zinit-additional.zsh - a shell script
Documentation automatically generated with `zshelldoc'
Has 1 line(s). No functions are called (may set up e.g. a hook, a Zle widget bound to a key, etc.).
Debug command entry point
Has 35 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.
Uses feature(s): setopt, zmodload, zparseopts
Called by:
Clear latest debug report
Has 7 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-clear-report-for
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
Called by:
Displays debug report (data recorded in interactive session).
Has 6 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-show-report
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
Uses feature(s): source
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Revert changes made during debug mode
Has 7 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- zinit-autoload.zsh/.zinit-unload
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
Uses feature(s): source
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Start debug mode
Has 13 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-diff
`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-tmp-subst-on
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Revert changes made during debug mode
Has 2 line(s). Calls functions:
`-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Stop debug mode
Has 14 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- zinit.zsh/+zi-log
|-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-diff
`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-tmp-subst-off
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Handles given service, i.e. obtains lock, runs it, or waits if no lock
$1 - type "p" or "s" (plugin or snippet) $2 - mode - for plugin (light or load) $3 - id - URL or plugin ID or alias name (from id-as'')
Has 37 line(s). Calls functions:
|-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-load
`-- zinit.zsh/.zinit-load-snippet
Uses feature(s): kill, read, setopt
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).
Has 19 line(s). Doesn’t call other functions.
Uses feature(s): eval
Not called by script or any function (may be e.g. a hook, a Zle widget, etc.).