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1619 lines (1030 loc) · 32.2 KB


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1619 lines (1030 loc) · 32.2 KB


zinit-autoload.zsh - a shell script

Documentation automatically generated with `zshelldoc'




Script Body

Has 5 line(s). No functions are called (may set up e.g. a hook, a Zle widget bound to a key, etc.).

Uses feature(s): source


Converts given plugin-spec to format that's used in keys for hash tables.
So basically, creates string "user/plugin" (this format is called: uspl2).
$1 - plugin spec (4 formats: user---plugin, user/plugin, user, plugin)
$2 - (optional) plugin (only when $1 - i.e. user - given)

Has 2 line(s). Calls functions:

`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin

Called by:



Has 5 line(s). Calls functions:

`-- zinit.zsh/@zinit-substitute

Uses feature(s): eval

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Performs ./configure && make on the module and displays information
how to load the module in .zshrc.

Has 39 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- .zinit-module
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log

Uses feature(s): setopt, trap

Called by:



Jumps to plugin's directory (in Zinit's home directory).
User-action entry point.
$1 - plugin spec (4 formats: user---plugin, user/plugin, user, plugin)
$2 - plugin (only when $1 - i.e. user - given)

Has 15 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- .zinit-get-path
|   `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-get-object-path
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log

Uses feature(s): setopt

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Enables given installed completion.
User-action entry point.
$1 - e.g. "_mkdir" or "mkdir"

Has 30 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- .zinit-check-comp-consistency
|-- .zinit-get-completion-owner-uspl2col
|   |-- .zinit-get-completion-owner
|   `-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
`-- .zinit-prepare-readlink

Called by:



Disables given installed completion.
User-action entry point.
$1 - e.g. "_mkdir" or "mkdir"

Has 31 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- .zinit-check-comp-consistency
|-- .zinit-get-completion-owner-uspl2col
|   |-- .zinit-get-completion-owner
|   `-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
`-- .zinit-prepare-readlink

Called by:



Shows `git log` of given plugin.
User-action entry point.
$1 - plugin spec (4 formats: user---plugin, user/plugin, user, plugin)
$2 - plugin (only when $1 - i.e. user - given)

Has 9 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-exists-physically-message
`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Zinit creates symlink for each installed completion.
This function checks whether given completion (i.e.
file like "_mkdir") is indeed a symlink. Backup file
is a completion that is disabled - has the leading "_"
$1 - path to completion within plugin's directory
$2 - path to backup file within plugin's directory

Has 11 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.

Called by:



For each argument that each should be a path to completion
within a plugin's dir, it checks whether that completion
is disabled - returns 0 or 1 on corresponding positions
in reply.
Uninstalled completions will be reported as "0"
- i.e. disabled
$1, ... - path to completion within plugin's directory

Has 11 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.

Called by:



For each argument that each should be a path to completion
within a plugin's dir, it checks whether that completion
is installed - returns 0 or 1 on corresponding positions
in reply.
$1, ... - path to completion within plugin's directory

Has 12 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.

Called by:



Delete stray and improper completions.
Completions live even when plugin isn't loaded - if they are
installed and enabled.
User-action entry point.

Has 37 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- .zinit-get-completion-owner
|-- .zinit-prepare-readlink
`-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



Clears all report data for given user/plugin. This is
done by resetting all related global ZINIT_* hashes.
$1 - plugin spec (4 formats: user---plugin, user/plugin, user, plugin)
$2 - (optional) plugin (only when $1 - i.e. user - given)

Has 23 line(s). Calls functions:

`-- .zinit-any-to-uspl2
    `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin

Called by:



Compiles or uncompiles all existing (on disk) plugins.
User-action entry point.

Has 23 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- .zinit-uncompile-plugin
|   |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
|   `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
|-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-compile-plugin
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



Displays list of plugins that are compiled.
User-action entry point.

Has 26 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



Prints given question, waits for "y" key, evals
given expression if "y" obtained
$1 - question
$2 - expression

Has 17 line(s). Calls functions:

`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log

Uses feature(s): eval, read

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Creates a plugin, also on Github (if not "_local/name" plugin).
User-action entry point.
$1 - (optional) plugin spec (4 formats: user---plugin, user/plugin, user, plugin)
$2 - (optional) plugin (only when $1 - i.e. user - given)

Has 102 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-exists-physically
`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin

Uses feature(s): autoload, setopt, vared

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Deletes a plugin or snippet and related files and hooks.
$1 - snippet url or plugin

Has 111 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- .zinit-prompt
|-- .zinit-run-delete-hooks
|   `-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-countdown
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-compute-ice
|-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
`-- zinit.zsh/zinit

Uses feature(s): setopt, zmodload, zparseopts

Called by:



Computes ZINIT_PATH, ZINIT_FPATH that hold (f)path components
added by plugin. Uses data gathered earlier by .zinit-diff-env().
$1 - user/plugin

Has 30 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



Computes FUNCTIONS that holds new functions added by plugin.
Uses data gathered earlier by .zinit-diff-functions().
$1 - user/plugin

Has 19 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



Computes OPTIONS that holds options changed by plugin.
Uses data gathered earlier by .zinit-diff-options().
$1 - user/plugin

Has 17 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



parameters created or changed (their type) by plugin. Uses
data gathered earlier by .zinit-diff-parameter().
$1 - user/plugin

Has 28 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



Runs $EDITOR on source of given plugin. If the variable is not
set then defaults to `vim'.
User-action entry point.
$1 - plugin spec (4 formats: user---plugin, user/plugin, user, plugin)
$2 - plugin (only when $1 - i.e. user - given)

Has 22 line(s). Calls functions:

`-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-compute-ice

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Checks if plugin is loaded. Testable. Also outputs error
message if plugin is not loaded.
$1 - plugin spec (4 formats: user---plugin, user/plugin, user, plugin)
$2 - (optional) plugin (only when $1 - i.e. user - given)

Has 7 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- .zinit-any-to-uspl2
|   `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
`-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2

Called by:



Searches for completions owned by given plugin.
Returns them in `reply' array.
$1 - plugin spec (4 formats: user---plugin, user/plugin, user, plugin)
$2 - plugin (only when $1 - i.e. user - given)

Has 6 line(s). Calls functions:

`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



Creates one-column text about FPATH or PATH elements
added when given plugin was loaded.
$1 - user/plugin (i.e. uspl2 format of plugin-spec)
$2 - if 1, then examine PATH, if 2, then examine FPATH

Has 16 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.

Called by:



Creates a one or two columns text with functions created
by given plugin.
$1 - user/plugin (i.e. uspl2 format of plugin-spec)

Has 36 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.

Called by:



Creates one-column text about options that changed when
plugin "$1" was loaded.
$1 - user/plugin (i.e. uspl2 format of plugin-spec)

Has 21 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- .zinit-restore-extendedglob
`-- .zinit-save-set-extendedglob

Called by:



Creates one column text that lists global parameters that
changed when the given plugin was loaded.
$1 - user/plugin (i.e. uspl2 format of plugin-spec)

Has 35 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



Returns "user---plugin" string (uspl1 format) of plugin that
owns given completion.
Both :A and readlink will be used, then readlink's output if
results differ. Readlink might not be available.
:A will read the link "twice" and give the final repository
directory, possibly without username in the uspl format;
readlink will read the link "once"
$1 - absolute path to completion file (in COMPLETIONS_DIR)
$2 - readlink command (":" or "readlink")

Has 22 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



For shortening of code - returns colorized plugin name
that owns given completion.
$1 - absolute path to completion file (in COMPLETIONS_DIR)
$2 - readlink command (":" or "readlink")

Has 2 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- .zinit-get-completion-owner
`-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2

Called by:



Returns path of given ID-string, which may be a plugin-spec
(like "user/plugin" or "user" "plugin"), an absolute path
("%" "/home/..." and also "%SNIPPETS/..." etc.), or a plugin
nickname (i.e. id-as'' ice-mod), or a snippet nickname.

Has 8 line(s). Calls functions:

`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-get-object-path

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



Shows colorized source code of plugin. Is able to use pygmentize,
highlight, GNU source-highlight.
User-action entry point.
$1 - plugin spec (4 formats: user---plugin, user/plugin, user, plugin)
$2 - plugin (only when $1 - i.e. user - given)

Has 39 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- .zinit-pager
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-exists-physically-message
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-first
|-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Shows usage information.
User-action entry point.

Has 64 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.

Called by:



Has 44 line(s). Calls functions:

`-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2

Called by:



Shows recorded compdefs (called by plugins loaded earlier).
Plugins often call `compdef' hoping for `compinit' being
already ran. Zinit solves this by recording compdefs.
User-action entry point.

Has 5 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.

Called by:



Lists loaded plugins (subcommands list, lodaded)

Has 21 line(s). Calls functions:

`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



Has 20 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



Function that has sub-commands passed as long-options (with two dashes, --).
It's an attempt to plugin only this one function into `zinit' function
defined in zinit.zsh, to not make this file longer than it's needed.

Has 24 line(s). Calls functions:

`-- .zinit-build-module
    `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log

Called by:



BusyBox less lacks the -X and -i options, so it can use more

Has 14 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:

Prepares readlink command, used for establishing completion's owner.
$REPLY = ":" or "readlink"

Has 4 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.

Uses feature(s): type

Called by:



Prompt user to confirm
$1 - prompt
$REPLY - 0 or 1

Has 4 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.

Uses feature(s): read

Called by:



Has 38 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-compute-ice
`-- zinit.zsh/+zinit-deploy-message

Uses feature(s): setopt

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Shows plugins that obtained commits in specified past time.
User-action entry point.
$1 - time spec, e.g. "1 week"

Has 28 line(s). Calls functions:

`-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



Restores extendedglob-option from state saved earlier.

Has 1 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



Has 17 line(s). Calls functions:

`-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-countdown

Uses feature(s): eval

Called by:



Enables extendedglob-option first saving if it was already
enabled, for restoration of this state later.

Has 2 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



While .zinit-show-completions() shows what completions are
installed, this functions searches through all plugin dirs
showing what's available in general (for installation).
User-action entry point.

Has 43 line(s). Calls functions:

`-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



Updates Zinit code (does a git pull)

Has 42 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- .zinit-pager
|-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-get-mtime-into

Uses feature(s): setopt, source, zcompile

Called by:



Displays reports of all loaded plugins.
User-action entry point.

Has 5 line(s). Calls functions:

`-- .zinit-show-report
    |-- .zinit-check-which-completions-are-enabled
    |-- .zinit-check-which-completions-are-installed
    |-- .zinit-diff-env-compute
    |-- .zinit-diff-functions-compute
    |-- .zinit-diff-options-compute
    |-- .zinit-diff-parameter-compute
    |-- .zinit-exists-message
    |   |-- .zinit-any-to-uspl2
    |   |   `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
    |   `-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
    |-- .zinit-find-completions-of-plugin
    |   `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
    |-- .zinit-format-env
    |-- .zinit-format-functions
    |-- .zinit-format-options
    |   |-- .zinit-restore-extendedglob
    |   `-- .zinit-save-set-extendedglob
    |-- .zinit-format-parameter
    `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin

Called by:



Display installed (enabled and disabled), completions. Detect
stray and improper ones.
Completions live even when plugin isn't loaded - if they are
installed and enabled.
User-action entry point.

Has 72 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- .zinit-get-completion-owner
|-- .zinit-prepare-readlink
`-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



Displays dtrace report (data recorded in interactive session).
User-action entry point.

Has 1 line(s). Calls functions:

`-- .zinit-show-report
    |-- .zinit-check-which-completions-are-enabled
    |-- .zinit-check-which-completions-are-installed
    |-- .zinit-diff-env-compute
    |-- .zinit-diff-functions-compute
    |-- .zinit-diff-options-compute
    |-- .zinit-diff-parameter-compute
    |-- .zinit-exists-message
    |   |-- .zinit-any-to-uspl2
    |   |   `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
    |   `-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
    |-- .zinit-find-completions-of-plugin
    |   `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
    |-- .zinit-format-env
    |-- .zinit-format-functions
    |-- .zinit-format-options
    |   |-- .zinit-restore-extendedglob
    |   `-- .zinit-save-set-extendedglob
    |-- .zinit-format-parameter
    `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Displays report of the plugin given.
$1 - plugin spec (4 formats: user---plugin, user/plugin, user (+ plugin in $2), plugin)
$2 - plugin (only when $1 - i.e. user - given)

Has 71 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- .zinit-check-which-completions-are-enabled
|-- .zinit-check-which-completions-are-installed
|-- .zinit-diff-env-compute
|-- .zinit-diff-functions-compute
|-- .zinit-diff-options-compute
|-- .zinit-diff-parameter-compute
|-- .zinit-exists-message
|   |-- .zinit-any-to-uspl2
|   |   `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
|   `-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
|-- .zinit-find-completions-of-plugin
|   `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
|-- .zinit-format-env
|-- .zinit-format-functions
|-- .zinit-format-options
|   |-- .zinit-restore-extendedglob
|   `-- .zinit-save-set-extendedglob
|-- .zinit-format-parameter
`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



Shows loading times of all loaded plugins.
User-action entry point.

Has 65 line(s). Calls functions:

`-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



Shows Zinit status, i.e. number of loaded plugins,
of available completions, etc.
User-action entry point.

Has 47 line(s). Calls functions:

`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



Compiles plugin with various options on and off to see
how well the code is written. The options are:
User-action entry point.
$1 - plugin spec (4 formats: user---plugin, user/plugin, user, plugin)
$2 - plugin (only when $1 - i.e. user - given)

Has 38 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-exists-physically-message
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-first
`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin

Uses feature(s): setopt, zcompile

Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).


Uncompiles given plugin.
User-action entry point.
$1 - plugin spec (4 formats: user---plugin, user/plugin, user (+ plugin in $2), plugin)
$2 - plugin (only when $1 - i.e. user - given)

Has 22 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



Removes all completions of given plugin from Zshell (i.e. from FPATH).
The FPATH is typically `~/.zinit/completions/'.
$1 - plugin spec (4 formats: user---plugin, user/plugin, user, plugin)
$2 - plugin (only when $1 - i.e. user - given)

Has 46 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- .zinit-get-path
|   `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-get-object-path
|-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-compinit
|-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-forget-completion
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log

Uses feature(s): setopt, source

Called by:



  1. call the zsh plugin’s standard *_plugin_unload function

  2. call the code provided by the zsh plugin’s standard @zsh-plugin-run-at-update

  3. delete bindkeys (…​)

  4. delete zstyles

  5. restore options

  6. remove aliases

  7. restore zle state

  8. unfunction functions (created by plugin)

  9. clean-up fpath and path

  10. delete created variables

  11. forget the plugin

    $1 - plugin spec (4 formats: user---plugin, user/plugin, user, plugin)
    $2 - plugin (only when $1 - i.e. user - given)

Has 385 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- .zinit-clear-report-for
|   `-- .zinit-any-to-uspl2
|       `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
|-- .zinit-diff-env-compute
|-- .zinit-diff-functions-compute
|-- .zinit-diff-options-compute
|-- .zinit-diff-parameter-compute
|-- .zinit-exists-message
|   |-- .zinit-any-to-uspl2
|   |   `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
|   `-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
|-- .zinit-restore-extendedglob
|-- .zinit-save-set-extendedglob
|-- .zinit-unregister-plugin
|   `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
|-- zinit-additional.zsh/.zinit-debug-clear
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
|-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin

Uses feature(s): alias, bindkey, eval, setopt, unalias, unfunction, zle, zstyle

Called by:



Removes the plugin from ZINIT_REGISTERED_PLUGINS array and from the
zsh_loaded_plugins array (managed according to the plugin standard)

Has 6 line(s). Calls functions:

`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin

Called by:



Has 84 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- .zinit-update-or-status
|   |-- .zinit-pager
|   |-- .zinit-update-or-status-snippet
|   |   |-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-update-snippet
|   |   `-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-compute-ice
|   |-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-get-latest-gh-r-url-part
|   |-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-setup-plugin-dir
|   |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
|   |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-compute-ice
|   |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-exists-physically
|   |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-exists-physically-message
|   |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-store-ices
|   |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-two-paths
|   |-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|   |-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
|   `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-set-m-func
|-- .zinit-update-or-status-snippet
|   |-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-update-snippet
|   `-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-compute-ice
|-- .zinit-wait-for-update-jobs
|   `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
|-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin

Uses feature(s): setopt

Called by:



Updates (git pull) or does `git status' for given plugin.
User-action entry point.
$1 - "status" for status, other for update
$2 - plugin spec (4 formats: user---plugin, user/plugin, user (+ plugin in $2), plugin)
$3 - plugin (only when $1 - i.e. user - given)

Has 325 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- .zinit-pager
|-- .zinit-update-or-status-snippet
|   |-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-update-snippet
|   `-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-compute-ice
|-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-get-latest-gh-r-url-part
|-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-setup-plugin-dir
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-compute-ice
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-exists-physically
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-exists-physically-message
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-store-ices
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-two-paths
|-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-set-m-func

Uses feature(s): kill, read, setopt, source, trap, wait

Called by:



Updates (git pull) or does `git status` for all existing plugins.
This includes also plugins that are not loaded into Zsh (but exist
on disk). Also updates (i.e. redownloads) snippets.
User-action entry point.

Has 133 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- .zinit-self-update
|   |-- .zinit-pager
|   |-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|   `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-get-mtime-into
|-- .zinit-update-all-parallel
|   |-- .zinit-update-or-status
|   |   |-- .zinit-pager
|   |   |-- .zinit-update-or-status-snippet
|   |   |   |-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-update-snippet
|   |   |   `-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-compute-ice
|   |   |-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-get-latest-gh-r-url-part
|   |   |-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-setup-plugin-dir
|   |   |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
|   |   |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-compute-ice
|   |   |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-exists-physically
|   |   |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-exists-physically-message
|   |   |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-store-ices
|   |   |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-two-paths
|   |   |-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|   |   |-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
|   |   `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-set-m-func
|   |-- .zinit-update-or-status-snippet
|   |   |-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-update-snippet
|   |   `-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-compute-ice
|   |-- .zinit-wait-for-update-jobs
|   |   `-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|   |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
|   |-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|   `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
|-- .zinit-update-or-status
|   |-- .zinit-pager
|   |-- .zinit-update-or-status-snippet
|   |   |-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-update-snippet
|   |   `-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-compute-ice
|   |-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-get-latest-gh-r-url-part
|   |-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-setup-plugin-dir
|   |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
|   |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-compute-ice
|   |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-exists-physically
|   |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-exists-physically-message
|   |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-store-ices
|   |-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-two-paths
|   |-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|   |-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
|   `-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-set-m-func
|-- .zinit-update-or-status-snippet
|   |-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-update-snippet
|   `-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-compute-ice
|-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-compinit
|-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-any-colorify-as-uspl2
|-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-any-to-user-plugin
`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-get-mtime-into

Uses feature(s): setopt, source

Called by:



Implements update or status operation for snippet given by URL.
$1 - "status" or "update"
$2 - snippet URL

Has 34 line(s). Calls functions:

|-- zinit-install.zsh/.zinit-update-snippet
`-- zinit-side.zsh/.zinit-compute-ice

Uses feature(s): source

Called by:



Has 18 line(s). Calls functions:

`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log

Uses feature(s): wait

Called by:



Shows usage information.
User-action entry point.

Has 2 line(s). Calls functions:

`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log

Called by:
