def to_categories(self) -> Any:
-        if self.categories is None:
-            raise RuntimeError("Label does not have categories")
-        return tree_map(lambda idx: self.categories[idx], self.tolist())
-class OneHotLabel(_LabelBase):
-    def __new__(
-        cls,
-        data: Any,
-        *,
-        categories: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
-        dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None,
-        device: Optional[Union[torch.device, str, int]] = None,
-        requires_grad: bool = False,
-    ) -> OneHotLabel:
-        one_hot_label = super().__new__(
-            cls, data, categories=categories, dtype=dtype, device=device, requires_grad=requires_grad
-        )
-        if categories is not None and len(categories) != one_hot_label.shape[-1]:
-            raise ValueError()
-        return one_hot_label
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deleted file mode 100644
index 848d9135c2f..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
-    import torchdata
-except ModuleNotFoundError:
-    raise ModuleNotFoundError(
-        "`torchvision.prototype.datasets` depends on PyTorch's `torchdata` ( "
-        "You can install it with `pip install --pre torchdata --extra-index-url"
-    ) from None
-from . import utils
-from ._home import home
-# Load this last, since some parts depend on the above being loaded first
-from ._api import list_datasets, info, load, register_info, register_dataset  # usort: skip
-from ._folder import from_data_folder, from_image_folder
-from ._builtin import *
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deleted file mode 100644
index f6f06c60a21..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,65 +0,0 @@
-import pathlib
-from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets import home
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset
-from torchvision.prototype.utils._internal import add_suggestion
-T = TypeVar("T")
-D = TypeVar("D", bound=Type[Dataset])
-BUILTIN_INFOS: Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]] = {}
-def register_info(name: str) -> Callable[[Callable[[], Dict[str, Any]]], Callable[[], Dict[str, Any]]]:
-    def wrapper(fn: Callable[[], Dict[str, Any]]) -> Callable[[], Dict[str, Any]]:
-        BUILTIN_INFOS[name] = fn()
-        return fn
-    return wrapper
-def register_dataset(name: str) -> Callable[[D], D]:
-    def wrapper(dataset_cls: D) -> D:
-        BUILTIN_DATASETS[name] = dataset_cls
-        return dataset_cls
-    return wrapper
-def list_datasets() -> List[str]:
-    return sorted(BUILTIN_DATASETS.keys())
-def find(dct: Dict[str, T], name: str) -> T:
-    name = name.lower()
-    try:
-        return dct[name]
-    except KeyError as error:
-        raise ValueError(
-            add_suggestion(
-                f"Unknown dataset '{name}'.",
-                word=name,
-                possibilities=dct.keys(),
-                alternative_hint=lambda _: (
-                    "You can use torchvision.datasets.list_datasets() to get a list of all available datasets."
-                ),
-            )
-        ) from error
-def info(name: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return find(BUILTIN_INFOS, name)
-def load(name: str, *, root: Optional[Union[str, pathlib.Path]] = None, **config: Any) -> Dataset:
-    dataset_cls = find(BUILTIN_DATASETS, name)
-    if root is None:
-        root = pathlib.Path(home()) / name
-    return dataset_cls(root, **config)
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index 05d61c6870e..00000000000
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+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,340 +0,0 @@
-# How to add new built-in prototype datasets
-As the name implies, the datasets are still in a prototype state and thus subject to rapid change. This in turn means
-that this document will also change a lot.
-If you hit a blocker while adding a dataset, please have a look at another similar dataset to see how it is implemented
-there. If you can't resolve it yourself, feel free to send a draft PR in order for us to help you out.
-Finally, `from torchvision.prototype import datasets` is implied below.
-## Implementation
-Before we start with the actual implementation, you should create a module in `torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin`
-that hints at the dataset you are going to add. For example `` for `caltech101` and `caltech256`. In that
-module create a class that inherits from `datasets.utils.Dataset` and overwrites four methods that will be discussed in
-detail below:
-import pathlib
-from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import IterDataPipe
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, OnlineResource
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-NAME = "my-dataset"
-def _info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-  return dict(
-      ...
-  )
-class MyDataset(Dataset):
-    def __init__(self, root: Union[str, pathlib.Path], *, ..., skip_integrity_check: bool = False) -> None:
-        ...
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        ...
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe[Tuple[str, BinaryIO]]]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        ...
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        ...
-In addition to the dataset, you also need to implement an `_info()` function that takes no arguments and returns a
-dictionary of static information. The most common use case is to provide human-readable categories.
-[See below](#how-do-i-handle-a-dataset-that-defines-many-categories) how to handle cases with many categories.
-Finally, both the dataset class and the info function need to be registered on the API with the respective decorators.
-With that they are loadable through `datasets.load("my-dataset")` and `"my-dataset")`, respectively.
-### `__init__(self, root, *, ..., skip_integrity_check = False)`
-Constructor of the dataset that will be called when the dataset is instantiated. In addition to the parameters of the
-base class, it can take arbitrary keyword-only parameters with defaults. The checking of these parameters as well as
-setting them as instance attributes has to happen before the call of `super().__init__(...)`, because that will invoke
-the other methods, which possibly depend on the parameters. All instance attributes must be private, i.e. prefixed with
-an underscore.
-If the implementation of the dataset depends on third-party packages, pass them as a collection of strings to the base
-class constructor, e.g. `super().__init__(..., dependencies=("scipy",))`. Their availability will be automatically
-checked if a user tries to load the dataset. Within the implementation of the dataset, import these packages lazily to
-avoid missing dependencies at import time.
-### `_resources(self)`
-Returns `List[datasets.utils.OnlineResource]` of all the files that need to be present locally before the dataset can be
-build. The download will happen automatically.
-Currently, the following `OnlineResource`'s are supported:
-- `HttpResource`: Used for files that are directly exposed through HTTP(s) and only requires the URL.
-- `GDriveResource`: Used for files that are hosted on GDrive and requires the GDrive ID as well as the `file_name`.
-- `ManualDownloadResource`: Used files are not publicly accessible and requires instructions how to download them
-  manually. If the file does not exist, an error will be raised with the supplied instructions.
-- `KaggleDownloadResource`: Used for files that are available on Kaggle. This inherits from `ManualDownloadResource`.
-Although optional in general, all resources used in the built-in datasets should comprise
-[SHA256]( checksum for security. It will be automatically checked after the
-download. You can compute the checksum with system utilities e.g `sha256-sum`, or this snippet:
-import hashlib
-def sha256sum(path, chunk_size=1024 * 1024):
-    checksum = hashlib.sha256()
-    with open(path, "rb") as f:
-        for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
-            checksum.update(chunk)
-    print(checksum.hexdigest())
-### `_datapipe(self, resource_dps)`
-This method is the heart of the dataset, where we transform the raw data into a usable form. A major difference compared
-to the current stable datasets is that everything is performed through `IterDataPipe`'s. From the perspective of someone
-that is working with them rather than on them, `IterDataPipe`'s behave just as generators, i.e. you can't do anything
-with them besides iterating.
-Of course, there are some common building blocks that should suffice in 95% of the cases. The most used are:
-- `Mapper`: Apply a callable to every item in the datapipe.
-- `Filter`: Keep only items that satisfy a condition.
-- `Demultiplexer`: Split a datapipe into multiple ones.
-- `IterKeyZipper`: Merge two datapipes into one.
-All of them can be imported `from torchdata.datapipes.iter`. In addition, use `functools.partial` in case a callable
-needs extra arguments. If the provided `IterDataPipe`'s are not sufficient for the use case, it is also not complicated
-to add one. See the MNIST or CelebA datasets for example.
-`_datapipe()` receives `resource_dps`, which is a list of datapipes that has a 1-to-1 correspondence with the return
-value of `_resources()`. In case of archives with regular suffixes (`.tar`, `.zip`, ...), the datapipe will contain
-tuples comprised of the path and the handle for every file in the archive. Otherwise, the datapipe will only contain one
-of such tuples for the file specified by the resource.
-Since the datapipes are iterable in nature, some datapipes feature an in-memory buffer, e.g. `IterKeyZipper` and
-`Grouper`. There are two issues with that:
-1. If not used carefully, this can easily overflow the host memory, since most datasets will not fit in completely.
-2. This can lead to unnecessarily long warm-up times when data is buffered that is only needed at runtime.
-Thus, all buffered datapipes should be used as early as possible, e.g. zipping two datapipes of file handles rather than
-trying to zip already loaded images.
-There are two special datapipes that are not used through their class, but through the functions `hint_shuffling` and
-`hint_sharding`. As the name implies they only hint at a location in the datapipe graph where shuffling and sharding
-should take place, but are no-ops by default. They can be imported from `torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal`
-and are required in each dataset. `hint_shuffling` has to be placed before `hint_sharding`.
-Finally, each item in the final datapipe should be a dictionary with `str` keys. There is no standardization of the
-names (yet!).
-### `__len__`
-This returns an integer denoting the number of samples that can be drawn from the dataset. Please use
-[underscores]( after every three digits starting from the right to enhance the
-readability. For example, `1_281_167` vs. `1281167`.
-If there are only two different numbers, a simple `if` / `else` is fine:
-def __len__(self):
-    return 12_345 if self._split == "train" else 6_789
-If there are more options, using a dictionary usually is the most readable option:
-def __len__(self):
-    return {
-        "train": 3,
-        "val": 2,
-        "test": 1,
-    }[self._split]
-If the number of samples depends on more than one parameter, you can use tuples as dictionary keys:
-def __len__(self):
-    return {
-        ("train", "bar"): 4,
-        ("train", "baz"): 3,
-        ("test", "bar"): 2,
-        ("test", "baz"): 1,
-    }[(self._split, self._foo)]
-The length of the datapipe is only an annotation for subsequent processing of the datapipe and not needed during the
-development process. Since it is an `@abstractmethod` you still have to implement it from the start. The canonical way
-is to define a dummy method like
-def __len__(self):
-    return 1
-and only fill it with the correct data if the implementation is otherwise finished.
-[See below](#how-do-i-compute-the-number-of-samples) for a possible way to compute the number of samples.
-## Tests
-To test the dataset implementation, you usually don't need to add any tests, but need to provide a mock-up of the data.
-This mock-up should resemble the original data as close as necessary, while containing only few examples.
-To do this, add a new function in [`test/`](../../../../test/ with the
-same name as you have used in `@register_info` and `@register_dataset`. This function is called "mock data function".
-Decorate it with `@register_mock(configs=[dict(...), ...])`. Each dictionary denotes one configuration that the dataset
-will be loaded with, e.g. `datasets.load("my-dataset", **config)`. For the most common case of a product of all options,
-you can use the `combinations_grid()` helper function, e.g.
-`configs=combinations_grid(split=("train", "test"), foo=("bar", "baz"))`.
-In case the name of the dataset includes hyphens `-`, replace them with underscores `_` in the function name and pass
-the `name` parameter to `@register_mock`
-# this is defined in torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin
-class MyDataset(Dataset):
-    ...
-@register_mock(name="my-dataset", configs=...)
-def my_dataset(root, config):
-    ...
-The mock data function receives two arguments:
-- `root`: A [`pathlib.Path`]( of a folder, in which the data
-  needs to be placed.
-- `config`: The configuration to generate the data for. This is one of the dictionaries defined in
-  `@register_mock(configs=...)`
-The function should generate all files that are needed for the current `config`. Each file should be complete, e.g. if
-the dataset only has a single archive that contains multiple splits, you need to generate the full archive regardless of
-the current `config`. Although this seems odd at first, this is important. Consider the following original data setup:
-├── test
-│   ├── test_image0.jpg
-│   ...
-└── train
-    ├── train_image0.jpg
-    ...
-For map-style datasets (like the one currently in `torchvision.datasets`), one explicitly selects the files they want to
-load. For example, something like `(root / split).iterdir()` works fine even if only the specific split folder is
-present. With iterable-style datasets though, we get something like `root.iterdir()` from `resource_dps` in
-`_datapipe()` and need to manually `Filter` it to only keep the files we want. If we would only generate the data for
-the current `config`, the test would also pass if the dataset is missing the filtering, but would fail on the real data.
-For datasets that are ported from the old API, we already have some mock data in
-[`test/`](../../../../test/ You can find the test case corresponding test case there
-and have a look at the `inject_fake_data` function. There are a few differences though:
-- `tmp_dir` corresponds to `root`, but is a `str` rather than a
-  [`pathlib.Path`]( Thus, you often see something like
-  `folder = pathlib.Path(tmp_dir)`. This is not needed.
-- The data generated by `inject_fake_data` was supposed to be in an extracted state. This is no longer the case for the
-  new mock-ups. Thus, you need to use helper functions like `make_zip` or `make_tar` to actually generate the files
-  specified in the dataset.
-- As explained in the paragraph above, the generated data is often "incomplete" and only valid for given the config.
-  Make sure you follow the instructions above.
-The function should return an integer indicating the number of samples in the dataset for the current `config`.
-Preferably, this number should be different for different `config`'s to have more confidence in the dataset
-Finally, you can run the tests with `pytest test/ -k {name}`.
-## FAQ
-### How do I start?
-Get the skeleton of your dataset class ready with all 4 methods. For `_datapipe()`, you can just do
-`return resources_dp[0]` to get started. Then import the dataset class in
-`torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/`: this will automatically register the dataset, and it will be
-instantiable via `datasets.load("mydataset")`. On a separate script, try something like
-from torchvision.prototype import datasets
-dataset = datasets.load("mydataset")
-for sample in dataset:
-    print(sample)  # this is the content of an item in datapipe returned by _datapipe()
-    break
-# Or you can also inspect the sample in a debugger
-This will give you an idea of what the first datapipe in `resources_dp` contains. You can also do that with
-`resources_dp[1]` or `resources_dp[2]` (etc.) if they exist. Then follow the instructions above to manipulate these
-datapipes and return the appropriate dictionary format.
-### How do I handle a dataset that defines many categories?
-As a rule of thumb, `categories` in the info dictionary should only be set manually for ten categories or fewer. If more
-categories are needed, you can add a `$NAME.categories` file to the `_builtin` folder in which each line specifies a
-category. To load such a file, use the `from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import read_categories_file`
-function and pass it `$NAME`.
-In case the categories can be generated from the dataset files, e.g. the dataset follows an image folder approach where
-each folder denotes the name of the category, the dataset can overwrite the `_generate_categories` method. The method
-should return a sequence of strings representing the category names. In the method body, you'll have to manually load
-the resources, e.g.
-resources = self._resources()
-dp = resources[0].load(self._root)
-Note that it is not necessary here to keep a datapipe until the final step. Stick with datapipes as long as it makes
-sense and afterwards materialize the data with `next(iter(dp))` or `list(dp)` and proceed with that.
-To generate the `$NAME.categories` file, run `python -m torchvision.prototype.datasets.generate_category_files $NAME`.
-### What if a resource file forms an I/O bottleneck?
-In general, we are ok with small performance hits of iterating archives rather than their extracted content. However, if
-the performance hit becomes significant, the archives can still be preprocessed. `OnlineResource` accepts the
-`preprocess` parameter that can be a `Callable[[pathlib.Path], pathlib.Path]` where the input points to the file to be
-preprocessed and the return value should be the result of the preprocessing to load. For convenience, `preprocess` also
-accepts `"decompress"` and `"extract"` to handle these common scenarios.
-### How do I compute the number of samples?
-Unless the authors of the dataset published the exact numbers (even in this case we should check), there is no other way
-than to iterate over the dataset and count the number of samples:
-import itertools
-from torchvision.prototype import datasets
-def combinations_grid(**kwargs):
-    return [dict(zip(kwargs.keys(), values)) for values in itertools.product(*kwargs.values())]
-# If you have implemented the mock data function for the dataset tests, you can simply copy-paste from there
-configs = combinations_grid(split=("train", "test"), foo=("bar", "baz"))
-for config in configs:
-    dataset = datasets.load("my-dataset", **config)
-    num_samples = 0
-    for _ in dataset:
-        num_samples += 1
-    print(", ".join(f"{key}={value}" for key, value in config.items()), num_samples)
-To speed this up, it is useful to temporarily comment out all unnecessary I/O, such as loading of images or annotation
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deleted file mode 100644
index d84e9af9fc4..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +0,0 @@
-from .caltech import Caltech101, Caltech256
-from .celeba import CelebA
-from .cifar import Cifar10, Cifar100
-from .clevr import CLEVR
-from .coco import Coco
-from .country211 import Country211
-from .cub200 import CUB200
-from .dtd import DTD
-from .eurosat import EuroSAT
-from .fer2013 import FER2013
-from .food101 import Food101
-from .gtsrb import GTSRB
-from .imagenet import ImageNet
-from .mnist import EMNIST, FashionMNIST, KMNIST, MNIST, QMNIST
-from .oxford_iiit_pet import OxfordIIITPet
-from .pcam import PCAM
-from .sbd import SBD
-from .semeion import SEMEION
-from .stanford_cars import StanfordCars
-from .svhn import SVHN
-from .usps import USPS
-from .voc import VOC
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deleted file mode 100644
index f3882361638..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,212 +0,0 @@
-import pathlib
-import re
-from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
-import numpy as np
-import torch
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import Filter, IterDataPipe, IterKeyZipper, Mapper
-from torchvision.datapoints import BoundingBox
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, EncodedImage, GDriveResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import (
-    hint_sharding,
-    hint_shuffling,
-    read_categories_file,
-    read_mat,
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-def _caltech101_info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(categories=read_categories_file("caltech101"))
-class Caltech101(Dataset):
-    """
-    - **homepage**:
-    - **dependencies**:
-        - <scipy ``>_
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        root: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
-        skip_integrity_check: bool = False,
-    ) -> None:
-        self._categories = _caltech101_info()["categories"]
-        super().__init__(
-            root,
-            dependencies=("scipy",),
-            skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check,
-        )
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        images = GDriveResource(
-            "137RyRjvTBkBiIfeYBNZBtViDHQ6_Ewsp",
-            file_name="101_ObjectCategories.tar.gz",
-            sha256="af6ece2f339791ca20f855943d8b55dd60892c0a25105fcd631ee3d6430f9926",
-            preprocess="decompress",
-        )
-        anns = GDriveResource(
-            "175kQy3UsZ0wUEHZjqkUDdNVssr7bgh_m",
-            file_name="Annotations.tar",
-            sha256="1717f4e10aa837b05956e3f4c94456527b143eec0d95e935028b30aff40663d8",
-        )
-        return [images, anns]
-    _IMAGES_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(r"image_(?P<id>\d+)[.]jpg")
-    _ANNS_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(r"annotation_(?P<id>\d+)[.]mat")
-        "Faces_2": "Faces",
-        "Faces_3": "Faces_easy",
-        "Motorbikes_16": "Motorbikes",
-        "Airplanes_Side_2": "airplanes",
-    }
-    def _is_not_background_image(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> bool:
-        path = pathlib.Path(data[0])
-        return != "BACKGROUND_Google"
-    def _is_ann(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> bool:
-        path = pathlib.Path(data[0])
-        return bool(self._ANNS_NAME_PATTERN.match(
-    def _images_key_fn(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> Tuple[str, str]:
-        path = pathlib.Path(data[0])
-        category =
-        id = self._IMAGES_NAME_PATTERN.match("id")  # type: ignore[union-attr]
-        return category, id
-    def _anns_key_fn(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> Tuple[str, str]:
-        path = pathlib.Path(data[0])
-        category =
-        if category in self._ANNS_CATEGORY_MAP:
-            category = self._ANNS_CATEGORY_MAP[category]
-        id = self._ANNS_NAME_PATTERN.match("id")  # type: ignore[union-attr]
-        return category, id
-    def _prepare_sample(
-        self, data: Tuple[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[Tuple[str, BinaryIO], Tuple[str, BinaryIO]]]
-    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        key, (image_data, ann_data) = data
-        category, _ = key
-        image_path, image_buffer = image_data
-        ann_path, ann_buffer = ann_data
-        image = EncodedImage.from_file(image_buffer)
-        ann = read_mat(ann_buffer)
-        return dict(
-            label=Label.from_category(category, categories=self._categories),
-            image_path=image_path,
-            image=image,
-            ann_path=ann_path,
-            bounding_box=BoundingBox(
-                ann["box_coord"].astype(np.int64).squeeze()[[2, 0, 3, 1]],
-                format="xyxy",
-                spatial_size=image.spatial_size,
-            ),
-            contour=torch.as_tensor(ann["obj_contour"].T),
-        )
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        images_dp, anns_dp = resource_dps
-        images_dp = Filter(images_dp, self._is_not_background_image)
-        images_dp = hint_shuffling(images_dp)
-        images_dp = hint_sharding(images_dp)
-        anns_dp = Filter(anns_dp, self._is_ann)
-        dp = IterKeyZipper(
-            images_dp,
-            anns_dp,
-            key_fn=self._images_key_fn,
-            ref_key_fn=self._anns_key_fn,
-            buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-            keep_key=True,
-        )
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return 8677
-    def _generate_categories(self) -> List[str]:
-        resources = self._resources()
-        dp = resources[0].load(self._root)
-        dp = Filter(dp, self._is_not_background_image)
-        return sorted({pathlib.Path(path) for path, _ in dp})
-def _caltech256_info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(categories=read_categories_file("caltech256"))
-class Caltech256(Dataset):
-    """
-    - **homepage**:
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        root: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
-        skip_integrity_check: bool = False,
-    ) -> None:
-        self._categories = _caltech256_info()["categories"]
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        return [
-            GDriveResource(
-                "1r6o0pSROcV1_VwT4oSjA2FBUSCWGuxLK",
-                file_name="256_ObjectCategories.tar",
-                sha256="08ff01b03c65566014ae88eb0490dbe4419fc7ac4de726ee1163e39fd809543e",
-            )
-        ]
-    def _is_not_rogue_file(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> bool:
-        path = pathlib.Path(data[0])
-        return != "RENAME2"
-    def _prepare_sample(self, data: Tuple[str, BinaryIO]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        path, buffer = data
-        return dict(
-            path=path,
-            image=EncodedImage.from_file(buffer),
-            label=Label(int(pathlib.Path(path)".", 1)[0]) - 1, categories=self._categories),
-        )
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        dp = resource_dps[0]
-        dp = Filter(dp, self._is_not_rogue_file)
-        dp = hint_shuffling(dp)
-        dp = hint_sharding(dp)
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return 30607
-    def _generate_categories(self) -> List[str]:
-        resources = self._resources()
-        dp = resources[0].load(self._root)
-        dir_names = {pathlib.Path(path) for path, _ in dp}
-        return [name.split(".")[1] for name in sorted(dir_names)]
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/caltech101.categories b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/caltech101.categories
deleted file mode 100644
index d5c18654b4e..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/caltech101.categories
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/caltech256.categories b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/caltech256.categories
deleted file mode 100644
index 82128efba97..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/caltech256.categories
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,257 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 2c819468778..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
-import csv
-import pathlib
-from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
-import torch
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import Filter, IterDataPipe, IterKeyZipper, Mapper, Zipper
-from torchvision.datapoints import BoundingBox
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, EncodedImage, GDriveResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import (
-    getitem,
-    hint_sharding,
-    hint_shuffling,
-    path_accessor,
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-csv.register_dialect("celeba", delimiter=" ", skipinitialspace=True)
-class CelebACSVParser(IterDataPipe[Tuple[str, Dict[str, str]]]):
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        datapipe: IterDataPipe[Tuple[Any, BinaryIO]],
-        *,
-        fieldnames: Optional[Sequence[str]] = None,
-    ) -> None:
-        self.datapipe = datapipe
-        self.fieldnames = fieldnames
-    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, Dict[str, str]]]:
-        for _, file in self.datapipe:
-            try:
-                lines = (line.decode() for line in file)
-                if self.fieldnames:
-                    fieldnames = self.fieldnames
-                else:
-                    # The first row is skipped, because it only contains the number of samples
-                    next(lines)
-                    # Empty field names are filtered out, because some files have an extra white space after the header
-                    # line, which is recognized as extra column
-                    fieldnames = [name for name in next(csv.reader([next(lines)], dialect="celeba")) if name]
-                    # Some files do not include a label for the image ID column
-                    if fieldnames[0] != "image_id":
-                        fieldnames.insert(0, "image_id")
-                for line in csv.DictReader(lines, fieldnames=fieldnames, dialect="celeba"):
-                    yield line.pop("image_id"), line
-            finally:
-                file.close()
-NAME = "celeba"
-def _info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict()
-class CelebA(Dataset):
-    """
-    - **homepage**:
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        root: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
-        *,
-        split: str = "train",
-        skip_integrity_check: bool = False,
-    ) -> None:
-        self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", ("train", "val", "test"))
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        splits = GDriveResource(
-            "0B7EVK8r0v71pY0NSMzRuSXJEVkk",
-            sha256="fc955bcb3ef8fbdf7d5640d9a8693a8431b5f2ee291a5c1449a1549e7e073fe7",
-            file_name="list_eval_partition.txt",
-        )
-        images = GDriveResource(
-            "0B7EVK8r0v71pZjFTYXZWM3FlRnM",
-            sha256="46fb89443c578308acf364d7d379fe1b9efb793042c0af734b6112e4fd3a8c74",
-            file_name="",
-        )
-        identities = GDriveResource(
-            "1_ee_0u7vcNLOfNLegJRHmolfH5ICW-XS",
-            sha256="c6143857c3e2630ac2da9f782e9c1232e5e59be993a9d44e8a7916c78a6158c0",
-            file_name="identity_CelebA.txt",
-        )
-        attributes = GDriveResource(
-            "0B7EVK8r0v71pblRyaVFSWGxPY0U",
-            sha256="f0e5da289d5ccf75ffe8811132694922b60f2af59256ed362afa03fefba324d0",
-            file_name="list_attr_celeba.txt",
-        )
-        bounding_boxes = GDriveResource(
-            "0B7EVK8r0v71pbThiMVRxWXZ4dU0",
-            sha256="7487a82e57c4bb956c5445ae2df4a91ffa717e903c5fa22874ede0820c8ec41b",
-            file_name="list_bbox_celeba.txt",
-        )
-        landmarks = GDriveResource(
-            "0B7EVK8r0v71pd0FJY3Blby1HUTQ",
-            sha256="6c02a87569907f6db2ba99019085697596730e8129f67a3d61659f198c48d43b",
-            file_name="list_landmarks_align_celeba.txt",
-        )
-        return [splits, images, identities, attributes, bounding_boxes, landmarks]
-    def _filter_split(self, data: Tuple[str, Dict[str, str]]) -> bool:
-        split_id = {
-            "train": "0",
-            "val": "1",
-            "test": "2",
-        }[self._split]
-        return data[1]["split_id"] == split_id
-    def _prepare_sample(
-        self,
-        data: Tuple[
-            Tuple[str, Tuple[Tuple[str, List[str]], Tuple[str, BinaryIO]]],
-            Tuple[
-                Tuple[str, Dict[str, str]],
-                Tuple[str, Dict[str, str]],
-                Tuple[str, Dict[str, str]],
-                Tuple[str, Dict[str, str]],
-            ],
-        ],
-    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        split_and_image_data, ann_data = data
-        _, (_, image_data) = split_and_image_data
-        path, buffer = image_data
-        image = EncodedImage.from_file(buffer)
-        (_, identity), (_, attributes), (_, bounding_box), (_, landmarks) = ann_data
-        return dict(
-            path=path,
-            image=image,
-            identity=Label(int(identity["identity"])),
-            attributes={attr: value == "1" for attr, value in attributes.items()},
-            bounding_box=BoundingBox(
-                [int(bounding_box[key]) for key in ("x_1", "y_1", "width", "height")],
-                format="xywh",
-                spatial_size=image.spatial_size,
-            ),
-            landmarks={
-                landmark: torch.tensor((int(landmarks[f"{landmark}_x"]), int(landmarks[f"{landmark}_y"])))
-                for landmark in {key[:-2] for key in landmarks.keys()}
-            },
-        )
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        splits_dp, images_dp, identities_dp, attributes_dp, bounding_boxes_dp, landmarks_dp = resource_dps
-        splits_dp = CelebACSVParser(splits_dp, fieldnames=("image_id", "split_id"))
-        splits_dp = Filter(splits_dp, self._filter_split)
-        splits_dp = hint_shuffling(splits_dp)
-        splits_dp = hint_sharding(splits_dp)
-        anns_dp = Zipper(
-            *[
-                CelebACSVParser(dp, fieldnames=fieldnames)
-                for dp, fieldnames in (
-                    (identities_dp, ("image_id", "identity")),
-                    (attributes_dp, None),
-                    (bounding_boxes_dp, None),
-                    (landmarks_dp, None),
-                )
-            ]
-        )
-        dp = IterKeyZipper(
-            splits_dp,
-            images_dp,
-            key_fn=getitem(0),
-            ref_key_fn=path_accessor("name"),
-            buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-            keep_key=True,
-        )
-        dp = IterKeyZipper(
-            dp,
-            anns_dp,
-            key_fn=getitem(0),
-            ref_key_fn=getitem(0, 0),
-            buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-        )
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return {
-            "train": 162_770,
-            "val": 19_867,
-            "test": 19_962,
-        }[self._split]
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7d178291992..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,142 +0,0 @@
-import abc
-import io
-import pathlib
-import pickle
-from typing import Any, BinaryIO, cast, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
-import numpy as np
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import Filter, IterDataPipe, Mapper
-from torchvision.datapoints import Image
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, HttpResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import (
-    hint_sharding,
-    hint_shuffling,
-    path_comparator,
-    read_categories_file,
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-class CifarFileReader(IterDataPipe[Tuple[np.ndarray, int]]):
-    def __init__(self, datapipe: IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]], *, labels_key: str) -> None:
-        self.datapipe = datapipe
-        self.labels_key = labels_key
-    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[np.ndarray, int]]:
-        for mapping in self.datapipe:
-            image_arrays = mapping["data"].reshape((-1, 3, 32, 32))
-            category_idcs = mapping[self.labels_key]
-            yield from iter(zip(image_arrays, category_idcs))
-class _CifarBase(Dataset):
-    _FILE_NAME: str
-    _SHA256: str
-    _LABELS_KEY: str
-    _META_FILE_NAME: str
-    _categories: List[str]
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        root: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
-        *,
-        split: str = "train",
-        skip_integrity_check: bool = False,
-    ) -> None:
-        self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", ("train", "test"))
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-    @abc.abstractmethod
-    def _is_data_file(self, data: Tuple[str, BinaryIO]) -> Optional[int]:
-        pass
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        return [
-            HttpResource(
-                f"{self._FILE_NAME}",
-                sha256=self._SHA256,
-            )
-        ]
-    def _unpickle(self, data: Tuple[str, io.BytesIO]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        _, file = data
-        content = cast(Dict[str, Any], pickle.load(file, encoding="latin1"))
-        file.close()
-        return content
-    def _prepare_sample(self, data: Tuple[np.ndarray, int]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        image_array, category_idx = data
-        return dict(
-            image=Image(image_array),
-            label=Label(category_idx, categories=self._categories),
-        )
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        dp = resource_dps[0]
-        dp = Filter(dp, self._is_data_file)
-        dp = Mapper(dp, self._unpickle)
-        dp = CifarFileReader(dp, labels_key=self._LABELS_KEY)
-        dp = hint_shuffling(dp)
-        dp = hint_sharding(dp)
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return 50_000 if self._split == "train" else 10_000
-    def _generate_categories(self) -> List[str]:
-        resources = self._resources()
-        dp = resources[0].load(self._root)
-        dp = Filter(dp, path_comparator("name", self._META_FILE_NAME))
-        dp = Mapper(dp, self._unpickle)
-        return cast(List[str], next(iter(dp))[self._CATEGORIES_KEY])
-def _cifar10_info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(categories=read_categories_file("cifar10"))
-class Cifar10(_CifarBase):
-    """
-    - **homepage**:
-    """
-    _FILE_NAME = "cifar-10-python.tar.gz"
-    _SHA256 = "6d958be074577803d12ecdefd02955f39262c83c16fe9348329d7fe0b5c001ce"
-    _LABELS_KEY = "labels"
-    _META_FILE_NAME = "batches.meta"
-    _CATEGORIES_KEY = "label_names"
-    _categories = _cifar10_info()["categories"]
-    def _is_data_file(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> bool:
-        path = pathlib.Path(data[0])
-        return"data" if self._split == "train" else "test")
-def _cifar100_info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(categories=read_categories_file("cifar100"))
-class Cifar100(_CifarBase):
-    """
-    - **homepage**:
-    """
-    _FILE_NAME = "cifar-100-python.tar.gz"
-    _SHA256 = "85cd44d02ba6437773c5bbd22e183051d648de2e7d6b014e1ef29b855ba677a7"
-    _LABELS_KEY = "fine_labels"
-    _META_FILE_NAME = "meta"
-    _CATEGORIES_KEY = "fine_label_names"
-    _categories = _cifar100_info()["categories"]
-    def _is_data_file(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> bool:
-        path = pathlib.Path(data[0])
-        return == self._split
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/cifar10.categories b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/cifar10.categories
deleted file mode 100644
index fa30c22b95d..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/cifar10.categories
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,10 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/cifar100.categories b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/cifar100.categories
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f7bf51d1ab..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/cifar100.categories
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,100 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index e282635684e..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +0,0 @@
-import pathlib
-from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import Demultiplexer, Filter, IterDataPipe, IterKeyZipper, JsonParser, Mapper, UnBatcher
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, EncodedImage, HttpResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import (
-    getitem,
-    hint_sharding,
-    hint_shuffling,
-    path_accessor,
-    path_comparator,
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-NAME = "clevr"
-def _info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict()
-class CLEVR(Dataset):
-    """
-    - **homepage**:
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self, root: Union[str, pathlib.Path], *, split: str = "train", skip_integrity_check: bool = False
-    ) -> None:
-        self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", ("train", "val", "test"))
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        archive = HttpResource(
-            "",
-            sha256="5cd61cf1096ed20944df93c9adb31e74d189b8459a94f54ba00090e5c59936d1",
-        )
-        return [archive]
-    def _classify_archive(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> Optional[int]:
-        path = pathlib.Path(data[0])
-        if path.parents[1].name == "images":
-            return 0
-        elif == "scenes":
-            return 1
-        else:
-            return None
-    def _filter_scene_anns(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> bool:
-        key, _ = data
-        return key == "scenes"
-    def _add_empty_anns(self, data: Tuple[str, BinaryIO]) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, BinaryIO], None]:
-        return data, None
-    def _prepare_sample(self, data: Tuple[Tuple[str, BinaryIO], Optional[Dict[str, Any]]]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        image_data, scenes_data = data
-        path, buffer = image_data
-        return dict(
-            path=path,
-            image=EncodedImage.from_file(buffer),
-            label=Label(len(scenes_data["objects"])) if scenes_data else None,
-        )
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        archive_dp = resource_dps[0]
-        images_dp, scenes_dp = Demultiplexer(
-            archive_dp,
-            2,
-            self._classify_archive,
-            drop_none=True,
-            buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-        )
-        images_dp = Filter(images_dp, path_comparator("", self._split))
-        images_dp = hint_shuffling(images_dp)
-        images_dp = hint_sharding(images_dp)
-        if self._split != "test":
-            scenes_dp = Filter(scenes_dp, path_comparator("name", f"CLEVR_{self._split}_scenes.json"))
-            scenes_dp = JsonParser(scenes_dp)
-            scenes_dp = Mapper(scenes_dp, getitem(1, "scenes"))
-            scenes_dp = UnBatcher(scenes_dp)
-            dp = IterKeyZipper(
-                images_dp,
-                scenes_dp,
-                key_fn=path_accessor("name"),
-                ref_key_fn=getitem("image_filename"),
-                buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-            )
-        else:
-            for _, file in scenes_dp:
-                file.close()
-            dp = Mapper(images_dp, self._add_empty_anns)
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return 70_000 if self._split == "train" else 15_000
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/coco.categories b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/coco.categories
deleted file mode 100644
index 27e612f6d7d..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/coco.categories
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-traffic light,outdoor
-fire hydrant,outdoor
-stop sign,outdoor
-parking meter,outdoor
-sports ball,sports
-baseball bat,sports
-baseball glove,sports
-tennis racket,sports
-wine glass,kitchen
-hot dog,food
-potted plant,furniture
-dining table,furniture
-cell phone,electronic
-teddy bear,indoor
-hair drier,indoor
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6616b4e3491..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,274 +0,0 @@
-import pathlib
-import re
-from collections import defaultdict, OrderedDict
-from typing import Any, BinaryIO, cast, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
-import torch
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import (
-    Demultiplexer,
-    Filter,
-    Grouper,
-    IterDataPipe,
-    IterKeyZipper,
-    JsonParser,
-    Mapper,
-    UnBatcher,
-from torchvision.datapoints import BoundingBox, Mask
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, EncodedImage, HttpResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import (
-    getitem,
-    hint_sharding,
-    hint_shuffling,
-    MappingIterator,
-    path_accessor,
-    read_categories_file,
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-NAME = "coco"
-def _info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    categories, super_categories = zip(*read_categories_file(NAME))
-    return dict(categories=categories, super_categories=super_categories)
-class Coco(Dataset):
-    """
-    - **homepage**:
-    - **dependencies**:
-        - <pycocotools ``>_
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        root: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
-        *,
-        split: str = "train",
-        year: str = "2017",
-        annotations: Optional[str] = "instances",
-        skip_integrity_check: bool = False,
-    ) -> None:
-        self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", {"train", "val"})
-        self._year = self._verify_str_arg(year, "year", {"2017", "2014"})
-        self._annotations = (
-            self._verify_str_arg(annotations, "annotations", self._ANN_DECODERS.keys())
-            if annotations is not None
-            else None
-        )
-        info = _info()
-        categories, super_categories = info["categories"], info["super_categories"]
-        self._categories = categories
-        self._category_to_super_category = dict(zip(categories, super_categories))
-        super().__init__(root, dependencies=("pycocotools",), skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-    _IMAGE_URL_BASE = ""
-        ("2014", "train"): "ede4087e640bddba550e090eae701092534b554b42b05ac33f0300b984b31775",
-        ("2014", "val"): "fe9be816052049c34717e077d9e34aa60814a55679f804cd043e3cbee3b9fde0",
-        ("2017", "train"): "69a8bb58ea5f8f99d24875f21416de2e9ded3178e903f1f7603e283b9e06d929",
-        ("2017", "val"): "4f7e2ccb2866ec5041993c9cf2a952bbed69647b115d0f74da7ce8f4bef82f05",
-    }
-    _META_URL_BASE = ""
-        "2014": "031296bbc80c45a1d1f76bf9a90ead27e94e99ec629208449507a4917a3bf009",
-        "2017": "113a836d90195ee1f884e704da6304dfaaecff1f023f49b6ca93c4aaae470268",
-    }
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        images = HttpResource(
-            f"{self._IMAGE_URL_BASE}/{self._split}{self._year}.zip",
-            sha256=self._IMAGES_CHECKSUMS[(self._year, self._split)],
-        )
-        meta = HttpResource(
-            f"{self._META_URL_BASE}/annotations_trainval{self._year}.zip",
-            sha256=self._META_CHECKSUMS[self._year],
-        )
-        return [images, meta]
-    def _segmentation_to_mask(
-        self, segmentation: Any, *, is_crowd: bool, spatial_size: Tuple[int, int]
-    ) -> torch.Tensor:
-        from pycocotools import mask
-        if is_crowd:
-            segmentation = mask.frPyObjects(segmentation, *spatial_size)
-        else:
-            segmentation = mask.merge(mask.frPyObjects(segmentation, *spatial_size))
-        return torch.from_numpy(mask.decode(segmentation)).to(torch.bool)
-    def _decode_instances_anns(self, anns: List[Dict[str, Any]], image_meta: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        spatial_size = (image_meta["height"], image_meta["width"])
-        labels = [ann["category_id"] for ann in anns]
-        return dict(
-            segmentations=Mask(
-                torch.stack(
-                    [
-                        self._segmentation_to_mask(
-                            ann["segmentation"], is_crowd=ann["iscrowd"], spatial_size=spatial_size
-                        )
-                        for ann in anns
-                    ]
-                )
-            ),
-            areas=torch.as_tensor([ann["area"] for ann in anns]),
-            crowds=torch.as_tensor([ann["iscrowd"] for ann in anns], dtype=torch.bool),
-            bounding_boxes=BoundingBox(
-                [ann["bbox"] for ann in anns],
-                format="xywh",
-                spatial_size=spatial_size,
-            ),
-            labels=Label(labels, categories=self._categories),
-            super_categories=[self._category_to_super_category[self._categories[label]] for label in labels],
-            ann_ids=[ann["id"] for ann in anns],
-        )
-    def _decode_captions_ann(self, anns: List[Dict[str, Any]], image_meta: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        return dict(
-            captions=[ann["caption"] for ann in anns],
-            ann_ids=[ann["id"] for ann in anns],
-        )
-    _ANN_DECODERS = OrderedDict(
-        [
-            ("instances", _decode_instances_anns),
-            ("captions", _decode_captions_ann),
-        ]
-    )
-    _META_FILE_PATTERN = re.compile(
-        rf"(?P<annotations>({'|'.join(_ANN_DECODERS.keys())}))_(?P<split>[a-zA-Z]+)(?P<year>\d+)[.]json"
-    )
-    def _filter_meta_files(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> bool:
-        match = self._META_FILE_PATTERN.match(pathlib.Path(data[0]).name)
-        return bool(
-            match
-            and match["split"] == self._split
-            and match["year"] == self._year
-            and match["annotations"] == self._annotations
-        )
-    def _classify_meta(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> Optional[int]:
-        key, _ = data
-        if key == "images":
-            return 0
-        elif key == "annotations":
-            return 1
-        else:
-            return None
-    def _prepare_image(self, data: Tuple[str, BinaryIO]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        path, buffer = data
-        return dict(
-            path=path,
-            image=EncodedImage.from_file(buffer),
-        )
-    def _prepare_sample(
-        self,
-        data: Tuple[Tuple[List[Dict[str, Any]], Dict[str, Any]], Tuple[str, BinaryIO]],
-    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        ann_data, image_data = data
-        anns, image_meta = ann_data
-        sample = self._prepare_image(image_data)
-        # this method is only called if we have annotations
-        annotations = cast(str, self._annotations)
-        sample.update(self._ANN_DECODERS[annotations](self, anns, image_meta))
-        return sample
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        images_dp, meta_dp = resource_dps
-        if self._annotations is None:
-            dp = hint_shuffling(images_dp)
-            dp = hint_sharding(dp)
-            dp = hint_shuffling(dp)
-            return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_image)
-        meta_dp = Filter(meta_dp, self._filter_meta_files)
-        meta_dp = JsonParser(meta_dp)
-        meta_dp = Mapper(meta_dp, getitem(1))
-        meta_dp: IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = MappingIterator(meta_dp)
-        images_meta_dp, anns_meta_dp = Demultiplexer(
-            meta_dp,
-            2,
-            self._classify_meta,
-            drop_none=True,
-            buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-        )
-        images_meta_dp = Mapper(images_meta_dp, getitem(1))
-        images_meta_dp = UnBatcher(images_meta_dp)
-        anns_meta_dp = Mapper(anns_meta_dp, getitem(1))
-        anns_meta_dp = UnBatcher(anns_meta_dp)
-        anns_meta_dp = Grouper(anns_meta_dp, group_key_fn=getitem("image_id"), buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE)
-        anns_meta_dp = hint_shuffling(anns_meta_dp)
-        anns_meta_dp = hint_sharding(anns_meta_dp)
-        anns_dp = IterKeyZipper(
-            anns_meta_dp,
-            images_meta_dp,
-            key_fn=getitem(0, "image_id"),
-            ref_key_fn=getitem("id"),
-            buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-        )
-        dp = IterKeyZipper(
-            anns_dp,
-            images_dp,
-            key_fn=getitem(1, "file_name"),
-            ref_key_fn=path_accessor("name"),
-            buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-        )
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return {
-            ("train", "2017"): defaultdict(lambda: 118_287, instances=117_266),
-            ("train", "2014"): defaultdict(lambda: 82_783, instances=82_081),
-            ("val", "2017"): defaultdict(lambda: 5_000, instances=4_952),
-            ("val", "2014"): defaultdict(lambda: 40_504, instances=40_137),
-        }[(self._split, self._year)][
-            self._annotations  # type: ignore[index]
-        ]
-    def _generate_categories(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, str]]:
-        self._annotations = "instances"
-        resources = self._resources()
-        dp = resources[1].load(self._root)
-        dp = Filter(dp, self._filter_meta_files)
-        dp = JsonParser(dp)
-        _, meta = next(iter(dp))
-        # List[Tuple[super_category, id, category]]
-        label_data = [cast(Tuple[str, int, str], tuple(info.values())) for info in meta["categories"]]
-        # COCO actually defines 91 categories, but only 80 of them have instances. Still, the category_id refers to the
-        # full set. To keep the labels dense, we fill the gaps with N/A. Note that there are only 10 gaps, so the total
-        # number of categories is 90 rather than 91.
-        _, ids, _ = zip(*label_data)
-        missing_ids = set(range(1, max(ids) + 1)) - set(ids)
-        label_data.extend([("N/A", id, "N/A") for id in missing_ids])
-        # We also add a background category to be used during segmentation.
-        label_data.append(("N/A", 0, "__background__"))
-        super_categories, _, categories = zip(*sorted(label_data, key=lambda info: info[1]))
-        return cast(Tuple[Tuple[str, str]], tuple(zip(categories, super_categories)))
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/country211.categories b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/country211.categories
deleted file mode 100644
index 6fc3e99a185..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/country211.categories
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,211 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f4b3d769dc..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
-import pathlib
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import Filter, IterDataPipe, Mapper
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, EncodedImage, HttpResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import (
-    hint_sharding,
-    hint_shuffling,
-    path_comparator,
-    read_categories_file,
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-NAME = "country211"
-def _info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(categories=read_categories_file(NAME))
-class Country211(Dataset):
-    """
-    - **homepage**:
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        root: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
-        *,
-        split: str = "train",
-        skip_integrity_check: bool = False,
-    ) -> None:
-        self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", ("train", "val", "test"))
-        self._split_folder_name = "valid" if split == "val" else split
-        self._categories = _info()["categories"]
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        return [
-            HttpResource(
-                "",
-                sha256="c011343cdc1296a8c31ff1d7129cf0b5e5b8605462cffd24f89266d6e6f4da3c",
-            )
-        ]
-    def _prepare_sample(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        path, buffer = data
-        category = pathlib.Path(path)
-        return dict(
-            label=Label.from_category(category, categories=self._categories),
-            path=path,
-            image=EncodedImage.from_file(buffer),
-        )
-    def _filter_split(self, data: Tuple[str, Any], *, split: str) -> bool:
-        return pathlib.Path(data[0]) == split
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        dp = resource_dps[0]
-        dp = Filter(dp, path_comparator("", self._split_folder_name))
-        dp = hint_shuffling(dp)
-        dp = hint_sharding(dp)
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return {
-            "train": 31_650,
-            "val": 10_550,
-            "test": 21_100,
-        }[self._split]
-    def _generate_categories(self) -> List[str]:
-        resources = self._resources()
-        dp = resources[0].load(self._root)
-        return sorted({pathlib.Path(path) for path, _ in dp})
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/cub200.categories b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/cub200.categories
deleted file mode 100644
index f91754c930c..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/cub200.categories
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,200 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index bc41ba028c5..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-import csv
-import functools
-import pathlib
-from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
-import torch
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import (
-    CSVDictParser,
-    CSVParser,
-    Demultiplexer,
-    Filter,
-    IterDataPipe,
-    IterKeyZipper,
-    LineReader,
-    Mapper,
-from import IterToMapConverter
-from torchvision.datapoints import BoundingBox
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, EncodedImage, GDriveResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import (
-    getitem,
-    hint_sharding,
-    hint_shuffling,
-    path_accessor,
-    path_comparator,
-    read_categories_file,
-    read_mat,
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-csv.register_dialect("cub200", delimiter=" ")
-NAME = "cub200"
-def _info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(categories=read_categories_file(NAME))
-class CUB200(Dataset):
-    """
-    - **homepage**:
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        root: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
-        *,
-        split: str = "train",
-        year: str = "2011",
-        skip_integrity_check: bool = False,
-    ) -> None:
-        self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", ("train", "test"))
-        self._year = self._verify_str_arg(year, "year", ("2010", "2011"))
-        self._categories = _info()["categories"]
-        super().__init__(
-            root,
-            # TODO: this will only be available after
-            # dependencies=("scipy",),
-            skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check,
-        )
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        if self._year == "2011":
-            archive = GDriveResource(
-                "1hbzc_P1FuxMkcabkgn9ZKinBwW683j45",
-                file_name="CUB_200_2011.tgz",
-                sha256="0c685df5597a8b24909f6a7c9db6d11e008733779a671760afef78feb49bf081",
-                preprocess="decompress",
-            )
-            segmentations = GDriveResource(
-                "1EamOKGLoTuZdtcVYbHMWNpkn3iAVj8TP",
-                file_name="segmentations.tgz",
-                sha256="dc77f6cffea0cbe2e41d4201115c8f29a6320ecb04fffd2444f51b8066e4b84f",
-                preprocess="decompress",
-            )
-            return [archive, segmentations]
-        else:  # self._year == "2010"
-            split = GDriveResource(
-                "1vZuZPqha0JjmwkdaS_XtYryE3Jf5Q1AC",
-                file_name="lists.tgz",
-                sha256="aeacbd5e3539ae84ea726e8a266a9a119c18f055cd80f3836d5eb4500b005428",
-                preprocess="decompress",
-            )
-            images = GDriveResource(
-                "1GDr1OkoXdhaXWGA8S3MAq3a522Tak-nx",
-                file_name="images.tgz",
-                sha256="2a6d2246bbb9778ca03aa94e2e683ccb4f8821a36b7f235c0822e659d60a803e",
-                preprocess="decompress",
-            )
-            anns = GDriveResource(
-                "16NsbTpMs5L6hT4hUJAmpW2u7wH326WTR",
-                file_name="annotations.tgz",
-                sha256="c17b7841c21a66aa44ba8fe92369cc95dfc998946081828b1d7b8a4b716805c1",
-                preprocess="decompress",
-            )
-            return [split, images, anns]
-    def _2011_classify_archive(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> Optional[int]:
-        path = pathlib.Path(data[0])
-        if path.parents[1].name == "images":
-            return 0
-        elif == "train_test_split.txt":
-            return 1
-        elif == "images.txt":
-            return 2
-        elif == "bounding_boxes.txt":
-            return 3
-        else:
-            return None
-    def _2011_extract_file_name(self, rel_posix_path: str) -> str:
-        return rel_posix_path.rsplit("/", maxsplit=1)[1]
-    def _2011_filter_split(self, row: List[str]) -> bool:
-        _, split_id = row
-        return {
-            "0": "test",
-            "1": "train",
-        }[split_id] == self._split
-    def _2011_segmentation_key(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> str:
-        path = pathlib.Path(data[0])
-        return path.with_suffix(".jpg").name
-    def _2011_prepare_ann(
-        self, data: Tuple[str, Tuple[List[str], Tuple[str, BinaryIO]]], spatial_size: Tuple[int, int]
-    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        _, (bounding_box_data, segmentation_data) = data
-        segmentation_path, segmentation_buffer = segmentation_data
-        return dict(
-            bounding_box=BoundingBox(
-                [float(part) for part in bounding_box_data[1:]], format="xywh", spatial_size=spatial_size
-            ),
-            segmentation_path=segmentation_path,
-            segmentation=EncodedImage.from_file(segmentation_buffer),
-        )
-    def _2010_split_key(self, data: str) -> str:
-        return data.rsplit("/", maxsplit=1)[1]
-    def _2010_anns_key(self, data: Tuple[str, BinaryIO]) -> Tuple[str, Tuple[str, BinaryIO]]:
-        path = pathlib.Path(data[0])
-        return path.with_suffix(".jpg").name, data
-    def _2010_prepare_ann(
-        self, data: Tuple[str, Tuple[str, BinaryIO]], spatial_size: Tuple[int, int]
-    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        _, (path, buffer) = data
-        content = read_mat(buffer)
-        return dict(
-            ann_path=path,
-            bounding_box=BoundingBox(
-                [int(content["bbox"][coord]) for coord in ("left", "bottom", "right", "top")],
-                format="xyxy",
-                spatial_size=spatial_size,
-            ),
-            segmentation=torch.as_tensor(content["seg"]),
-        )
-    def _prepare_sample(
-        self,
-        data: Tuple[Tuple[str, Tuple[str, BinaryIO]], Any],
-        *,
-        prepare_ann_fn: Callable[[Any, Tuple[int, int]], Dict[str, Any]],
-    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        data, anns_data = data
-        _, image_data = data
-        path, buffer = image_data
-        image = EncodedImage.from_file(buffer)
-        return dict(
-            prepare_ann_fn(anns_data, image.spatial_size),
-            image=image,
-            label=Label(
-                int(pathlib.Path(path)".", 1)[0]) - 1,
-                categories=self._categories,
-            ),
-        )
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        prepare_ann_fn: Callable
-        if self._year == "2011":
-            archive_dp, segmentations_dp = resource_dps
-            images_dp, split_dp, image_files_dp, bounding_boxes_dp = Demultiplexer(
-                archive_dp, 4, self._2011_classify_archive, drop_none=True, buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE
-            )
-            image_files_dp = CSVParser(image_files_dp, dialect="cub200")
-            image_files_dp = Mapper(image_files_dp, self._2011_extract_file_name, input_col=1)
-            image_files_map = IterToMapConverter(image_files_dp)
-            split_dp = CSVParser(split_dp, dialect="cub200")
-            split_dp = Filter(split_dp, self._2011_filter_split)
-            split_dp = Mapper(split_dp, getitem(0))
-            split_dp = Mapper(split_dp, image_files_map.__getitem__)
-            bounding_boxes_dp = CSVParser(bounding_boxes_dp, dialect="cub200")
-            bounding_boxes_dp = Mapper(bounding_boxes_dp, image_files_map.__getitem__, input_col=0)
-            anns_dp = IterKeyZipper(
-                bounding_boxes_dp,
-                segmentations_dp,
-                key_fn=getitem(0),
-                ref_key_fn=self._2011_segmentation_key,
-                keep_key=True,
-                buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-            )
-            prepare_ann_fn = self._2011_prepare_ann
-        else:  # self._year == "2010"
-            split_dp, images_dp, anns_dp = resource_dps
-            split_dp = Filter(split_dp, path_comparator("name", f"{self._split}.txt"))
-            split_dp = LineReader(split_dp, decode=True, return_path=False)
-            split_dp = Mapper(split_dp, self._2010_split_key)
-            anns_dp = Mapper(anns_dp, self._2010_anns_key)
-            prepare_ann_fn = self._2010_prepare_ann
-        split_dp = hint_shuffling(split_dp)
-        split_dp = hint_sharding(split_dp)
-        dp = IterKeyZipper(
-            split_dp,
-            images_dp,
-            getitem(),
-            path_accessor("name"),
-            buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-        )
-        dp = IterKeyZipper(
-            dp,
-            anns_dp,
-            getitem(0),
-            buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-        )
-        return Mapper(dp, functools.partial(self._prepare_sample, prepare_ann_fn=prepare_ann_fn))
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return {
-            ("train", "2010"): 3_000,
-            ("test", "2010"): 3_033,
-            ("train", "2011"): 5_994,
-            ("test", "2011"): 5_794,
-        }[(self._split, self._year)]
-    def _generate_categories(self) -> List[str]:
-        self._year = "2011"
-        resources = self._resources()
-        dp = resources[0].load(self._root)
-        dp = Filter(dp, path_comparator("name", "classes.txt"))
-        dp = CSVDictParser(dp, fieldnames=("label", "category"), dialect="cub200")
-        return [row["category"].split(".")[1] for row in dp]
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/dtd.categories b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/dtd.categories
deleted file mode 100644
index 7f3df8a2b00..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/dtd.categories
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,47 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6ddab2af79d..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,139 +0,0 @@
-import enum
-import pathlib
-from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import CSVParser, Demultiplexer, Filter, IterDataPipe, IterKeyZipper, LineReader, Mapper
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, EncodedImage, HttpResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import (
-    getitem,
-    hint_sharding,
-    hint_shuffling,
-    path_comparator,
-    read_categories_file,
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-NAME = "dtd"
-class DTDDemux(enum.IntEnum):
-    SPLIT = 0
-    IMAGES = 2
-def _info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(categories=read_categories_file(NAME))
-class DTD(Dataset):
-    """DTD Dataset.
-    homepage="",
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        root: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
-        *,
-        split: str = "train",
-        fold: int = 1,
-        skip_validation_check: bool = False,
-    ) -> None:
-        self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", {"train", "val", "test"})
-        if not (1 <= fold <= 10):
-            raise ValueError(f"The fold parameter should be an integer in [1, 10]. Got {fold}")
-        self._fold = fold
-        self._categories = _info()["categories"]
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_validation_check)
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        archive = HttpResource(
-            "",
-            sha256="e42855a52a4950a3b59612834602aa253914755c95b0cff9ead6d07395f8e205",
-            preprocess="decompress",
-        )
-        return [archive]
-    def _classify_archive(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> Optional[int]:
-        path = pathlib.Path(data[0])
-        if == "labels":
-            if == "labels_joint_anno.txt":
-                return DTDDemux.JOINT_CATEGORIES
-            return DTDDemux.SPLIT
-        elif path.parents[1].name == "images":
-            return DTDDemux.IMAGES
-        else:
-            return None
-    def _image_key_fn(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> str:
-        path = pathlib.Path(data[0])
-        # The split files contain hardcoded posix paths for the images, e.g. banded/banded_0001.jpg
-        return str(path.relative_to(path.parents[1]).as_posix())
-    def _prepare_sample(self, data: Tuple[Tuple[str, List[str]], Tuple[str, BinaryIO]]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        (_, joint_categories_data), image_data = data
-        _, *joint_categories = joint_categories_data
-        path, buffer = image_data
-        category = pathlib.Path(path)
-        return dict(
-            joint_categories={category for category in joint_categories if category},
-            label=Label.from_category(category, categories=self._categories),
-            path=path,
-            image=EncodedImage.from_file(buffer),
-        )
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        archive_dp = resource_dps[0]
-        splits_dp, joint_categories_dp, images_dp = Demultiplexer(
-            archive_dp, 3, self._classify_archive, drop_none=True, buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE
-        )
-        splits_dp = Filter(splits_dp, path_comparator("name", f"{self._split}{self._fold}.txt"))
-        splits_dp = LineReader(splits_dp, decode=True, return_path=False)
-        splits_dp = hint_shuffling(splits_dp)
-        splits_dp = hint_sharding(splits_dp)
-        joint_categories_dp = CSVParser(joint_categories_dp, delimiter=" ")
-        dp = IterKeyZipper(
-            splits_dp,
-            joint_categories_dp,
-            key_fn=getitem(),
-            ref_key_fn=getitem(0),
-            buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-        )
-        dp = IterKeyZipper(
-            dp,
-            images_dp,
-            key_fn=getitem(0),
-            ref_key_fn=self._image_key_fn,
-            buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-        )
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def _filter_images(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> bool:
-        return self._classify_archive(data) == DTDDemux.IMAGES
-    def _generate_categories(self) -> List[str]:
-        resources = self._resources()
-        dp = resources[0].load(self._root)
-        dp = Filter(dp, self._filter_images)
-        return sorted({pathlib.Path(path) for path, _ in dp})
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return 1_880  # All splits have the same length
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 463eed79d70..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-import pathlib
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import IterDataPipe, Mapper
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, EncodedImage, HttpResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import hint_sharding, hint_shuffling
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-NAME = "eurosat"
-def _info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(
-        categories=(
-            "AnnualCrop",
-            "Forest",
-            "HerbaceousVegetation",
-            "Highway",
-            "Industrial",
-            "Pasture",
-            "PermanentCrop",
-            "Residential",
-            "River",
-            "SeaLake",
-        )
-    )
-class EuroSAT(Dataset):
-    """EuroSAT Dataset.
-    homepage="",
-    """
-    def __init__(self, root: Union[str, pathlib.Path], *, skip_integrity_check: bool = False) -> None:
-        self._categories = _info()["categories"]
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        return [
-            HttpResource(
-                "",
-                sha256="8ebea626349354c5328b142b96d0430e647051f26efc2dc974c843f25ecf70bd",
-            )
-        ]
-    def _prepare_sample(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        path, buffer = data
-        category = pathlib.Path(path)
-        return dict(
-            label=Label.from_category(category, categories=self._categories),
-            path=path,
-            image=EncodedImage.from_file(buffer),
-        )
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        dp = resource_dps[0]
-        dp = hint_shuffling(dp)
-        dp = hint_sharding(dp)
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return 27_000
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 17f092aa328..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-import pathlib
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
-import torch
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import CSVDictParser, IterDataPipe, Mapper
-from torchvision.datapoints import Image
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, KaggleDownloadResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import hint_sharding, hint_shuffling
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-NAME = "fer2013"
-def _info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(categories=("angry", "disgust", "fear", "happy", "sad", "surprise", "neutral"))
-class FER2013(Dataset):
-    """FER 2013 Dataset
-    homepage=""
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self, root: Union[str, pathlib.Path], *, split: str = "train", skip_integrity_check: bool = False
-    ) -> None:
-        self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", {"train", "test"})
-        self._categories = _info()["categories"]
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-    _CHECKSUMS = {
-        "train": "a2b7c9360cc0b38d21187e5eece01c2799fce5426cdeecf746889cc96cda2d10",
-        "test": "dec8dfe8021e30cd6704b85ec813042b4a5d99d81cb55e023291a94104f575c3",
-    }
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        archive = KaggleDownloadResource(
-            "",
-            file_name=f"{self._split}",
-            sha256=self._CHECKSUMS[self._split],
-        )
-        return [archive]
-    def _prepare_sample(self, data: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        label_id = data.get("emotion")
-        return dict(
-            image=Image(torch.tensor([int(idx) for idx in data["pixels"].split()], dtype=torch.uint8).reshape(48, 48)),
-            label=Label(int(label_id), categories=self._categories) if label_id is not None else None,
-        )
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        dp = resource_dps[0]
-        dp = CSVDictParser(dp)
-        dp = hint_shuffling(dp)
-        dp = hint_sharding(dp)
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return 28_709 if self._split == "train" else 3_589
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/food101.categories b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/food101.categories
deleted file mode 100644
index 59f252ddff4..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/food101.categories
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index f3054d8fb13..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +0,0 @@
-from pathlib import Path
-from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import Demultiplexer, Filter, IterDataPipe, IterKeyZipper, LineReader, Mapper
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, EncodedImage, HttpResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import (
-    getitem,
-    hint_sharding,
-    hint_shuffling,
-    path_comparator,
-    read_categories_file,
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-NAME = "food101"
-def _info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(categories=read_categories_file(NAME))
-class Food101(Dataset):
-    """Food 101 dataset
-    homepage="",
-    """
-    def __init__(self, root: Union[str, Path], *, split: str = "train", skip_integrity_check: bool = False) -> None:
-        self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", {"train", "test"})
-        self._categories = _info()["categories"]
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        return [
-            HttpResource(
-                url="",
-                sha256="d97d15e438b7f4498f96086a4f7e2fa42a32f2712e87d3295441b2b6314053a4",
-                preprocess="decompress",
-            )
-        ]
-    def _classify_archive(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> Optional[int]:
-        path = Path(data[0])
-        if path.parents[1].name == "images":
-            return 0
-        elif path.parents[0].name == "meta":
-            return 1
-        else:
-            return None
-    def _prepare_sample(self, data: Tuple[str, Tuple[str, BinaryIO]]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        id, (path, buffer) = data
-        return dict(
-            label=Label.from_category(id.split("/", 1)[0], categories=self._categories),
-            path=path,
-            image=EncodedImage.from_file(buffer),
-        )
-    def _image_key(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> str:
-        path = Path(data[0])
-        return path.relative_to(path.parents[1]).with_suffix("").as_posix()
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        archive_dp = resource_dps[0]
-        images_dp, split_dp = Demultiplexer(
-            archive_dp, 2, self._classify_archive, drop_none=True, buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE
-        )
-        split_dp = Filter(split_dp, path_comparator("name", f"{self._split}.txt"))
-        split_dp = LineReader(split_dp, decode=True, return_path=False)
-        split_dp = hint_sharding(split_dp)
-        split_dp = hint_shuffling(split_dp)
-        dp = IterKeyZipper(
-            split_dp,
-            images_dp,
-            key_fn=getitem(),
-            ref_key_fn=self._image_key,
-            buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-        )
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def _generate_categories(self) -> List[str]:
-        resources = self._resources()
-        dp = resources[0].load(self._root)
-        dp = Filter(dp, path_comparator("name", "classes.txt"))
-        dp = LineReader(dp, decode=True, return_path=False)
-        return list(dp)
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return 75_750 if self._split == "train" else 25_250
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 85116ca3860..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +0,0 @@
-import pathlib
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import CSVDictParser, Demultiplexer, Filter, IterDataPipe, Mapper, Zipper
-from torchvision.datapoints import BoundingBox
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, EncodedImage, HttpResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import (
-    hint_sharding,
-    hint_shuffling,
-    path_comparator,
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-NAME = "gtsrb"
-def _info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(
-        categories=[f"{label:05d}" for label in range(43)],
-    )
-class GTSRB(Dataset):
-    """GTSRB Dataset
-    homepage=""
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self, root: Union[str, pathlib.Path], *, split: str = "train", skip_integrity_check: bool = False
-    ) -> None:
-        self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", {"train", "test"})
-        self._categories = _info()["categories"]
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-    _URL_ROOT = ""
-    _URLS = {
-        "train": f"{_URL_ROOT}",
-        "test": f"{_URL_ROOT}",
-        "test_ground_truth": f"{_URL_ROOT}",
-    }
-    _CHECKSUMS = {
-        "train": "df4144942083645bd60b594de348aa6930126c3e0e5de09e39611630abf8455a",
-        "test": "48ba6fab7e877eb64eaf8de99035b0aaecfbc279bee23e35deca4ac1d0a837fa",
-        "test_ground_truth": "f94e5a7614d75845c74c04ddb26b8796b9e483f43541dd95dd5b726504e16d6d",
-    }
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        rsrcs: List[OnlineResource] = [HttpResource(self._URLS[self._split], sha256=self._CHECKSUMS[self._split])]
-        if self._split == "test":
-            rsrcs.append(
-                HttpResource(
-                    self._URLS["test_ground_truth"],
-                    sha256=self._CHECKSUMS["test_ground_truth"],
-                )
-            )
-        return rsrcs
-    def _classify_train_archive(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> Optional[int]:
-        path = pathlib.Path(data[0])
-        if path.suffix == ".ppm":
-            return 0
-        elif path.suffix == ".csv":
-            return 1
-        else:
-            return None
-    def _prepare_sample(self, data: Tuple[Tuple[str, Any], Dict[str, Any]]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        (path, buffer), csv_info = data
-        label = int(csv_info["ClassId"])
-        bounding_box = BoundingBox(
-            [int(csv_info[k]) for k in ("Roi.X1", "Roi.Y1", "Roi.X2", "Roi.Y2")],
-            format="xyxy",
-            spatial_size=(int(csv_info["Height"]), int(csv_info["Width"])),
-        )
-        return {
-            "path": path,
-            "image": EncodedImage.from_file(buffer),
-            "label": Label(label, categories=self._categories),
-            "bounding_box": bounding_box,
-        }
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        if self._split == "train":
-            images_dp, ann_dp = Demultiplexer(
-                resource_dps[0], 2, self._classify_train_archive, drop_none=True, buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE
-            )
-        else:
-            images_dp, ann_dp = resource_dps
-            images_dp = Filter(images_dp, path_comparator("suffix", ".ppm"))
-        # The order of the image files in the .zip archives perfectly match the order of the entries in the
-        # (possibly concatenated) .csv files. So we're able to use Zipper here instead of a IterKeyZipper.
-        ann_dp = CSVDictParser(ann_dp, delimiter=";")
-        dp = Zipper(images_dp, ann_dp)
-        dp = hint_shuffling(dp)
-        dp = hint_sharding(dp)
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return 26_640 if self._split == "train" else 12_630
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/imagenet.categories b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/imagenet.categories
deleted file mode 100644
index 7b6006ff57f..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/imagenet.categories
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1000 +0,0 @@
-great white shark,n01484850
-tiger shark,n01491361
-electric ray,n01496331
-house finch,n01532829
-indigo bunting,n01537544
-water ouzel,n01601694
-bald eagle,n01614925
-great grey owl,n01622779
-European fire salamander,n01629819
-common newt,n01630670
-spotted salamander,n01632458
-tree frog,n01644373
-tailed frog,n01644900
-leatherback turtle,n01665541
-mud turtle,n01667114
-box turtle,n01669191
-banded gecko,n01675722
-common iguana,n01677366
-American chameleon,n01682714
-frilled lizard,n01688243
-alligator lizard,n01689811
-Gila monster,n01692333
-green lizard,n01693334
-African chameleon,n01694178
-Komodo dragon,n01695060
-African crocodile,n01697457
-American alligator,n01698640
-thunder snake,n01728572
-ringneck snake,n01728920
-hognose snake,n01729322
-green snake,n01729977
-king snake,n01734418
-garter snake,n01735189
-water snake,n01737021
-vine snake,n01739381
-night snake,n01740131
-boa constrictor,n01742172
-rock python,n01744401
-Indian cobra,n01748264
-green mamba,n01749939
-sea snake,n01751748
-horned viper,n01753488
-black and gold garden spider,n01773157
-barn spider,n01773549
-garden spider,n01773797
-black widow,n01774384
-wolf spider,n01775062
-black grouse,n01795545
-ruffed grouse,n01797886
-prairie chicken,n01798484
-African grey,n01817953
-sulphur-crested cockatoo,n01819313
-bee eater,n01828970
-red-breasted merganser,n01855032
-black swan,n01860187
-sea anemone,n01914609
-brain coral,n01917289
-sea slug,n01950731
-chambered nautilus,n01968897
-Dungeness crab,n01978287
-rock crab,n01978455
-fiddler crab,n01980166
-king crab,n01981276
-American lobster,n01983481
-spiny lobster,n01984695
-hermit crab,n01986214
-white stork,n02002556
-black stork,n02002724
-little blue heron,n02009229
-American egret,n02009912
-European gallinule,n02017213
-American coot,n02018207
-ruddy turnstone,n02025239
-red-backed sandpiper,n02027492
-king penguin,n02056570
-grey whale,n02066245
-killer whale,n02071294
-sea lion,n02077923
-Japanese spaniel,n02085782
-Maltese dog,n02085936
-Blenheim spaniel,n02086646
-toy terrier,n02087046
-Rhodesian ridgeback,n02087394
-Afghan hound,n02088094
-black-and-tan coonhound,n02089078
-Walker hound,n02089867
-English foxhound,n02089973
-Irish wolfhound,n02090721
-Italian greyhound,n02091032
-Ibizan hound,n02091244
-Norwegian elkhound,n02091467
-Scottish deerhound,n02092002
-Staffordshire bullterrier,n02093256
-American Staffordshire terrier,n02093428
-Bedlington terrier,n02093647
-Border terrier,n02093754
-Kerry blue terrier,n02093859
-Irish terrier,n02093991
-Norfolk terrier,n02094114
-Norwich terrier,n02094258
-Yorkshire terrier,n02094433
-wire-haired fox terrier,n02095314
-Lakeland terrier,n02095570
-Sealyham terrier,n02095889
-Australian terrier,n02096294
-Dandie Dinmont,n02096437
-Boston bull,n02096585
-miniature schnauzer,n02097047
-giant schnauzer,n02097130
-standard schnauzer,n02097209
-Scotch terrier,n02097298
-Tibetan terrier,n02097474
-silky terrier,n02097658
-soft-coated wheaten terrier,n02098105
-West Highland white terrier,n02098286
-flat-coated retriever,n02099267
-curly-coated retriever,n02099429
-golden retriever,n02099601
-Labrador retriever,n02099712
-Chesapeake Bay retriever,n02099849
-German short-haired pointer,n02100236
-English setter,n02100735
-Irish setter,n02100877
-Gordon setter,n02101006
-Brittany spaniel,n02101388
-English springer,n02102040
-Welsh springer spaniel,n02102177
-cocker spaniel,n02102318
-Sussex spaniel,n02102480
-Irish water spaniel,n02102973
-Old English sheepdog,n02105641
-Shetland sheepdog,n02105855
-Border collie,n02106166
-Bouvier des Flandres,n02106382
-German shepherd,n02106662
-miniature pinscher,n02107312
-Greater Swiss Mountain dog,n02107574
-Bernese mountain dog,n02107683
-bull mastiff,n02108422
-Tibetan mastiff,n02108551
-French bulldog,n02108915
-Great Dane,n02109047
-Saint Bernard,n02109525
-Eskimo dog,n02109961
-Siberian husky,n02110185
-Great Pyrenees,n02111500
-Brabancon griffon,n02112706
-toy poodle,n02113624
-miniature poodle,n02113712
-standard poodle,n02113799
-Mexican hairless,n02113978
-timber wolf,n02114367
-white wolf,n02114548
-red wolf,n02114712
-African hunting dog,n02116738
-red fox,n02119022
-kit fox,n02119789
-Arctic fox,n02120079
-grey fox,n02120505
-tiger cat,n02123159
-Persian cat,n02123394
-Siamese cat,n02123597
-Egyptian cat,n02124075
-snow leopard,n02128757
-brown bear,n02132136
-American black bear,n02133161
-ice bear,n02134084
-sloth bear,n02134418
-tiger beetle,n02165105
-ground beetle,n02167151
-long-horned beetle,n02168699
-leaf beetle,n02169497
-dung beetle,n02172182
-rhinoceros beetle,n02174001
-walking stick,n02231487
-cabbage butterfly,n02280649
-sulphur butterfly,n02281406
-sea urchin,n02319095
-sea cucumber,n02321529
-wood rabbit,n02325366
-fox squirrel,n02356798
-guinea pig,n02364673
-wild boar,n02396427
-water buffalo,n02408429
-Arabian camel,n02437312
-black-footed ferret,n02443484
-three-toed sloth,n02457408
-proboscis monkey,n02489166
-howler monkey,n02492660
-spider monkey,n02493793
-squirrel monkey,n02494079
-Madagascar cat,n02497673
-Indian elephant,n02504013
-African elephant,n02504458
-lesser panda,n02509815
-giant panda,n02510455
-rock beauty,n02606052
-anemone fish,n02607072
-academic gown,n02669723
-acoustic guitar,n02676566
-aircraft carrier,n02687172
-analog clock,n02708093
-assault rifle,n02749479
-balance beam,n02777292
-Band Aid,n02786058
-barber chair,n02791124
-bathing cap,n02807133
-bath towel,n02808304
-beach wagon,n02814533
-beer bottle,n02823428
-beer glass,n02823750
-bell cote,n02825657
-bolo tie,n02865351
-bow tie,n02883205
-bulletproof vest,n02916936
-bullet train,n02917067
-butcher shop,n02927161
-can opener,n02951585
-car mirror,n02965783
-carpenter's kit,n02966687
-car wheel,n02974003
-cash machine,n02977058
-cassette player,n02979186
-CD player,n02988304
-cellular telephone,n02992529
-chainlink fence,n03000134
-chain mail,n03000247
-chain saw,n03000684
-china cabinet,n03018349
-Christmas stocking,n03026506
-cliff dwelling,n03042490
-cocktail shaker,n03062245
-coffee mug,n03063599
-combination lock,n03075370
-computer keyboard,n03085013
-container ship,n03095699
-cowboy boot,n03124043
-cowboy hat,n03124170
-construction crane,n03126707
-crash helmet,n03127747
-Crock Pot,n03133878
-croquet ball,n03134739
-desktop computer,n03180011
-dial telephone,n03187595
-digital clock,n03196217
-digital watch,n03197337
-dining table,n03201208
-disk brake,n03208938
-drilling platform,n03240683
-Dutch oven,n03259280
-electric fan,n03271574
-electric guitar,n03272010
-electric locomotive,n03272562
-entertainment center,n03290653
-espresso maker,n03297495
-face powder,n03314780
-feather boa,n03325584
-fire engine,n03345487
-fire screen,n03347037
-folding chair,n03376595
-football helmet,n03379051
-fountain pen,n03388183
-freight car,n03393912
-French horn,n03394916
-frying pan,n03400231
-fur coat,n03404251
-garbage truck,n03417042
-gas pump,n03425413
-golf ball,n03445777
-grand piano,n03452741
-grocery store,n03461385
-hair slide,n03476684
-hair spray,n03476991
-half track,n03478589
-hand blower,n03483316
-hand-held computer,n03485407
-hard disc,n03492542
-home theater,n03529860
-horizontal bar,n03535780
-horse cart,n03538406
-jigsaw puzzle,n03598930
-knee pad,n03623198
-lab coat,n03630383
-lawn mower,n03649909
-lens cap,n03657121
-letter opener,n03658185
-magnetic compass,n03706229
-tank suit,n03710721
-manhole cover,n03717622
-measuring cup,n03733805
-medicine chest,n03742115
-military uniform,n03763968
-milk can,n03764736
-mixing bowl,n03775546
-mobile home,n03776460
-Model T,n03777568
-mosquito net,n03788365
-motor scooter,n03791053
-mountain bike,n03792782
-mountain tent,n03792972
-moving van,n03796401
-neck brace,n03814639
-oil filter,n03843555
-oxygen mask,n03868863
-paper towel,n03887697
-parallel bars,n03888605
-park bench,n03891251
-parking meter,n03891332
-passenger car,n03895866
-pencil box,n03908618
-pencil sharpener,n03908714
-Petri dish,n03920288
-picket fence,n03930313
-piggy bank,n03935335
-pill bottle,n03937543
-ping-pong ball,n03942813
-plastic bag,n03958227
-plate rack,n03961711
-Polaroid camera,n03976467
-police van,n03977966
-pool table,n03982430
-pop bottle,n03983396
-potter's wheel,n03992509
-power drill,n03995372
-prayer rug,n03998194
-punching bag,n04023962
-radio telescope,n04044716
-rain barrel,n04049303
-recreational vehicle,n04065272
-reflex camera,n04069434
-remote control,n04074963
-rocking chair,n04099969
-rubber eraser,n04116512
-rugby ball,n04118538
-running shoe,n04120489
-safety pin,n04127249
-school bus,n04146614
-seat belt,n04162706
-sewing machine,n04179913
-shoe shop,n04200800
-shopping basket,n04204238
-shopping cart,n04204347
-shower cap,n04209133
-shower curtain,n04209239
-ski mask,n04229816
-sleeping bag,n04235860
-slide rule,n04238763
-sliding door,n04239074
-soap dispenser,n04254120
-soccer ball,n04254680
-solar dish,n04258138
-soup bowl,n04263257
-space bar,n04264628
-space heater,n04265275
-space shuttle,n04266014
-spider web,n04275548
-sports car,n04285008
-steam locomotive,n04310018
-steel arch bridge,n04311004
-steel drum,n04311174
-stone wall,n04326547
-studio couch,n04344873
-suspension bridge,n04366367
-swimming trunks,n04371430
-table lamp,n04380533
-tape player,n04392985
-tennis ball,n04409515
-theater curtain,n04418357
-tile roof,n04435653
-tobacco shop,n04443257
-toilet seat,n04447861
-totem pole,n04458633
-tow truck,n04461696
-trailer truck,n04467665
-trench coat,n04479046
-triumphal arch,n04486054
-typewriter keyboard,n04505470
-vending machine,n04525305
-waffle iron,n04542943
-wall clock,n04548280
-water bottle,n04557648
-water jug,n04560804
-water tower,n04562935
-whiskey jug,n04579145
-window screen,n04589890
-window shade,n04590129
-Windsor tie,n04591157
-wine bottle,n04591713
-wooden spoon,n04597913
-worm fence,n04604644
-web site,n06359193
-comic book,n06596364
-crossword puzzle,n06785654
-street sign,n06794110
-traffic light,n06874185
-book jacket,n07248320
-hot pot,n07590611
-ice cream,n07614500
-ice lolly,n07615774
-French loaf,n07684084
-mashed potato,n07711569
-head cabbage,n07714571
-spaghetti squash,n07716906
-acorn squash,n07717410
-butternut squash,n07717556
-bell pepper,n07720875
-Granny Smith,n07742313
-custard apple,n07760859
-chocolate sauce,n07836838
-meat loaf,n07871810
-red wine,n07892512
-coral reef,n09256479
-scuba diver,n10565667
-yellow lady's slipper,n12057211
-coral fungus,n12985857
-toilet tissue,n15075141
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5e2db41e1d0..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,223 +0,0 @@
-import enum
-import pathlib
-import re
-from typing import Any, BinaryIO, cast, Dict, Iterator, List, Match, Optional, Tuple, Union
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import (
-    Demultiplexer,
-    Enumerator,
-    Filter,
-    IterDataPipe,
-    IterKeyZipper,
-    LineReader,
-    Mapper,
-    TarArchiveLoader,
-from import IterToMapConverter
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, EncodedImage, ManualDownloadResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import (
-    getitem,
-    hint_sharding,
-    hint_shuffling,
-    path_accessor,
-    read_categories_file,
-    read_mat,
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-NAME = "imagenet"
-def _info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    categories, wnids = zip(*read_categories_file(NAME))
-    return dict(categories=categories, wnids=wnids)
-class ImageNetResource(ManualDownloadResource):
-    def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
-        super().__init__("Register on and follow the instructions there.", **kwargs)
-class ImageNetDemux(enum.IntEnum):
-    META = 0
-    LABEL = 1
-class CategoryAndWordNetIDExtractor(IterDataPipe):
-    # Although the WordNet IDs (wnids) are unique, the corresponding categories are not. For example, both n02012849
-    # and n03126707 are labeled 'crane' while the first means the bird and the latter means the construction equipment
-    _WNID_MAP = {
-        "n03126707": "construction crane",
-        "n03710721": "tank suit",
-    }
-    def __init__(self, datapipe: IterDataPipe[Tuple[str, BinaryIO]]) -> None:
-        self.datapipe = datapipe
-    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, str]]:
-        for _, stream in self.datapipe:
-            synsets = read_mat(stream, squeeze_me=True)["synsets"]
-            for _, wnid, category, _, num_children, *_ in synsets:
-                if num_children > 0:
-                    # we are looking at a superclass that has no direct instance
-                    continue
-                yield self._WNID_MAP.get(wnid, category.split(",", 1)[0]), wnid
-class ImageNet(Dataset):
-    """
-    - **homepage**:
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        root: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
-        *,
-        split: str = "train",
-        skip_integrity_check: bool = False,
-    ) -> None:
-        self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", {"train", "val", "test"})
-        info = _info()
-        categories, wnids = info["categories"], info["wnids"]
-        self._categories = categories
-        self._wnids = wnids
-        self._wnid_to_category = dict(zip(wnids, categories))
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-        "train": "b08200a27a8e34218a0e58fde36b0fe8f73bc377f4acea2d91602057c3ca45bb",
-        "val": "c7e06a6c0baccf06d8dbeb6577d71efff84673a5dbdd50633ab44f8ea0456ae0",
-        "test_v10102019": "9cf7f8249639510f17d3d8a0deb47cd22a435886ba8e29e2b3223e65a4079eb4",
-    }
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        name = "test_v10102019" if self._split == "test" else self._split
-        images = ImageNetResource(
-            file_name=f"ILSVRC2012_img_{name}.tar",
-            sha256=self._IMAGES_CHECKSUMS[name],
-        )
-        resources: List[OnlineResource] = [images]
-        if self._split == "val":
-            devkit = ImageNetResource(
-                file_name="ILSVRC2012_devkit_t12.tar.gz",
-                sha256="b59243268c0d266621fd587d2018f69e906fb22875aca0e295b48cafaa927953",
-            )
-            resources.append(devkit)
-        return resources
-    _TRAIN_IMAGE_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(r"(?P<wnid>n\d{8})_\d+[.]JPEG")
-    def _prepare_train_data(self, data: Tuple[str, BinaryIO]) -> Tuple[Tuple[Label, str], Tuple[str, BinaryIO]]:
-        path = pathlib.Path(data[0])
-        wnid = cast(Match[str], self._TRAIN_IMAGE_NAME_PATTERN.match(["wnid"]
-        label = Label.from_category(self._wnid_to_category[wnid], categories=self._categories)
-        return (label, wnid), data
-    def _prepare_test_data(self, data: Tuple[str, BinaryIO]) -> Tuple[None, Tuple[str, BinaryIO]]:
-        return None, data
-    def _classifiy_devkit(self, data: Tuple[str, BinaryIO]) -> Optional[int]:
-        return {
-            "meta.mat": ImageNetDemux.META,
-            "ILSVRC2012_validation_ground_truth.txt": ImageNetDemux.LABEL,
-        }.get(pathlib.Path(data[0]).name)
-    _VAL_TEST_IMAGE_NAME_PATTERN = re.compile(r"ILSVRC2012_(val|test)_(?P<id>\d{8})[.]JPEG")
-    def _val_test_image_key(self, path: pathlib.Path) -> int:
-        return int(self._VAL_TEST_IMAGE_NAME_PATTERN.match(["id"])  # type: ignore[index]
-    def _prepare_val_data(
-        self, data: Tuple[Tuple[int, str], Tuple[str, BinaryIO]]
-    ) -> Tuple[Tuple[Label, str], Tuple[str, BinaryIO]]:
-        label_data, image_data = data
-        _, wnid = label_data
-        label = Label.from_category(self._wnid_to_category[wnid], categories=self._categories)
-        return (label, wnid), image_data
-    def _prepare_sample(
-        self,
-        data: Tuple[Optional[Tuple[Label, str]], Tuple[str, BinaryIO]],
-    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        label_data, (path, buffer) = data
-        return dict(
-            dict(zip(("label", "wnid"), label_data if label_data else (None, None))),
-            path=path,
-            image=EncodedImage.from_file(buffer),
-        )
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        if self._split in {"train", "test"}:
-            dp = resource_dps[0]
-            # the train archive is a tar of tars
-            if self._split == "train":
-                dp = TarArchiveLoader(dp)
-            dp = hint_shuffling(dp)
-            dp = hint_sharding(dp)
-            dp = Mapper(dp, self._prepare_train_data if self._split == "train" else self._prepare_test_data)
-        else:  # config.split == "val":
-            images_dp, devkit_dp = resource_dps
-            meta_dp, label_dp = Demultiplexer(
-                devkit_dp, 2, self._classifiy_devkit, drop_none=True, buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE
-            )
-            # We cannot use self._wnids here, since we use a different order than the dataset
-            meta_dp = CategoryAndWordNetIDExtractor(meta_dp)
-            wnid_dp = Mapper(meta_dp, getitem(1))
-            wnid_dp = Enumerator(wnid_dp, 1)
-            wnid_map = IterToMapConverter(wnid_dp)
-            label_dp = LineReader(label_dp, decode=True, return_path=False)
-            label_dp = Mapper(label_dp, int)
-            label_dp = Mapper(label_dp, wnid_map.__getitem__)
-            label_dp: IterDataPipe[Tuple[int, str]] = Enumerator(label_dp, 1)
-            label_dp = hint_shuffling(label_dp)
-            label_dp = hint_sharding(label_dp)
-            dp = IterKeyZipper(
-                label_dp,
-                images_dp,
-                key_fn=getitem(0),
-                ref_key_fn=path_accessor(self._val_test_image_key),
-                buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-            )
-            dp = Mapper(dp, self._prepare_val_data)
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return {
-            "train": 1_281_167,
-            "val": 50_000,
-            "test": 100_000,
-        }[self._split]
-    def _filter_meta(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> bool:
-        return self._classifiy_devkit(data) == ImageNetDemux.META
-    def _generate_categories(self) -> List[Tuple[str, ...]]:
-        self._split = "val"
-        resources = self._resources()
-        devkit_dp = resources[1].load(self._root)
-        meta_dp = Filter(devkit_dp, self._filter_meta)
-        meta_dp = CategoryAndWordNetIDExtractor(meta_dp)
-        categories_and_wnids = cast(List[Tuple[str, ...]], list(meta_dp))
-        categories_and_wnids.sort(key=lambda category_and_wnid: category_and_wnid[1])
-        return categories_and_wnids
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8f22a33ae01..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,419 +0,0 @@
-import abc
-import functools
-import operator
-import pathlib
-import string
-from typing import Any, BinaryIO, cast, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union
-import torch
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import Decompressor, Demultiplexer, IterDataPipe, Mapper, Zipper
-from torchvision.datapoints import Image
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, HttpResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import hint_sharding, hint_shuffling, INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE
-from torchvision.prototype.utils._internal import fromfile
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-prod = functools.partial(functools.reduce, operator.mul)
-class MNISTFileReader(IterDataPipe[torch.Tensor]):
-    _DTYPE_MAP = {
-        8: torch.uint8,
-        9: torch.int8,
-        11: torch.int16,
-        12: torch.int32,
-        13: torch.float32,
-        14: torch.float64,
-    }
-    def __init__(
-        self, datapipe: IterDataPipe[Tuple[Any, BinaryIO]], *, start: Optional[int], stop: Optional[int]
-    ) -> None:
-        self.datapipe = datapipe
-        self.start = start
-        self.stop = stop
-    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[torch.Tensor]:
-        for _, file in self.datapipe:
-            try:
-                read = functools.partial(fromfile, file, byte_order="big")
-                magic = int(read(dtype=torch.int32, count=1))
-                dtype = self._DTYPE_MAP[magic // 256]
-                ndim = magic % 256 - 1
-                num_samples = int(read(dtype=torch.int32, count=1))
-                shape = cast(List[int], read(dtype=torch.int32, count=ndim).tolist()) if ndim else []
-                count = prod(shape) if shape else 1
-                start = self.start or 0
-                stop = min(self.stop, num_samples) if self.stop else num_samples
-                if start:
-                    num_bytes_per_value = (torch.finfo if dtype.is_floating_point else torch.iinfo)(dtype).bits // 8
-           * count * start, 1)
-                for _ in range(stop - start):
-                    yield read(dtype=dtype, count=count).reshape(shape)
-            finally:
-                file.close()
-class _MNISTBase(Dataset):
-    _URL_BASE: Union[str, Sequence[str]]
-    @abc.abstractmethod
-    def _files_and_checksums(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, str]]:
-        pass
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        (images_file, images_sha256), (
-            labels_file,
-            labels_sha256,
-        ) = self._files_and_checksums()
-        url_bases = self._URL_BASE
-        if isinstance(url_bases, str):
-            url_bases = (url_bases,)
-        images_urls = [f"{url_base}/{images_file}" for url_base in url_bases]
-        images = HttpResource(images_urls[0], sha256=images_sha256, mirrors=images_urls[1:])
-        labels_urls = [f"{url_base}/{labels_file}" for url_base in url_bases]
-        labels = HttpResource(labels_urls[0], sha256=labels_sha256, mirrors=labels_urls[1:])
-        return [images, labels]
-    def start_and_stop(self) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]]:
-        return None, None
-    _categories: List[str]
-    def _prepare_sample(self, data: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        image, label = data
-        return dict(
-            image=Image(image),
-            label=Label(label, dtype=torch.int64, categories=self._categories),
-        )
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        images_dp, labels_dp = resource_dps
-        start, stop = self.start_and_stop()
-        images_dp = Decompressor(images_dp)
-        images_dp = MNISTFileReader(images_dp, start=start, stop=stop)
-        labels_dp = Decompressor(labels_dp)
-        labels_dp = MNISTFileReader(labels_dp, start=start, stop=stop)
-        dp = Zipper(images_dp, labels_dp)
-        dp = hint_shuffling(dp)
-        dp = hint_sharding(dp)
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-def _mnist_info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(
-        categories=[str(label) for label in range(10)],
-    )
-class MNIST(_MNISTBase):
-    """
-    - **homepage**:
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        root: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
-        *,
-        split: str = "train",
-        skip_integrity_check: bool = False,
-    ) -> None:
-        self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", ("train", "test"))
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-    _URL_BASE: Union[str, Sequence[str]] = (
-        "",
-        "",
-    )
-    _CHECKSUMS = {
-        "train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz": "440fcabf73cc546fa21475e81ea370265605f56be210a4024d2ca8f203523609",
-        "train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz": "3552534a0a558bbed6aed32b30c495cca23d567ec52cac8be1a0730e8010255c",
-        "t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz": "8d422c7b0a1c1c79245a5bcf07fe86e33eeafee792b84584aec276f5a2dbc4e6",
-        "t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz": "f7ae60f92e00ec6debd23a6088c31dbd2371eca3ffa0defaefb259924204aec6",
-    }
-    def _files_and_checksums(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, str]]:
-        prefix = "train" if self._split == "train" else "t10k"
-        images_file = f"{prefix}-images-idx3-ubyte.gz"
-        labels_file = f"{prefix}-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz"
-        return (images_file, self._CHECKSUMS[images_file]), (
-            labels_file,
-            self._CHECKSUMS[labels_file],
-        )
-    _categories = _mnist_info()["categories"]
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return 60_000 if self._split == "train" else 10_000
-def _fashionmnist_info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(
-        categories=[
-            "T-shirt/top",
-            "Trouser",
-            "Pullover",
-            "Dress",
-            "Coat",
-            "Sandal",
-            "Shirt",
-            "Sneaker",
-            "Bag",
-            "Ankle boot",
-        ],
-    )
-class FashionMNIST(MNIST):
-    """
-    - **homepage**:
-    """
-    _URL_BASE = ""
-    _CHECKSUMS = {
-        "train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz": "3aede38d61863908ad78613f6a32ed271626dd12800ba2636569512369268a84",
-        "train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz": "a04f17134ac03560a47e3764e11b92fc97de4d1bfaf8ba1a3aa29af54cc90845",
-        "t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz": "346e55b948d973a97e58d2351dde16a484bd415d4595297633bb08f03db6a073",
-        "t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz": "67da17c76eaffca5446c3361aaab5c3cd6d1c2608764d35dfb1850b086bf8dd5",
-    }
-    _categories = _fashionmnist_info()["categories"]
-def _kmnist_info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(
-        categories=["o", "ki", "su", "tsu", "na", "ha", "ma", "ya", "re", "wo"],
-    )
-    """
-    - **homepage**:
-    """
-    _URL_BASE = ""
-    _CHECKSUMS = {
-        "train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz": "51467d22d8cc72929e2a028a0428f2086b092bb31cfb79c69cc0a90ce135fde4",
-        "train-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz": "e38f9ebcd0f3ebcdec7fc8eabdcdaef93bb0df8ea12bee65224341c8183d8e17",
-        "t10k-images-idx3-ubyte.gz": "edd7a857845ad6bb1d0ba43fe7e794d164fe2dce499a1694695a792adfac43c5",
-        "t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz": "20bb9a0ef54c7db3efc55a92eef5582c109615df22683c380526788f98e42a1c",
-    }
-    _categories = _kmnist_info()["categories"]
-def _emnist_info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(
-        categories=list(string.digits + string.ascii_uppercase + string.ascii_lowercase),
-    )
-class EMNIST(_MNISTBase):
-    """
-    - **homepage**:
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        root: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
-        *,
-        split: str = "train",
-        image_set: str = "Balanced",
-        skip_integrity_check: bool = False,
-    ) -> None:
-        self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", ("train", "test"))
-        self._image_set = self._verify_str_arg(
-            image_set, "image_set", ("Balanced", "By_Merge", "By_Class", "Letters", "Digits", "MNIST")
-        )
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-    _URL_BASE = ""
-    def _files_and_checksums(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, str]]:
-        prefix = f"emnist-{self._image_set.replace('_', '').lower()}-{self._split}"
-        images_file = f"{prefix}-images-idx3-ubyte.gz"
-        labels_file = f"{prefix}-labels-idx1-ubyte.gz"
-        # Since EMNIST provides the data files inside an archive, we don't need to provide checksums for them
-        return (images_file, ""), (labels_file, "")
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        return [
-            HttpResource(
-                f"{self._URL_BASE}/",
-                sha256="909a2a39c5e86bdd7662425e9b9c4a49bb582bf8d0edad427f3c3a9d0c6f7259",
-            )
-        ]
-    def _classify_archive(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> Optional[int]:
-        path = pathlib.Path(data[0])
-        (images_file, _), (labels_file, _) = self._files_and_checksums()
-        if == images_file:
-            return 0
-        elif == labels_file:
-            return 1
-        else:
-            return None
-    _categories = _emnist_info()["categories"]
-        38: 1,
-        39: 1,
-        40: 1,
-        41: 1,
-        42: 1,
-        43: 6,
-        44: 8,
-        45: 8,
-        46: 9,
-    }
-    def _prepare_sample(self, data: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        # In these two splits, some lowercase letters are merged into their uppercase ones (see Fig 2. in the paper).
-        # That means for example that there is 'D', 'd', and 'C', but not 'c'. Since the labels are nevertheless dense,
-        # i.e. no gaps between 0 and 46 for 47 total classes, we need to add an offset to create these gaps. For
-        # example, since there is no 'c', 'd' corresponds to
-        # label 38 (10 digits + 26 uppercase letters + 3rd unmerged lower case letter - 1 for zero indexing),
-        # and at the same time corresponds to
-        # index 39 (10 digits + 26 uppercase letters + 4th lower case letter - 1 for zero indexing)
-        # in self._categories. Thus, we need to add 1 to the label to correct this.
-        if self._image_set in ("Balanced", "By_Merge"):
-            image, label = data
-            label += self._LABEL_OFFSETS.get(int(label), 0)
-            data = (image, label)
-        return super()._prepare_sample(data)
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        archive_dp = resource_dps[0]
-        images_dp, labels_dp = Demultiplexer(
-            archive_dp,
-            2,
-            self._classify_archive,
-            drop_none=True,
-            buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-        )
-        return super()._datapipe([images_dp, labels_dp])
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return {
-            ("train", "Balanced"): 112_800,
-            ("train", "By_Merge"): 697_932,
-            ("train", "By_Class"): 697_932,
-            ("train", "Letters"): 124_800,
-            ("train", "Digits"): 240_000,
-            ("train", "MNIST"): 60_000,
-            ("test", "Balanced"): 18_800,
-            ("test", "By_Merge"): 116_323,
-            ("test", "By_Class"): 116_323,
-            ("test", "Letters"): 20_800,
-            ("test", "Digits"): 40_000,
-            ("test", "MNIST"): 10_000,
-        }[(self._split, self._image_set)]
-def _qmnist_info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(
-        categories=[str(label) for label in range(10)],
-    )
-class QMNIST(_MNISTBase):
-    """
-    - **homepage**:
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        root: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
-        *,
-        split: str = "train",
-        skip_integrity_check: bool = False,
-    ) -> None:
-        self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", ("train", "test", "test10k", "test50k", "nist"))
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-    _URL_BASE = ""
-    _CHECKSUMS = {
-        "qmnist-train-images-idx3-ubyte.gz": "9e26a7bf1683614e065d7b76460ccd52807165b3f22561fb782bd9f38c52b51d",
-        "qmnist-train-labels-idx2-int.gz": "2c05dc77f6b916b38e455e97ab129a42a444f3dbef09b278a366f82904e0dd9f",
-        "qmnist-test-images-idx3-ubyte.gz": "43fc22bf7498b8fc98de98369d72f752d0deabc280a43a7bcc364ab19e57b375",
-        "qmnist-test-labels-idx2-int.gz": "9fbcbe594c3766fdf4f0b15c5165dc0d1e57ac604e01422608bb72c906030d06",
-        "xnist-images-idx3-ubyte.xz": "f075553993026d4359ded42208eff77a1941d3963c1eff49d6015814f15f0984",
-        "xnist-labels-idx2-int.xz": "db042968723ec2b7aed5f1beac25d2b6e983b9286d4f4bf725f1086e5ae55c4f",
-    }
-    def _files_and_checksums(self) -> Tuple[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, str]]:
-        prefix = "xnist" if self._split == "nist" else f"qmnist-{'train' if self._split == 'train' else 'test'}"
-        suffix = "xz" if self._split == "nist" else "gz"
-        images_file = f"{prefix}-images-idx3-ubyte.{suffix}"
-        labels_file = f"{prefix}-labels-idx2-int.{suffix}"
-        return (images_file, self._CHECKSUMS[images_file]), (
-            labels_file,
-            self._CHECKSUMS[labels_file],
-        )
-    def start_and_stop(self) -> Tuple[Optional[int], Optional[int]]:
-        start: Optional[int]
-        stop: Optional[int]
-        if self._split == "test10k":
-            start = 0
-            stop = 10000
-        elif self._split == "test50k":
-            start = 10000
-            stop = None
-        else:
-            start = stop = None
-        return start, stop
-    _categories = _emnist_info()["categories"]
-    def _prepare_sample(self, data: Tuple[torch.Tensor, torch.Tensor]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        image, ann = data
-        label, *extra_anns = ann
-        sample = super()._prepare_sample((image, label))
-        sample.update(
-            dict(
-                zip(
-                    ("nist_hsf_series", "nist_writer_id", "digit_index", "nist_label", "global_digit_index"),
-                    [int(value) for value in extra_anns[:5]],
-                )
-            )
-        )
-        sample.update(dict(zip(("duplicate", "unused"), [bool(value) for value in extra_anns[-2:]])))
-        return sample
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return {
-            "train": 60_000,
-            "test": 60_000,
-            "test10k": 10_000,
-            "test50k": 50_000,
-            "nist": 402_953,
-        }[self._split]
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/oxford-iiit-pet.categories b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/oxford-iiit-pet.categories
deleted file mode 100644
index 36d29465b04..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/oxford-iiit-pet.categories
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
-American Bulldog
-American Pit Bull Terrier
-Basset Hound
-British Shorthair
-Egyptian Mau
-English Cocker Spaniel
-English Setter
-German Shorthaired
-Great Pyrenees
-Japanese Chin
-Maine Coon
-Miniature Pinscher
-Russian Blue
-Saint Bernard
-Scottish Terrier
-Shiba Inu
-Staffordshire Bull Terrier
-Wheaten Terrier
-Yorkshire Terrier
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index fbc7d30c292..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,146 +0,0 @@
-import enum
-import pathlib
-from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import CSVDictParser, Demultiplexer, Filter, IterDataPipe, IterKeyZipper, Mapper
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, EncodedImage, HttpResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import (
-    getitem,
-    hint_sharding,
-    hint_shuffling,
-    path_accessor,
-    path_comparator,
-    read_categories_file,
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-NAME = "oxford-iiit-pet"
-class OxfordIIITPetDemux(enum.IntEnum):
-def _info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(categories=read_categories_file(NAME))
-class OxfordIIITPet(Dataset):
-    """Oxford IIIT Pet Dataset
-    homepage="",
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self, root: Union[str, pathlib.Path], *, split: str = "trainval", skip_integrity_check: bool = False
-    ) -> None:
-        self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", {"trainval", "test"})
-        self._categories = _info()["categories"]
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        images = HttpResource(
-            "",
-            sha256="67195c5e1c01f1ab5f9b6a5d22b8c27a580d896ece458917e61d459337fa318d",
-            preprocess="decompress",
-        )
-        anns = HttpResource(
-            "",
-            sha256="52425fb6de5c424942b7626b428656fcbd798db970a937df61750c0f1d358e91",
-            preprocess="decompress",
-        )
-        return [images, anns]
-    def _classify_anns(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> Optional[int]:
-        return {
-            "annotations": OxfordIIITPetDemux.SPLIT_AND_CLASSIFICATION,
-            "trimaps": OxfordIIITPetDemux.SEGMENTATIONS,
-        }.get(pathlib.Path(data[0])
-    def _filter_images(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> bool:
-        return pathlib.Path(data[0]).suffix == ".jpg"
-    def _filter_segmentations(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> bool:
-        return not pathlib.Path(data[0]).name.startswith(".")
-    def _prepare_sample(
-        self, data: Tuple[Tuple[Dict[str, str], Tuple[str, BinaryIO]], Tuple[str, BinaryIO]]
-    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        ann_data, image_data = data
-        classification_data, segmentation_data = ann_data
-        segmentation_path, segmentation_buffer = segmentation_data
-        image_path, image_buffer = image_data
-        return dict(
-            label=Label(int(classification_data["label"]) - 1, categories=self._categories),
-            species="cat" if classification_data["species"] == "1" else "dog",
-            segmentation_path=segmentation_path,
-            segmentation=EncodedImage.from_file(segmentation_buffer),
-            image_path=image_path,
-            image=EncodedImage.from_file(image_buffer),
-        )
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        images_dp, anns_dp = resource_dps
-        images_dp = Filter(images_dp, self._filter_images)
-        split_and_classification_dp, segmentations_dp = Demultiplexer(
-            anns_dp,
-            2,
-            self._classify_anns,
-            drop_none=True,
-            buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-        )
-        split_and_classification_dp = Filter(split_and_classification_dp, path_comparator("name", f"{self._split}.txt"))
-        split_and_classification_dp = CSVDictParser(
-            split_and_classification_dp, fieldnames=("image_id", "label", "species"), delimiter=" "
-        )
-        split_and_classification_dp = hint_shuffling(split_and_classification_dp)
-        split_and_classification_dp = hint_sharding(split_and_classification_dp)
-        segmentations_dp = Filter(segmentations_dp, self._filter_segmentations)
-        anns_dp = IterKeyZipper(
-            split_and_classification_dp,
-            segmentations_dp,
-            key_fn=getitem("image_id"),
-            ref_key_fn=path_accessor("stem"),
-            buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-        )
-        dp = IterKeyZipper(
-            anns_dp,
-            images_dp,
-            key_fn=getitem(0, "image_id"),
-            ref_key_fn=path_accessor("stem"),
-            buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-        )
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def _filter_split_and_classification_anns(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> bool:
-        return self._classify_anns(data) == OxfordIIITPetDemux.SPLIT_AND_CLASSIFICATION
-    def _generate_categories(self) -> List[str]:
-        resources = self._resources()
-        dp = resources[1].load(self._root)
-        dp = Filter(dp, self._filter_split_and_classification_anns)
-        dp = Filter(dp, path_comparator("name", "trainval.txt"))
-        dp = CSVDictParser(dp, fieldnames=("image_id", "label"), delimiter=" ")
-        raw_categories_and_labels = {(data["image_id"].rsplit("_", 1)[0], data["label"]) for data in dp}
-        raw_categories, _ = zip(
-            *sorted(raw_categories_and_labels, key=lambda raw_category_and_label: int(raw_category_and_label[1]))
-        )
-        return [" ".join(part.title() for part in raw_category.split("_")) for raw_category in raw_categories]
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return 3_680 if self._split == "trainval" else 3_669
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4de5ae2765b..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,129 +0,0 @@
-import io
-import pathlib
-from collections import namedtuple
-from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import IterDataPipe, Mapper, Zipper
-from torchvision.datapoints import Image
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, GDriveResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import hint_sharding, hint_shuffling
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-NAME = "pcam"
-class PCAMH5Reader(IterDataPipe[Tuple[str, io.IOBase]]):
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        datapipe: IterDataPipe[Tuple[str, io.IOBase]],
-        key: Optional[str] = None,  # Note: this key thing might be very specific to the PCAM dataset
-    ) -> None:
-        self.datapipe = datapipe
-        self.key = key
-    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[str, io.IOBase]]:
-        import h5py
-        for _, handle in self.datapipe:
-            try:
-                with h5py.File(handle) as data:
-                    if self.key is not None:
-                        data = data[self.key]
-                    yield from data
-            finally:
-                handle.close()
-_Resource = namedtuple("_Resource", ("file_name", "gdrive_id", "sha256"))
-def _info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(categories=["0", "1"])
-class PCAM(Dataset):
-    # TODO write proper docstring
-    """PCAM Dataset
-    homepage=""
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self, root: Union[str, pathlib.Path], split: str = "train", *, skip_integrity_check: bool = False
-    ) -> None:
-        self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", {"train", "val", "test"})
-        self._categories = _info()["categories"]
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check, dependencies=("h5py",))
-    _RESOURCES = {
-        "train": (
-            _Resource(  # Images
-                file_name="camelyonpatch_level_2_split_train_x.h5.gz",
-                gdrive_id="1Ka0XfEMiwgCYPdTI-vv6eUElOBnKFKQ2",
-                sha256="d619e741468a7ab35c7e4a75e6821b7e7e6c9411705d45708f2a0efc8960656c",
-            ),
-            _Resource(  # Targets
-                file_name="camelyonpatch_level_2_split_train_y.h5.gz",
-                gdrive_id="1269yhu3pZDP8UYFQs-NYs3FPwuK-nGSG",
-                sha256="b74126d2c01b20d3661f9b46765d29cf4e4fba6faba29c8e0d09d406331ab75a",
-            ),
-        ),
-        "test": (
-            _Resource(  # Images
-                file_name="camelyonpatch_level_2_split_test_x.h5.gz",
-                gdrive_id="1qV65ZqZvWzuIVthK8eVDhIwrbnsJdbg_",
-                sha256="79174c2201ad521602a5888be8f36ee10875f37403dd3f2086caf2182ef87245",
-            ),
-            _Resource(  # Targets
-                file_name="camelyonpatch_level_2_split_test_y.h5.gz",
-                gdrive_id="17BHrSrwWKjYsOgTMmoqrIjDy6Fa2o_gP",
-                sha256="0a522005fccc8bbd04c5a117bfaf81d8da2676f03a29d7499f71d0a0bd6068ef",
-            ),
-        ),
-        "val": (
-            _Resource(  # Images
-                file_name="camelyonpatch_level_2_split_valid_x.h5.gz",
-                gdrive_id="1hgshYGWK8V-eGRy8LToWJJgDU_rXWVJ3",
-                sha256="f82ee1670d027b4ec388048d9eabc2186b77c009655dae76d624c0ecb053ccb2",
-            ),
-            _Resource(  # Targets
-                file_name="camelyonpatch_level_2_split_valid_y.h5.gz",
-                gdrive_id="1bH8ZRbhSVAhScTS0p9-ZzGnX91cHT3uO",
-                sha256="ce1ae30f08feb468447971cfd0472e7becd0ad96d877c64120c72571439ae48c",
-            ),
-        ),
-    }
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        return [  # = [images resource, targets resource]
-            GDriveResource(file_name=file_name, id=gdrive_id, sha256=sha256, preprocess="decompress")
-            for file_name, gdrive_id, sha256 in self._RESOURCES[self._split]
-        ]
-    def _prepare_sample(self, data: Tuple[Any, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        image, target = data  # They're both numpy arrays at this point
-        return {
-            "image": Image(image.transpose(2, 0, 1)),
-            "label": Label(target.item(), categories=self._categories),
-        }
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        images_dp, targets_dp = resource_dps
-        images_dp = PCAMH5Reader(images_dp, key="x")
-        targets_dp = PCAMH5Reader(targets_dp, key="y")
-        dp = Zipper(images_dp, targets_dp)
-        dp = hint_shuffling(dp)
-        dp = hint_sharding(dp)
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return 262_144 if self._split == "train" else 32_768
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/sbd.categories b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/sbd.categories
deleted file mode 100644
index 8420ab35ede..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/sbd.categories
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 97986b58b5d..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-import pathlib
-import re
-from typing import Any, BinaryIO, cast, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
-import numpy as np
-import torch
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import Demultiplexer, Filter, IterDataPipe, IterKeyZipper, LineReader, Mapper
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, EncodedImage, HttpResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import (
-    getitem,
-    hint_sharding,
-    hint_shuffling,
-    path_accessor,
-    path_comparator,
-    read_categories_file,
-    read_mat,
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-NAME = "sbd"
-def _info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(categories=read_categories_file(NAME))
-class SBD(Dataset):
-    """
-    - **homepage**:
-    - **dependencies**:
-        - <scipy ``>_
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        root: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
-        *,
-        split: str = "train",
-        skip_integrity_check: bool = False,
-    ) -> None:
-        self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", ("train", "val", "train_noval"))
-        self._categories = _info()["categories"]
-        super().__init__(root, dependencies=("scipy",), skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        resources = [
-            HttpResource(
-                "",
-                sha256="6a5a2918d5c73ce032fdeba876574d150d9d04113ab87540a1304cbcc715be53",
-            )
-        ]
-        if self._split == "train_noval":
-            resources.append(
-                HttpResource(
-                    "",
-                    sha256="0b2068f7a359d2907431803e1cd63bf6162da37d7d503b589d3b08c6fd0c2432",
-                )
-            )
-        return resources  # type: ignore[return-value]
-    def _classify_archive(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> Optional[int]:
-        path = pathlib.Path(data[0])
-        parent, grandparent, *_ = path.parents
-        if == "dataset":
-            if == "img":
-                return 0
-            elif == "cls":
-                return 1
-        if == "dataset" and self._split != "train_noval":
-            return 2
-        return None
-    def _prepare_sample(self, data: Tuple[Tuple[Any, Tuple[str, BinaryIO]], Tuple[str, BinaryIO]]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        split_and_image_data, ann_data = data
-        _, image_data = split_and_image_data
-        image_path, image_buffer = image_data
-        ann_path, ann_buffer = ann_data
-        anns = read_mat(ann_buffer, squeeze_me=True)["GTcls"]
-        return dict(
-            image_path=image_path,
-            image=EncodedImage.from_file(image_buffer),
-            ann_path=ann_path,
-            # the boundaries are stored in sparse CSC format, which is not supported by PyTorch
-            boundaries=torch.as_tensor(
-                np.stack([raw_boundary.toarray() for raw_boundary in anns["Boundaries"].item()])
-            ),
-            segmentation=torch.as_tensor(anns["Segmentation"].item()),
-        )
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        if self._split == "train_noval":
-            archive_dp, split_dp = resource_dps
-            images_dp, anns_dp = Demultiplexer(
-                archive_dp,
-                2,
-                self._classify_archive,
-                buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-                drop_none=True,
-            )
-        else:
-            archive_dp = resource_dps[0]
-            images_dp, anns_dp, split_dp = Demultiplexer(
-                archive_dp,
-                3,
-                self._classify_archive,
-                buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-                drop_none=True,
-            )
-        split_dp = Filter(split_dp, path_comparator("name", f"{self._split}.txt"))
-        split_dp = LineReader(split_dp, decode=True)
-        split_dp = hint_shuffling(split_dp)
-        split_dp = hint_sharding(split_dp)
-        dp = split_dp
-        for level, data_dp in enumerate((images_dp, anns_dp)):
-            dp = IterKeyZipper(
-                dp,
-                data_dp,
-                key_fn=getitem(*[0] * level, 1),
-                ref_key_fn=path_accessor("stem"),
-                buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-            )
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return {
-            "train": 8_498,
-            "val": 2_857,
-            "train_noval": 5_623,
-        }[self._split]
-    def _generate_categories(self) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
-        resources = self._resources()
-        dp = resources[0].load(self._root)
-        dp = Filter(dp, path_comparator("name", "category_names.m"))
-        dp = LineReader(dp)
-        dp = Mapper(dp, bytes.decode, input_col=1)
-        lines = tuple(zip(*iter(dp)))[1]
-        pattern = re.compile(r"\s*'(?P<category>\w+)';\s*%(?P<label>\d+)")
-        categories_and_labels = cast(
-            List[Tuple[str, ...]],
-            [
-                pattern.match(line).groups()  # type: ignore[union-attr]
-                # the first and last line contain no information
-                for line in lines[1:-1]
-            ],
-        )
-        categories_and_labels.sort(key=lambda category_and_label: int(category_and_label[1]))
-        categories, _ = zip(*categories_and_labels)
-        return categories
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 92e1b93b410..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
-import pathlib
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
-import torch
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import CSVParser, IterDataPipe, Mapper
-from torchvision.datapoints import Image
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import OneHotLabel
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, HttpResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import hint_sharding, hint_shuffling
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-NAME = "semeion"
-def _info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(categories=[str(i) for i in range(10)])
-class SEMEION(Dataset):
-    """Semeion dataset
-    homepage="",
-    """
-    def __init__(self, root: Union[str, pathlib.Path], *, skip_integrity_check: bool = False) -> None:
-        self._categories = _info()["categories"]
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        data = HttpResource(
-            "",
-            sha256="f43228ae3da5ea6a3c95069d53450b86166770e3b719dcc333182128fe08d4b1",
-        )
-        return [data]
-    def _prepare_sample(self, data: Tuple[str, ...]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        image_data, label_data = data[:256], data[256:-1]
-        return dict(
-            image=Image(torch.tensor([float(pixel) for pixel in image_data], dtype=torch.float).reshape(16, 16)),
-            label=OneHotLabel([int(label) for label in label_data], categories=self._categories),
-        )
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        dp = resource_dps[0]
-        dp = CSVParser(dp, delimiter=" ")
-        dp = hint_shuffling(dp)
-        dp = hint_sharding(dp)
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return 1_593
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/stanford-cars.categories b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/stanford-cars.categories
deleted file mode 100644
index e54040f7779..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/stanford-cars.categories
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-AM General Hummer SUV 2000
-Acura RL Sedan 2012
-Acura TL Sedan 2012
-Acura TL Type-S 2008
-Acura TSX Sedan 2012
-Acura Integra Type R 2001
-Acura ZDX Hatchback 2012
-Aston Martin V8 Vantage Convertible 2012
-Aston Martin V8 Vantage Coupe 2012
-Aston Martin Virage Convertible 2012
-Aston Martin Virage Coupe 2012
-Audi RS 4 Convertible 2008
-Audi A5 Coupe 2012
-Audi TTS Coupe 2012
-Audi R8 Coupe 2012
-Audi V8 Sedan 1994
-Audi 100 Sedan 1994
-Audi 100 Wagon 1994
-Audi TT Hatchback 2011
-Audi S6 Sedan 2011
-Audi S5 Convertible 2012
-Audi S5 Coupe 2012
-Audi S4 Sedan 2012
-Audi S4 Sedan 2007
-Audi TT RS Coupe 2012
-BMW ActiveHybrid 5 Sedan 2012
-BMW 1 Series Convertible 2012
-BMW 1 Series Coupe 2012
-BMW 3 Series Sedan 2012
-BMW 3 Series Wagon 2012
-BMW 6 Series Convertible 2007
-BMW X5 SUV 2007
-BMW X6 SUV 2012
-BMW M3 Coupe 2012
-BMW M5 Sedan 2010
-BMW M6 Convertible 2010
-BMW X3 SUV 2012
-BMW Z4 Convertible 2012
-Bentley Continental Supersports Conv. Convertible 2012
-Bentley Arnage Sedan 2009
-Bentley Mulsanne Sedan 2011
-Bentley Continental GT Coupe 2012
-Bentley Continental GT Coupe 2007
-Bentley Continental Flying Spur Sedan 2007
-Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Convertible 2009
-Bugatti Veyron 16.4 Coupe 2009
-Buick Regal GS 2012
-Buick Rainier SUV 2007
-Buick Verano Sedan 2012
-Buick Enclave SUV 2012
-Cadillac CTS-V Sedan 2012
-Cadillac SRX SUV 2012
-Cadillac Escalade EXT Crew Cab 2007
-Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Hybrid Crew Cab 2012
-Chevrolet Corvette Convertible 2012
-Chevrolet Corvette ZR1 2012
-Chevrolet Corvette Ron Fellows Edition Z06 2007
-Chevrolet Traverse SUV 2012
-Chevrolet Camaro Convertible 2012
-Chevrolet HHR SS 2010
-Chevrolet Impala Sedan 2007
-Chevrolet Tahoe Hybrid SUV 2012
-Chevrolet Sonic Sedan 2012
-Chevrolet Express Cargo Van 2007
-Chevrolet Avalanche Crew Cab 2012
-Chevrolet Cobalt SS 2010
-Chevrolet Malibu Hybrid Sedan 2010
-Chevrolet TrailBlazer SS 2009
-Chevrolet Silverado 2500HD Regular Cab 2012
-Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Classic Extended Cab 2007
-Chevrolet Express Van 2007
-Chevrolet Monte Carlo Coupe 2007
-Chevrolet Malibu Sedan 2007
-Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Extended Cab 2012
-Chevrolet Silverado 1500 Regular Cab 2012
-Chrysler Aspen SUV 2009
-Chrysler Sebring Convertible 2010
-Chrysler Town and Country Minivan 2012
-Chrysler 300 SRT-8 2010
-Chrysler Crossfire Convertible 2008
-Chrysler PT Cruiser Convertible 2008
-Daewoo Nubira Wagon 2002
-Dodge Caliber Wagon 2012
-Dodge Caliber Wagon 2007
-Dodge Caravan Minivan 1997
-Dodge Ram Pickup 3500 Crew Cab 2010
-Dodge Ram Pickup 3500 Quad Cab 2009
-Dodge Sprinter Cargo Van 2009
-Dodge Journey SUV 2012
-Dodge Dakota Crew Cab 2010
-Dodge Dakota Club Cab 2007
-Dodge Magnum Wagon 2008
-Dodge Challenger SRT8 2011
-Dodge Durango SUV 2012
-Dodge Durango SUV 2007
-Dodge Charger Sedan 2012
-Dodge Charger SRT-8 2009
-Eagle Talon Hatchback 1998
-FIAT 500 Abarth 2012
-FIAT 500 Convertible 2012
-Ferrari FF Coupe 2012
-Ferrari California Convertible 2012
-Ferrari 458 Italia Convertible 2012
-Ferrari 458 Italia Coupe 2012
-Fisker Karma Sedan 2012
-Ford F-450 Super Duty Crew Cab 2012
-Ford Mustang Convertible 2007
-Ford Freestar Minivan 2007
-Ford Expedition EL SUV 2009
-Ford Edge SUV 2012
-Ford Ranger SuperCab 2011
-Ford GT Coupe 2006
-Ford F-150 Regular Cab 2012
-Ford F-150 Regular Cab 2007
-Ford Focus Sedan 2007
-Ford E-Series Wagon Van 2012
-Ford Fiesta Sedan 2012
-GMC Terrain SUV 2012
-GMC Savana Van 2012
-GMC Yukon Hybrid SUV 2012
-GMC Acadia SUV 2012
-GMC Canyon Extended Cab 2012
-Geo Metro Convertible 1993
-HUMMER H3T Crew Cab 2010
-HUMMER H2 SUT Crew Cab 2009
-Honda Odyssey Minivan 2012
-Honda Odyssey Minivan 2007
-Honda Accord Coupe 2012
-Honda Accord Sedan 2012
-Hyundai Veloster Hatchback 2012
-Hyundai Santa Fe SUV 2012
-Hyundai Tucson SUV 2012
-Hyundai Veracruz SUV 2012
-Hyundai Sonata Hybrid Sedan 2012
-Hyundai Elantra Sedan 2007
-Hyundai Accent Sedan 2012
-Hyundai Genesis Sedan 2012
-Hyundai Sonata Sedan 2012
-Hyundai Elantra Touring Hatchback 2012
-Hyundai Azera Sedan 2012
-Infiniti G Coupe IPL 2012
-Infiniti QX56 SUV 2011
-Isuzu Ascender SUV 2008
-Jaguar XK XKR 2012
-Jeep Patriot SUV 2012
-Jeep Wrangler SUV 2012
-Jeep Liberty SUV 2012
-Jeep Grand Cherokee SUV 2012
-Jeep Compass SUV 2012
-Lamborghini Reventon Coupe 2008
-Lamborghini Aventador Coupe 2012
-Lamborghini Gallardo LP 570-4 Superleggera 2012
-Lamborghini Diablo Coupe 2001
-Land Rover Range Rover SUV 2012
-Land Rover LR2 SUV 2012
-Lincoln Town Car Sedan 2011
-MINI Cooper Roadster Convertible 2012
-Maybach Landaulet Convertible 2012
-Mazda Tribute SUV 2011
-McLaren MP4-12C Coupe 2012
-Mercedes-Benz 300-Class Convertible 1993
-Mercedes-Benz C-Class Sedan 2012
-Mercedes-Benz SL-Class Coupe 2009
-Mercedes-Benz E-Class Sedan 2012
-Mercedes-Benz S-Class Sedan 2012
-Mercedes-Benz Sprinter Van 2012
-Mitsubishi Lancer Sedan 2012
-Nissan Leaf Hatchback 2012
-Nissan NV Passenger Van 2012
-Nissan Juke Hatchback 2012
-Nissan 240SX Coupe 1998
-Plymouth Neon Coupe 1999
-Porsche Panamera Sedan 2012
-Ram C/V Cargo Van Minivan 2012
-Rolls-Royce Phantom Drophead Coupe Convertible 2012
-Rolls-Royce Ghost Sedan 2012
-Rolls-Royce Phantom Sedan 2012
-Scion xD Hatchback 2012
-Spyker C8 Convertible 2009
-Spyker C8 Coupe 2009
-Suzuki Aerio Sedan 2007
-Suzuki Kizashi Sedan 2012
-Suzuki SX4 Hatchback 2012
-Suzuki SX4 Sedan 2012
-Tesla Model S Sedan 2012
-Toyota Sequoia SUV 2012
-Toyota Camry Sedan 2012
-Toyota Corolla Sedan 2012
-Toyota 4Runner SUV 2012
-Volkswagen Golf Hatchback 2012
-Volkswagen Golf Hatchback 1991
-Volkswagen Beetle Hatchback 2012
-Volvo C30 Hatchback 2012
-Volvo 240 Sedan 1993
-Volvo XC90 SUV 2007
-smart fortwo Convertible 2012
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index a76b2dba270..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-import pathlib
-from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Dict, Iterator, List, Tuple, Union
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import Filter, IterDataPipe, Mapper, Zipper
-from torchvision.datapoints import BoundingBox
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, EncodedImage, HttpResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import (
-    hint_sharding,
-    hint_shuffling,
-    path_comparator,
-    read_categories_file,
-    read_mat,
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-class StanfordCarsLabelReader(IterDataPipe[Tuple[int, int, int, int, int, str]]):
-    def __init__(self, datapipe: IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]) -> None:
-        self.datapipe = datapipe
-    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[int, int, int, int, int, str]]:
-        for _, file in self.datapipe:
-            data = read_mat(file, squeeze_me=True)
-            for ann in data["annotations"]:
-                yield tuple(ann)  # type: ignore[misc]
-NAME = "stanford-cars"
-def _info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(categories=read_categories_file(NAME))
-class StanfordCars(Dataset):
-    """Stanford Cars dataset.
-    homepage="",
-    dependencies=scipy
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        root: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
-        *,
-        split: str = "train",
-        skip_integrity_check: bool = False,
-    ) -> None:
-        self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", {"train", "test"})
-        self._categories = _info()["categories"]
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check, dependencies=("scipy",))
-    _URL_ROOT = ""
-    _URLS = {
-        "train": f"{_URL_ROOT}car196/cars_train.tgz",
-        "test": f"{_URL_ROOT}car196/cars_test.tgz",
-        "cars_test_annos_withlabels": f"{_URL_ROOT}car196/cars_test_annos_withlabels.mat",
-        "car_devkit": f"{_URL_ROOT}cars/car_devkit.tgz",
-    }
-    _CHECKSUM = {
-        "train": "b97deb463af7d58b6bfaa18b2a4de9829f0f79e8ce663dfa9261bf7810e9accd",
-        "test": "bffea656d6f425cba3c91c6d83336e4c5f86c6cffd8975b0f375d3a10da8e243",
-        "cars_test_annos_withlabels": "790f75be8ea34eeded134cc559332baf23e30e91367e9ddca97d26ed9b895f05",
-        "car_devkit": "512b227b30e2f0a8aab9e09485786ab4479582073a144998da74d64b801fd288",
-    }
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        resources: List[OnlineResource] = [HttpResource(self._URLS[self._split], sha256=self._CHECKSUM[self._split])]
-        if self._split == "train":
-            resources.append(HttpResource(url=self._URLS["car_devkit"], sha256=self._CHECKSUM["car_devkit"]))
-        else:
-            resources.append(
-                HttpResource(
-                    self._URLS["cars_test_annos_withlabels"], sha256=self._CHECKSUM["cars_test_annos_withlabels"]
-                )
-            )
-        return resources
-    def _prepare_sample(self, data: Tuple[Tuple[str, BinaryIO], Tuple[int, int, int, int, int, str]]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        image, target = data
-        path, buffer = image
-        image = EncodedImage.from_file(buffer)
-        return dict(
-            path=path,
-            image=image,
-            label=Label(target[4] - 1, categories=self._categories),
-            bounding_box=BoundingBox(target[:4], format="xyxy", spatial_size=image.spatial_size),
-        )
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        images_dp, targets_dp = resource_dps
-        if self._split == "train":
-            targets_dp = Filter(targets_dp, path_comparator("name", "cars_train_annos.mat"))
-        targets_dp = StanfordCarsLabelReader(targets_dp)
-        dp = Zipper(images_dp, targets_dp)
-        dp = hint_shuffling(dp)
-        dp = hint_sharding(dp)
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def _generate_categories(self) -> List[str]:
-        resources = self._resources()
-        devkit_dp = resources[1].load(self._root)
-        meta_dp = Filter(devkit_dp, path_comparator("name", "cars_meta.mat"))
-        _, meta_file = next(iter(meta_dp))
-        return list(read_mat(meta_file, squeeze_me=True)["class_names"])
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return 8_144 if self._split == "train" else 8_041
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index 94de4cf42c3..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-import pathlib
-from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Dict, List, Tuple, Union
-import numpy as np
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import IterDataPipe, Mapper, UnBatcher
-from torchvision.datapoints import Image
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, HttpResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import hint_sharding, hint_shuffling, read_mat
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-NAME = "svhn"
-def _info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(categories=[str(c) for c in range(10)])
-class SVHN(Dataset):
-    """SVHN Dataset.
-    homepage="",
-    dependencies = scipy
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        root: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
-        *,
-        split: str = "train",
-        skip_integrity_check: bool = False,
-    ) -> None:
-        self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", {"train", "test", "extra"})
-        self._categories = _info()["categories"]
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check, dependencies=("scipy",))
-    _CHECKSUMS = {
-        "train": "435e94d69a87fde4fd4d7f3dd208dfc32cb6ae8af2240d066de1df7508d083b8",
-        "test": "cdce80dfb2a2c4c6160906d0bd7c68ec5a99d7ca4831afa54f09182025b6a75b",
-        "extra": "a133a4beb38a00fcdda90c9489e0c04f900b660ce8a316a5e854838379a71eb3",
-    }
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        data = HttpResource(
-            f"{self._split}_32x32.mat",
-            sha256=self._CHECKSUMS[self._split],
-        )
-        return [data]
-    def _read_images_and_labels(self, data: Tuple[str, BinaryIO]) -> List[Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]]:
-        _, buffer = data
-        content = read_mat(buffer)
-        return list(
-            zip(
-                content["X"].transpose((3, 0, 1, 2)),
-                content["y"].squeeze(),
-            )
-        )
-    def _prepare_sample(self, data: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        image_array, label_array = data
-        return dict(
-            image=Image(image_array.transpose((2, 0, 1))),
-            label=Label(int(label_array) % 10, categories=self._categories),
-        )
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        dp = resource_dps[0]
-        dp = Mapper(dp, self._read_images_and_labels)
-        dp = UnBatcher(dp)
-        dp = hint_shuffling(dp)
-        dp = hint_sharding(dp)
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return {
-            "train": 73_257,
-            "test": 26_032,
-            "extra": 531_131,
-        }[self._split]
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index b5486669e21..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-import pathlib
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Union
-import torch
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import Decompressor, IterDataPipe, LineReader, Mapper
-from torchvision.datapoints import Image
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, HttpResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import hint_sharding, hint_shuffling
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-NAME = "usps"
-def _info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(categories=[str(c) for c in range(10)])
-class USPS(Dataset):
-    """USPS Dataset
-    homepage="",
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        root: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
-        *,
-        split: str = "train",
-        skip_integrity_check: bool = False,
-    ) -> None:
-        self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", {"train", "test"})
-        self._categories = _info()["categories"]
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-    _URL = ""
-    _RESOURCES = {
-        "train": HttpResource(
-            f"{_URL}/usps.bz2", sha256="3771e9dd6ba685185f89867b6e249233dd74652389f263963b3b741e994b034f"
-        ),
-        "test": HttpResource(
-            f"{_URL}/usps.t.bz2", sha256="a9c0164e797d60142a50604917f0baa604f326e9a689698763793fa5d12ffc4e"
-        ),
-    }
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        return [USPS._RESOURCES[self._split]]
-    def _prepare_sample(self, line: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        label, *values = line.strip().split(" ")
-        values = [float(value.split(":")[1]) for value in values]
-        pixels = torch.tensor(values).add_(1).div_(2)
-        return dict(
-            image=Image(pixels.reshape(16, 16)),
-            label=Label(int(label) - 1, categories=self._categories),
-        )
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        dp = Decompressor(resource_dps[0])
-        dp = LineReader(dp, decode=True, return_path=False)
-        dp = hint_shuffling(dp)
-        dp = hint_sharding(dp)
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return 7_291 if self._split == "train" else 2_007
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/voc.categories b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/voc.categories
deleted file mode 100644
index febc0012ab3..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/voc.categories
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
deleted file mode 100644
index a13cfb764e4..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/_builtin/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,222 +0,0 @@
-import enum
-import functools
-import pathlib
-from typing import Any, BinaryIO, cast, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
-from xml.etree import ElementTree
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import Demultiplexer, Filter, IterDataPipe, IterKeyZipper, LineReader, Mapper
-from torchvision.datapoints import BoundingBox
-from torchvision.datasets import VOCDetection
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import Dataset, EncodedImage, HttpResource, OnlineResource
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import (
-    getitem,
-    hint_sharding,
-    hint_shuffling,
-    path_accessor,
-    path_comparator,
-    read_categories_file,
-from .._api import register_dataset, register_info
-NAME = "voc"
-def _info() -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    return dict(categories=read_categories_file(NAME))
-class VOC(Dataset):
-    """
-    - **homepage**:
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        root: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
-        *,
-        split: str = "train",
-        year: str = "2012",
-        task: str = "detection",
-        skip_integrity_check: bool = False,
-    ) -> None:
-        self._year = self._verify_str_arg(year, "year", ("2007", "2008", "2009", "2010", "2011", "2012"))
-        if split == "test" and year != "2007":
-            raise ValueError("`split='test'` is only available for `year='2007'`")
-        else:
-            self._split = self._verify_str_arg(split, "split", ("train", "val", "trainval", "test"))
-        self._task = self._verify_str_arg(task, "task", ("detection", "segmentation"))
-        self._anns_folder = "Annotations" if task == "detection" else "SegmentationClass"
-        self._split_folder = "Main" if task == "detection" else "Segmentation"
-        self._categories = _info()["categories"]
-        super().__init__(root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-        "2007": ("VOCtrainval_06-Nov-2007.tar", "7d8cd951101b0957ddfd7a530bdc8a94f06121cfc1e511bb5937e973020c7508"),
-        "2008": ("VOCtrainval_14-Jul-2008.tar", "7f0ca53c1b5a838fbe946965fc106c6e86832183240af5c88e3f6c306318d42e"),
-        "2009": ("VOCtrainval_11-May-2009.tar", "11cbe1741fb5bdadbbca3c08e9ec62cd95c14884845527d50847bc2cf57e7fd6"),
-        "2010": ("VOCtrainval_03-May-2010.tar", "1af4189cbe44323ab212bff7afbc7d0f55a267cc191eb3aac911037887e5c7d4"),
-        "2011": ("VOCtrainval_25-May-2011.tar", "0a7f5f5d154f7290ec65ec3f78b72ef72c6d93ff6d79acd40dc222a9ee5248ba"),
-        "2012": ("VOCtrainval_11-May-2012.tar", "e14f763270cf193d0b5f74b169f44157a4b0c6efa708f4dd0ff78ee691763bcb"),
-    }
-        "2007": ("VOCtest_06-Nov-2007.tar", "6836888e2e01dca84577a849d339fa4f73e1e4f135d312430c4856b5609b4892")
-    }
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        file_name, sha256 = (self._TEST_ARCHIVES if self._split == "test" else self._TRAIN_VAL_ARCHIVES)[self._year]
-        archive = HttpResource(f"{self._year}/{file_name}", sha256=sha256)
-        return [archive]
-    def _is_in_folder(self, data: Tuple[str, Any], *, name: str, depth: int = 1) -> bool:
-        path = pathlib.Path(data[0])
-        return name in[-depth:]
-    class _Demux(enum.IntEnum):
-        SPLIT = 0
-        IMAGES = 1
-        ANNS = 2
-    def _classify_archive(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> Optional[int]:
-        if self._is_in_folder(data, name="ImageSets", depth=2):
-            return self._Demux.SPLIT
-        elif self._is_in_folder(data, name="JPEGImages"):
-            return self._Demux.IMAGES
-        elif self._is_in_folder(data, name=self._anns_folder):
-            return self._Demux.ANNS
-        else:
-            return None
-    def _parse_detection_ann(self, buffer: BinaryIO) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        ann = cast(Dict[str, Any], VOCDetection.parse_voc_xml(ElementTree.parse(buffer).getroot())["annotation"])
-        buffer.close()
-        return ann
-    def _prepare_detection_ann(self, buffer: BinaryIO) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        anns = self._parse_detection_ann(buffer)
-        instances = anns["object"]
-        return dict(
-            bounding_boxes=BoundingBox(
-                [
-                    [int(instance["bndbox"][part]) for part in ("xmin", "ymin", "xmax", "ymax")]
-                    for instance in instances
-                ],
-                format="xyxy",
-                spatial_size=cast(Tuple[int, int], tuple(int(anns["size"][dim]) for dim in ("height", "width"))),
-            ),
-            labels=Label(
-                [self._categories.index(instance["name"]) for instance in instances], categories=self._categories
-            ),
-        )
-    def _prepare_segmentation_ann(self, buffer: BinaryIO) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        return dict(segmentation=EncodedImage.from_file(buffer))
-    def _prepare_sample(
-        self,
-        data: Tuple[Tuple[Tuple[str, str], Tuple[str, BinaryIO]], Tuple[str, BinaryIO]],
-    ) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        split_and_image_data, ann_data = data
-        _, image_data = split_and_image_data
-        image_path, image_buffer = image_data
-        ann_path, ann_buffer = ann_data
-        return dict(
-            (self._prepare_detection_ann if self._task == "detection" else self._prepare_segmentation_ann)(ann_buffer),
-            image_path=image_path,
-            image=EncodedImage.from_file(image_buffer),
-            ann_path=ann_path,
-        )
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        archive_dp = resource_dps[0]
-        split_dp, images_dp, anns_dp = Demultiplexer(
-            archive_dp,
-            3,
-            self._classify_archive,
-            drop_none=True,
-            buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-        )
-        split_dp = Filter(split_dp, functools.partial(self._is_in_folder, name=self._split_folder))
-        split_dp = Filter(split_dp, path_comparator("name", f"{self._split}.txt"))
-        split_dp = LineReader(split_dp, decode=True)
-        split_dp = hint_shuffling(split_dp)
-        split_dp = hint_sharding(split_dp)
-        dp = split_dp
-        for level, data_dp in enumerate((images_dp, anns_dp)):
-            dp = IterKeyZipper(
-                dp,
-                data_dp,
-                key_fn=getitem(*[0] * level, 1),
-                ref_key_fn=path_accessor("stem"),
-                buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE,
-            )
-        return Mapper(dp, self._prepare_sample)
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        return {
-            ("train", "2007", "detection"): 2_501,
-            ("train", "2007", "segmentation"): 209,
-            ("train", "2008", "detection"): 2_111,
-            ("train", "2008", "segmentation"): 511,
-            ("train", "2009", "detection"): 3_473,
-            ("train", "2009", "segmentation"): 749,
-            ("train", "2010", "detection"): 4_998,
-            ("train", "2010", "segmentation"): 964,
-            ("train", "2011", "detection"): 5_717,
-            ("train", "2011", "segmentation"): 1_112,
-            ("train", "2012", "detection"): 5_717,
-            ("train", "2012", "segmentation"): 1_464,
-            ("val", "2007", "detection"): 2_510,
-            ("val", "2007", "segmentation"): 213,
-            ("val", "2008", "detection"): 2_221,
-            ("val", "2008", "segmentation"): 512,
-            ("val", "2009", "detection"): 3_581,
-            ("val", "2009", "segmentation"): 750,
-            ("val", "2010", "detection"): 5_105,
-            ("val", "2010", "segmentation"): 964,
-            ("val", "2011", "detection"): 5_823,
-            ("val", "2011", "segmentation"): 1_111,
-            ("val", "2012", "detection"): 5_823,
-            ("val", "2012", "segmentation"): 1_449,
-            ("trainval", "2007", "detection"): 5_011,
-            ("trainval", "2007", "segmentation"): 422,
-            ("trainval", "2008", "detection"): 4_332,
-            ("trainval", "2008", "segmentation"): 1_023,
-            ("trainval", "2009", "detection"): 7_054,
-            ("trainval", "2009", "segmentation"): 1_499,
-            ("trainval", "2010", "detection"): 10_103,
-            ("trainval", "2010", "segmentation"): 1_928,
-            ("trainval", "2011", "detection"): 11_540,
-            ("trainval", "2011", "segmentation"): 2_223,
-            ("trainval", "2012", "detection"): 11_540,
-            ("trainval", "2012", "segmentation"): 2_913,
-            ("test", "2007", "detection"): 4_952,
-            ("test", "2007", "segmentation"): 210,
-        }[(self._split, self._year, self._task)]
-    def _filter_anns(self, data: Tuple[str, Any]) -> bool:
-        return self._classify_archive(data) == self._Demux.ANNS
-    def _generate_categories(self) -> List[str]:
-        self._task = "detection"
-        resources = self._resources()
-        archive_dp = resources[0].load(self._root)
-        dp = Filter(archive_dp, self._filter_anns)
-        dp = Mapper(dp, self._parse_detection_ann, input_col=1)
-        categories = sorted({instance["name"] for _, anns in dp for instance in anns["object"]})
-        # We add a background category to be used during segmentation
-        categories.insert(0, "__background__")
-        return categories
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0a37df03add..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,66 +0,0 @@
-import functools
-import os
-import os.path
-import pathlib
-from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Collection, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import FileLister, FileOpener, Filter, IterDataPipe, Mapper
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils import EncodedData, EncodedImage
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import hint_sharding, hint_shuffling
-__all__ = ["from_data_folder", "from_image_folder"]
-def _is_not_top_level_file(path: str, *, root: pathlib.Path) -> bool:
-    rel_path = pathlib.Path(path).relative_to(root)
-    return rel_path.is_dir() or rel_path.parent != pathlib.Path(".")
-def _prepare_sample(
-    data: Tuple[str, BinaryIO],
-    *,
-    root: pathlib.Path,
-    categories: List[str],
-) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    path, buffer = data
-    category = pathlib.Path(path).relative_to(root).parts[0]
-    return dict(
-        path=path,
-        data=EncodedData.from_file(buffer),
-        label=Label.from_category(category, categories=categories),
-    )
-def from_data_folder(
-    root: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
-    *,
-    valid_extensions: Optional[Collection[str]] = None,
-    recursive: bool = True,
-) -> Tuple[IterDataPipe, List[str]]:
-    root = pathlib.Path(root).expanduser().resolve()
-    categories = sorted( for entry in os.scandir(root) if entry.is_dir())
-    masks: Union[List[str], str] = [f"*.{ext}" for ext in valid_extensions] if valid_extensions is not None else ""
-    dp = FileLister(str(root), recursive=recursive, masks=masks)
-    dp: IterDataPipe = Filter(dp, functools.partial(_is_not_top_level_file, root=root))
-    dp = hint_sharding(dp)
-    dp = hint_shuffling(dp)
-    dp = FileOpener(dp, mode="rb")
-    return Mapper(dp, functools.partial(_prepare_sample, root=root, categories=categories)), categories
-def _data_to_image_key(sample: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-    sample["image"] = EncodedImage(sample.pop("data").data)
-    return sample
-def from_image_folder(
-    root: Union[str, pathlib.Path],
-    *,
-    valid_extensions: Collection[str] = ("jpg", "jpeg", "png", "ppm", "bmp", "pgm", "tif", "tiff", "webp"),
-    **kwargs: Any,
-) -> Tuple[IterDataPipe, List[str]]:
-    valid_extensions = [valid_extension for ext in valid_extensions for valid_extension in (ext.lower(), ext.upper())]
-    dp, categories = from_data_folder(root, valid_extensions=valid_extensions, **kwargs)
-    return Mapper(dp, _data_to_image_key), categories
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/
deleted file mode 100644
index e5a89c4bdf3..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
-import os
-from typing import Optional
-import torchvision._internally_replaced_utils as _iru
-def home(root: Optional[str] = None) -> str:
-    if root is not None:
-        _iru._HOME = root
-        return _iru._HOME
-    root = os.getenv("TORCHVISION_DATASETS_HOME")
-    if root is not None:
-        return root
-    return _iru._HOME
-def use_sharded_dataset(use: Optional[bool] = None) -> bool:
-    if use is not None:
-        _iru._USE_SHARDED_DATASETS = use
-        return _iru._USE_SHARDED_DATASETS
-    use = os.getenv("TORCHVISION_SHARDED_DATASETS")
-    if use is not None:
-        return use == "1"
-    return _iru._USE_SHARDED_DATASETS
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/
deleted file mode 100644
index 104ef95c9ae..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,661 +0,0 @@
-# type: ignore
-import argparse
-import contextlib
-import inspect
-import itertools
-import os
-import os.path
-import pathlib
-import shutil
-import sys
-import tempfile
-import time
-import unittest.mock
-import warnings
-import torch
-from import DataLoader
-from import DataLoader2
-from torchvision import datasets as legacy_datasets
-from torchvision.datasets.utils import extract_archive
-from torchvision.prototype import datasets as new_datasets
-from torchvision.transforms import PILToTensor
-def main(
-    name,
-    *,
-    variant=None,
-    legacy=True,
-    new=True,
-    start=True,
-    iteration=True,
-    num_starts=3,
-    num_samples=10_000,
-    temp_root=None,
-    num_workers=0,
-    benchmarks = [
-        benchmark
-        for benchmark in DATASET_BENCHMARKS
-        if == name and (variant is None or benchmark.variant == variant)
-    ]
-    if not benchmarks:
-        msg = f"No DatasetBenchmark available for dataset '{name}'"
-        if variant is not None:
-            msg += f" and variant '{variant}'"
-        raise ValueError(msg)
-    for benchmark in benchmarks:
-        print("#" * 80)
-        print(f"{}" + (f" ({benchmark.variant})" if benchmark.variant is not None else ""))
-        if legacy and start:
-            print(
-                "legacy",
-                "cold_start",
-                Measurement.time(benchmark.legacy_cold_start(temp_root, num_workers=num_workers), number=num_starts),
-            )
-            print(
-                "legacy",
-                "warm_start",
-                Measurement.time(benchmark.legacy_warm_start(temp_root, num_workers=num_workers), number=num_starts),
-            )
-        if legacy and iteration:
-            print(
-                "legacy",
-                "iteration",
-                Measurement.iterations_per_time(
-                    benchmark.legacy_iteration(temp_root, num_workers=num_workers, num_samples=num_samples)
-                ),
-            )
-        if new and start:
-            print(
-                "new",
-                "cold_start",
-                Measurement.time(benchmark.new_cold_start(num_workers=num_workers), number=num_starts),
-            )
-        if new and iteration:
-            print(
-                "new",
-                "iteration",
-                Measurement.iterations_per_time(
-                    benchmark.new_iteration(num_workers=num_workers, num_samples=num_samples)
-                ),
-            )
-class DatasetBenchmark:
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        name: str,
-        *,
-        variant=None,
-        legacy_cls=None,
-        new_config=None,
-        legacy_config_map=None,
-        legacy_special_options_map=None,
-        prepare_legacy_root=None,
-    ):
- = name
-        self.variant = variant
-        self.new_raw_dataset = new_datasets._api.find(name)
-        self.legacy_cls = legacy_cls or self._find_legacy_cls()
-        if new_config is None:
-            new_config = self.new_raw_dataset.default_config
-        elif isinstance(new_config, dict):
-            new_config =**new_config)
-        self.new_config = new_config
-        self.legacy_config_map = legacy_config_map
-        self.legacy_special_options_map = legacy_special_options_map or self._legacy_special_options_map
-        self.prepare_legacy_root = prepare_legacy_root
-    def new_dataset(self, *, num_workers=0):
-        return DataLoader2(new_datasets.load(, **self.new_config), num_workers=num_workers)
-    def new_cold_start(self, *, num_workers):
-        def fn(timer):
-            with timer:
-                dataset = self.new_dataset(num_workers=num_workers)
-                next(iter(dataset))
-        return fn
-    def new_iteration(self, *, num_samples, num_workers):
-        def fn(timer):
-            dataset = self.new_dataset(num_workers=num_workers)
-            num_sample = 0
-            with timer:
-                for _ in dataset:
-                    num_sample += 1
-                    if num_sample == num_samples:
-                        break
-            return num_sample
-        return fn
-    def suppress_output(self):
-        @contextlib.contextmanager
-        def context_manager():
-            with open(os.devnull, "w") as devnull:
-                with contextlib.redirect_stdout(devnull), contextlib.redirect_stderr(devnull):
-                    yield
-        return context_manager()
-    def legacy_dataset(self, root, *, num_workers=0, download=None):
-        legacy_config = self.legacy_config_map(self, root) if self.legacy_config_map else dict()
-        special_options = self.legacy_special_options_map(self)
-        if "download" in special_options and download is not None:
-            special_options["download"] = download
-        with self.suppress_output():
-            return DataLoader(
-                self.legacy_cls(legacy_config.pop("root", str(root)), **legacy_config, **special_options),
-                shuffle=True,
-                num_workers=num_workers,
-            )
-    @contextlib.contextmanager
-    def patch_download_and_integrity_checks(self):
-        patches = [
-            ("download_url", dict()),
-            ("download_file_from_google_drive", dict()),
-            ("check_integrity", dict(new=lambda path, md5=None: os.path.isfile(path))),
-        ]
-        dataset_module = sys.modules[self.legacy_cls.__module__]
-        utils_module = legacy_datasets.utils
-        with contextlib.ExitStack() as stack:
-            for name, patch_kwargs in patches:
-                patch_module = dataset_module if name in dir(dataset_module) else utils_module
-                stack.enter_context(unittest.mock.patch(f"{patch_module.__name__}.{name}", **patch_kwargs))
-            yield stack
-    def _find_resource_file_names(self):
-        info =
-        valid_options = info._valid_options
-        file_names = set()
-        for options in (
-            dict(zip(valid_options.keys(), values)) for values in itertools.product(*valid_options.values())
-        ):
-            resources = self.new_raw_dataset.resources(info.make_config(**options))
-            file_names.update([resource.file_name for resource in resources])
-        return file_names
-    @contextlib.contextmanager
-    def legacy_root(self, temp_root):
-        new_root = pathlib.Path(new_datasets.home()) /
-        legacy_root = pathlib.Path(tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=temp_root))
-        if os.stat(new_root).st_dev != os.stat(legacy_root).st_dev:
-            warnings.warn(
-                "The temporary root directory for the legacy dataset was created on a different storage device than "
-                "the raw data that is used by the new dataset. If the devices have different I/O stats, this will "
-                "distort the benchmark. You can use the '--temp-root' flag to relocate the root directory of the "
-                "temporary directories.",
-                RuntimeWarning,
-            )
-        try:
-            for file_name in self._find_resource_file_names():
-                (legacy_root / file_name).symlink_to(new_root / file_name)
-            if self.prepare_legacy_root:
-                self.prepare_legacy_root(self, legacy_root)
-            with self.patch_download_and_integrity_checks():
-                yield legacy_root
-        finally:
-            shutil.rmtree(legacy_root)
-    def legacy_cold_start(self, temp_root, *, num_workers):
-        def fn(timer):
-            with self.legacy_root(temp_root) as root:
-                with timer:
-                    dataset = self.legacy_dataset(root, num_workers=num_workers)
-                    next(iter(dataset))
-        return fn
-    def legacy_warm_start(self, temp_root, *, num_workers):
-        def fn(timer):
-            with self.legacy_root(temp_root) as root:
-                self.legacy_dataset(root, num_workers=num_workers)
-                with timer:
-                    dataset = self.legacy_dataset(root, num_workers=num_workers, download=False)
-                    next(iter(dataset))
-        return fn
-    def legacy_iteration(self, temp_root, *, num_samples, num_workers):
-        def fn(timer):
-            with self.legacy_root(temp_root) as root:
-                dataset = self.legacy_dataset(root, num_workers=num_workers)
-                with timer:
-                    for num_sample, _ in enumerate(dataset, 1):
-                        if num_sample == num_samples:
-                            break
-            return num_sample
-        return fn
-    def _find_legacy_cls(self):
-        legacy_clss = {
-            name.lower(): dataset_class
-            for name, dataset_class in legacy_datasets.__dict__.items()
-            if isinstance(dataset_class, type) and issubclass(dataset_class, legacy_datasets.VisionDataset)
-        }
-        try:
-            return legacy_clss[]
-        except KeyError as error:
-            raise RuntimeError(
-                f"Can't determine the legacy dataset class for '{}' automatically. "
-                f"Please set the 'legacy_cls' keyword argument manually."
-            ) from error
-        "transform",
-        "target_transform",
-        "transforms",
-        "download",
-    }
-    @staticmethod
-    def _legacy_special_options_map(benchmark):
-        available_parameters = set()
-        for cls in benchmark.legacy_cls.__mro__:
-            if cls is legacy_datasets.VisionDataset:
-                break
-            available_parameters.update(inspect.signature(cls.__init__).parameters)
-        available_special_kwargs = benchmark._SPECIAL_KWARGS.intersection(available_parameters)
-        special_options = dict()
-        if "download" in available_special_kwargs:
-            special_options["download"] = True
-        if "transform" in available_special_kwargs:
-            special_options["transform"] = PILToTensor()
-            if "target_transform" in available_special_kwargs:
-                special_options["target_transform"] = torch.tensor
-        elif "transforms" in available_special_kwargs:
-            special_options["transforms"] = JointTransform(PILToTensor(), PILToTensor())
-        return special_options
-class Measurement:
-    @classmethod
-    def time(cls, fn, *, number):
-        results = Measurement._timeit(fn, number=number)
-        times = torch.tensor(tuple(zip(*results))[1])
-        return cls._format(times, unit="s")
-    @classmethod
-    def iterations_per_time(cls, fn):
-        num_samples, time = Measurement._timeit(fn, number=1)[0]
-        iterations_per_second = torch.tensor(num_samples) / torch.tensor(time)
-        return cls._format(iterations_per_second, unit="it/s")
-    class Timer:
-        def __init__(self):
-            self._start = None
-            self._stop = None
-        def __enter__(self):
-            self._start = time.perf_counter()
-        def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
-            self._stop = time.perf_counter()
-        @property
-        def delta(self):
-            if self._start is None:
-                raise RuntimeError()
-            elif self._stop is None:
-                raise RuntimeError()
-            return self._stop - self._start
-    @classmethod
-    def _timeit(cls, fn, number):
-        results = []
-        for _ in range(number):
-            timer = cls.Timer()
-            output = fn(timer)
-            results.append((output,
-        return results
-    @classmethod
-    def _format(cls, measurements, *, unit):
-        measurements = torch.as_tensor(measurements).to(torch.float64).flatten()
-        if measurements.numel() == 1:
-            # TODO format that into engineering format
-            return f"{float(measurements):.3f} {unit}"
-        mean, std = Measurement._compute_mean_and_std(measurements)
-        # TODO format that into engineering format
-        return f"{mean:.3f} ± {std:.3f} {unit}"
-    @classmethod
-    def _compute_mean_and_std(cls, t):
-        mean = float(t.mean())
-        std = float(t.std(0, unbiased=t.numel() > 1))
-        return mean, std
-def no_split(benchmark, root):
-    legacy_config = dict(benchmark.new_config)
-    del legacy_config["split"]
-    return legacy_config
-def bool_split(name="train"):
-    def legacy_config_map(benchmark, root):
-        legacy_config = dict(benchmark.new_config)
-        legacy_config[name] = legacy_config.pop("split") == "train"
-        return legacy_config
-    return legacy_config_map
-def base_folder(rel_folder=None):
-    if rel_folder is None:
-        def rel_folder(benchmark):
-            return
-    elif not callable(rel_folder):
-        name = rel_folder
-        def rel_folder(_):
-            return name
-    def prepare_legacy_root(benchmark, root):
-        files = list(root.glob("*"))
-        folder = root / rel_folder(benchmark)
-        folder.mkdir(parents=True)
-        for file in files:
-            shutil.move(str(file), str(folder))
-        return folder
-    return prepare_legacy_root
-class JointTransform:
-    def __init__(self, *transforms):
-        self.transforms = transforms
-    def __call__(self, *inputs):
-        if len(inputs) == 1 and isinstance(inputs,
-            inputs = inputs[0]
-        if len(inputs) != len(self.transforms):
-            raise RuntimeError(
-                f"The number of inputs and transforms mismatches: {len(inputs)} != {len(self.transforms)}."
-            )
-        return tuple(transform(input) for transform, input in zip(self.transforms, inputs))
-def caltech101_legacy_config_map(benchmark, root):
-    legacy_config = no_split(benchmark, root)
-    # The new dataset always returns the category and annotation
-    legacy_config["target_type"] = ("category", "annotation")
-    return legacy_config
-mnist_base_folder = base_folder(lambda benchmark: pathlib.Path(benchmark.legacy_cls.__name__) / "raw")
-def mnist_legacy_config_map(benchmark, root):
-    return dict(train=benchmark.new_config.split == "train")
-def emnist_prepare_legacy_root(benchmark, root):
-    folder = mnist_base_folder(benchmark, root)
-    shutil.move(str(folder / ""), str(folder / ""))
-    return folder
-def emnist_legacy_config_map(benchmark, root):
-    legacy_config = mnist_legacy_config_map(benchmark, root)
-    legacy_config["split"] = benchmark.new_config.image_set.replace("_", "").lower()
-    return legacy_config
-def qmnist_legacy_config_map(benchmark, root):
-    legacy_config = mnist_legacy_config_map(benchmark, root)
-    legacy_config["what"] = benchmark.new_config.split
-    # The new dataset always returns the full label
-    legacy_config["compat"] = False
-    return legacy_config
-def coco_legacy_config_map(benchmark, root):
-    images, _ = benchmark.new_raw_dataset.resources(benchmark.new_config)
-    return dict(
-        root=str(root / pathlib.Path(images.file_name).stem),
-        annFile=str(
-            root / "annotations" / f"{benchmark.variant}_{benchmark.new_config.split}{benchmark.new_config.year}.json"
-        ),
-    )
-def coco_prepare_legacy_root(benchmark, root):
-    images, annotations = benchmark.new_raw_dataset.resources(benchmark.new_config)
-    extract_archive(str(root / images.file_name))
-    extract_archive(str(root / annotations.file_name))
-    DatasetBenchmark(
-        "caltech101",
-        legacy_config_map=caltech101_legacy_config_map,
-        prepare_legacy_root=base_folder(),
-        legacy_special_options_map=lambda config: dict(
-            download=True,
-            transform=PILToTensor(),
-            target_transform=JointTransform(torch.tensor, torch.tensor),
-        ),
-    ),
-    DatasetBenchmark(
-        "caltech256",
-        legacy_config_map=no_split,
-        prepare_legacy_root=base_folder(),
-    ),
-    DatasetBenchmark(
-        "celeba",
-        prepare_legacy_root=base_folder(),
-        legacy_config_map=lambda benchmark: dict(
-            split="valid" if benchmark.new_config.split == "val" else benchmark.new_config.split,
-            # The new dataset always returns all annotations
-            target_type=("attr", "identity", "bbox", "landmarks"),
-        ),
-    ),
-    DatasetBenchmark(
-        "cifar10",
-        legacy_config_map=bool_split(),
-    ),
-    DatasetBenchmark(
-        "cifar100",
-        legacy_config_map=bool_split(),
-    ),
-    DatasetBenchmark(
-        "emnist",
-        prepare_legacy_root=emnist_prepare_legacy_root,
-        legacy_config_map=emnist_legacy_config_map,
-    ),
-    DatasetBenchmark(
-        "fashionmnist",
-        prepare_legacy_root=mnist_base_folder,
-        legacy_config_map=mnist_legacy_config_map,
-    ),
-    DatasetBenchmark(
-        "kmnist",
-        prepare_legacy_root=mnist_base_folder,
-        legacy_config_map=mnist_legacy_config_map,
-    ),
-    DatasetBenchmark(
-        "mnist",
-        prepare_legacy_root=mnist_base_folder,
-        legacy_config_map=mnist_legacy_config_map,
-    ),
-    DatasetBenchmark(
-        "qmnist",
-        prepare_legacy_root=mnist_base_folder,
-        legacy_config_map=mnist_legacy_config_map,
-    ),
-    DatasetBenchmark(
-        "sbd",
-        legacy_cls=legacy_datasets.SBDataset,
-        legacy_config_map=lambda benchmark: dict(
-            image_set=benchmark.new_config.split,
-            mode="boundaries" if benchmark.new_config.boundaries else "segmentation",
-        ),
-        legacy_special_options_map=lambda benchmark: dict(
-            download=True,
-            transforms=JointTransform(
-                PILToTensor(), torch.tensor if benchmark.new_config.boundaries else PILToTensor()
-            ),
-        ),
-    ),
-    DatasetBenchmark("voc", legacy_cls=legacy_datasets.VOCDetection),
-    DatasetBenchmark("imagenet", legacy_cls=legacy_datasets.ImageNet),
-    DatasetBenchmark(
-        "coco",
-        variant="instances",
-        legacy_cls=legacy_datasets.CocoDetection,
-        new_config=dict(split="train", annotations="instances"),
-        legacy_config_map=coco_legacy_config_map,
-        prepare_legacy_root=coco_prepare_legacy_root,
-        legacy_special_options_map=lambda benchmark: dict(transform=PILToTensor(), target_transform=None),
-    ),
-    DatasetBenchmark(
-        "coco",
-        variant="captions",
-        legacy_cls=legacy_datasets.CocoCaptions,
-        new_config=dict(split="train", annotations="captions"),
-        legacy_config_map=coco_legacy_config_map,
-        prepare_legacy_root=coco_prepare_legacy_root,
-        legacy_special_options_map=lambda benchmark: dict(transform=PILToTensor(), target_transform=None),
-    ),
-def parse_args(argv=None):
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
-        prog="",
-        description="Utility to benchmark new datasets against their legacy variants.",
-        formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter,
-    )
-    parser.add_argument("name", help="Name of the dataset to benchmark.")
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "--variant", help="Variant of the dataset. If omitted all available variants will be benchmarked."
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "-n",
-        "--num-starts",
-        type=int,
-        default=3,
-        help="Number of warm and cold starts of each benchmark. Default to 3.",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "-N",
-        "--num-samples",
-        type=int,
-        default=10_000,
-        help="Maximum number of samples to draw during iteration benchmarks. Defaults to 10_000.",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "--nl",
-        "--no-legacy",
-        dest="legacy",
-        action="store_false",
-        help="Skip legacy benchmarks.",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "--nn",
-        "--no-new",
-        dest="new",
-        action="store_false",
-        help="Skip new benchmarks.",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "--ns",
-        "--no-start",
-        dest="start",
-        action="store_false",
-        help="Skip start benchmarks.",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "--ni",
-        "--no-iteration",
-        dest="iteration",
-        action="store_false",
-        help="Skip iteration benchmarks.",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "-t",
-        "--temp-root",
-        type=pathlib.Path,
-        help=(
-            "Root of the temporary legacy root directories. Use this if your system default temporary directory is on "
-            "another storage device as the raw data to avoid distortions due to differing I/O stats."
-        ),
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "-j",
-        "--num-workers",
-        type=int,
-        default=0,
-        help=(
-            "Number of subprocesses used to load the data. Setting this to 0 (default) will load all data in the main "
-            "process and thus disable multi-processing."
-        ),
-    )
-    return parser.parse_args(argv or sys.argv[1:])
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    args = parse_args()
-    try:
-        main(
-  ,
-            variant=args.variant,
-            legacy=args.legacy,
-  ,
-            start=args.start,
-            iteration=args.iteration,
-            num_starts=args.num_starts,
-            num_samples=args.num_samples,
-            temp_root=args.temp_root,
-            num_workers=args.num_workers,
-        )
-    except Exception as error:
-        msg = str(error)
-        print(msg or f"Unspecified {type(error)} was raised during execution.", file=sys.stderr)
-        sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/
deleted file mode 100644
index 6d4e854fe34..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,61 +0,0 @@
-# type: ignore
-import argparse
-import csv
-import sys
-from torchvision.prototype import datasets
-from torchvision.prototype.datasets.utils._internal import BUILTIN_DIR
-def main(*names, force=False):
-    for name in names:
-        path = BUILTIN_DIR / f"{name}.categories"
-        if path.exists() and not force:
-            continue
-        dataset = datasets.load(name)
-        try:
-            categories = dataset._generate_categories()
-        except NotImplementedError:
-            continue
-        with open(path, "w") as file:
-            writer = csv.writer(file, lineterminator="\n")
-            for category in categories:
-                writer.writerow((category,) if isinstance(category, str) else category)
-def parse_args(argv=None):
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(prog="")
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "names",
-        nargs="*",
-        type=str,
-        help="Names of datasets to generate category files for. If omitted, all datasets will be used.",
-    )
-    parser.add_argument(
-        "-f",
-        "--force",
-        action="store_true",
-        help="Force regeneration of category files.",
-    )
-    args = parser.parse_args(argv or sys.argv[1:])
-    if not args.names:
-        args.names = datasets.list_datasets()
-    return args
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    args = parse_args()
-    try:
-        main(*args.names, force=args.force)
-    except Exception as error:
-        msg = str(error)
-        print(msg or f"Unspecified {type(error)} was raised during execution.", file=sys.stderr)
-        sys.exit(1)
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/utils/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/utils/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3fdb53eec43..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-from . import _internal  # usort: skip
-from ._dataset import Dataset
-from ._encoded import EncodedData, EncodedImage
-from ._resource import GDriveResource, HttpResource, KaggleDownloadResource, ManualDownloadResource, OnlineResource
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/utils/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/utils/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0d1cc2b1560..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-import abc
-import importlib
-import pathlib
-from typing import Any, Collection, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Sequence, Union
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import IterDataPipe
-from torchvision.datasets.utils import verify_str_arg
-from ._resource import OnlineResource
-class Dataset(IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]], abc.ABC):
-    @staticmethod
-    def _verify_str_arg(
-        value: str,
-        arg: Optional[str] = None,
-        valid_values: Optional[Collection[str]] = None,
-        *,
-        custom_msg: Optional[str] = None,
-    ) -> str:
-        return verify_str_arg(value, arg, valid_values, custom_msg=custom_msg)
-    def __init__(
-        self, root: Union[str, pathlib.Path], *, skip_integrity_check: bool = False, dependencies: Collection[str] = ()
-    ) -> None:
-        for dependency in dependencies:
-            try:
-                importlib.import_module(dependency)
-            except ModuleNotFoundError:
-                raise ModuleNotFoundError(
-                    f"{type(self).__name__}() depends on the third-party package '{dependency}'. "
-                    f"Please install it, for example with `pip install {dependency}`."
-                ) from None
-        self._root = pathlib.Path(root).expanduser().resolve()
-        resources = [
-            resource.load(self._root, skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check) for resource in self._resources()
-        ]
-        self._dp = self._datapipe(resources)
-    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        yield from self._dp
-    @abc.abstractmethod
-    def _resources(self) -> List[OnlineResource]:
-        pass
-    @abc.abstractmethod
-    def _datapipe(self, resource_dps: List[IterDataPipe]) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-        pass
-    @abc.abstractmethod
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        pass
-    def _generate_categories(self) -> Sequence[Union[str, Sequence[str]]]:
-        raise NotImplementedError
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/utils/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/utils/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8adc1e57acb..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
-from __future__ import annotations
-import os
-import sys
-from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union
-import PIL.Image
-import torch
-from torchvision.datapoints._datapoint import Datapoint
-from torchvision.prototype.utils._internal import fromfile, ReadOnlyTensorBuffer
-D = TypeVar("D", bound="EncodedData")
-class EncodedData(Datapoint):
-    @classmethod
-    def _wrap(cls: Type[D], tensor: torch.Tensor) -> D:
-        return tensor.as_subclass(cls)
-    def __new__(
-        cls,
-        data: Any,
-        *,
-        dtype: Optional[torch.dtype] = None,
-        device: Optional[Union[torch.device, str, int]] = None,
-        requires_grad: bool = False,
-    ) -> EncodedData:
-        tensor = cls._to_tensor(data, dtype=dtype, device=device, requires_grad=requires_grad)
-        # TODO: warn / bail out if we encounter a tensor with shape other than (N,) or with dtype other than uint8?
-        return cls._wrap(tensor)
-    @classmethod
-    def wrap_like(cls: Type[D], other: D, tensor: torch.Tensor) -> D:
-        return cls._wrap(tensor)
-    @classmethod
-    def from_file(cls: Type[D], file: BinaryIO, **kwargs: Any) -> D:
-        encoded_data = cls(fromfile(file, dtype=torch.uint8, byte_order=sys.byteorder), **kwargs)
-        file.close()
-        return encoded_data
-    @classmethod
-    def from_path(cls: Type[D], path: Union[str, os.PathLike], **kwargs: Any) -> D:
-        with open(path, "rb") as file:
-            return cls.from_file(file, **kwargs)
-class EncodedImage(EncodedData):
-    # TODO: Use @functools.cached_property if we can depend on Python 3.8
-    @property
-    def spatial_size(self) -> Tuple[int, int]:
-        if not hasattr(self, "_spatial_size"):
-            with as image:
-                self._spatial_size = image.height, image.width
-        return self._spatial_size
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/utils/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/utils/
deleted file mode 100644
index f8a44b627e8..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,194 +0,0 @@
-import csv
-import functools
-import pathlib
-import pickle
-from typing import Any, BinaryIO, Callable, Dict, IO, Iterator, List, Sequence, Sized, Tuple, TypeVar, Union
-import torch
-import torch.distributed as dist
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import IoPathFileLister, IoPathFileOpener, IterDataPipe, ShardingFilter, Shuffler
-from torchvision.prototype.utils._internal import fromfile
-__all__ = [
-    "read_mat",
-    "MappingIterator",
-    "getitem",
-    "path_accessor",
-    "path_comparator",
-    "read_flo",
-    "hint_sharding",
-    "hint_shuffling",
-K = TypeVar("K")
-D = TypeVar("D")
-# pseudo-infinite until a true infinite buffer is supported by all datapipes
-INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE = 1_000_000_000
-BUILTIN_DIR = pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.parent / "_builtin"
-def read_mat(buffer: BinaryIO, **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
-    try:
-        import as sio
-    except ImportError as error:
-        raise ModuleNotFoundError("Package `scipy` is required to be installed to read .mat files.") from error
-    data = sio.loadmat(buffer, **kwargs)
-    buffer.close()
-    return data
-class MappingIterator(IterDataPipe[Union[Tuple[K, D], D]]):
-    def __init__(self, datapipe: IterDataPipe[Dict[K, D]], *, drop_key: bool = False) -> None:
-        self.datapipe = datapipe
-        self.drop_key = drop_key
-    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Union[Tuple[K, D], D]]:
-        for mapping in self.datapipe:
-            yield from iter(mapping.values() if self.drop_key else mapping.items())
-def _getitem_closure(obj: Any, *, items: Sequence[Any]) -> Any:
-    for item in items:
-        obj = obj[item]
-    return obj
-def getitem(*items: Any) -> Callable[[Any], Any]:
-    return functools.partial(_getitem_closure, items=items)
-def _getattr_closure(obj: Any, *, attrs: Sequence[str]) -> Any:
-    for attr in attrs:
-        obj = getattr(obj, attr)
-    return obj
-def _path_attribute_accessor(path: pathlib.Path, *, name: str) -> Any:
-    return _getattr_closure(path, attrs=name.split("."))
-def _path_accessor_closure(data: Tuple[str, Any], *, getter: Callable[[pathlib.Path], D]) -> D:
-    return getter(pathlib.Path(data[0]))
-def path_accessor(getter: Union[str, Callable[[pathlib.Path], D]]) -> Callable[[Tuple[str, Any]], D]:
-    if isinstance(getter, str):
-        getter = functools.partial(_path_attribute_accessor, name=getter)
-    return functools.partial(_path_accessor_closure, getter=getter)
-def _path_comparator_closure(data: Tuple[str, Any], *, accessor: Callable[[Tuple[str, Any]], D], value: D) -> bool:
-    return accessor(data) == value
-def path_comparator(getter: Union[str, Callable[[pathlib.Path], D]], value: D) -> Callable[[Tuple[str, Any]], bool]:
-    return functools.partial(_path_comparator_closure, accessor=path_accessor(getter), value=value)
-class PicklerDataPipe(IterDataPipe):
-    def __init__(self, source_datapipe: IterDataPipe[Tuple[str, IO[bytes]]]) -> None:
-        self.source_datapipe = source_datapipe
-    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Any]:
-        for _, fobj in self.source_datapipe:
-            data = pickle.load(fobj)
-            for _, d in enumerate(data):
-                yield d
-class SharderDataPipe(ShardingFilter):
-    def __init__(self, source_datapipe: IterDataPipe) -> None:
-        super().__init__(source_datapipe)
-        self.rank = 0
-        self.world_size = 1
-        if dist.is_available() and dist.is_initialized():
-            self.rank = dist.get_rank()
-            self.world_size = dist.get_world_size()
-        self.apply_sharding(self.world_size, self.rank)
-    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Any]:
-        num_workers = self.world_size
-        worker_id = self.rank
-        worker_info =
-        if worker_info is not None:
-            worker_id = worker_id + * num_workers
-            num_workers *= worker_info.num_workers
-        self.apply_sharding(num_workers, worker_id)
-        yield from super().__iter__()
-class TakerDataPipe(IterDataPipe):
-    def __init__(self, source_datapipe: IterDataPipe, num_take: int) -> None:
-        super().__init__()
-        self.source_datapipe = source_datapipe
-        self.num_take = num_take
-        self.world_size = 1
-        if dist.is_available() and dist.is_initialized():
-            self.world_size = dist.get_world_size()
-    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Any]:
-        num_workers = self.world_size
-        worker_info =
-        if worker_info is not None:
-            num_workers *= worker_info.num_workers
-        # TODO: this is weird as it drops more elements than it should
-        num_take = self.num_take // num_workers
-        for i, data in enumerate(self.source_datapipe):
-            if i < num_take:
-                yield data
-            else:
-                break
-    def __len__(self) -> int:
-        num_take = self.num_take // self.world_size
-        if isinstance(self.source_datapipe, Sized):
-            if len(self.source_datapipe) < num_take:
-                num_take = len(self.source_datapipe)
-        # TODO: might be weird to not take `num_workers` into account
-        return num_take
-def _make_sharded_datapipe(root: str, dataset_size: int) -> IterDataPipe[Dict[str, Any]]:
-    dp = IoPathFileLister(root=root)
-    dp = SharderDataPipe(dp)
-    dp = dp.shuffle(buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE)
-    dp = IoPathFileOpener(dp, mode="rb")
-    dp = PicklerDataPipe(dp)
-    # dp = dp.cycle(2)
-    dp = TakerDataPipe(dp, dataset_size)
-    return dp
-def read_flo(file: BinaryIO) -> torch.Tensor:
-    if != b"PIEH":
-        raise ValueError("Magic number incorrect. Invalid .flo file")
-    width, height = fromfile(file, dtype=torch.int32, byte_order="little", count=2)
-    flow = fromfile(file, dtype=torch.float32, byte_order="little", count=height * width * 2)
-    return flow.reshape((height, width, 2)).permute((2, 0, 1))
-def hint_sharding(datapipe: IterDataPipe) -> ShardingFilter:
-    return ShardingFilter(datapipe)
-def hint_shuffling(datapipe: IterDataPipe[D]) -> Shuffler[D]:
-    return Shuffler(datapipe, buffer_size=INFINITE_BUFFER_SIZE).set_shuffle(False)
-def read_categories_file(name: str) -> List[Union[str, Sequence[str]]]:
-    path = BUILTIN_DIR / f"{name}.categories"
-    with open(path, newline="") as file:
-        rows = list(csv.reader(file))
-        rows = [row[0] if len(row) == 1 else row for row in rows]
-        return rows
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/utils/ b/torchvision/prototype/datasets/utils/
deleted file mode 100644
index af4ede38dc0..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/datasets/utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-import abc
-import hashlib
-import itertools
-import pathlib
-from typing import Any, Callable, IO, Literal, NoReturn, Optional, Sequence, Set, Tuple, Union
-from urllib.parse import urlparse
-from torchdata.datapipes.iter import (
-    FileLister,
-    FileOpener,
-    IterableWrapper,
-    IterDataPipe,
-    RarArchiveLoader,
-    TarArchiveLoader,
-    ZipArchiveLoader,
-from torchvision.datasets.utils import (
-    _decompress,
-    _detect_file_type,
-    _get_google_drive_file_id,
-    _get_redirect_url,
-    download_file_from_google_drive,
-    download_url,
-    extract_archive,
-class OnlineResource(abc.ABC):
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        *,
-        file_name: str,
-        sha256: Optional[str] = None,
-        preprocess: Optional[Union[Literal["decompress", "extract"], Callable[[pathlib.Path], None]]] = None,
-    ) -> None:
-        self.file_name = file_name
-        self.sha256 = sha256
-        if isinstance(preprocess, str):
-            if preprocess == "decompress":
-                preprocess = self._decompress
-            elif preprocess == "extract":
-                preprocess = self._extract
-            else:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    f"Only `'decompress'` or `'extract'` are valid if `preprocess` is passed as string,"
-                    f"but got {preprocess} instead."
-                )
-        self._preprocess = preprocess
-    @staticmethod
-    def _extract(file: pathlib.Path) -> None:
-        extract_archive(str(file), to_path=str(file).replace("".join(file.suffixes), ""), remove_finished=False)
-    @staticmethod
-    def _decompress(file: pathlib.Path) -> None:
-        _decompress(str(file), remove_finished=True)
-    def _loader(self, path: pathlib.Path) -> IterDataPipe[Tuple[str, IO]]:
-        if path.is_dir():
-            return FileOpener(FileLister(str(path), recursive=True), mode="rb")
-        dp = FileOpener(IterableWrapper((str(path),)), mode="rb")
-        archive_loader = self._guess_archive_loader(path)
-        if archive_loader:
-            dp = archive_loader(dp)
-        return dp
-        ".tar": TarArchiveLoader,
-        ".zip": ZipArchiveLoader,
-        ".rar": RarArchiveLoader,
-    }
-    def _guess_archive_loader(
-        self, path: pathlib.Path
-    ) -> Optional[Callable[[IterDataPipe[Tuple[str, IO]]], IterDataPipe[Tuple[str, IO]]]]:
-        try:
-            _, archive_type, _ = _detect_file_type(
-        except RuntimeError:
-            return None
-        return self._ARCHIVE_LOADERS.get(archive_type)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
-    def load(
-        self, root: Union[str, pathlib.Path], *, skip_integrity_check: bool = False
-    ) -> IterDataPipe[Tuple[str, IO]]:
-        root = pathlib.Path(root)
-        path = root / self.file_name
-        # Instead of the raw file, there might also be files with fewer suffixes after decompression or directories
-        # with no suffixes at all. `pathlib.Path().stem` will only give us the name with the last suffix removed, which
-        # is not sufficient for files with multiple suffixes, e.g. foo.tar.gz.
-        stem ="".join(path.suffixes), "")
-        def find_candidates() -> Set[pathlib.Path]:
-            # Although it looks like we could glob for f"{stem}*" to find the file candidates as well as the folder
-            # candidate simultaneously, that would also pick up other files that share the same prefix. For example, the
-            # test split of the stanford-cars dataset uses the files
-            # - cars_test.tgz
-            # - cars_test_annos_withlabels.mat
-            # Globbing for `"cars_test*"` picks up both.
-            candidates = {file for file in path.parent.glob(f"{stem}.*")}
-            folder_candidate = path.parent / stem
-            if folder_candidate.exists():
-                candidates.add(folder_candidate)
-            return candidates
-        candidates = find_candidates()
-        if not candidates:
-  , skip_integrity_check=skip_integrity_check)
-            if self._preprocess is not None:
-                self._preprocess(path)
-            candidates = find_candidates()
-        # We use the path with the fewest suffixes. This gives us the
-        # extracted > decompressed > raw
-        # priority that we want for the best I/O performance.
-        return self._loader(min(candidates, key=lambda candidate: len(candidate.suffixes)))
-    @abc.abstractmethod
-    def _download(self, root: pathlib.Path) -> None:
-        pass
-    def download(self, root: Union[str, pathlib.Path], *, skip_integrity_check: bool = False) -> pathlib.Path:
-        root = pathlib.Path(root)
-        self._download(root)
-        path = root / self.file_name
-        if self.sha256 and not skip_integrity_check:
-            self._check_sha256(path)
-        return path
-    def _check_sha256(self, path: pathlib.Path, *, chunk_size: int = 1024 * 1024) -> None:
-        hash = hashlib.sha256()
-        with open(path, "rb") as file:
-            for chunk in iter(lambda:, b""):
-                hash.update(chunk)
-        sha256 = hash.hexdigest()
-        if sha256 != self.sha256:
-            raise RuntimeError(
-                f"After the download, the SHA256 checksum of {path} didn't match the expected one: "
-                f"{sha256} != {self.sha256}"
-            )
-class HttpResource(OnlineResource):
-    def __init__(
-        self, url: str, *, file_name: Optional[str] = None, mirrors: Sequence[str] = (), **kwargs: Any
-    ) -> None:
-        super().__init__(file_name=file_name or pathlib.Path(urlparse(url).path).name, **kwargs)
-        self.url = url
-        self.mirrors = mirrors
-        self._resolved = False
-    def resolve(self) -> OnlineResource:
-        if self._resolved:
-            return self
-        redirect_url = _get_redirect_url(self.url)
-        if redirect_url == self.url:
-            self._resolved = True
-            return self
-        meta = {
-            attr.lstrip("_"): getattr(self, attr)
-            for attr in (
-                "file_name",
-                "sha256",
-                "_preprocess",
-            )
-        }
-        gdrive_id = _get_google_drive_file_id(redirect_url)
-        if gdrive_id:
-            return GDriveResource(gdrive_id, **meta)
-        http_resource = HttpResource(redirect_url, **meta)
-        http_resource._resolved = True
-        return http_resource
-    def _download(self, root: pathlib.Path) -> None:
-        if not self._resolved:
-            return self.resolve()._download(root)
-        for url in itertools.chain((self.url,), self.mirrors):
-            try:
-                download_url(url, str(root), filename=self.file_name, md5=None)
-            # TODO: make this more precise
-            except Exception:
-                continue
-            return
-        else:
-            # TODO: make this more informative
-            raise RuntimeError("Download failed!")
-class GDriveResource(OnlineResource):
-    def __init__(self, id: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
-        super().__init__(**kwargs)
- = id
-    def _download(self, root: pathlib.Path) -> None:
-        download_file_from_google_drive(, root=str(root), filename=self.file_name, md5=None)
-class ManualDownloadResource(OnlineResource):
-    def __init__(self, instructions: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
-        super().__init__(**kwargs)
-        self.instructions = instructions
-    def _download(self, root: pathlib.Path) -> NoReturn:
-        raise RuntimeError(
-            f"The file {self.file_name} cannot be downloaded automatically. "
-            f"Please follow the instructions below and place it in {root}\n\n"
-            f"{self.instructions}"
-        )
-class KaggleDownloadResource(ManualDownloadResource):
-    def __init__(self, challenge_url: str, *, file_name: str, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
-        instructions = "\n".join(
-            (
-                "1. Register and login at",
-                f"2. Navigate to {challenge_url}",
-                "3. Click 'Join Competition' and follow the instructions there",
-                "4. Navigate to the 'Data' tab",
-                f"5. Select {file_name} in the 'Data Explorer' and click the download button",
-            )
-        )
-        super().__init__(instructions, file_name=file_name, **kwargs)
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/models/ b/torchvision/prototype/models/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8b8eda9e9d2..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/models/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from . import depth
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/models/depth/ b/torchvision/prototype/models/depth/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0ff02953c24..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/models/depth/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from . import stereo
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/models/depth/stereo/ b/torchvision/prototype/models/depth/stereo/
deleted file mode 100644
index cd075ca2b9e..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/models/depth/stereo/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2 +0,0 @@
-from .raft_stereo import *
-from .crestereo import *
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/models/depth/stereo/ b/torchvision/prototype/models/depth/stereo/
deleted file mode 100644
index 89a23aae7f2..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/models/depth/stereo/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1463 +0,0 @@
-import math
-from functools import partial
-from typing import Callable, Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple
-import numpy as np
-import torch
-import torch.nn as nn
-import torch.nn.functional as F
-import torchvision.models.optical_flow.raft as raft
-from torch import Tensor
-from torchvision.models._api import register_model, Weights, WeightsEnum
-from torchvision.models._utils import handle_legacy_interface
-from torchvision.models.optical_flow._utils import grid_sample, make_coords_grid, upsample_flow
-from torchvision.ops import Conv2dNormActivation
-from torchvision.prototype.transforms._presets import StereoMatching
-all = (
-    "CREStereo",
-    "CREStereo_Base_Weights",
-    "crestereo_base",
-class ConvexMaskPredictor(nn.Module):
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        *,
-        in_channels: int,
-        hidden_size: int,
-        upsample_factor: int,
-        multiplier: float = 0.25,
-    ) -> None:
-        super().__init__()
-        self.mask_head = nn.Sequential(
-            Conv2dNormActivation(in_channels, hidden_size, norm_layer=None, kernel_size=3),
-            # (Annex section B) for the
-            # following convolution output size
-            nn.Conv2d(hidden_size, upsample_factor**2 * 9, 1, padding=0),
-        )
-        self.multiplier = multiplier
-    def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
-        x = self.mask_head(x) * self.multiplier
-        return x
-def get_correlation(
-    left_feature: Tensor,
-    right_feature: Tensor,
-    window_size: Tuple[int, int] = (3, 3),
-    dilate: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1),
-) -> Tensor:
-    """Function that computes a correlation product between the left and right features.
-    The correlation is computed in a sliding window fashion, namely the left features are fixed
-    and for each ``(i, j)`` location we compute the correlation with a sliding window anchored in
-    ``(i, j)`` from the right feature map. The sliding window selects pixels obtained in the range of the sliding
-    window; i.e ``(i - window_size // 2, i + window_size // 2)`` respectively ``(j - window_size // 2, j + window_size // 2)``.
-    """
-    B, C, H, W = left_feature.shape
-    di_y, di_x = dilate[0], dilate[1]
-    pad_y, pad_x = window_size[0] // 2 * di_y, window_size[1] // 2 * di_x
-    right_padded = F.pad(right_feature, (pad_x, pad_x, pad_y, pad_y), mode="replicate")
-    # in order to vectorize the correlation computation over all pixel candidates
-    # we create multiple shifted right images which we stack on an extra dimension
-    right_padded = F.unfold(right_padded, kernel_size=(H, W), dilation=dilate)
-    # torch unfold returns a tensor of shape [B, flattened_values, n_selections]
-    right_padded = right_padded.permute(0, 2, 1)
-    # we consider rehsape back into [B, n_views, C, H, W]
-    right_padded = right_padded.reshape(B, (window_size[0] * window_size[1]), C, H, W)
-    # we expand the left features for broadcasting
-    left_feature = left_feature.unsqueeze(1)
-    # this will compute an element product of between [B, 1, C, H, W] * [B, n_views, C, H, W]
-    # to obtain correlations over the pixel candidates we perform a mean on the C dimension
-    correlation = torch.mean(left_feature * right_padded, dim=2, keepdim=False)
-    # the final correlation tensor shape will be [B, n_views, H, W]
-    # where on the i-th position of the n_views dimension we will have
-    # the correlation value between the left pixel
-    # and the i-th candidate on the right feature map
-    return correlation
-def _check_window_specs(
-    search_window_1d: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 9),
-    search_dilate_1d: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1),
-    search_window_2d: Tuple[int, int] = (3, 3),
-    search_dilate_2d: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1),
-) -> None:
-    if not ==
-        raise ValueError(
-            f"The 1D and 2D windows should contain the same number of elements. "
-            f"1D shape: {search_window_1d} 2D shape: {search_window_2d}"
-        )
-    if not % 2 == 1:
-        raise ValueError(
-            f"Search windows should contain an odd number of elements in them."
-            f"Window of shape {search_window_1d} has {} elements."
-        )
-    if not any(size == 1 for size in search_window_1d):
-        raise ValueError(f"The 1D search window should have at least one size equal to 1. 1D shape: {search_window_1d}")
-    if any(size == 1 for size in search_window_2d):
-        raise ValueError(
-            f"The 2D search window should have all dimensions greater than 1. 2D shape: {search_window_2d}"
-        )
-    if any(dilate < 1 for dilate in search_dilate_1d):
-        raise ValueError(
-            f"The 1D search dilation should have all elements equal or greater than 1. 1D shape: {search_dilate_1d}"
-        )
-    if any(dilate < 1 for dilate in search_dilate_2d):
-        raise ValueError(
-            f"The 2D search dilation should have all elements equal greater than 1. 2D shape: {search_dilate_2d}"
-        )
-class IterativeCorrelationLayer(nn.Module):
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        groups: int = 4,
-        search_window_1d: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 9),
-        search_dilate_1d: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1),
-        search_window_2d: Tuple[int, int] = (3, 3),
-        search_dilate_2d: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1),
-    ) -> None:
-        super().__init__()
-        _check_window_specs(
-            search_window_1d=search_window_1d,
-            search_dilate_1d=search_dilate_1d,
-            search_window_2d=search_window_2d,
-            search_dilate_2d=search_dilate_2d,
-        )
-        self.search_pixels =
-        self.groups = groups
-        # two selection tables for dealing with the small_patch argument in the forward function
-        self.patch_sizes = {
-            "2d": [search_window_2d for _ in range(self.groups)],
-            "1d": [search_window_1d for _ in range(self.groups)],
-        }
-        self.dilate_sizes = {
-            "2d": [search_dilate_2d for _ in range(self.groups)],
-            "1d": [search_dilate_1d for _ in range(self.groups)],
-        }
-    def forward(self, left_feature: Tensor, right_feature: Tensor, flow: Tensor, window_type: str = "1d") -> Tensor:
-        """Function that computes 1 pass of non-offsetted Group-Wise correlation"""
-        coords = make_coords_grid(
-            left_feature.shape[0], left_feature.shape[2], left_feature.shape[3], device=str(left_feature.device)
-        )
-        # we offset the coordinate grid in the flow direction
-        coords = coords + flow
-        coords = coords.permute(0, 2, 3, 1)
-        # resample right features according to off-setted grid
-        right_feature = grid_sample(right_feature, coords, mode="bilinear", align_corners=True)
-        # use_small_patch is a flag by which we decide on how many axes
-        # we perform candidate search. See section 3.1 ``Deformable search window`` & Figure 4 in the paper.
-        patch_size_list = self.patch_sizes[window_type]
-        dilate_size_list = self.dilate_sizes[window_type]
-        # chunking the left and right feature to perform group-wise correlation
-        # mechanism similar to GroupNorm. See section 3.1 ``Group-wise correlation``.
-        left_groups = torch.chunk(left_feature, self.groups, dim=1)
-        right_groups = torch.chunk(right_feature, self.groups, dim=1)
-        correlations = []
-        # this boils down to rather than performing the correlation product
-        # over the entire C dimensions, we use subsets of C to get multiple correlation sets
-        for i in range(len(patch_size_list)):
-            correlation = get_correlation(left_groups[i], right_groups[i], patch_size_list[i], dilate_size_list[i])
-            correlations.append(correlation)
-        final_correlations =, dim=1)
-        return final_correlations
-class AttentionOffsetCorrelationLayer(nn.Module):
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        groups: int = 4,
-        attention_module: Optional[nn.Module] = None,
-        search_window_1d: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 9),
-        search_dilate_1d: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1),
-        search_window_2d: Tuple[int, int] = (3, 3),
-        search_dilate_2d: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1),
-    ) -> None:
-        super().__init__()
-        _check_window_specs(
-            search_window_1d=search_window_1d,
-            search_dilate_1d=search_dilate_1d,
-            search_window_2d=search_window_2d,
-            search_dilate_2d=search_dilate_2d,
-        )
-        # convert to python scalar
-        self.search_pixels = int(
-        self.groups = groups
-        # two selection tables for dealing with the small_patch argument in the forward function
-        self.patch_sizes = {
-            "2d": [search_window_2d for _ in range(self.groups)],
-            "1d": [search_window_1d for _ in range(self.groups)],
-        }
-        self.dilate_sizes = {
-            "2d": [search_dilate_2d for _ in range(self.groups)],
-            "1d": [search_dilate_1d for _ in range(self.groups)],
-        }
-        self.attention_module = attention_module
-    def forward(
-        self,
-        left_feature: Tensor,
-        right_feature: Tensor,
-        flow: Tensor,
-        extra_offset: Tensor,
-        window_type: str = "1d",
-    ) -> Tensor:
-        """Function that computes 1 pass of offsetted Group-Wise correlation
-        If the class was provided with an attention layer, the left and right feature maps
-        will be passed through a transformer first
-        """
-        B, C, H, W = left_feature.shape
-        if self.attention_module is not None:
-            # prepare for transformer required input shapes
-            left_feature = left_feature.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(B, H * W, C)
-            right_feature = right_feature.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(B, H * W, C)
-            # this can be either self attention or cross attention, hence the tuple return
-            left_feature, right_feature = self.attention_module(left_feature, right_feature)
-            left_feature = left_feature.reshape(B, H, W, C).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
-            right_feature = right_feature.reshape(B, H, W, C).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
-        left_groups = torch.chunk(left_feature, self.groups, dim=1)
-        right_groups = torch.chunk(right_feature, self.groups, dim=1)
-        num_search_candidates = self.search_pixels
-        # for each pixel (i, j) we have a number of search candidates
-        # thus, for each candidate we should have an X-axis and Y-axis offset value
-        extra_offset = extra_offset.reshape(B, num_search_candidates, 2, H, W).permute(0, 1, 3, 4, 2)
-        patch_size_list = self.patch_sizes[window_type]
-        dilate_size_list = self.dilate_sizes[window_type]
-        group_channels = C // self.groups
-        correlations = []
-        for i in range(len(patch_size_list)):
-            left_group, right_group = left_groups[i], right_groups[i]
-            patch_size, dilate = patch_size_list[i], dilate_size_list[i]
-            di_y, di_x = dilate
-            ps_y, ps_x = patch_size
-            # define the search based on the window patch shape
-            ry, rx = ps_y // 2 * di_y, ps_x // 2 * di_x
-            # base offsets for search (i.e. where to look on the search index)
-            x_grid, y_grid = torch.meshgrid(
-                torch.arange(-rx, rx + 1, di_x), torch.arange(-ry, ry + 1, di_y), indexing="xy"
-            )
-            x_grid, y_grid =,
-            offsets = torch.stack((x_grid, y_grid))
-            offsets = offsets.reshape(2, -1).permute(1, 0)
-            for d in (0, 2, 3):
-                offsets = offsets.unsqueeze(d)
-            # extra offsets for search (i.e. deformed search indexes. Similar concept to deformable convolutions)
-            offsets = offsets + extra_offset
-            coords = (
-                make_coords_grid(
-                    left_feature.shape[0], left_feature.shape[2], left_feature.shape[3], device=str(left_feature.device)
-                )
-                + flow
-            )
-            coords = coords.permute(0, 2, 3, 1).unsqueeze(1)
-            coords = coords + offsets
-            coords = coords.reshape(B, -1, W, 2)
-            right_group = grid_sample(right_group, coords, mode="bilinear", align_corners=True)
-            # we do not need to perform any window shifting because the grid sample op
-            # will return a multi-view right based on the num_search_candidates dimension in the offsets
-            right_group = right_group.reshape(B, group_channels, -1, H, W)
-            left_group = left_group.reshape(B, group_channels, -1, H, W)
-            correlation = torch.mean(left_group * right_group, dim=1)
-            correlations.append(correlation)
-        final_correlation =, dim=1)
-        return final_correlation
-class AdaptiveGroupCorrelationLayer(nn.Module):
-    """
-    Container for computing various correlation types between a left and right feature map.
-    This module does not contain any optimisable parameters, it's solely a collection of ops.
-    We wrap in a nn.Module for torch.jit.script compatibility
-    Adaptive Group Correlation operations from:
-    Canonical reference implementation:
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        iterative_correlation_layer: IterativeCorrelationLayer,
-        attention_offset_correlation_layer: AttentionOffsetCorrelationLayer,
-    ) -> None:
-        super().__init__()
-        self.iterative_correlation_layer = iterative_correlation_layer
-        self.attention_offset_correlation_layer = attention_offset_correlation_layer
-    def forward(
-        self,
-        left_features: Tensor,
-        right_features: Tensor,
-        flow: torch.Tensor,
-        extra_offset: Optional[Tensor],
-        window_type: str = "1d",
-        iter_mode: bool = False,
-    ) -> Tensor:
-        if iter_mode or extra_offset is None:
-            corr = self.iterative_correlation_layer(left_features, right_features, flow, window_type)
-        else:
-            corr = self.attention_offset_correlation_layer(
-                left_features, right_features, flow, extra_offset, window_type
-            )  # type: ignore
-        return corr
-def elu_feature_map(x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
-    """Elu feature map operation from:"""
-    return F.elu(x) + 1
-class LinearAttention(nn.Module):
-    """
-    Linear attention operation from:
-    Canonical implementation reference:
-    LoFTR implementation reference:
-    """
-    def __init__(self, eps: float = 1e-6, feature_map_fn: Callable[[Tensor], Tensor] = elu_feature_map) -> None:
-        super().__init__()
-        self.eps = eps
-        self.feature_map_fn = feature_map_fn
-    def forward(
-        self,
-        queries: Tensor,
-        keys: Tensor,
-        values: Tensor,
-        q_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None,
-        kv_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None,
-    ) -> Tensor:
-        """
-        Args:
-            queries (torch.Tensor): [N, S1, H, D]
-            keys (torch.Tensor): [N, S2, H, D]
-            values (torch.Tensor): [N, S2, H, D]
-            q_mask (torch.Tensor): [N, S1] (optional)
-            kv_mask (torch.Tensor): [N, S2] (optional)
-        Returns:
-            queried_values (torch.Tensor): [N, S1, H, D]
-        """
-        queries = self.feature_map_fn(queries)
-        keys = self.feature_map_fn(keys)
-        if q_mask is not None:
-            queries = queries * q_mask[:, :, None, None]
-        if kv_mask is not None:
-            keys = keys * kv_mask[:, :, None, None]
-            values = values * kv_mask[:, :, None, None]
-        # mitigates fp16 overflows
-        values_length = values.shape[1]
-        values = values / values_length
-        kv = torch.einsum("NSHD, NSHV -> NHDV", keys, values)
-        z = 1 / (torch.einsum("NLHD, NHD -> NLH", queries, keys.sum(dim=1)) + self.eps)
-        # rescale at the end to account for fp16 mitigation
-        queried_values = torch.einsum("NLHD, NHDV, NLH -> NLHV", queries, kv, z) * values_length
-        return queried_values
-class SoftmaxAttention(nn.Module):
-    """
-    A simple softmax attention  operation
-    LoFTR implementation reference:
-    """
-    def __init__(self, dropout: float = 0.0) -> None:
-        super().__init__()
-        self.dropout = nn.Dropout(dropout) if dropout else nn.Identity()
-    def forward(
-        self,
-        queries: Tensor,
-        keys: Tensor,
-        values: Tensor,
-        q_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None,
-        kv_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None,
-    ) -> Tensor:
-        """
-        Computes classical softmax full-attention between all queries and keys.
-        Args:
-            queries (torch.Tensor): [N, S1, H, D]
-            keys (torch.Tensor): [N, S2, H, D]
-            values (torch.Tensor): [N, S2, H, D]
-            q_mask (torch.Tensor): [N, S1] (optional)
-            kv_mask (torch.Tensor): [N, S2] (optional)
-        Returns:
-            queried_values: [N, S1, H, D]
-        """
-        scale_factor = 1.0 / queries.shape[3] ** 0.5  # irsqrt(D) scaling
-        queries = queries * scale_factor
-        qk = torch.einsum("NLHD, NSHD -> NLSH", queries, keys)
-        if kv_mask is not None and q_mask is not None:
-            qk.masked_fill_(~(q_mask[:, :, None, None] * kv_mask[:, None, :, None]), float("-inf"))
-        attention = torch.softmax(qk, dim=2)
-        attention = self.dropout(attention)
-        queried_values = torch.einsum("NLSH, NSHD -> NLHD", attention, values)
-        return queried_values
-class PositionalEncodingSine(nn.Module):
-    """
-    Sinusoidal positional encodings
-    Using the scaling term from
-    Reference implementation from
-    """
-    def __init__(self, dim_model: int, max_size: int = 256) -> None:
-        super().__init__()
-        self.dim_model = dim_model
-        self.max_size = max_size
-        # pre-registered for memory efficiency during forward pass
-        pe = self._make_pe_of_size(self.max_size)
-        self.register_buffer("pe", pe)
-    def _make_pe_of_size(self, size: int) -> Tensor:
-        pe = torch.zeros((self.dim_model, *(size, size)), dtype=torch.float32)
-        y_positions = torch.ones((size, size)).cumsum(0).float().unsqueeze(0)
-        x_positions = torch.ones((size, size)).cumsum(1).float().unsqueeze(0)
-        div_term = torch.exp(torch.arange(0.0, self.dim_model // 2, 2) * (-math.log(10000.0) / self.dim_model // 2))
-        div_term = div_term[:, None, None]
-        pe[0::4, :, :] = torch.sin(x_positions * div_term)
-        pe[1::4, :, :] = torch.cos(x_positions * div_term)
-        pe[2::4, :, :] = torch.sin(y_positions * div_term)
-        pe[3::4, :, :] = torch.cos(y_positions * div_term)
-        pe = pe.unsqueeze(0)
-        return pe
-    def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
-        """
-        Args:
-            x: [B, C, H, W]
-        Returns:
-            x: [B, C, H, W]
-        """
-        torch._assert(
-            len(x.shape) == 4,
-            f"PositionalEncodingSine requires a 4-D dimensional input. Provided tensor is of shape {x.shape}",
-        )
-        B, C, H, W = x.shape
-        return x +[:, :, :H, :W]  # type: ignore
-class LocalFeatureEncoderLayer(nn.Module):
-    """
-    LoFTR transformer module from:
-    Canonical implementations at:
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        *,
-        dim_model: int,
-        num_heads: int,
-        attention_module: Callable[..., nn.Module] = LinearAttention,
-    ) -> None:
-        super().__init__()
-        self.attention_op = attention_module()
-        if not isinstance(self.attention_op, (LinearAttention, SoftmaxAttention)):
-            raise ValueError(
-                f"attention_module must be an instance of LinearAttention or SoftmaxAttention. Got {type(self.attention_op)}"
-            )
-        self.dim_head = dim_model // num_heads
-        self.num_heads = num_heads
-        # multi-head attention
-        self.query_proj = nn.Linear(dim_model, dim_model, bias=False)
-        self.key_proj = nn.Linear(dim_model, dim_model, bias=False)
-        self.value_proj = nn.Linear(dim_model, dim_model, bias=False)
-        self.merge = nn.Linear(dim_model, dim_model, bias=False)
-        # feed forward network
-        self.ffn = nn.Sequential(
-            nn.Linear(dim_model * 2, dim_model * 2, bias=False),
-            nn.ReLU(),
-            nn.Linear(dim_model * 2, dim_model, bias=False),
-        )
-        # norm layers
-        self.attention_norm = nn.LayerNorm(dim_model)
-        self.ffn_norm = nn.LayerNorm(dim_model)
-    def forward(
-        self, x: Tensor, source: Tensor, x_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None, source_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None
-    ) -> Tensor:
-        """
-        Args:
-            x (torch.Tensor): [B, S1, D]
-            source (torch.Tensor): [B, S2, D]
-            x_mask (torch.Tensor): [B, S1] (optional)
-            source_mask (torch.Tensor): [B, S2] (optional)
-        """
-        B, S, D = x.shape
-        queries, keys, values = x, source, source
-        queries = self.query_proj(queries).reshape(B, S, self.num_heads, self.dim_head)
-        keys = self.key_proj(keys).reshape(B, S, self.num_heads, self.dim_head)
-        values = self.value_proj(values).reshape(B, S, self.num_heads, self.dim_head)
-        # attention operation
-        message = self.attention_op(queries, keys, values, x_mask, source_mask)
-        # concatenating attention heads together before passing through projection layer
-        message = self.merge(message.reshape(B, S, D))
-        message = self.attention_norm(message)
-        # ffn operation
-        message = self.ffn([x, message], dim=2))
-        message = self.ffn_norm(message)
-        return x + message
-class LocalFeatureTransformer(nn.Module):
-    """
-    LoFTR transformer module from:
-    Canonical implementations at:
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        *,
-        dim_model: int,
-        num_heads: int,
-        attention_directions: List[str],
-        attention_module: Callable[..., nn.Module] = LinearAttention,
-    ) -> None:
-        super(LocalFeatureTransformer, self).__init__()
-        self.attention_module = attention_module
-        self.attention_directions = attention_directions
-        for direction in attention_directions:
-            if direction not in ["self", "cross"]:
-                raise ValueError(
-                    f"Attention direction {direction} unsupported. LocalFeatureTransformer accepts only ``attention_type`` in ``[self, cross]``."
-                )
-        self.layers = nn.ModuleList(
-            [
-                LocalFeatureEncoderLayer(dim_model=dim_model, num_heads=num_heads, attention_module=attention_module)
-                for _ in attention_directions
-            ]
-        )
-    def forward(
-        self,
-        left_features: Tensor,
-        right_features: Tensor,
-        left_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None,
-        right_mask: Optional[Tensor] = None,
-    ) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
-        """
-        Args:
-            left_features (torch.Tensor): [N, S1, D]
-            right_features (torch.Tensor): [N, S2, D]
-            left_mask (torch.Tensor): [N, S1] (optional)
-            right_mask (torch.Tensor): [N, S2] (optional)
-        Returns:
-            left_features (torch.Tensor): [N, S1, D]
-            right_features (torch.Tensor): [N, S2, D]
-        """
-        torch._assert(
-            left_features.shape[2] == right_features.shape[2],
-            f"left_features and right_features should have the same embedding dimensions. left_features: {left_features.shape[2]} right_features: {right_features.shape[2]}",
-        )
-        for idx, layer in enumerate(self.layers):
-            attention_direction = self.attention_directions[idx]
-            if attention_direction == "self":
-                left_features = layer(left_features, left_features, left_mask, left_mask)
-                right_features = layer(right_features, right_features, right_mask, right_mask)
-            elif attention_direction == "cross":
-                left_features = layer(left_features, right_features, left_mask, right_mask)
-                right_features = layer(right_features, left_features, right_mask, left_mask)
-        return left_features, right_features
-class PyramidDownsample(nn.Module):
-    """
-    A simple wrapper that return and Avg Pool feature pyramid based on the provided scales.
-    Implicitly returns the input as well.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, factors: Iterable[int]) -> None:
-        super().__init__()
-        self.factors = factors
-    def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> List[Tensor]:
-        results = [x]
-        for factor in self.factors:
-            results.append(F.avg_pool2d(x, kernel_size=factor, stride=factor))
-        return results
-class CREStereo(nn.Module):
-    """
-    Implements CREStereo from the `"Practical Stereo Matching via Cascaded Recurrent Network
-    With Adaptive Correlation" <>`_ paper.
-    Args:
-        feature_encoder (raft.FeatureEncoder): Raft-like Feature Encoder module extract low-level features from inputs.
-        update_block (raft.UpdateBlock): Raft-like Update Block which recursively refines a flow-map.
-        flow_head (raft.FlowHead): Raft-like Flow Head which predics a flow-map from some inputs.
-        self_attn_block (LocalFeatureTransformer): A Local Feature Transformer that performs self attention on the two feature maps.
-        cross_attn_block (LocalFeatureTransformer): A Local Feature Transformer that performs cross attention between the two feature maps
-            used in the Adaptive Group Correlation module.
-        feature_downsample_rates (List[int]): The downsample rates used to build a feature pyramid from the outputs of the `feature_encoder`. Default: [2, 4]
-        correlation_groups (int): In how many groups should the features be split when computer per-pixel correlation. Defaults 4.
-        search_window_1d (Tuple[int, int]): The alternate search window size in the x and y directions for the 1D case. Defaults to (1, 9).
-        search_dilate_1d (Tuple[int, int]): The dilation used in the `search_window_1d` when selecting pixels. Similar to `nn.Conv2d` dilate. Defaults to (1, 1).
-        search_window_2d (Tuple[int, int]): The alternate search window size in the x and y directions for the 2D case. Defaults to (3, 3).
-        search_dilate_2d (Tuple[int, int]): The dilation used in the `search_window_2d` when selecting pixels. Similar to `nn.Conv2d` dilate. Defaults to (1, 1).
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        *,
-        feature_encoder: raft.FeatureEncoder,
-        update_block: raft.UpdateBlock,
-        flow_head: raft.FlowHead,
-        self_attn_block: LocalFeatureTransformer,
-        cross_attn_block: LocalFeatureTransformer,
-        feature_downsample_rates: Tuple[int, ...] = (2, 4),
-        correlation_groups: int = 4,
-        search_window_1d: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 9),
-        search_dilate_1d: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1),
-        search_window_2d: Tuple[int, int] = (3, 3),
-        search_dilate_2d: Tuple[int, int] = (1, 1),
-    ) -> None:
-        super().__init__()
-        self.output_channels = 2
-        self.feature_encoder = feature_encoder
-        self.update_block = update_block
-        self.flow_head = flow_head
-        self.self_attn_block = self_attn_block
-        # average pooling for the feature encoder outputs
-        self.downsampling_pyramid = PyramidDownsample(feature_downsample_rates)
-        self.downsampling_factors: List[int] = [feature_encoder.downsample_factor]
-        base_downsample_factor: int = self.downsampling_factors[0]
-        for rate in feature_downsample_rates:
-            self.downsampling_factors.append(base_downsample_factor * rate)
-        # output resolution tracking
-        self.resolutions: List[str] = [f"1 / {factor}" for factor in self.downsampling_factors]
-        self.search_pixels = int(
-        # flow convex upsampling mask predictor
-        self.mask_predictor = ConvexMaskPredictor(
-            in_channels=feature_encoder.output_dim // 2,
-            hidden_size=feature_encoder.output_dim,
-            upsample_factor=feature_encoder.downsample_factor,
-            multiplier=0.25,
-        )
-        # offsets modules for offsetted feature selection
-        self.offset_convs = nn.ModuleDict()
-        self.correlation_layers = nn.ModuleDict()
-        offset_conv_layer = partial(
-            Conv2dNormActivation,
-            in_channels=feature_encoder.output_dim,
-            out_channels=self.search_pixels * 2,
-            norm_layer=None,
-            activation_layer=None,
-        )
-        # populate the dicts in top to bottom order
-        # useful for iterating through torch.jit.script module given the network forward pass
-        #
-        # Ignore the largest resolution. We handle that separately due to torch.jit.script
-        # not being able to access to runtime generated keys in ModuleDicts.
-        # This way, we can keep a generic way of processing all pyramid levels but except
-        # the final one
-        iterative_correlation_layer = partial(
-            IterativeCorrelationLayer,
-            groups=correlation_groups,
-            search_window_1d=search_window_1d,
-            search_dilate_1d=search_dilate_1d,
-            search_window_2d=search_window_2d,
-            search_dilate_2d=search_dilate_2d,
-        )
-        attention_offset_correlation_layer = partial(
-            AttentionOffsetCorrelationLayer,
-            groups=correlation_groups,
-            search_window_1d=search_window_1d,
-            search_dilate_1d=search_dilate_1d,
-            search_window_2d=search_window_2d,
-            search_dilate_2d=search_dilate_2d,
-        )
-        for idx, resolution in enumerate(reversed(self.resolutions[1:])):
-            # the largest resolution does use offset convolutions for sampling grid coords
-            offset_conv = None if idx == len(self.resolutions) - 1 else offset_conv_layer()
-            if offset_conv:
-                self.offset_convs[resolution] = offset_conv
-                # only the lowest resolution uses the cross attention module when computing correlation scores
-                attention_module = cross_attn_block if idx == 0 else None
-                self.correlation_layers[resolution] = AdaptiveGroupCorrelationLayer(
-                    iterative_correlation_layer=iterative_correlation_layer(),
-                    attention_offset_correlation_layer=attention_offset_correlation_layer(
-                        attention_module=attention_module
-                    ),
-                )
-        # correlation layer for the largest resolution
-        self.max_res_correlation_layer = AdaptiveGroupCorrelationLayer(
-            iterative_correlation_layer=iterative_correlation_layer(),
-            attention_offset_correlation_layer=attention_offset_correlation_layer(),
-        )
-        # simple 2D Postional Encodings
-        self.positional_encodings = PositionalEncodingSine(feature_encoder.output_dim)
-    def _get_window_type(self, iteration: int) -> str:
-        return "1d" if iteration % 2 == 0 else "2d"
-    def forward(
-        self, left_image: Tensor, right_image: Tensor, flow_init: Optional[Tensor] = None, num_iters: int = 10
-    ) -> List[Tensor]:
-        features =[left_image, right_image], dim=0)
-        features = self.feature_encoder(features)
-        left_features, right_features = features.chunk(2, dim=0)
-        # update block network state and input context are derived from the left feature map
-        net, ctx = left_features.chunk(2, dim=1)
-        net = torch.tanh(net)
-        ctx = torch.relu(ctx)
-        # will output lists of tensor.
-        l_pyramid = self.downsampling_pyramid(left_features)
-        r_pyramid = self.downsampling_pyramid(right_features)
-        net_pyramid = self.downsampling_pyramid(net)
-        ctx_pyramid = self.downsampling_pyramid(ctx)
-        # we store in reversed order because we process the pyramid from top to bottom
-        l_pyramid = {res: l_pyramid[idx] for idx, res in enumerate(self.resolutions)}
-        r_pyramid = {res: r_pyramid[idx] for idx, res in enumerate(self.resolutions)}
-        net_pyramid = {res: net_pyramid[idx] for idx, res in enumerate(self.resolutions)}
-        ctx_pyramid = {res: ctx_pyramid[idx] for idx, res in enumerate(self.resolutions)}
-        # offsets for sampling pixel candidates in the correlation ops
-        offsets: Dict[str, Tensor] = {}
-        for resolution, offset_conv in self.offset_convs.items():
-            feature_map = l_pyramid[resolution]
-            offset = offset_conv(feature_map)
-            offsets[resolution] = (torch.sigmoid(offset) - 0.5) * 2.0
-        # the smallest resolution is prepared for passing through self attention
-        min_res = self.resolutions[-1]
-        max_res = self.resolutions[0]
-        B, C, MIN_H, MIN_W = l_pyramid[min_res].shape
-        # add positional encodings
-        l_pyramid[min_res] = self.positional_encodings(l_pyramid[min_res])
-        r_pyramid[min_res] = self.positional_encodings(r_pyramid[min_res])
-        # reshaping for transformer
-        l_pyramid[min_res] = l_pyramid[min_res].permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(B, MIN_H * MIN_W, C)
-        r_pyramid[min_res] = r_pyramid[min_res].permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(B, MIN_H * MIN_W, C)
-        # perform self attention
-        l_pyramid[min_res], r_pyramid[min_res] = self.self_attn_block(l_pyramid[min_res], r_pyramid[min_res])
-        # now we need to reshape back into [B, C, H, W] format
-        l_pyramid[min_res] = l_pyramid[min_res].reshape(B, MIN_H, MIN_W, C).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
-        r_pyramid[min_res] = r_pyramid[min_res].reshape(B, MIN_H, MIN_W, C).permute(0, 3, 1, 2)
-        predictions: List[Tensor] = []
-        flow_estimates: Dict[str, Tensor] = {}
-        # we added this because of torch.script.jit
-        # also, the predicition prior is always going to have the
-        # spatial size of the features outputted by the feature encoder
-        flow_pred_prior: Tensor = torch.empty(
-            size=(B, 2, left_features.shape[2], left_features.shape[3]),
-            dtype=l_pyramid[max_res].dtype,
-            device=l_pyramid[max_res].device,
-        )
-        if flow_init is not None:
-            scale = l_pyramid[max_res].shape[2] / flow_init.shape[2]
-            # in CREStereo implementation they multiply with -scale instead of scale
-            # this can be either a downsample or an upsample based on the cascaded inference
-            # configuration
-            # we use a -scale because the flow used inside the network is a negative flow
-            # from the right to the left, so we flip the flow direction
-            flow_estimates[max_res] = -scale * F.interpolate(
-                input=flow_init,
-                size=l_pyramid[max_res].shape[2:],
-                mode="bilinear",
-                align_corners=True,
-            )
-        # when not provided with a flow prior, we construct one using the lower resolution maps
-        else:
-            # initialize a zero flow with the smallest resolution
-            flow = torch.zeros(size=(B, 2, MIN_H, MIN_W), device=left_features.device, dtype=left_features.dtype)
-            # flows from coarse resolutions are refined similarly
-            # we always need to fetch the next pyramid feature map as well
-            # when updating coarse resolutions, therefore we create a reversed
-            # view which has its order synced with the ModuleDict keys iterator
-            coarse_resolutions: List[str] = self.resolutions[::-1]  # using slicing because of torch.jit.script
-            fine_grained_resolution = max_res
-            # set the coarsest flow to the zero flow
-            flow_estimates[coarse_resolutions[0]] = flow
-            # the correlation layer ModuleDict will contain layers ordered from coarse to fine resolution
-            # i.e ["1 / 16", "1 / 8", "1 / 4"]
-            # the correlation layer ModuleDict has layers for all the resolutions except the fine one
-            # i.e {"1 / 16": Module, "1 / 8": Module}
-            # for these resolution we perform only half of the number of refinement iterations
-            for idx, (resolution, correlation_layer) in enumerate(self.correlation_layers.items()):
-                # compute the scale difference between the first pyramid scale and the current pyramid scale
-                scale_to_base = l_pyramid[fine_grained_resolution].shape[2] // l_pyramid[resolution].shape[2]
-                for it in range(num_iters // 2):
-                    # set whether we want to search on (X, Y) axes for correlation or just on X axis
-                    window_type = self._get_window_type(it)
-                    # we consider this a prior, therefore we do not want to back-propagate through it
-                    flow_estimates[resolution] = flow_estimates[resolution].detach()
-                    correlations = correlation_layer(
-                        l_pyramid[resolution],  # left
-                        r_pyramid[resolution],  # right
-                        flow_estimates[resolution],
-                        offsets[resolution],
-                        window_type,
-                    )
-                    # update the recurrent network state and the flow deltas
-                    net_pyramid[resolution], delta_flow = self.update_block(
-                        net_pyramid[resolution], ctx_pyramid[resolution], correlations, flow_estimates[resolution]
-                    )
-                    # the convex upsampling weights are computed w.r.t.
-                    # the recurrent update state
-                    up_mask = self.mask_predictor(net_pyramid[resolution])
-                    flow_estimates[resolution] = flow_estimates[resolution] + delta_flow
-                    # convex upsampling with the initial feature encoder downsampling rate
-                    flow_pred_prior = upsample_flow(
-                        flow_estimates[resolution], up_mask, factor=self.downsampling_factors[0]
-                    )
-                    # we then bilinear upsample to the final resolution
-                    # we use a factor that's equivalent to the difference between
-                    # the current downsample resolution and the base downsample resolution
-                    #
-                    # i.e. if a 1 / 16 flow is upsampled by 4 (base downsampling) we get a 1 / 4 flow.
-                    # therefore we have to further upscale it by the difference between
-                    # the current level 1 / 16 and the base level 1 / 4.
-                    #
-                    # we use a -scale because the flow used inside the network is a negative flow
-                    # from the right to the left, so we flip the flow direction in order to get the
-                    # left to right flow
-                    flow_pred = -upsample_flow(flow_pred_prior, None, factor=scale_to_base)
-                    predictions.append(flow_pred)
-                # when constructing the next resolution prior, we resample w.r.t
-                # to the scale of the next level in the pyramid
-                next_resolution = coarse_resolutions[idx + 1]
-                scale_to_next = l_pyramid[next_resolution].shape[2] / flow_pred_prior.shape[2]
-                # we use the flow_up_prior because this is a more accurate estimation of the true flow
-                # due to the convex upsample, which resembles a learned super-resolution module.
-                # this is not necessarily an upsample, it can be a downsample, based on the provided configuration
-                flow_estimates[next_resolution] = -scale_to_next * F.interpolate(
-                    input=flow_pred_prior,
-                    size=l_pyramid[next_resolution].shape[2:],
-                    mode="bilinear",
-                    align_corners=True,
-                )
-        # finally we will be doing a full pass through the fine-grained resolution
-        # this coincides with the maximum resolution
-        # we keep a separate loop here in order to avoid python control flow
-        # to decide how many iterations should we do based on the current resolution
-        # furthermore, if provided with an initial flow, there is no need to generate
-        # a prior estimate when moving into the final refinement stage
-        for it in range(num_iters):
-            search_window_type = self._get_window_type(it)
-            flow_estimates[max_res] = flow_estimates[max_res].detach()
-            # we run the fine-grained resolution correlations in iterative mode
-            # this means that we are using the fixed window pixel selections
-            # instead of the deformed ones as with the previous steps
-            correlations = self.max_res_correlation_layer(
-                l_pyramid[max_res],
-                r_pyramid[max_res],
-                flow_estimates[max_res],
-                extra_offset=None,
-                window_type=search_window_type,
-                iter_mode=True,
-            )
-            net_pyramid[max_res], delta_flow = self.update_block(
-                net_pyramid[max_res], ctx_pyramid[max_res], correlations, flow_estimates[max_res]
-            )
-            up_mask = self.mask_predictor(net_pyramid[max_res])
-            flow_estimates[max_res] = flow_estimates[max_res] + delta_flow
-            # at the final resolution we simply do a convex upsample using the base downsample rate
-            flow_pred = -upsample_flow(flow_estimates[max_res], up_mask, factor=self.downsampling_factors[0])
-            predictions.append(flow_pred)
-        return predictions
-def _crestereo(
-    *,
-    weights: Optional[WeightsEnum],
-    progress: bool,
-    # Feature Encoder
-    feature_encoder_layers: Tuple[int, int, int, int, int],
-    feature_encoder_strides: Tuple[int, int, int, int],
-    feature_encoder_block: Callable[..., nn.Module],
-    feature_encoder_norm_layer: Callable[..., nn.Module],
-    # Average Pooling Pyramid
-    feature_downsample_rates: Tuple[int, ...],
-    # Adaptive Correlation Layer
-    corr_groups: int,
-    corr_search_window_2d: Tuple[int, int],
-    corr_search_dilate_2d: Tuple[int, int],
-    corr_search_window_1d: Tuple[int, int],
-    corr_search_dilate_1d: Tuple[int, int],
-    # Flow head
-    flow_head_hidden_size: int,
-    # Recurrent block
-    recurrent_block_hidden_state_size: int,
-    recurrent_block_kernel_size: Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]],
-    recurrent_block_padding: Tuple[Tuple[int, int], Tuple[int, int]],
-    # Motion Encoder
-    motion_encoder_corr_layers: Tuple[int, int],
-    motion_encoder_flow_layers: Tuple[int, int],
-    motion_encoder_out_channels: int,
-    # Transformer Blocks
-    num_attention_heads: int,
-    num_self_attention_layers: int,
-    num_cross_attention_layers: int,
-    self_attention_module: Callable[..., nn.Module],
-    cross_attention_module: Callable[..., nn.Module],
-    **kwargs,
-) -> CREStereo:
-    feature_encoder = kwargs.pop("feature_encoder", None) or raft.FeatureEncoder(
-        block=feature_encoder_block,
-        layers=feature_encoder_layers,
-        strides=feature_encoder_strides,
-        norm_layer=feature_encoder_norm_layer,
-    )
-    if feature_encoder.output_dim % corr_groups != 0:
-        raise ValueError(
-            f"Final ``feature_encoder_layers`` size should be divisible by ``corr_groups`` argument."
-            f"Feature encoder output size : {feature_encoder.output_dim}, Correlation groups: {corr_groups}."
-        )
-    motion_encoder = kwargs.pop("motion_encoder", None) or raft.MotionEncoder(
-        in_channels_corr=corr_groups * int(,
-        corr_layers=motion_encoder_corr_layers,
-        flow_layers=motion_encoder_flow_layers,
-        out_channels=motion_encoder_out_channels,
-    )
-    out_channels_context = feature_encoder_layers[-1] - recurrent_block_hidden_state_size
-    recurrent_block = kwargs.pop("recurrent_block", None) or raft.RecurrentBlock(
-        input_size=motion_encoder.out_channels + out_channels_context,
-        hidden_size=recurrent_block_hidden_state_size,
-        kernel_size=recurrent_block_kernel_size,
-        padding=recurrent_block_padding,
-    )
-    flow_head = kwargs.pop("flow_head", None) or raft.FlowHead(
-        in_channels=out_channels_context, hidden_size=flow_head_hidden_size
-    )
-    update_block = raft.UpdateBlock(motion_encoder=motion_encoder, recurrent_block=recurrent_block, flow_head=flow_head)
-    self_attention_module = kwargs.pop("self_attention_module", None) or LinearAttention
-    self_attn_block = LocalFeatureTransformer(
-        dim_model=feature_encoder.output_dim,
-        num_heads=num_attention_heads,
-        attention_directions=["self"] * num_self_attention_layers,
-        attention_module=self_attention_module,
-    )
-    cross_attention_module = kwargs.pop("cross_attention_module", None) or LinearAttention
-    cross_attn_block = LocalFeatureTransformer(
-        dim_model=feature_encoder.output_dim,
-        num_heads=num_attention_heads,
-        attention_directions=["cross"] * num_cross_attention_layers,
-        attention_module=cross_attention_module,
-    )
-    model = CREStereo(
-        feature_encoder=feature_encoder,
-        update_block=update_block,
-        flow_head=flow_head,
-        self_attn_block=self_attn_block,
-        cross_attn_block=cross_attn_block,
-        feature_downsample_rates=feature_downsample_rates,
-        correlation_groups=corr_groups,
-        search_window_1d=corr_search_window_1d,
-        search_window_2d=corr_search_window_2d,
-        search_dilate_1d=corr_search_dilate_1d,
-        search_dilate_2d=corr_search_dilate_2d,
-    )
-    if weights is not None:
-        model.load_state_dict(weights.get_state_dict(progress=progress))
-    return model
-    "resize_size": (384, 512),
-class CREStereo_Base_Weights(WeightsEnum):
-    """The metrics reported here are as follows.
-    ``mae`` is the "mean-average-error" and indicates how far (in pixels) the
-    predicted disparity is from its true value (equivalent to ``epe``). This is averaged over all pixels
-    of all images. ``1px``, ``3px``, ``5px`` and indicate the percentage of pixels that have a lower
-    error than that of the ground truth. ``relepe`` is the "relative-end-point-error" and is the
-    average ``epe`` divided by the average ground truth disparity. ``fl-all`` corresponds to the average of pixels whose epe
-    is either <3px, or whom's ``relepe`` is lower than 0.05 (therefore higher is better).
-    """
-    MEGVII_V1 = Weights(
-        # Weights ported from
-        url="",
-        transforms=StereoMatching,
-        meta={
-            **_COMMON_META,
-            "num_params": 5432948,
-            "recipe": "",
-            "_metrics": {
-                "Middlebury2014-train": {
-                    # metrics for 10 refinement iterations and 1 cascade
-                    "mae": 0.792,
-                    "rmse": 2.765,
-                    "1px": 0.905,
-                    "3px": 0.958,
-                    "5px": 0.97,
-                    "relepe": 0.114,
-                    "fl-all": 90.429,
-                    "_detailed": {
-                        # 1 is the number of cascades
-                        1: {
-                            # 2 is number of refininement iterations
-                            2: {
-                                "mae": 1.704,
-                                "rmse": 3.738,
-                                "1px": 0.738,
-                                "3px": 0.896,
-                                "5px": 0.933,
-                                "relepe": 0.157,
-                                "fl-all": 76.464,
-                            },
-                            5: {
-                                "mae": 0.956,
-                                "rmse": 2.963,
-                                "1px": 0.88,
-                                "3px": 0.948,
-                                "5px": 0.965,
-                                "relepe": 0.124,
-                                "fl-all": 88.186,
-                            },
-                            10: {
-                                "mae": 0.792,
-                                "rmse": 2.765,
-                                "1px": 0.905,
-                                "3px": 0.958,
-                                "5px": 0.97,
-                                "relepe": 0.114,
-                                "fl-all": 90.429,
-                            },
-                            20: {
-                                "mae": 0.749,
-                                "rmse": 2.706,
-                                "1px": 0.907,
-                                "3px": 0.961,
-                                "5px": 0.972,
-                                "relepe": 0.113,
-                                "fl-all": 90.807,
-                            },
-                        },
-                        2: {
-                            2: {
-                                "mae": 1.702,
-                                "rmse": 3.784,
-                                "1px": 0.784,
-                                "3px": 0.894,
-                                "5px": 0.924,
-                                "relepe": 0.172,
-                                "fl-all": 80.313,
-                            },
-                            5: {
-                                "mae": 0.932,
-                                "rmse": 2.907,
-                                "1px": 0.877,
-                                "3px": 0.944,
-                                "5px": 0.963,
-                                "relepe": 0.125,
-                                "fl-all": 87.979,
-                            },
-                            10: {
-                                "mae": 0.773,
-                                "rmse": 2.768,
-                                "1px": 0.901,
-                                "3px": 0.958,
-                                "5px": 0.972,
-                                "relepe": 0.117,
-                                "fl-all": 90.43,
-                            },
-                            20: {
-                                "mae": 0.854,
-                                "rmse": 2.971,
-                                "1px": 0.9,
-                                "3px": 0.957,
-                                "5px": 0.97,
-                                "relepe": 0.122,
-                                "fl-all": 90.269,
-                            },
-                        },
-                    },
-                }
-            },
-            "_docs": """These weights were ported from the original paper. They
-            are trained on a dataset mixture of the author's choice.""",
-        },
-    )
-    CRESTEREO_ETH_MBL_V1 = Weights(
-        # Weights ported from
-        url="",
-        transforms=StereoMatching,
-        meta={
-            **_COMMON_META,
-            "num_params": 5432948,
-            "recipe": "",
-            "_metrics": {
-                "Middlebury2014-train": {
-                    # metrics for 10 refinement iterations and 1 cascade
-                    "mae": 1.416,
-                    "rmse": 3.53,
-                    "1px": 0.777,
-                    "3px": 0.896,
-                    "5px": 0.933,
-                    "relepe": 0.148,
-                    "fl-all": 78.388,
-                    "_detailed": {
-                        # 1 is the number of cascades
-                        1: {
-                            # 2 is the number of refinement iterations
-                            2: {
-                                "mae": 2.363,
-                                "rmse": 4.352,
-                                "1px": 0.611,
-                                "3px": 0.828,
-                                "5px": 0.891,
-                                "relepe": 0.176,
-                                "fl-all": 64.511,
-                            },
-                            5: {
-                                "mae": 1.618,
-                                "rmse": 3.71,
-                                "1px": 0.761,
-                                "3px": 0.879,
-                                "5px": 0.918,
-                                "relepe": 0.154,
-                                "fl-all": 77.128,
-                            },
-                            10: {
-                                "mae": 1.416,
-                                "rmse": 3.53,
-                                "1px": 0.777,
-                                "3px": 0.896,
-                                "5px": 0.933,
-                                "relepe": 0.148,
-                                "fl-all": 78.388,
-                            },
-                            20: {
-                                "mae": 1.448,
-                                "rmse": 3.583,
-                                "1px": 0.771,
-                                "3px": 0.893,
-                                "5px": 0.931,
-                                "relepe": 0.145,
-                                "fl-all": 77.7,
-                            },
-                        },
-                        2: {
-                            2: {
-                                "mae": 1.972,
-                                "rmse": 4.125,
-                                "1px": 0.73,
-                                "3px": 0.865,
-                                "5px": 0.908,
-                                "relepe": 0.169,
-                                "fl-all": 74.396,
-                            },
-                            5: {
-                                "mae": 1.403,
-                                "rmse": 3.448,
-                                "1px": 0.793,
-                                "3px": 0.905,
-                                "5px": 0.937,
-                                "relepe": 0.151,
-                                "fl-all": 80.186,
-                            },
-                            10: {
-                                "mae": 1.312,
-                                "rmse": 3.368,
-                                "1px": 0.799,
-                                "3px": 0.912,
-                                "5px": 0.943,
-                                "relepe": 0.148,
-                                "fl-all": 80.379,
-                            },
-                            20: {
-                                "mae": 1.376,
-                                "rmse": 3.542,
-                                "1px": 0.796,
-                                "3px": 0.91,
-                                "5px": 0.942,
-                                "relepe": 0.149,
-                                "fl-all": 80.054,
-                            },
-                        },
-                    },
-                }
-            },
-            "_docs": """These weights were trained from scratch on
-            :class:`~torchvision.datasets._stereo_matching.CREStereo` +
-            :class:`~torchvision.datasets._stereo_matching.Middlebury2014Stereo` +
-            :class:`~torchvision.datasets._stereo_matching.ETH3DStereo`.""",
-        },
-    )
-        # Weights ported from
-        url="	",
-        transforms=StereoMatching,
-        meta={
-            **_COMMON_META,
-            "num_params": 5432948,
-            "recipe": "",
-            "_metrics": {
-                "Middlebury2014-train": {
-                    # metrics for 10 refinement iterations and 1 cascade
-                    "mae": 1.038,
-                    "rmse": 3.108,
-                    "1px": 0.852,
-                    "3px": 0.942,
-                    "5px": 0.963,
-                    "relepe": 0.129,
-                    "fl-all": 85.522,
-                    "_detailed": {
-                        # 1 is the number of cascades
-                        1: {
-                            # 2 is number of refininement iterations
-                            2: {
-                                "mae": 1.85,
-                                "rmse": 3.797,
-                                "1px": 0.673,
-                                "3px": 0.862,
-                                "5px": 0.917,
-                                "relepe": 0.171,
-                                "fl-all": 69.736,
-                            },
-                            5: {
-                                "mae": 1.111,
-                                "rmse": 3.166,
-                                "1px": 0.838,
-                                "3px": 0.93,
-                                "5px": 0.957,
-                                "relepe": 0.134,
-                                "fl-all": 84.596,
-                            },
-                            10: {
-                                "mae": 1.02,
-                                "rmse": 3.073,
-                                "1px": 0.854,
-                                "3px": 0.938,
-                                "5px": 0.96,
-                                "relepe": 0.129,
-                                "fl-all": 86.042,
-                            },
-                            20: {
-                                "mae": 0.993,
-                                "rmse": 3.059,
-                                "1px": 0.855,
-                                "3px": 0.942,
-                                "5px": 0.967,
-                                "relepe": 0.126,
-                                "fl-all": 85.784,
-                            },
-                        },
-                        2: {
-                            2: {
-                                "mae": 1.667,
-                                "rmse": 3.867,
-                                "1px": 0.78,
-                                "3px": 0.891,
-                                "5px": 0.922,
-                                "relepe": 0.165,
-                                "fl-all": 78.89,
-                            },
-                            5: {
-                                "mae": 1.158,
-                                "rmse": 3.278,
-                                "1px": 0.843,
-                                "3px": 0.926,
-                                "5px": 0.955,
-                                "relepe": 0.135,
-                                "fl-all": 84.556,
-                            },
-                            10: {
-                                "mae": 1.046,
-                                "rmse": 3.13,
-                                "1px": 0.85,
-                                "3px": 0.934,
-                                "5px": 0.96,
-                                "relepe": 0.13,
-                                "fl-all": 85.464,
-                            },
-                            20: {
-                                "mae": 1.021,
-                                "rmse": 3.102,
-                                "1px": 0.85,
-                                "3px": 0.935,
-                                "5px": 0.963,
-                                "relepe": 0.129,
-                                "fl-all": 85.417,
-                            },
-                        },
-                    },
-                },
-            },
-            "_docs": """These weights were finetuned on a mixture of
-            :class:`~torchvision.datasets._stereo_matching.CREStereo` +
-            :class:`~torchvision.datasets._stereo_matching.Middlebury2014Stereo` +
-            :class:`~torchvision.datasets._stereo_matching.ETH3DStereo` +
-            :class:`~torchvision.datasets._stereo_matching.InStereo2k` +
-            :class:`~torchvision.datasets._stereo_matching.CarlaStereo` +
-            :class:`~torchvision.datasets._stereo_matching.SintelStereo` +
-            :class:`~torchvision.datasets._stereo_matching.FallingThingsStereo` +
-            .""",
-        },
-    )
-@handle_legacy_interface(weights=("pretrained", CREStereo_Base_Weights.MEGVII_V1))
-def crestereo_base(*, weights: Optional[CREStereo_Base_Weights] = None, progress=True, **kwargs) -> CREStereo:
-    """CREStereo model from
-    `Practical Stereo Matching via Cascaded Recurrent Network
-    With Adaptive Correlation <>`_.
-    Please see the example below for a tutorial on how to use this model.
-    Args:
-        weights(:class:`~torchvision.prototype.models.depth.stereo.CREStereo_Base_Weights`, optional): The
-            pretrained weights to use. See
-            :class:`~torchvision.prototype.models.depth.stereo.CREStereo_Base_Weights`
-            below for more details, and possible values. By default, no
-            pre-trained weights are used.
-        progress (bool): If True, displays a progress bar of the download to stderr. Default is True.
-        **kwargs: parameters passed to the ``torchvision.prototype.models.depth.stereo.raft_stereo.RaftStereo``
-            base class. Please refer to the `source code
-            <>`_
-            for more details about this class.
-    .. autoclass:: torchvision.prototype.models.depth.stereo.CREStereo_Base_Weights
-        :members:
-    """
-    weights = CREStereo_Base_Weights.verify(weights)
-    return _crestereo(
-        weights=weights,
-        progress=progress,
-        # Feature encoder
-        feature_encoder_layers=(64, 64, 96, 128, 256),
-        feature_encoder_strides=(2, 1, 2, 1),
-        feature_encoder_block=partial(raft.ResidualBlock, always_project=True),
-        feature_encoder_norm_layer=nn.InstanceNorm2d,
-        # Average pooling pyramid
-        feature_downsample_rates=(2, 4),
-        # Motion encoder
-        motion_encoder_corr_layers=(256, 192),
-        motion_encoder_flow_layers=(128, 64),
-        motion_encoder_out_channels=128,
-        # Recurrent block
-        recurrent_block_hidden_state_size=128,
-        recurrent_block_kernel_size=((1, 5), (5, 1)),
-        recurrent_block_padding=((0, 2), (2, 0)),
-        # Flow head
-        flow_head_hidden_size=256,
-        # Transformer blocks
-        num_attention_heads=8,
-        num_self_attention_layers=1,
-        num_cross_attention_layers=1,
-        self_attention_module=LinearAttention,
-        cross_attention_module=LinearAttention,
-        # Adaptive Correlation layer
-        corr_groups=4,
-        corr_search_window_2d=(3, 3),
-        corr_search_dilate_2d=(1, 1),
-        corr_search_window_1d=(1, 9),
-        corr_search_dilate_1d=(1, 1),
-    )
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/models/depth/stereo/ b/torchvision/prototype/models/depth/stereo/
deleted file mode 100644
index aca12948ca0..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/models/depth/stereo/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,838 +0,0 @@
-from functools import partial
-from typing import Callable, List, Optional, Tuple
-import torch
-import torch.nn as nn
-import torch.nn.functional as F
-import torchvision.models.optical_flow.raft as raft
-from torch import Tensor
-from torchvision.models._api import register_model, Weights, WeightsEnum
-from torchvision.models._utils import handle_legacy_interface
-from torchvision.models.optical_flow._utils import grid_sample, make_coords_grid, upsample_flow
-from torchvision.models.optical_flow.raft import FlowHead, MotionEncoder, ResidualBlock
-from torchvision.ops import Conv2dNormActivation
-from torchvision.prototype.transforms._presets import StereoMatching
-from torchvision.utils import _log_api_usage_once
-__all__ = (
-    "RaftStereo",
-    "raft_stereo_base",
-    "raft_stereo_realtime",
-    "Raft_Stereo_Base_Weights",
-    "Raft_Stereo_Realtime_Weights",
-class BaseEncoder(raft.FeatureEncoder):
-    """Base encoder for FeatureEncoder and ContextEncoder in which weight may be shared.
-    See the Raft-Stereo paper section 4.6 on backbone part.
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        *,
-        block: Callable[..., nn.Module] = ResidualBlock,
-        layers: Tuple[int, int, int, int] = (64, 64, 96, 128),
-        strides: Tuple[int, int, int, int] = (2, 1, 2, 2),
-        norm_layer: Callable[..., nn.Module] = nn.BatchNorm2d,
-    ):
-        # We use layers + (256,) because raft.FeatureEncoder require 5 layers
-        # but here we will set the last conv layer to identity
-        super().__init__(block=block, layers=layers + (256,), strides=strides, norm_layer=norm_layer)
-        # Base encoder don't have the last conv layer of feature encoder
-        self.conv = nn.Identity()
-        self.output_dim = layers[3]
-        num_downsampling = sum([x - 1 for x in strides])
-        self.downsampling_ratio = 2 ** (num_downsampling)
-class FeatureEncoder(nn.Module):
-    """Feature Encoder for Raft-Stereo (see paper section 3.1) that may have shared weight with the Context Encoder.
-    The FeatureEncoder takes concatenation of left and right image as input. It produces feature embedding that later
-    will be used to construct correlation volume.
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        base_encoder: BaseEncoder,
-        output_dim: int = 256,
-        shared_base: bool = False,
-        block: Callable[..., nn.Module] = ResidualBlock,
-    ):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.base_encoder = base_encoder
-        self.base_downsampling_ratio = base_encoder.downsampling_ratio
-        base_dim = base_encoder.output_dim
-        if not shared_base:
-            self.residual_block: nn.Module = nn.Identity()
-            self.conv = nn.Conv2d(base_dim, output_dim, kernel_size=1)
-        else:
-            # If we share base encoder weight for Feature and Context Encoder
-            # we need to add residual block with InstanceNorm2d and change the kernel size for conv layer
-            # see:
-            self.residual_block = block(base_dim, base_dim, norm_layer=nn.InstanceNorm2d, stride=1)
-            self.conv = nn.Conv2d(base_dim, output_dim, kernel_size=3, padding=1)
-    def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> Tensor:
-        x = self.base_encoder(x)
-        x = self.residual_block(x)
-        x = self.conv(x)
-        return x
-class MultiLevelContextEncoder(nn.Module):
-    """Context Encoder for Raft-Stereo (see paper section 3.1) that may have shared weight with the Feature Encoder.
-    The ContextEncoder takes left image as input, and it outputs concatenated hidden_states and contexts.
-    In Raft-Stereo we have multi level GRUs and this context encoder will also multi outputs (list of Tensor)
-    that correspond to each GRUs.
-    Take note that the length of "out_with_blocks" parameter represent the number of GRU's level.
-    args:
-        base_encoder (nn.Module): The base encoder part that can have a shared weight with feature_encoder's
-            base_encoder because they have same architecture.
-        out_with_blocks (List[bool]): The length represent the number of GRU's level (length of output), and
-            if the element is True then the output layer on that position will have additional block
-        output_dim (int): The dimension of output on each level (default: 256)
-        block (Callable[..., nn.Module]): The type of basic block used for downsampling and output layer
-            (default: ResidualBlock)
-    """
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        base_encoder: nn.Module,
-        out_with_blocks: List[bool],
-        output_dim: int = 256,
-        block: Callable[..., nn.Module] = ResidualBlock,
-    ):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.num_level = len(out_with_blocks)
-        self.base_encoder = base_encoder
-        self.base_downsampling_ratio = base_encoder.downsampling_ratio
-        base_dim = base_encoder.output_dim
-        self.downsample_and_out_layers = nn.ModuleList(
-            [
-                nn.ModuleDict(
-                    {
-                        "downsampler": self._make_downsampler(block, base_dim, base_dim) if i > 0 else nn.Identity(),
-                        "out_hidden_state": self._make_out_layer(
-                            base_dim, output_dim // 2, with_block=out_with_blocks[i], block=block
-                        ),
-                        "out_context": self._make_out_layer(
-                            base_dim, output_dim // 2, with_block=out_with_blocks[i], block=block
-                        ),
-                    }
-                )
-                for i in range(self.num_level)
-            ]
-        )
-    def _make_out_layer(self, in_channels, out_channels, with_block=True, block=ResidualBlock):
-        layers = []
-        if with_block:
-            layers.append(block(in_channels, in_channels, norm_layer=nn.BatchNorm2d, stride=1))
-        layers.append(nn.Conv2d(in_channels, out_channels, kernel_size=3, padding=1))
-        return nn.Sequential(*layers)
-    def _make_downsampler(self, block, in_channels, out_channels):
-        block1 = block(in_channels, out_channels, norm_layer=nn.BatchNorm2d, stride=2)
-        block2 = block(out_channels, out_channels, norm_layer=nn.BatchNorm2d, stride=1)
-        return nn.Sequential(block1, block2)
-    def forward(self, x: Tensor) -> List[Tensor]:
-        x = self.base_encoder(x)
-        outs = []
-        for layer_dict in self.downsample_and_out_layers:
-            x = layer_dict["downsampler"](x)
-            outs.append([layer_dict["out_hidden_state"](x), layer_dict["out_context"](x)], dim=1))
-        return outs
-class ConvGRU(raft.ConvGRU):
-    """Convolutional Gru unit."""
-    # Modified from raft.ConvGRU to accept pre-convolved contexts,
-    # see:
-    def forward(self, h: Tensor, x: Tensor, context: List[Tensor]) -> Tensor:  # type: ignore[override]
-        hx =[h, x], dim=1)
-        z = torch.sigmoid(self.convz(hx) + context[0])
-        r = torch.sigmoid(self.convr(hx) + context[1])
-        q = torch.tanh(self.convq([r * h, x], dim=1)) + context[2])
-        h = (1 - z) * h + z * q
-        return h
-class MultiLevelUpdateBlock(nn.Module):
-    """The update block which contains the motion encoder and grus
-    It must expose a ``hidden_dims`` attribute which is the hidden dimension size of its gru blocks
-    """
-    def __init__(self, *, motion_encoder: MotionEncoder, hidden_dims: List[int]):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.motion_encoder = motion_encoder
-        # The GRU input size is the size of previous level hidden_dim plus next level hidden_dim
-        # if this is the first gru, then we replace previous level with motion_encoder output channels
-        # for the last GRU, we don't add the next level hidden_dim
-        gru_input_dims = []
-        for i in range(len(hidden_dims)):
-            input_dim = hidden_dims[i - 1] if i > 0 else motion_encoder.out_channels
-            if i < len(hidden_dims) - 1:
-                input_dim += hidden_dims[i + 1]
-            gru_input_dims.append(input_dim)
-        self.grus = nn.ModuleList(
-            [
-                ConvGRU(input_size=gru_input_dims[i], hidden_size=hidden_dims[i], kernel_size=3, padding=1)
-                # Ideally we should reverse the direction during forward to use the gru with the smallest resolution
-                # first however currently there is no way to reverse a ModuleList that is jit script compatible
-                # hence we reverse the ordering of self.grus on the constructor instead
-                # see:
-                for i in reversed(list(range(len(hidden_dims))))
-            ]
-        )
-        self.hidden_dims = hidden_dims
-    def forward(
-        self,
-        hidden_states: List[Tensor],
-        contexts: List[List[Tensor]],
-        corr_features: Tensor,
-        disparity: Tensor,
-        level_processed: List[bool],
-    ) -> List[Tensor]:
-        # We call it reverse_i because it has a reversed ordering compared to hidden_states
-        # see self.grus on the constructor for more detail
-        for reverse_i, gru in enumerate(self.grus):
-            i = len(self.grus) - 1 - reverse_i
-            if level_processed[i]:
-                # X is concatenation of 2x downsampled hidden_dim (or motion_features if no bigger dim) with
-                # upsampled hidden_dim (or nothing if not exist).
-                if i == 0:
-                    features = self.motion_encoder(disparity, corr_features)
-                else:
-                    # 2x downsampled features from larger hidden states
-                    features = F.avg_pool2d(hidden_states[i - 1], kernel_size=3, stride=2, padding=1)
-                if i < len(self.grus) - 1:
-                    # Concat with 2x upsampled features from smaller hidden states
-                    _, _, h, w = hidden_states[i + 1].shape
-                    features =
-                        [
-                            features,
-                            F.interpolate(
-                                hidden_states[i + 1], size=(2 * h, 2 * w), mode="bilinear", align_corners=True
-                            ),
-                        ],
-                        dim=1,
-                    )
-                hidden_states[i] = gru(hidden_states[i], features, contexts[i])
-                # NOTE: For slow-fast gru, we don't always want to calculate delta disparity for every call on UpdateBlock
-                # Hence we move the delta disparity calculation to the RAFT-Stereo main forward
-        return hidden_states
-class MaskPredictor(raft.MaskPredictor):
-    """Mask predictor to be used when upsampling the predicted disparity."""
-    # We add out_channels compared to raft.MaskPredictor
-    def __init__(self, *, in_channels: int, hidden_size: int, out_channels: int, multiplier: float = 0.25):
-        super(raft.MaskPredictor, self).__init__()
-        self.convrelu = Conv2dNormActivation(in_channels, hidden_size, norm_layer=None, kernel_size=3)
-        self.conv = nn.Conv2d(hidden_size, out_channels, kernel_size=1, padding=0)
-        self.multiplier = multiplier
-class CorrPyramid1d(nn.Module):
-    """Row-wise correlation pyramid.
-    Create a row-wise correlation pyramid with ``num_levels`` level from the outputs of the feature encoder,
-    this correlation pyramid will later be used as index to create correlation features using CorrBlock1d.
-    """
-    def __init__(self, num_levels: int = 4):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.num_levels = num_levels
-    def forward(self, fmap1: Tensor, fmap2: Tensor) -> List[Tensor]:
-        """Build the correlation pyramid from two feature maps.
-        The correlation volume is first computed as the dot product of each pair (pixel_in_fmap1, pixel_in_fmap2) on the same row.
-        The last 2 dimensions of the correlation volume are then pooled num_levels times at different resolutions
-        to build the correlation pyramid.
-        """
-        torch._assert(
-            fmap1.shape == fmap2.shape,
-            f"Input feature maps should have the same shape, instead got {fmap1.shape} (fmap1.shape) != {fmap2.shape} (fmap2.shape)",
-        )
-        batch_size, num_channels, h, w = fmap1.shape
-        fmap1 = fmap1.view(batch_size, num_channels, h, w)
-        fmap2 = fmap2.view(batch_size, num_channels, h, w)
-        corr = torch.einsum("aijk,aijh->ajkh", fmap1, fmap2)
-        corr = corr.view(batch_size, h, w, 1, w)
-        corr_volume = corr / torch.sqrt(torch.tensor(num_channels, device=corr.device))
-        corr_volume = corr_volume.reshape(batch_size * h * w, 1, 1, w)
-        corr_pyramid = [corr_volume]
-        for _ in range(self.num_levels - 1):
-            corr_volume = F.avg_pool2d(corr_volume, kernel_size=(1, 2), stride=(1, 2))
-            corr_pyramid.append(corr_volume)
-        return corr_pyramid
-class CorrBlock1d(nn.Module):
-    """The row-wise correlation block.
-    Use indexes from correlation pyramid to create correlation features.
-    The "indexing" of a given centroid pixel x' is done by concatenating its surrounding row neighbours
-    within radius
-    """
-    def __init__(self, *, num_levels: int = 4, radius: int = 4):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.radius = radius
-        self.out_channels = num_levels * (2 * radius + 1)
-    def forward(self, centroids_coords: Tensor, corr_pyramid: List[Tensor]) -> Tensor:
-        """Return correlation features by indexing from the pyramid."""
-        neighborhood_side_len = 2 * self.radius + 1  # see note in __init__ about out_channels
-        di = torch.linspace(-self.radius, self.radius, neighborhood_side_len, device=centroids_coords.device)
-        di = di.view(1, 1, neighborhood_side_len, 1).to(centroids_coords.device)
-        batch_size, _, h, w = centroids_coords.shape  # _ = 2 but we only use the first one
-        # We only consider 1d and take the first dim only
-        centroids_coords = centroids_coords[:, :1].permute(0, 2, 3, 1).reshape(batch_size * h * w, 1, 1, 1)
-        indexed_pyramid = []
-        for corr_volume in corr_pyramid:
-            x0 = centroids_coords + di  # end shape is (batch_size * h * w, 1, side_len, 1)
-            y0 = torch.zeros_like(x0)
-            sampling_coords =[x0, y0], dim=-1)
-            indexed_corr_volume = grid_sample(corr_volume, sampling_coords, align_corners=True, mode="bilinear").view(
-                batch_size, h, w, -1
-            )
-            indexed_pyramid.append(indexed_corr_volume)
-            centroids_coords = centroids_coords / 2
-        corr_features =, dim=-1).permute(0, 3, 1, 2).contiguous()
-        expected_output_shape = (batch_size, self.out_channels, h, w)
-        torch._assert(
-            corr_features.shape == expected_output_shape,
-            f"Output shape of index pyramid is incorrect. Should be {expected_output_shape}, got {corr_features.shape}",
-        )
-        return corr_features
-class RaftStereo(nn.Module):
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        *,
-        feature_encoder: FeatureEncoder,
-        context_encoder: MultiLevelContextEncoder,
-        corr_pyramid: CorrPyramid1d,
-        corr_block: CorrBlock1d,
-        update_block: MultiLevelUpdateBlock,
-        disparity_head: nn.Module,
-        mask_predictor: Optional[nn.Module] = None,
-        slow_fast: bool = False,
-    ):
-        """RAFT-Stereo model from
-        `RAFT-Stereo: Multilevel Recurrent Field Transforms for Stereo Matching <>`_.
-        args:
-            feature_encoder (FeatureEncoder): The feature encoder. Its input is the concatenation of ``left_image`` and ``right_image``.
-            context_encoder (MultiLevelContextEncoder): The context encoder. Its input is ``left_image``.
-                It has multi-level output and each level will have 2 parts:
-                - one part will be used as the actual "context", passed to the recurrent unit of the ``update_block``
-                - one part will be used to initialize the hidden state of the recurrent unit of
-                  the ``update_block``
-            corr_pyramid (CorrPyramid1d): Module to build the correlation pyramid from feature encoder output
-            corr_block (CorrBlock1d): The correlation block, which uses the correlation pyramid indexes
-                to create correlation features. It takes the coordinate of the centroid pixel and correlation pyramid
-                as input and returns the correlation features.
-                It must expose an ``out_channels`` attribute.
-            update_block (MultiLevelUpdateBlock): The update block, which contains the motion encoder, and the recurrent unit.
-                It takes as input the hidden state of its recurrent unit, the context, the correlation
-                features, and the current predicted disparity. It outputs an updated hidden state
-            disparity_head (nn.Module): The disparity head block will convert from the hidden state into changes in disparity.
-            mask_predictor (nn.Module, optional): Predicts the mask that will be used to upsample the predicted flow.
-                If ``None`` (default), the flow is upsampled using interpolation.
-            slow_fast (bool): A boolean that specify whether we should use slow-fast GRU or not. See RAFT-Stereo paper
-                on section 3.4 for more detail.
-        """
-        super().__init__()
-        _log_api_usage_once(self)
-        # This indicates that the disparity output will be only have 1 channel (represent horizontal axis).
-        # We need this because some stereo matching model like CREStereo might have 2 channel on the output
-        self.output_channels = 1
-        self.feature_encoder = feature_encoder
-        self.context_encoder = context_encoder
-        self.base_downsampling_ratio = feature_encoder.base_downsampling_ratio
-        self.num_level = self.context_encoder.num_level
-        self.corr_pyramid = corr_pyramid
-        self.corr_block = corr_block
-        self.update_block = update_block
-        self.disparity_head = disparity_head
-        self.mask_predictor = mask_predictor
-        hidden_dims = self.update_block.hidden_dims
-        # Follow the original implementation to do pre convolution on the context
-        # See:
-        self.context_convs = nn.ModuleList(
-            [nn.Conv2d(hidden_dims[i], hidden_dims[i] * 3, kernel_size=3, padding=1) for i in range(self.num_level)]
-        )
-        self.slow_fast = slow_fast
-    def forward(
-        self, left_image: Tensor, right_image: Tensor, flow_init: Optional[Tensor] = None, num_iters: int = 12
-    ) -> List[Tensor]:
-        """
-        Return disparity predictions on every iteration as a list of Tensor.
-        args:
-            left_image (Tensor): The input left image with layout B, C, H, W
-            right_image (Tensor): The input right image with layout B, C, H, W
-            flow_init (Optional[Tensor]): Initial estimate for the disparity. Default: None
-            num_iters (int): Number of update block iteration on the largest resolution. Default: 12
-        """
-        batch_size, _, h, w = left_image.shape
-        torch._assert(
-            (h, w) == right_image.shape[-2:],
-            f"input images should have the same shape, instead got ({h}, {w}) != {right_image.shape[-2:]}",
-        )
-        torch._assert(
-            (h % self.base_downsampling_ratio == 0 and w % self.base_downsampling_ratio == 0),
-            f"input image H and W should be divisible by {self.base_downsampling_ratio}, instead got H={h} and W={w}",
-        )
-        fmaps = self.feature_encoder([left_image, right_image], dim=0))
-        fmap1, fmap2 = torch.chunk(fmaps, chunks=2, dim=0)
-        torch._assert(
-            fmap1.shape[-2:] == (h // self.base_downsampling_ratio, w // self.base_downsampling_ratio),
-            f"The feature encoder should downsample H and W by {self.base_downsampling_ratio}",
-        )
-        corr_pyramid = self.corr_pyramid(fmap1, fmap2)
-        # Multi level contexts
-        context_outs = self.context_encoder(left_image)
-        hidden_dims = self.update_block.hidden_dims
-        context_out_channels = [context_outs[i].shape[1] - hidden_dims[i] for i in range(len(context_outs))]
-        hidden_states: List[Tensor] = []
-        contexts: List[List[Tensor]] = []
-        for i, context_conv in enumerate(self.context_convs):
-            # As in the original paper, the actual output of the context encoder is split in 2 parts:
-            # - one part is used to initialize the hidden state of the recurent units of the update block
-            # - the rest is the "actual" context.
-            hidden_state, context = torch.split(context_outs[i], [hidden_dims[i], context_out_channels[i]], dim=1)
-            hidden_states.append(torch.tanh(hidden_state))
-            contexts.append(
-                torch.split(context_conv(F.relu(context)), [hidden_dims[i], hidden_dims[i], hidden_dims[i]], dim=1)
-            )
-        _, Cf, Hf, Wf = fmap1.shape
-        coords0 = make_coords_grid(batch_size, Hf, Wf).to(fmap1.device)
-        coords1 = make_coords_grid(batch_size, Hf, Wf).to(fmap1.device)
-        # We use flow_init for cascade inference
-        if flow_init is not None:
-            coords1 = coords1 + flow_init
-        disparity_predictions = []
-        for _ in range(num_iters):
-            coords1 = coords1.detach()  # Don't backpropagate gradients through this branch, see paper
-            corr_features = self.corr_block(centroids_coords=coords1, corr_pyramid=corr_pyramid)
-            disparity = coords1 - coords0
-            if self.slow_fast:
-                # Using slow_fast GRU (see paper section 3.4). The lower resolution are processed more often
-                for i in range(1, self.num_level):
-                    # We only processed the smallest i levels
-                    level_processed = [False] * (self.num_level - i) + [True] * i
-                    hidden_states = self.update_block(
-                        hidden_states, contexts, corr_features, disparity, level_processed=level_processed
-                    )
-            hidden_states = self.update_block(
-                hidden_states, contexts, corr_features, disparity, level_processed=[True] * self.num_level
-            )
-            # Take the largest hidden_state to get the disparity
-            hidden_state = hidden_states[0]
-            delta_disparity = self.disparity_head(hidden_state)
-            # in stereo mode, project disparity onto epipolar
-            delta_disparity[:, 1] = 0.0
-            coords1 = coords1 + delta_disparity
-            up_mask = None if self.mask_predictor is None else self.mask_predictor(hidden_state)
-            upsampled_disparity = upsample_flow(
-                (coords1 - coords0), up_mask=up_mask, factor=self.base_downsampling_ratio
-            )
-            disparity_predictions.append(upsampled_disparity[:, :1])
-        return disparity_predictions
-def _raft_stereo(
-    *,
-    weights: Optional[WeightsEnum],
-    progress: bool,
-    shared_encoder_weight: bool,
-    # Feature encoder
-    feature_encoder_layers: Tuple[int, int, int, int, int],
-    feature_encoder_strides: Tuple[int, int, int, int],
-    feature_encoder_block: Callable[..., nn.Module],
-    # Context encoder
-    context_encoder_layers: Tuple[int, int, int, int, int],
-    context_encoder_strides: Tuple[int, int, int, int],
-    # if the `out_with_blocks` param of the context_encoder is True, then
-    # the particular output on that level position will have additional `context_encoder_block` layer
-    context_encoder_out_with_blocks: List[bool],
-    context_encoder_block: Callable[..., nn.Module],
-    # Correlation block
-    corr_num_levels: int,
-    corr_radius: int,
-    # Motion encoder
-    motion_encoder_corr_layers: Tuple[int, int],
-    motion_encoder_flow_layers: Tuple[int, int],
-    motion_encoder_out_channels: int,
-    # Update block
-    update_block_hidden_dims: List[int],
-    # Flow Head
-    flow_head_hidden_size: int,
-    # Mask predictor
-    mask_predictor_hidden_size: int,
-    use_mask_predictor: bool,
-    slow_fast: bool,
-    **kwargs,
-    if len(context_encoder_out_with_blocks) != len(update_block_hidden_dims):
-        raise ValueError(
-            "Length of context_encoder_out_with_blocks and update_block_hidden_dims must be the same"
-            + "because both of them represent the number of GRUs level"
-        )
-    if shared_encoder_weight:
-        if (
-            feature_encoder_layers[:-1] != context_encoder_layers[:-1]
-            or feature_encoder_strides != context_encoder_strides
-        ):
-            raise ValueError(
-                "If shared_encoder_weight is True, then the feature_encoder_layers[:-1]"
-                + " and feature_encoder_strides must be the same with context_encoder_layers[:-1] and context_encoder_strides!"
-            )
-        base_encoder = kwargs.pop("base_encoder", None) or BaseEncoder(
-            block=context_encoder_block,
-            layers=context_encoder_layers[:-1],
-            strides=context_encoder_strides,
-            norm_layer=nn.BatchNorm2d,
-        )
-        feature_base_encoder = base_encoder
-        context_base_encoder = base_encoder
-    else:
-        feature_base_encoder = BaseEncoder(
-            block=feature_encoder_block,
-            layers=feature_encoder_layers[:-1],
-            strides=feature_encoder_strides,
-            norm_layer=nn.InstanceNorm2d,
-        )
-        context_base_encoder = BaseEncoder(
-            block=context_encoder_block,
-            layers=context_encoder_layers[:-1],
-            strides=context_encoder_strides,
-            norm_layer=nn.BatchNorm2d,
-        )
-    feature_encoder = kwargs.pop("feature_encoder", None) or FeatureEncoder(
-        feature_base_encoder,
-        output_dim=feature_encoder_layers[-1],
-        shared_base=shared_encoder_weight,
-        block=feature_encoder_block,
-    )
-    context_encoder = kwargs.pop("context_encoder", None) or MultiLevelContextEncoder(
-        context_base_encoder,
-        out_with_blocks=context_encoder_out_with_blocks,
-        output_dim=context_encoder_layers[-1],
-        block=context_encoder_block,
-    )
-    feature_downsampling_ratio = feature_encoder.base_downsampling_ratio
-    corr_pyramid = kwargs.pop("corr_pyramid", None) or CorrPyramid1d(num_levels=corr_num_levels)
-    corr_block = kwargs.pop("corr_block", None) or CorrBlock1d(num_levels=corr_num_levels, radius=corr_radius)
-    motion_encoder = kwargs.pop("motion_encoder", None) or MotionEncoder(
-        in_channels_corr=corr_block.out_channels,
-        corr_layers=motion_encoder_corr_layers,
-        flow_layers=motion_encoder_flow_layers,
-        out_channels=motion_encoder_out_channels,
-    )
-    update_block = kwargs.pop("update_block", None) or MultiLevelUpdateBlock(
-        motion_encoder=motion_encoder, hidden_dims=update_block_hidden_dims
-    )
-    # We use the largest scale hidden_dims of update_block to get the predicted disparity
-    disparity_head = kwargs.pop("disparity_head", None) or FlowHead(
-        in_channels=update_block_hidden_dims[0],
-        hidden_size=flow_head_hidden_size,
-    )
-    mask_predictor = kwargs.pop("mask_predictor", None)
-    if use_mask_predictor:
-        mask_predictor = MaskPredictor(
-            in_channels=update_block.hidden_dims[0],
-            hidden_size=mask_predictor_hidden_size,
-            out_channels=9 * feature_downsampling_ratio * feature_downsampling_ratio,
-        )
-    else:
-        mask_predictor = None
-    model = RaftStereo(
-        feature_encoder=feature_encoder,
-        context_encoder=context_encoder,
-        corr_pyramid=corr_pyramid,
-        corr_block=corr_block,
-        update_block=update_block,
-        disparity_head=disparity_head,
-        mask_predictor=mask_predictor,
-        slow_fast=slow_fast,
-        **kwargs,  # not really needed, all params should be consumed by now
-    )
-    if weights is not None:
-        model.load_state_dict(weights.get_state_dict(progress=progress))
-    return model
-class Raft_Stereo_Realtime_Weights(WeightsEnum):
-    SCENEFLOW_V1 = Weights(
-        # Weights ported from
-        url="",
-        transforms=partial(StereoMatching, resize_size=(224, 224)),
-        meta={
-            "num_params": 8077152,
-            "recipe": "",
-            "_metrics": {
-                # Following metrics from paper:
-                "Kitty2015": {
-                    "3px": 0.9409,
-                }
-            },
-        },
-    )
-class Raft_Stereo_Base_Weights(WeightsEnum):
-    SCENEFLOW_V1 = Weights(
-        # Weights ported from
-        url="",
-        transforms=partial(StereoMatching, resize_size=(224, 224)),
-        meta={
-            "num_params": 11116176,
-            "recipe": "",
-            "_metrics": {
-                # Following metrics from paper:
-                # Using standard metrics for each dataset
-                "Kitty2015": {
-                    # Ratio of pixels with difference less than 3px from ground truth
-                    "3px": 0.9426,
-                },
-                # For middlebury, ratio of pixels with difference less than 2px from ground truth
-                # on full, half, and quarter image resolution
-                "Middlebury2014-val-full": {
-                    "2px": 0.8167,
-                },
-                "Middlebury2014-val-half": {
-                    "2px": 0.8741,
-                },
-                "Middlebury2014-val-quarter": {
-                    "2px": 0.9064,
-                },
-                "ETH3D-val": {
-                    # Ratio of pixels with difference less than 1px from ground truth
-                    "1px": 0.9672,
-                },
-            },
-        },
-    )
-    MIDDLEBURY_V1 = Weights(
-        # Weights ported from
-        url="",
-        transforms=partial(StereoMatching, resize_size=(224, 224)),
-        meta={
-            "num_params": 11116176,
-            "recipe": "",
-            "_metrics": {
-                # Following metrics from paper:
-                "Middlebury-test": {
-                    "mae": 1.27,
-                    "1px": 0.9063,
-                    "2px": 0.9526,
-                    "5px": 0.9725,
-                }
-            },
-        },
-    )
-    ETH3D_V1 = Weights(
-        # Weights ported from
-        url="",
-        transforms=partial(StereoMatching, resize_size=(224, 224)),
-        meta={
-            "num_params": 11116176,
-            "recipe": "",
-            "_metrics": {
-                # Following metrics from paper:
-                "ETH3D-test": {
-                    "mae": 0.18,
-                    "1px": 0.9756,
-                    "2px": 0.9956,
-                }
-            },
-        },
-    )
-@handle_legacy_interface(weights=("pretrained", None))
-def raft_stereo_realtime(
-    *, weights: Optional[Raft_Stereo_Realtime_Weights] = None, progress=True, **kwargs
-) -> RaftStereo:
-    """RAFT-Stereo model from
-    `RAFT-Stereo: Multilevel Recurrent Field Transforms for Stereo Matching <>`_.
-    This is the realtime variant of the Raft-Stereo model that is described on the paper section 4.7.
-    Please see the example below for a tutorial on how to use this model.
-    Args:
-        weights(:class:`~torchvision.prototype.models.depth.stereo.Raft_Stereo_Realtime_Weights`, optional): The
-            pretrained weights to use. See
-            :class:`~torchvision.prototype.models.depth.stereo.Raft_Stereo_Realtime_Weights`
-            below for more details, and possible values. By default, no
-            pre-trained weights are used.
-        progress (bool): If True, displays a progress bar of the download to stderr. Default is True.
-        **kwargs: parameters passed to the ``torchvision.prototype.models.depth.stereo.raft_stereo.RaftStereo``
-            base class. Please refer to the `source code
-            <>`_
-            for more details about this class.
-    .. autoclass:: torchvision.prototype.models.depth.stereo.Raft_Stereo_Realtime_Weights
-        :members:
-    """
-    weights = Raft_Stereo_Realtime_Weights.verify(weights)
-    return _raft_stereo(
-        weights=weights,
-        progress=progress,
-        shared_encoder_weight=True,
-        # Feature encoder
-        feature_encoder_layers=(64, 64, 96, 128, 256),
-        feature_encoder_strides=(2, 1, 2, 2),
-        feature_encoder_block=ResidualBlock,
-        # Context encoder
-        context_encoder_layers=(64, 64, 96, 128, 256),
-        context_encoder_strides=(2, 1, 2, 2),
-        context_encoder_out_with_blocks=[True, True],
-        context_encoder_block=ResidualBlock,
-        # Correlation block
-        corr_num_levels=4,
-        corr_radius=4,
-        # Motion encoder
-        motion_encoder_corr_layers=(64, 64),
-        motion_encoder_flow_layers=(64, 64),
-        motion_encoder_out_channels=128,
-        # Update block
-        update_block_hidden_dims=[128, 128],
-        # Flow head
-        flow_head_hidden_size=256,
-        # Mask predictor
-        mask_predictor_hidden_size=256,
-        use_mask_predictor=True,
-        slow_fast=True,
-        **kwargs,
-    )
-@handle_legacy_interface(weights=("pretrained", None))
-def raft_stereo_base(*, weights: Optional[Raft_Stereo_Base_Weights] = None, progress=True, **kwargs) -> RaftStereo:
-    """RAFT-Stereo model from
-    `RAFT-Stereo: Multilevel Recurrent Field Transforms for Stereo Matching <>`_.
-    Please see the example below for a tutorial on how to use this model.
-    Args:
-        weights(:class:`~torchvision.prototype.models.depth.stereo.Raft_Stereo_Base_Weights`, optional): The
-            pretrained weights to use. See
-            :class:`~torchvision.prototype.models.depth.stereo.Raft_Stereo_Base_Weights`
-            below for more details, and possible values. By default, no
-            pre-trained weights are used.
-        progress (bool): If True, displays a progress bar of the download to stderr. Default is True.
-        **kwargs: parameters passed to the ``torchvision.prototype.models.depth.stereo.raft_stereo.RaftStereo``
-            base class. Please refer to the `source code
-            <>`_
-            for more details about this class.
-    .. autoclass:: torchvision.prototype.models.depth.stereo.Raft_Stereo_Base_Weights
-        :members:
-    """
-    weights = Raft_Stereo_Base_Weights.verify(weights)
-    return _raft_stereo(
-        weights=weights,
-        progress=progress,
-        shared_encoder_weight=False,
-        # Feature encoder
-        feature_encoder_layers=(64, 64, 96, 128, 256),
-        feature_encoder_strides=(1, 1, 2, 2),
-        feature_encoder_block=ResidualBlock,
-        # Context encoder
-        context_encoder_layers=(64, 64, 96, 128, 256),
-        context_encoder_strides=(1, 1, 2, 2),
-        context_encoder_out_with_blocks=[True, True, False],
-        context_encoder_block=ResidualBlock,
-        # Correlation block
-        corr_num_levels=4,
-        corr_radius=4,
-        # Motion encoder
-        motion_encoder_corr_layers=(64, 64),
-        motion_encoder_flow_layers=(64, 64),
-        motion_encoder_out_channels=128,
-        # Update block
-        update_block_hidden_dims=[128, 128, 128],
-        # Flow head
-        flow_head_hidden_size=256,
-        # Mask predictor
-        mask_predictor_hidden_size=256,
-        use_mask_predictor=True,
-        slow_fast=False,
-        **kwargs,
-    )
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/transforms/ b/torchvision/prototype/transforms/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4f8fdef484c..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/transforms/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
-from ._presets import StereoMatching  # usort: skip
-from ._augment import RandomCutmix, RandomMixup, SimpleCopyPaste
-from ._geometry import FixedSizeCrop
-from ._misc import PermuteDimensions, TransposeDimensions
-from ._type_conversion import LabelToOneHot
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/transforms/ b/torchvision/prototype/transforms/
deleted file mode 100644
index d04baf739d1..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/transforms/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,300 +0,0 @@
-import math
-from typing import Any, cast, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
-import PIL.Image
-import torch
-from torch.utils._pytree import tree_flatten, tree_unflatten
-from torchvision import datapoints
-from torchvision.ops import masks_to_boxes
-from torchvision.prototype import datapoints as proto_datapoints
-from torchvision.transforms.v2 import functional as F, InterpolationMode, Transform
-from torchvision.transforms.v2._transform import _RandomApplyTransform
-from torchvision.transforms.v2.functional._geometry import _check_interpolation
-from torchvision.transforms.v2.utils import has_any, is_simple_tensor, query_spatial_size
-class _BaseMixupCutmix(_RandomApplyTransform):
-    def __init__(self, alpha: float, p: float = 0.5) -> None:
-        super().__init__(p=p)
-        self.alpha = alpha
-        self._dist = torch.distributions.Beta(torch.tensor([alpha]), torch.tensor([alpha]))
-    def _check_inputs(self, flat_inputs: List[Any]) -> None:
-        if not (
-            has_any(flat_inputs, datapoints.Image, datapoints.Video, is_simple_tensor)
-            and has_any(flat_inputs, proto_datapoints.OneHotLabel)
-        ):
-            raise TypeError(f"{type(self).__name__}() is only defined for tensor images/videos and one-hot labels.")
-        if has_any(flat_inputs, PIL.Image.Image, datapoints.BoundingBox, datapoints.Mask, proto_datapoints.Label):
-            raise TypeError(
-                f"{type(self).__name__}() does not support PIL images, bounding boxes, masks and plain labels."
-            )
-    def _mixup_onehotlabel(self, inpt: proto_datapoints.OneHotLabel, lam: float) -> proto_datapoints.OneHotLabel:
-        if inpt.ndim < 2:
-            raise ValueError("Need a batch of one hot labels")
-        output = inpt.roll(1, 0).mul_(1.0 - lam).add_(inpt.mul(lam))
-        return proto_datapoints.OneHotLabel.wrap_like(inpt, output)
-class RandomMixup(_BaseMixupCutmix):
-    def _get_params(self, flat_inputs: List[Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        return dict(lam=float(self._dist.sample(())))  # type: ignore[arg-type]
-    def _transform(self, inpt: Any, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
-        lam = params["lam"]
-        if isinstance(inpt, (datapoints.Image, datapoints.Video)) or is_simple_tensor(inpt):
-            expected_ndim = 5 if isinstance(inpt, datapoints.Video) else 4
-            if inpt.ndim < expected_ndim:
-                raise ValueError("The transform expects a batched input")
-            output = inpt.roll(1, 0).mul_(1.0 - lam).add_(inpt.mul(lam))
-            if isinstance(inpt, (datapoints.Image, datapoints.Video)):
-                output = type(inpt).wrap_like(inpt, output)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
-            return output
-        elif isinstance(inpt, proto_datapoints.OneHotLabel):
-            return self._mixup_onehotlabel(inpt, lam)
-        else:
-            return inpt
-class RandomCutmix(_BaseMixupCutmix):
-    def _get_params(self, flat_inputs: List[Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        lam = float(self._dist.sample(()))  # type: ignore[arg-type]
-        H, W = query_spatial_size(flat_inputs)
-        r_x = torch.randint(W, ())
-        r_y = torch.randint(H, ())
-        r = 0.5 * math.sqrt(1.0 - lam)
-        r_w_half = int(r * W)
-        r_h_half = int(r * H)
-        x1 = int(torch.clamp(r_x - r_w_half, min=0))
-        y1 = int(torch.clamp(r_y - r_h_half, min=0))
-        x2 = int(torch.clamp(r_x + r_w_half, max=W))
-        y2 = int(torch.clamp(r_y + r_h_half, max=H))
-        box = (x1, y1, x2, y2)
-        lam_adjusted = float(1.0 - (x2 - x1) * (y2 - y1) / (W * H))
-        return dict(box=box, lam_adjusted=lam_adjusted)
-    def _transform(self, inpt: Any, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
-        if isinstance(inpt, (datapoints.Image, datapoints.Video)) or is_simple_tensor(inpt):
-            box = params["box"]
-            expected_ndim = 5 if isinstance(inpt, datapoints.Video) else 4
-            if inpt.ndim < expected_ndim:
-                raise ValueError("The transform expects a batched input")
-            x1, y1, x2, y2 = box
-            rolled = inpt.roll(1, 0)
-            output = inpt.clone()
-            output[..., y1:y2, x1:x2] = rolled[..., y1:y2, x1:x2]
-            if isinstance(inpt, (datapoints.Image, datapoints.Video)):
-                output = inpt.wrap_like(inpt, output)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
-            return output
-        elif isinstance(inpt, proto_datapoints.OneHotLabel):
-            lam_adjusted = params["lam_adjusted"]
-            return self._mixup_onehotlabel(inpt, lam_adjusted)
-        else:
-            return inpt
-class SimpleCopyPaste(Transform):
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        blending: bool = True,
-        resize_interpolation: Union[int, InterpolationMode] = F.InterpolationMode.BILINEAR,
-        antialias: Optional[bool] = None,
-    ) -> None:
-        super().__init__()
-        self.resize_interpolation = _check_interpolation(resize_interpolation)
-        self.blending = blending
-        self.antialias = antialias
-    def _copy_paste(
-        self,
-        image: datapoints._TensorImageType,
-        target: Dict[str, Any],
-        paste_image: datapoints._TensorImageType,
-        paste_target: Dict[str, Any],
-        random_selection: torch.Tensor,
-        blending: bool,
-        resize_interpolation: F.InterpolationMode,
-        antialias: Optional[bool],
-    ) -> Tuple[datapoints._TensorImageType, Dict[str, Any]]:
-        paste_masks = paste_target["masks"].wrap_like(paste_target["masks"], paste_target["masks"][random_selection])
-        paste_boxes = paste_target["boxes"].wrap_like(paste_target["boxes"], paste_target["boxes"][random_selection])
-        paste_labels = paste_target["labels"].wrap_like(
-            paste_target["labels"], paste_target["labels"][random_selection]
-        )
-        masks = target["masks"]
-        # We resize source and paste data if they have different sizes
-        # This is something different to TF implementation we introduced here as
-        # originally the algorithm works on equal-sized data
-        # (for example, coming from LSJ data augmentations)
-        size1 = cast(List[int], image.shape[-2:])
-        size2 = paste_image.shape[-2:]
-        if size1 != size2:
-            paste_image = F.resize(paste_image, size=size1, interpolation=resize_interpolation, antialias=antialias)
-            paste_masks = F.resize(paste_masks, size=size1)
-            paste_boxes = F.resize(paste_boxes, size=size1)
-        paste_alpha_mask = paste_masks.sum(dim=0) > 0
-        if blending:
-            paste_alpha_mask = F.gaussian_blur(paste_alpha_mask.unsqueeze(0), kernel_size=[5, 5], sigma=[2.0])
-        inverse_paste_alpha_mask = paste_alpha_mask.logical_not()
-        # Copy-paste images:
-        image = image.mul(inverse_paste_alpha_mask).add_(paste_image.mul(paste_alpha_mask))
-        # Copy-paste masks:
-        masks = masks * inverse_paste_alpha_mask
-        non_all_zero_masks = masks.sum((-1, -2)) > 0
-        masks = masks[non_all_zero_masks]
-        # Do a shallow copy of the target dict
-        out_target = {k: v for k, v in target.items()}
-        out_target["masks"] =[masks, paste_masks])
-        # Copy-paste boxes and labels
-        bbox_format = target["boxes"].format
-        xyxy_boxes = masks_to_boxes(masks)
-        # masks_to_boxes produces bboxes with x2y2 inclusive but x2y2 should be exclusive
-        # we need to add +1 to x2y2.
-        # There is a similar +1 in other reference implementations:
-        #
-        xyxy_boxes[:, 2:] += 1
-        boxes = F.convert_format_bounding_box(
-            xyxy_boxes, old_format=datapoints.BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY, new_format=bbox_format, inplace=True
-        )
-        out_target["boxes"] =[boxes, paste_boxes])
-        labels = target["labels"][non_all_zero_masks]
-        out_target["labels"] =[labels, paste_labels])
-        # Check for degenerated boxes and remove them
-        boxes = F.convert_format_bounding_box(
-            out_target["boxes"], old_format=bbox_format, new_format=datapoints.BoundingBoxFormat.XYXY
-        )
-        degenerate_boxes = boxes[:, 2:] <= boxes[:, :2]
-        if degenerate_boxes.any():
-            valid_targets = ~degenerate_boxes.any(dim=1)
-            out_target["boxes"] = boxes[valid_targets]
-            out_target["masks"] = out_target["masks"][valid_targets]
-            out_target["labels"] = out_target["labels"][valid_targets]
-        return image, out_target
-    def _extract_image_targets(
-        self, flat_sample: List[Any]
-    ) -> Tuple[List[datapoints._TensorImageType], List[Dict[str, Any]]]:
-        # fetch all images, bboxes, masks and labels from unstructured input
-        # with List[image], List[BoundingBox], List[Mask], List[Label]
-        images, bboxes, masks, labels = [], [], [], []
-        for obj in flat_sample:
-            if isinstance(obj, datapoints.Image) or is_simple_tensor(obj):
-                images.append(obj)
-            elif isinstance(obj, PIL.Image.Image):
-                images.append(F.to_image_tensor(obj))
-            elif isinstance(obj, datapoints.BoundingBox):
-                bboxes.append(obj)
-            elif isinstance(obj, datapoints.Mask):
-                masks.append(obj)
-            elif isinstance(obj, (proto_datapoints.Label, proto_datapoints.OneHotLabel)):
-                labels.append(obj)
-        if not (len(images) == len(bboxes) == len(masks) == len(labels)):
-            raise TypeError(
-                f"{type(self).__name__}() requires input sample to contain equal sized list of Images, "
-                "BoundingBoxes, Masks and Labels or OneHotLabels."
-            )
-        targets = []
-        for bbox, mask, label in zip(bboxes, masks, labels):
-            targets.append({"boxes": bbox, "masks": mask, "labels": label})
-        return images, targets
-    def _insert_outputs(
-        self,
-        flat_sample: List[Any],
-        output_images: List[datapoints._TensorImageType],
-        output_targets: List[Dict[str, Any]],
-    ) -> None:
-        c0, c1, c2, c3 = 0, 0, 0, 0
-        for i, obj in enumerate(flat_sample):
-            if isinstance(obj, datapoints.Image):
-                flat_sample[i] = datapoints.Image.wrap_like(obj, output_images[c0])
-                c0 += 1
-            elif isinstance(obj, PIL.Image.Image):
-                flat_sample[i] = F.to_image_pil(output_images[c0])
-                c0 += 1
-            elif is_simple_tensor(obj):
-                flat_sample[i] = output_images[c0]
-                c0 += 1
-            elif isinstance(obj, datapoints.BoundingBox):
-                flat_sample[i] = datapoints.BoundingBox.wrap_like(obj, output_targets[c1]["boxes"])
-                c1 += 1
-            elif isinstance(obj, datapoints.Mask):
-                flat_sample[i] = datapoints.Mask.wrap_like(obj, output_targets[c2]["masks"])
-                c2 += 1
-            elif isinstance(obj, (proto_datapoints.Label, proto_datapoints.OneHotLabel)):
-                flat_sample[i] = obj.wrap_like(obj, output_targets[c3]["labels"])  # type: ignore[arg-type]
-                c3 += 1
-    def forward(self, *inputs: Any) -> Any:
-        flat_inputs, spec = tree_flatten(inputs if len(inputs) > 1 else inputs[0])
-        images, targets = self._extract_image_targets(flat_inputs)
-        # images = [t1, t2, ..., tN]
-        # Let's define paste_images as shifted list of input images
-        # paste_images = [t2, t3, ..., tN, t1]
-        # FYI: in TF they mix data on the dataset level
-        images_rolled = images[-1:] + images[:-1]
-        targets_rolled = targets[-1:] + targets[:-1]
-        output_images, output_targets = [], []
-        for image, target, paste_image, paste_target in zip(images, targets, images_rolled, targets_rolled):
-            # Random paste targets selection:
-            num_masks = len(paste_target["masks"])
-            if num_masks < 1:
-                # Such degerante case with num_masks=0 can happen with LSJ
-                # Let's just return (image, target)
-                output_image, output_target = image, target
-            else:
-                random_selection = torch.randint(0, num_masks, (num_masks,), device=paste_image.device)
-                random_selection = torch.unique(random_selection)
-                output_image, output_target = self._copy_paste(
-                    image,
-                    target,
-                    paste_image,
-                    paste_target,
-                    random_selection=random_selection,
-                    blending=self.blending,
-                    resize_interpolation=self.resize_interpolation,
-                    antialias=self.antialias,
-                )
-            output_images.append(output_image)
-            output_targets.append(output_target)
-        # Insert updated images and targets into input flat_sample
-        self._insert_outputs(flat_inputs, output_images, output_targets)
-        return tree_unflatten(flat_inputs, spec)
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/transforms/ b/torchvision/prototype/transforms/
deleted file mode 100644
index 8d5cc24d25a..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/transforms/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,125 +0,0 @@
-from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Type, Union
-import PIL.Image
-import torch
-from torchvision import datapoints
-from torchvision.prototype.datapoints import Label, OneHotLabel
-from torchvision.transforms.v2 import functional as F, Transform
-from torchvision.transforms.v2._utils import _setup_fill_arg, _setup_size
-from torchvision.transforms.v2.utils import has_any, is_simple_tensor, query_bounding_box, query_spatial_size
-class FixedSizeCrop(Transform):
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        size: Union[int, Sequence[int]],
-        fill: Union[datapoints._FillType, Dict[Type, datapoints._FillType]] = 0,
-        padding_mode: str = "constant",
-    ) -> None:
-        super().__init__()
-        size = tuple(_setup_size(size, error_msg="Please provide only two dimensions (h, w) for size."))
-        self.crop_height = size[0]
-        self.crop_width = size[1]
-        self.fill = fill
-        self._fill = _setup_fill_arg(fill)
-        self.padding_mode = padding_mode
-    def _check_inputs(self, flat_inputs: List[Any]) -> None:
-        if not has_any(
-            flat_inputs,
-            PIL.Image.Image,
-            datapoints.Image,
-            is_simple_tensor,
-            datapoints.Video,
-        ):
-            raise TypeError(
-                f"{type(self).__name__}() requires input sample to contain an tensor or PIL image or a Video."
-            )
-        if has_any(flat_inputs, datapoints.BoundingBox) and not has_any(flat_inputs, Label, OneHotLabel):
-            raise TypeError(
-                f"If a BoundingBox is contained in the input sample, "
-                f"{type(self).__name__}() also requires it to contain a Label or OneHotLabel."
-            )
-    def _get_params(self, flat_inputs: List[Any]) -> Dict[str, Any]:
-        height, width = query_spatial_size(flat_inputs)
-        new_height = min(height, self.crop_height)
-        new_width = min(width, self.crop_width)
-        needs_crop = new_height != height or new_width != width
-        offset_height = max(height - self.crop_height, 0)
-        offset_width = max(width - self.crop_width, 0)
-        r = torch.rand(1)
-        top = int(offset_height * r)
-        left = int(offset_width * r)
-        bounding_boxes: Optional[torch.Tensor]
-        try:
-            bounding_boxes = query_bounding_box(flat_inputs)
-        except ValueError:
-            bounding_boxes = None
-        if needs_crop and bounding_boxes is not None:
-            format = bounding_boxes.format
-            bounding_boxes, spatial_size = F.crop_bounding_box(
-                bounding_boxes.as_subclass(torch.Tensor),
-                format=format,
-                top=top,
-                left=left,
-                height=new_height,
-                width=new_width,
-            )
-            bounding_boxes = F.clamp_bounding_box(bounding_boxes, format=format, spatial_size=spatial_size)
-            height_and_width = F.convert_format_bounding_box(
-                bounding_boxes, old_format=format, new_format=datapoints.BoundingBoxFormat.XYWH
-            )[..., 2:]
-            is_valid = torch.all(height_and_width > 0, dim=-1)
-        else:
-            is_valid = None
-        pad_bottom = max(self.crop_height - new_height, 0)
-        pad_right = max(self.crop_width - new_width, 0)
-        needs_pad = pad_bottom != 0 or pad_right != 0
-        return dict(
-            needs_crop=needs_crop,
-            top=top,
-            left=left,
-            height=new_height,
-            width=new_width,
-            is_valid=is_valid,
-            padding=[0, 0, pad_right, pad_bottom],
-            needs_pad=needs_pad,
-        )
-    def _transform(self, inpt: Any, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
-        if params["needs_crop"]:
-            inpt = F.crop(
-                inpt,
-                top=params["top"],
-                left=params["left"],
-                height=params["height"],
-                width=params["width"],
-            )
-        if params["is_valid"] is not None:
-            if isinstance(inpt, (Label, OneHotLabel, datapoints.Mask)):
-                inpt = inpt.wrap_like(inpt, inpt[params["is_valid"]])  # type: ignore[arg-type]
-            elif isinstance(inpt, datapoints.BoundingBox):
-                inpt = datapoints.BoundingBox.wrap_like(
-                    inpt,
-                    F.clamp_bounding_box(inpt[params["is_valid"]], format=inpt.format, spatial_size=inpt.spatial_size),
-                )
-        if params["needs_pad"]:
-            fill = self._fill[type(inpt)]
-            inpt = F.pad(inpt, params["padding"], fill=fill, padding_mode=self.padding_mode)
-        return inpt
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/transforms/ b/torchvision/prototype/transforms/
deleted file mode 100644
index 3a4e6e956f3..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/transforms/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +0,0 @@
-import warnings
-from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Type, Union
-import torch
-from torchvision import datapoints
-from torchvision.transforms.v2 import Transform
-from torchvision.transforms.v2._utils import _get_defaultdict
-from torchvision.transforms.v2.utils import is_simple_tensor
-class PermuteDimensions(Transform):
-    _transformed_types = (is_simple_tensor, datapoints.Image, datapoints.Video)
-    def __init__(self, dims: Union[Sequence[int], Dict[Type, Optional[Sequence[int]]]]) -> None:
-        super().__init__()
-        if not isinstance(dims, dict):
-            dims = _get_defaultdict(dims)
-        if torch.Tensor in dims and any(cls in dims for cls in [datapoints.Image, datapoints.Video]):
-            warnings.warn(
-                "Got `dims` values for `torch.Tensor` and either `datapoints.Image` or `datapoints.Video`. "
-                "Note that a plain `torch.Tensor` will *not* be transformed by this (or any other transformation) "
-                "in case a `datapoints.Image` or `datapoints.Video` is present in the input."
-            )
-        self.dims = dims
-    def _transform(
-        self, inpt: Union[datapoints._TensorImageType, datapoints._TensorVideoType], params: Dict[str, Any]
-    ) -> torch.Tensor:
-        dims = self.dims[type(inpt)]
-        if dims is None:
-            return inpt.as_subclass(torch.Tensor)
-        return inpt.permute(*dims)
-class TransposeDimensions(Transform):
-    _transformed_types = (is_simple_tensor, datapoints.Image, datapoints.Video)
-    def __init__(self, dims: Union[Tuple[int, int], Dict[Type, Optional[Tuple[int, int]]]]) -> None:
-        super().__init__()
-        if not isinstance(dims, dict):
-            dims = _get_defaultdict(dims)
-        if torch.Tensor in dims and any(cls in dims for cls in [datapoints.Image, datapoints.Video]):
-            warnings.warn(
-                "Got `dims` values for `torch.Tensor` and either `datapoints.Image` or `datapoints.Video`. "
-                "Note that a plain `torch.Tensor` will *not* be transformed by this (or any other transformation) "
-                "in case a `datapoints.Image` or `datapoints.Video` is present in the input."
-            )
-        self.dims = dims
-    def _transform(
-        self, inpt: Union[datapoints._TensorImageType, datapoints._TensorVideoType], params: Dict[str, Any]
-    ) -> torch.Tensor:
-        dims = self.dims[type(inpt)]
-        if dims is None:
-            return inpt.as_subclass(torch.Tensor)
-        return inpt.transpose(*dims)
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/transforms/ b/torchvision/prototype/transforms/
deleted file mode 100644
index 25c39a90382..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/transforms/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-This file is part of the private API. Please do not use directly these classes as they will be modified on
-future versions without warning. The classes should be accessed only via the transforms argument of Weights.
-from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union
-import PIL.Image
-import torch
-from torch import Tensor
-from torchvision.transforms.v2 import functional as F, InterpolationMode
-from torchvision.transforms.v2.functional._geometry import _check_interpolation
-__all__ = ["StereoMatching"]
-class StereoMatching(torch.nn.Module):
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        *,
-        use_gray_scale: bool = False,
-        resize_size: Optional[Tuple[int, ...]],
-        mean: Tuple[float, ...] = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
-        std: Tuple[float, ...] = (0.5, 0.5, 0.5),
-        interpolation: Union[InterpolationMode, int] = InterpolationMode.BILINEAR,
-    ) -> None:
-        super().__init__()
-        # pacify mypy
-        self.resize_size: Union[None, List]
-        if resize_size is not None:
-            self.resize_size = list(resize_size)
-        else:
-            self.resize_size = None
-        self.mean = list(mean)
-        self.std = list(std)
-        self.interpolation = _check_interpolation(interpolation)
-        self.use_gray_scale = use_gray_scale
-    def forward(self, left_image: Tensor, right_image: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, Tensor]:
-        def _process_image(img: PIL.Image.Image) -> Tensor:
-            if not isinstance(img, Tensor):
-                img = F.pil_to_tensor(img)
-            if self.resize_size is not None:
-                # We hard-code antialias=False to preserve results after we changed
-                # its default from None to True (see
-                #
-                # TODO: we could re-train the stereo models with antialias=True?
-                img = F.resize(img, self.resize_size, interpolation=self.interpolation, antialias=False)
-            if self.use_gray_scale is True:
-                img = F.rgb_to_grayscale(img)
-            img = F.convert_image_dtype(img, torch.float)
-            img = F.normalize(img, mean=self.mean, std=self.std)
-            img = img.contiguous()
-            return img
-        left_image = _process_image(left_image)
-        right_image = _process_image(right_image)
-        return left_image, right_image
-    def __repr__(self) -> str:
-        format_string = self.__class__.__name__ + "("
-        format_string += f"\n    resize_size={self.resize_size}"
-        format_string += f"\n    mean={self.mean}"
-        format_string += f"\n    std={self.std}"
-        format_string += f"\n    interpolation={self.interpolation}"
-        format_string += "\n)"
-        return format_string
-    def describe(self) -> str:
-        return (
-            "Accepts ``PIL.Image``, batched ``(B, C, H, W)`` and single ``(C, H, W)`` image ``torch.Tensor`` objects. "
-            f"The images are resized to ``resize_size={self.resize_size}`` using ``interpolation={self.interpolation}``. "
-            f"Finally the values are first rescaled to ``[0.0, 1.0]`` and then normalized using ``mean={self.mean}`` and "
-            f"``std={self.std}``."
-        )
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/transforms/ b/torchvision/prototype/transforms/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4cd3cf46871..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/transforms/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
-from typing import Any, Dict
-import torch
-from torch.nn.functional import one_hot
-from torchvision.prototype import datapoints as proto_datapoints
-from torchvision.transforms.v2 import Transform
-class LabelToOneHot(Transform):
-    _transformed_types = (proto_datapoints.Label,)
-    def __init__(self, num_categories: int = -1):
-        super().__init__()
-        self.num_categories = num_categories
-    def _transform(self, inpt: proto_datapoints.Label, params: Dict[str, Any]) -> proto_datapoints.OneHotLabel:
-        num_categories = self.num_categories
-        if num_categories == -1 and inpt.categories is not None:
-            num_categories = len(inpt.categories)
-        output = one_hot(inpt.as_subclass(torch.Tensor), num_classes=num_categories)
-        return proto_datapoints.OneHotLabel(output, categories=inpt.categories)
-    def extra_repr(self) -> str:
-        if self.num_categories == -1:
-            return ""
-        return f"num_categories={self.num_categories}"
diff --git a/torchvision/prototype/utils/ b/torchvision/prototype/utils/
deleted file mode 100644
index e85a582b483..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from . import _internal
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deleted file mode 100644
index 3dee4b59a7a..00000000000
--- a/torchvision/prototype/utils/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,126 +0,0 @@
-import difflib
-import io
-import mmap
-import platform
-from typing import BinaryIO, Callable, Collection, Sequence, TypeVar, Union
-import numpy as np
-import torch
-from torchvision._utils import sequence_to_str
-__all__ = [
-    "add_suggestion",
-    "fromfile",
-    "ReadOnlyTensorBuffer",
-def add_suggestion(
-    msg: str,
-    *,
-    word: str,
-    possibilities: Collection[str],
-    close_match_hint: Callable[[str], str] = lambda close_match: f"Did you mean '{close_match}'?",
-    alternative_hint: Callable[
-        [Sequence[str]], str
-    ] = lambda possibilities: f"Can be {sequence_to_str(possibilities, separate_last='or ')}.",
-) -> str:
-    if not isinstance(possibilities,
-        possibilities = sorted(possibilities)
-    suggestions = difflib.get_close_matches(word, possibilities, 1)
-    hint = close_match_hint(suggestions[0]) if suggestions else alternative_hint(possibilities)
-    if not hint:
-        return msg
-    return f"{msg.strip()} {hint}"
-D = TypeVar("D")
-def _read_mutable_buffer_fallback(file: BinaryIO, count: int, item_size: int) -> bytearray:
-    # A plain will give a read-only bytes, so we convert it to bytearray to make it mutable
-    return bytearray( if count == -1 else count * item_size))
-def fromfile(
-    file: BinaryIO,
-    *,
-    dtype: torch.dtype,
-    byte_order: str,
-    count: int = -1,
-) -> torch.Tensor:
-    """Construct a tensor from a binary file.
-    .. note::
-        This function is similar to :func:`numpy.fromfile` with two notable differences:
-        1. This function only accepts an open binary file, but not a path to it.
-        2. This function has an additional ``byte_order`` parameter, since PyTorch's ``dtype``'s do not support that
-            concept.
-    .. note::
-        If the ``file`` was opened in update mode, i.e. "r+b" or "w+b", reading data is much faster. Be aware that as
-        long as the file is still open, inplace operations on the returned tensor will reflect back to the file.
-    Args:
-        file (IO): Open binary file.
-        dtype (torch.dtype): Data type of the underlying data as well as of the returned tensor.
-        byte_order (str): Byte order of the data. Can be "little" or "big" endian.
-        count (int): Number of values of the returned tensor. If ``-1`` (default), will read the complete file.
-    """
-    byte_order = "<" if byte_order == "little" else ">"
-    char = "f" if dtype.is_floating_point else ("i" if dtype.is_signed else "u")
-    item_size = (torch.finfo if dtype.is_floating_point else torch.iinfo)(dtype).bits // 8
-    np_dtype = byte_order + char + str(item_size)
-    buffer: Union[memoryview, bytearray]
-    if platform.system() != "Windows":
-        # PyTorch does not support tensors with underlying read-only memory. In case
-        # - the file has a .fileno(),
-        # - the file was opened for updating, i.e. 'r+b' or 'w+b',
-        # - the file is seekable
-        # we can avoid copying the data for performance. Otherwise we fall back to simply .read() the data and copy it
-        # to a mutable location afterwards.
-        try:
-            buffer = memoryview(mmap.mmap(file.fileno(), 0))[file.tell() :]
-            # Reading from the memoryview does not advance the file cursor, so we have to do it manually.
-  *(0, io.SEEK_END) if count == -1 else (count * item_size, io.SEEK_CUR))
-        except (AttributeError, PermissionError, io.UnsupportedOperation):
-            buffer = _read_mutable_buffer_fallback(file, count, item_size)
-    else:
-        # On Windows just trying to call mmap.mmap() on a file that does not support it, may corrupt the internal state
-        # so no data can be read afterwards. Thus, we simply ignore the possible speed-up.
-        buffer = _read_mutable_buffer_fallback(file, count, item_size)
-    # We cannot use torch.frombuffer() directly, since it only supports the native byte order of the system. Thus, we
-    # read the data with np.frombuffer() with the correct byte order and convert it to the native one with the
-    # successive .astype() call.
-    return torch.from_numpy(np.frombuffer(buffer, dtype=np_dtype, count=count).astype(np_dtype[1:], copy=False))
-class ReadOnlyTensorBuffer:
-    def __init__(self, tensor: torch.Tensor) -> None:
-        self._memory = memoryview(tensor.numpy())
-        self._cursor: int = 0
-    def tell(self) -> int:
-        return self._cursor
-    def seek(self, offset: int, whence: int = io.SEEK_SET) -> int:
-        if whence == io.SEEK_SET:
-            self._cursor = offset
-        elif whence == io.SEEK_CUR:
-            self._cursor += offset
-            pass
-        elif whence == io.SEEK_END:
-            self._cursor = len(self._memory) + offset
-        else:
-            raise ValueError(
-                f"'whence' should be ``{io.SEEK_SET}``, ``{io.SEEK_CUR}``, or ``{io.SEEK_END}``, "
-                f"but got {repr(whence)} instead"
-            )
-        return self.tell()
-    def read(self, size: int = -1) -> bytes:
-        cursor = self.tell()
-        offset, whence = (0, io.SEEK_END) if size == -1 else (size, io.SEEK_CUR)
-        return self._memory[slice(cursor,, whence))].tobytes()