zinit-install.zsh - a shell script
Documentation automatically generated with `zshelldoc'
AUTOLOAD compinit
Has 6 line(s). No functions are called (may set up e.g. a hook, a Zle widget bound to a key, etc.).
Uses feature(s): source
Has 43 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
Uses feature(s): setopt
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Has 9 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- zinit.zsh/@zinit-substitute
Uses feature(s): eval
Called by:
Compiles given plugin (its main source file, and also an additional "....zsh" file if it exists).$1 - plugin spec (4 formats: user---plugin, user/plugin, user, plugin) $2 - plugin (only when $1 - i.e. user - given)
Has 83 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-compute-ice
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-first
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
Uses feature(s): eval, setopt, zcompile
Called by:
User-exposed `compinit' frontend which first ensures that all completions managed by Zinit are forgotten by Zshell. After that it runs normal `compinit', which should more easily detect Zinit's completions.No arguments.
Has 26 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- .zinit-forget-completion
|-- compinit
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
Uses feature(s): autoload, compinit, setopt, unfunction
Called by:
Called if # passed to configure ice or no ./configure found Runs autoconf, autoreconf, and
Has 64 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-countdown
Called by:
Downloads file to stdout. Supports following backend commands: curl, wget, lftp, lynx. Used by snippet loading.
Has 53 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
Uses feature(s): setopt, trap, type
Called by:
Downloads snippet file – with curl, wget, lftp or lynx, directory, with Subversion – when svn-ICE is active.Github supports Subversion protocol and allows to clone subdirectories. This is used to provide a layer of support for Oh-My-Zsh and Prezto.
Has 377 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- .zinit-download-file-stdout
| `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|-- .zinit-get-url-mtime
|-- .zinit-install-completions
| |-- .zinit-compinit
| | |-- .zinit-forget-completion
| | |-- compinit
| | `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
| |-- .zinit-forget-completion
| |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
| |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-exists-physically-message
| |-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
| `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
|-- .zinit-mirror-using-svn
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-store-ices
|-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
`-- zinit.zsh/is-at-least
Uses feature(s): is-at-least, setopt, trap, zcompile
Called by:
Has 30 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- ziextract
| `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
Uses feature(s): setopt
Called by:
Implements alternation of Zsh state so that already initialized completion stops being visible to Zsh.$1 - completion function name, e.g. "_cp"; can also be "cp"
Has 20 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.
Uses feature(s): setopt, unfunction
Called by:
Has 70 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- .zinit-download-file-stdout
| `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
Uses feature(s): setopt
Called by:
Gets version string of latest release of given Github package. Connects to Github releases page.
Has 52 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
Uses feature(s): setopt
Called by:
Has 195 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- .zinit-download-file-stdout
| `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|-- .zinit-jq-check
| `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|-- .zinit-json-to-array
| `-- .zinit-jq-check
| `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|-- ziextract
| `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
`-- zinit.zsh/@zinit-substitute
Uses feature(s): eval, setopt, trap
Called by:
For the given URL returns the date in the Last-Modified header as a time stamp
Has 35 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.
Uses feature(s): read, setopt, trap, type
Called by:
Installs all completions of given plugin. After that they are visible to 'compinit'. Visible completions can be selectively disabled and enabled. User can access completion data with 'clist' or 'completions' subcommand.$1 - plugin spec (4 formats: user---plugin, user/plugin, user, plugin) $2 - plugin if $1 (i.e., user) given $3 - if 1, then reinstall, otherwise only install completions that are not present
Has 62 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- .zinit-compinit
| |-- .zinit-forget-completion
| |-- compinit
| `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|-- .zinit-forget-completion
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-exists-physically-message
|-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
Uses feature(s): setopt
Called by:
Check if jq is available and outputs an error message with instructions if that's not the case
Has 8 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
Called by:
Wrapper around jq that return the value of a property
$1: JSON structure $2: jq path
Has 4 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- .zinit-jq-check
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Wrapper around jq that sets key/values of an associative array, replicating the structure of a given JSON object$1: JSON structure $2: jq path $3: name of the associative array to store the key/value pairs in
Has 13 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- .zinit-jq-check
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
Uses feature(s): eval, setopt
Called by:
Used to clone subdirectories from Github. If in update mode (see $2), then invokes `svn update', in normal mode invokes `svn checkout --non-interactive -q <URL>'. In test mode only compares remote and local revision and outputs true if update is needed.$1 - URL $2 - mode, "" - normal, "-u" - update, "-t" - test $3 - subdirectory (not path) with working copy, needed for -t and -u
Has 29 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.
Uses feature(s): setopt
Called by:
Clones given plugin into PLUGIN_DIR. Supports multiple sites (respecting `from' and `proto' ice modifiers). Invokes compilation of plugin's main file.$1 - user $2 - plugin
Has 214 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- .zinit-download-file-stdout
| `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|-- .zinit-get-cygwin-package
| |-- .zinit-download-file-stdout
| | `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
| `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|-- .zinit-get-latest-gh-r-url-part
| `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|-- .zinit-install-completions
| |-- .zinit-compinit
| | |-- .zinit-forget-completion
| | |-- compinit
| | `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
| |-- .zinit-forget-completion
| |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
| |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-exists-physically-message
| |-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
| `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
|-- ziextract
| `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-store-ices
|-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-get-object-path
Uses feature(s): setopt, trap
Called by:
Display cURL progress bar on a single line
Has 20 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.
Uses feature(s): read, setopt
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Has 76 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- .zinit-download-snippet
| |-- .zinit-download-file-stdout
| | `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
| |-- .zinit-get-url-mtime
| |-- .zinit-install-completions
| | |-- .zinit-compinit
| | | |-- .zinit-forget-completion
| | | |-- compinit
| | | `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
| | |-- .zinit-forget-completion
| | |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
| | |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-exists-physically-message
| | |-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
| | `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
| |-- .zinit-mirror-using-svn
| |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-store-ices
| |-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
| `-- zinit.zsh/is-at-least
|-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-get-object-path
`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-pack-ice
Uses feature(s): eval, setopt
Called by:
If the file is an archive, it is extracted by this function. Next stage is scanning of files with the common utility file to detect executables. They are given +x mode. There are also messages to the user on performed actions.$1 - url $2 - file
Has 283 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
Uses feature(s): setopt, unfunction, zparseopts
Called by:
Has 3 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- zicp
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Has 1 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- ziextract
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Has 26 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-countdown
`-- zinit.zsh/@zinit-substitute
Uses feature(s): eval, setopt
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Has 22 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- .zinit-at-eval
| `-- zinit.zsh/@zinit-substitute
`-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-countdown
Uses feature(s): setopt
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Has 22 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- .zinit-at-eval
| `-- zinit.zsh/@zinit-substitute
`-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-countdown
Uses feature(s): setopt
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Has 19 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- .zinit-compile-plugin
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-compute-ice
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-first
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
Uses feature(s): setopt
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
A base common implementation of configure'', as all the starting steps are rigid and the same in all hooks, hence the idea. TODO: use in make'' and other places.
Has 65 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- .zinit-configure-run-autoconf
| `-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-countdown
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-countdown
`-- zinit.zsh/@zinit-substitute
Called by:
The !-version of configure'' ice. Runs in between of make'!!' and make'!'. Configure naturally runs before make.
Has 1 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- ∞zinit-configure-base-hook
|-- .zinit-configure-run-autoconf
| `-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-countdown
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-countdown
`-- zinit.zsh/@zinit-substitute
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
The non-! version of configure'' ice. Runs in between of make'!' and make''. Configure script naturally runs before make.
Has 1 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- ∞zinit-configure-base-hook
|-- .zinit-configure-run-autoconf
| `-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-countdown
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-countdown
`-- zinit.zsh/@zinit-substitute
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Has 30 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- zinit.zsh/@zinit-substitute
Uses feature(s): setopt
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Has 10 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- .zinit-extract
| |-- ziextract
| | `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
| `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
`-- zinit.zsh/@zinit-substitute
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Has 29 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-countdown
`-- zinit.zsh/@zinit-substitute
Called by:
Has 1 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- ∞zinit-make-base-hook
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-countdown
`-- zinit.zsh/@zinit-substitute
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Has 1 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- ∞zinit-make-base-hook
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-countdown
`-- zinit.zsh/@zinit-substitute
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Has 1 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- ∞zinit-make-base-hook
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-countdown
`-- zinit.zsh/@zinit-substitute
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Has 35 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
`-- zinit.zsh/@zinit-substitute
Uses feature(s): setopt
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Has 18 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
Uses feature(s): eval
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Has 79 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
Uses feature(s): eval
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Initialisation for new style completion. This mainly contains some helper functions and setup. Everything else is split into different files that will automatically be made autoloaded (see the end of this file). The names of the files that will be considered for autoloading are those that begin with an underscores (like `_condition).The first line of each of these files is read and must indicate what should be done with its contents:`#compdef <names ...>'
Has 573 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.
Uses feature(s): autoload, bindkey, compdef, compdump, eval, read, setopt, unfunction, zle, zstyle
Called by: