The product of my ROS @fa[external-link] experience
@snap[north span-100]
Two Different perspectives:
@snap[west span-50] @ul[spaced]
- rospy wants to put python inside ROS
- a.k.a 'Python as an afterthought' @ulend @snapend
@snap[east span-50] @ul[spaced]
- PyROS wants to get ROS inside Python
- a.k.a Use the right tool for the job @ulend @snapend
- rospy vs pyros
- Why ?
- Prototyping
- Fear of Dependencies
- Uncertainty of Environment
- Doubt of Security/Scalability
- Inversion of Control
- Integration of Workflow
- Be dynamic !
- challenge what we think we know
- open other perspectives
@snap[west span-50]
A bit of context: GoCart
2015-2017 YujinRobot @snapend
- Yujin Robot : a long time ROS contributor
- Gocart Team and especially Daniel Stonier.
@snap[west span-50]
- travels in a building
- follows commands
- takes the elevator @ulend @snapend
User Interface
Find some way to show information to the user...
- 10 years development mostly C++
- Background in Simulation and Gaming
- Math/Physics & Network/Backend Tech
- @color[grey](Why ?)
- Prototyping
- Fear of Dependencies
- Uncertainty of Environment
- Doubt of Security/Scalability
- Inversion of Control
- Integration of Workflow
- Be dynamic !
Cramming two years in 20 minutes
Some things will be left out
Beware : Here be Anachronisms
- C++, CMake, make/ninja, IDE/Text Editor
- CVS : svn/git, Test Framework, Libraries
- System packages, Documentation System
- catkin, ROS packages
source setup.bash
!- change your code for ROS !
- ...
- => And we wanna a webserver, really ? @ulend
- Python (tests/docs included)
- pick up a webserver library (Rostful from BenKehoe)
- Working website.
- wait... what ? @ulend
- what happened there ?
- What is different when we use Python ?
@snap[west span-50]
@ul[spaced] @snap[west span-50] Your users care about :
@snap[east span-50] @snapend @ulend
- replace CHANGE by FIX.
- It is a matter of perspective...
- what is the user trying to achieve ?
- @color[grey](Why ?)
- @colorgrey
- Fear of Dependencies
- Uncertainty of Environment
- Doubt of Security/Scalability
- Inversion of Control
- Integration of Workflow
- Be dynamic !
@snap[north span-100]
@snap[west span-45] @ul[spaced]
- Ubuntu 14.04 Trusty
- Python2.7
- ROS Indigo @ulend @snapend
@snap[east span-45] @ul[spaced]
- Ubuntu packages: apt
- Python packages: pip
- ROS packages: apt ? distutils ? custom ? @ulend @snapend
@snap[north span-100]
- catkin will parse
- must have sPeCiFiC code style & format.
- must rely on distutils ONLY.
- Dev would need to fork (and maintain) each dependency.
- Dev would need to package and release each dependency. @ulend
@snap[north span-100]
One solution: catkin_pip @fa[external-link]
@snap[west] @ul[spaced]
- builds a standard (PYPA) python package for ROS
- uses pip to install dependencies
- => most packages do not need any changes in
- Minimal patches for third party releases. @ulend @snapend
With catkin-pip, I could:
- port many python packages to ROS packages @fa[external-link]
- use the oringal python source.
- use Third Party Release workflow. @ulend
- Bridging ROS workspaces and virtualenvs properly is hard.
- Potentially complex changes for each pip versions.
- => By design workspaces stack, venvs DO NOT. @ulend
- there is an email track regarding if venv should stack or not
- it was decided that it was an obscure feature and not that useful.
With recent python packages in ROS, I can :
- write rostful's
the 'standard' way. import flask
and build a usual flask WSGI app.- package it and release it for ROS.
- same for each dependency, no fork needed.
- There are many way to package code for ROS.
- Different ways match different usecases
Quick mention of ros1_template @fa[external-link], might be useful when starting ROS development...
There should be one (and preferably only one) obvious way to do it.
- Could we do better ? the question remains open.
- @color[grey](Why ?)
- @colorgrey
- @color[grey](Fear of Dependencies)
- Uncertainty of Environment
- Doubt of Security/Scalability
- Inversion of Control
- Integration of Workflow
- Be dynamic !
@snap[north span-100]
@snap[south span-100] @ul[spaced]
- ROS wants you to
source setup.bash
- But that modifies PYTHONPATH (how?)
- => not visible in terminal
- => breaks vitualenvs in subtle ways
- => changes import behavior slightly
- Behavior depends on HOW you run. @ulend @snapend
- many ways to run (shell, venv, roslaunch, IDE, etc.)
- py2 and py3 have different import behavior, beware !
@snap[north span-100]
One solution: pyros_setup @fa[external-link]
- setup.bash is a shell script...
- Python can do the same. @ulend
- mkvirtualenv
- pip install pyros_setup
- pyros_setup --pytest => config not setup ?
- edit instance config
- pyros_setup --pytest
- Python repl, import pyros_setup, configure().activate(), import rosservice
- unittests working from anywhere, no matter how you launch them.
- virtual environments become usable with ROS.
- Some python packages do not need to be ported at all. @ulend
- pure python packages used for development
- are installable with pip in virtualenv
- can be used with ROS, without being installed "via ROS"
- without any PYTHONPATH hack, just normal python workflow.
Integration in code not ideal. could be improved...
@ul[spaced] One need a broader perspective:
- A script is a program.
- Your system environment is the global state. @ulend
- integration code can be improved
- a program is a script
- written in assembler
- interpreted by your hardware.
- Rostful is now a simple python flask wsgi app.
- Actually, we do not need ROS packages any longer.
- Following the python way speeds up changes.
- I could quickly build a debug web interface (jquery).
- Python way : venv, pip install, run.
- @color[grey](Why ?)
- @colorgrey
- @color[grey](Fear of Dependencies)
- @color[grey](Uncertainty of Environment)
- Doubt of Security/Scalability
- Inversion of Control
- Integration of Workflow
- Be dynamic !
@snap[north span-100]
@snap[east span-50] @ul[spaced]
- 1 REST request
- 1 Linux process
- 1 ROS node
- HTTP accessible @ulend @snapend
@snap[south span-100] @ul[spaced] Load on the "ROS system" depends on the ingress traffic from outside the system @ulend @snapend
- Web framework is useful for handling web and random traffic
- ROS is quite sensitive and must be kept safe and sound.
- Enter PyROS @ulend
@snap[west span-100] @ul[spaced]
- message-passing multiprocess system
- interfaces between distributed systems
- a software attempt at isolation (via network-aware OS processes)
- physical (hardware) isolation possible if necessary. @ulend @snapend
- Started pure python development
- Encountered quite a few annoying ROS quirks.
Separation of concern
- python backend / frontend / ROS separated
- only ROS parts need ROS packages
- everything else is just standard python.
- potentially interoperable with other python middleware. @ulend
Maintenance is too heavy for one dev
- Not easy to find and recrut developers
- => do we really need a web server on the robot ? @ulend
- We need to port less packages than before
- But more and more ROS distros are lining up
- We should maintain all packages in all of them
- @color[grey](Why ?)
- @colorgrey
- @color[grey](Fear of Dependencies)
- @color[grey](Uncertainty of Environment)
- @color[grey](Doubt of Security/Scalability)
- Inversion of Control
- Integration of Workflow
- Be dynamic !
@snap[north span-100]
@snap[south] Do not control the robot, control its information. @snapend
- human not in direct control of the robot !
- robot "decides by himself"
- comparable to a human following a gps signal...
@snap[north span-100]
@snap[south] Do not control the robot, control its information. @snapend
@snap[north span-100]
The robot connects to a webserver (maintained by web developers)
The interface code becomes very simple.
We can reuse existing python packages.
pyros_msgs & pyros_schemas : web data validation for ROS
Local ROS services proxying REST API endpoints. @ulend
- pyros_msgs @fa[external-link]
- typechecks and converts between python types and ROS.
- simple python package
- custom typechecker but could rely on an existing one. @ulend
- pyros_schemas @fa[external-link]
- typechecks and converts between web data (json) to python types (dict).
- simple python package
- relies on python/web packages. @ulend
- Web Interface with only two simple packages to run and maintain. @ulend
- You depend on the surrounding network infrastructure.
- But this lets IT/Network people do what they do best. @ulend
- Environment changes often when you are a mobile robot...
- But it is the same for your mobile phone, nothing new.
- ROS packaging via catkin_pip for python code
- ROStful webapp to get a debug web interface
- PyROS middleware to interface ROS with other systems
- pure python design for easier web integration
- I am still a team of one... too much to maintain. @ulend
- Too many packages in too many ROS distros.
- Maintenance takes too much time.
- Isn't there is a simpler way ? @ulend
- @color[grey](Why ?)
- @colorgrey
- @color[grey](Fear of Dependencies)
- @color[grey](Uncertainty of Environment)
- @color[grey](Doubt of Security/Scalability)
- @color[grey](Inversion of Control)
- Integration of Workflow
- Be dynamic !
@snap[north span-100]
- Actually, catkin is only useful to generate ROS message class.
- but... Python could do it on the fly ! at import time.
- yet another part of the ROS workflow automated in python. @ulend
- Bye build times.
- Bye custom deb/ros/py packaging.
- Hello python. @ulend
- C++ optimizes runtime
- Python optimizes devtime
- Use the right tool for the job @ulend
- @color[grey](Why ?)
- @colorgrey
- @color[grey](Fear of Dependencies)
- @color[grey](Uncertainty of Environment)
- @color[grey](Doubt of Security/Scalability)
- @color[grey](Inversion of Control)
- @color[grey](Integration of Workflow)
- Be dynamic !
- pyros: python-ROS multiprocess integration.
- pyros_setup: ROS setup at import time
- rosimport: message generation at import time
- Dynamic dynamic_reconfigure @fa[external-link]
- roslaunch ??? @ulend
- ROS-related development could be more accessible.
- PyROS can probably be pure python code
- PyROS could be simpler.
- PyROS could bridge more systems (MQTT, WAMP @fa[external-link])
- Free Software depends on you.
- It IS yours, thats what 'Free' means. @ulend
- Take ownership of free software you use.
- Free Software Four Freedoms: use, study, share, improve it.
- Right AND Duty.
Code at:
Twitter: @asmodehn Github: asmodehn
Contact me: [email protected]