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Releases: princenyeche/jiraone


29 Mar 05:27
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#32 Micro updates

  • Added a new reporting method PROJECT.change_log() for fetching issue history.
  • updated method PROJECT.download_attachments() method.
  • Added method PROJECT.bytes_converter() used for checking KB and MB conversions.
  • Added new reporting called USER.search_user() method.

Find user

from jiraone import LOGIN, USER

user = "email"
password = "token"
link = ""
LOGIN(user=user, password=password, url=link)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # the output of the file would be absolute to the directory where this python file is being executed from
    name = "Prince Nyeche"  # displayName of a user
    USER.search_user(pull="active", user_type="atlassian", find_user=name)


from jiraone import LOGIN, PROJECT

user = "email"
password = "token"
link = ""
# use {LOGIN.api = False} if you want to extract the issue history from a Server instance
LOGIN(user=user, password=password, url=link)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # the output of the file would be absolute to the directory where this python file is being executed from
    jql = "project in (PYT) ORDER BY Rank DESC"  # A valid JQL query


15 Mar 05:14
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#31 Micro updates

  • Changed the error name on field.extract_issue_field_options() method
  • No release for v0.2.6 as it's equivalent to v0.2.7
  • Added a comment method which can be called by saying
from jiraone import comment
  • That variable is still a work in progress, for now you can only get comments. Other abilities should include creating and updating comments


04 Mar 04:48
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#30 Micro updates

  • Added attribute LOGIN.api - it is a bool attribute and it helps to toggle the api version from "3" to "latest". This is useful, when you want to make a call to a Server or Datacenter instance of Jira.
    Example usage:
from jiraone import LOGIN

user = "username"
password = "password"
link = ""
LOGIN.api = False # this sets the api to latest
LOGIN(user=user, password=password, url=link)


21 Feb 14:44
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#27 Micro update

  • Corrected some methods of the Field class


14 Feb 04:21
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#23 Micro update

  • Added a new class Field with an alias field used to link to the class. It comes with various methods for updating system or custom fields.
  • No release for v0.2.2 as it is equal to v0.2.3

Example usage:

from jiraone import field, echo, LOGIN

user = "email"
password = "token"
link = ""
LOGIN(user=user, password=password, url=link)

issue = "T6-75"
fields = "Multiple files" # a multiselect custom field
case_value = ["COM Row 1", "Thanos"]
# add multiple values to a multiselect custom field
for value in case_value:
    c = field.update_field_data(data=value, find_field=fields, key_or_id=issue, options="add", show=False)

# output
# < Response[204] >


09 Feb 16:12
Choose a tag to compare

#21 Micro updates

  • Added new method PROJECT.get_total_comments_on_issues()
  • Example Usage:
from jiraone import LOGIN, PROJECT

user = "email"
password = "token"
link = ""
LOGIN(user=user, password=password, url=link)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # the output of the file would be absolute to the directory where this python file is being executed from
    # this method uses various keyword arguments:
    # pull -> string - available options [active, inactive, both]
    # user_type -> string - available options [atlassian, customer, app, unknown]
    # find_user -> string - display name of the user you're searching for
    # duration -> string - jql function to denote days of calendar e.g. startOfWeek(-1) or startOfMonth(-1)
    # status -> string - statuses you want to check e.g Open or Closed or Open, Closed for multiple statuses check
    # file -> string - a file name to use as place_holder for user search. if not it defaults to user_file.csv
    PROJECT.get_total_comments_on_issues(find_user="Prince Nyeche", pull="active", user_type="atlassian")


07 Feb 05:15
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#20 Micro changes

  • Added one class For and one function replacement_placeholder
  • Changed the documentation on the Endpoints class to be more pythonic.
  • Revamp the documentation and readme file with direct links to a documentation.


17 Jan 07:12
Choose a tag to compare

#13 Micro changes

  • Changed functions from csv_writer to file_writer and csv_reader to file_reader

  • added new arguments content to both file_writer and file_reader functions.

  • Transfer a file across instances or download a file to your local drive from an Instance

from jiraone import LOGIN, PROJECT
from threading import Thread

user = "email"
password = "token"
link = ""
LOGIN(user=user, password=password, url=link)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # the output of the file would be absolute to the directory where this python file is being executed from
    jql = "project%20in%20(COM%2C%20PYT)%20order%20by%20created%20DESC"
    # the below method, helps you download a report of a list of files per issue on a project or on projects
    # afterwards, you can use the below method to move attachments across instances without downloading it
    # if you're using your own file structure say a csv file, you need to identify the index of the attachment
    # for this, 3 keyword args are use key=0, attach=1,  and file=2 -> all requires an integer value.
    # PROJECT.move_attachments_across_instances(attach_file="new.csv", key=0, attach=1, file=2)
    # To download an attachment locally use
    PROJECT.download_attachments(download_path="Download", attach=1, file=2)


17 Jan 09:31
Choose a tag to compare

#16 Micro changes

  • patch to v2 v0.1.8
  • corrected keyword args on move_attachments_across_instances() method.


14 Jan 18:37
Choose a tag to compare

#12 Micro update

  • Added new argument to csv_reader function

    • skip -> bool: True allows you to skip the header if the file has any. otherwise defaults to False
  • Added an attachment report generator. which allows you to get attachment url, who added the attachment and total number of attachments on all project.

from jiraone import LOGIN, PROJECT

user = "email"
password = "token"
link = ""
LOGIN(user=user, password=password, url=link)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # the output of the file would be absolute to the directory where this python file is being executed from
    # you can use any valid jql query
    jql = "project%20in%20(COM%2C%20PYT)%20order%20by%20created%20DESC"