- prepare: enforcing CI/CD, linting and formatting via Git with
- storybook: starts storybook in a local web server
- build:storybook: build storybook, see https://storybook.js.org/docs/react/api/cli-options
- release: runs
to support the release process - start: starts both a
build watcher as well as the storybook script - clean: cleaning your working copy, but leave relevant files like e.g. your
file untouched
- @commitlint/cli: lint commit messages
- @commitlint/config-conventional: introduced by commitlint
- @storybook/addon-actions: introduced by storybook
- @storybook/addon-essentials: introduced by storybook
- @storybook/addon-controls: introduced by storybook
- @storybook/addon-links: introduced by storybook
- @storybook/html: introduced by storybook
- @storybook/web-components: introduced by storybook
- concurrently: enables parallel or sequential processing of commands
- husky: hooks into commit and executes commitlint
- np: supports the release process e.g. with interactive options and tests
- prettier: formats code according eslint rules
- pretty-quick: introduced by prettier