Do you know lights-out game? link
It is quite fun, but too easy :P.
So, Here is a deep-dark version of lights-out.
There are 3 colors of light(R -> G -> B -> R) instead of 2(on / off).
And I also changed clicking operation slightly. lol
Enjoy it.
[source code will be given here]
(service address and port)
Swiping down is a basic operation for solving these puzzle.
For each clicking on first row, we can make results of swiping down operation, and make them as a matrix.
Matrix is invertable on given environment, so every puzzle has a unique solution.
(result of swiping down for given puzzle) \times (inverse matrix made from just above) = number to click for first row
Now, click (inverse number) times on first row and swipe down. Then you will get a qrcode.
Decode and Send.
Given source code will helpful to understand what they do.
In deploy folder
$ docker build -t lights .
$ docker run -d --name lights -v $PWD/log:/tmp/log -p 22341:22341 lights
simply run
$ ./