I don’t want 2016 to end. I can’t describe how happy I’ve been with all of the winning so far.
Whether it’s Donald Trump crushing the entire Republican establishment and bringing it to heel, destroying the Clinton political machine and ending Hillary’s ridiculous failure of a career, utterly embarrassing the entire liberal media complex, already bringing jobs back to America, and now defeating the insane “Russia hacking” conspiracy theory, I can’t remember the last time the average Joe won so much in a political sense.
This latest victory is the cherry on top of a well-deserved sundae for Americans who have been forgotten and abused by the political system: Hillary Clinton ended up with more faithless electors than Donald Trump.
You read that right. Despite the media screaming for weeks about Russian conspiracy theories and recalcitrant “NeverTrump” Republicans promising to send the election to the House of Representatives, Trump won big. Hillary suffered what is hopefully her final humiliating defeat.
Going into Monday, leftists and celebrities tried to persuade electors in the Electoral College to vote for anyone but President-elect Donald Trump. It’s all the media has covered, but hiding underneath that remains the disdain and anger Democrats have for their own party.
When electors met to vote, several electors for the Democrats defected or attempted to defect. Seven electors tried to vote against Hillary with four succeeding in Washington. Trump easily won with 304 electoral votes.
The insurrection was far smaller in the Republican camp.
Chris Suprun, who wrote in The New York Times that he would not vote for Trump, voted for John Kasich instead. Another person voted for Ron Paul, but overall, Texas gave Trump 36 electoral votes, pushing him to 304 votes, well over the 270 needed.
Two. After all the commotion from the media and leftists, Trump lost two.
In Washington, Hillary won 8 electoral votes, but four people defected: 3 voted for former Secretary of State Colin Powell and another voted for Faith Spotted Eagle, an elder in the Yankton Dakota tribe. That vote belonged to Robert Satiacum of Washington’s Puyallup Tribe. He supported Bernie Sanders during the primary.
@sfutch33 SEVEN!
3 were replaced.https://t.co/hcKsDsaEMc@JessKane11 @Jpasch101 @ThomasWictor pic.twitter.com/6Yc99kYnbZ— Tzippy Yarom صِپورة (@zpyarom) December 19, 2016
Amazing. Just plain amazing. You’d have to go far back into the annals of history to find a similar example of the American people so utterly rejecting the NYC-DC political establishment.
Hopefully this is a wake-up call for the Democrat Party – a warning that their push for full-fledged socialism and cultural Marxism is a political loser, and that most Americans are not unhinged leftists.
Sadly, 2016 will come to an end shortly. We will undoubtedly see a long run of winning heading towards the future, but I will remember 2016 as one of the great ones.
Be sure to annoy your liberal friends and family – share this post with them!
Remember, a few short years ago when we lost to the liberals and they gave us a dressing down on being too extreme and the RINOs were created? That gave the left so much momentum they thought they could conquer the world. OMG…how I am enjoying the gloating, but I do feel for Trump…he will never have a moment’s peace during his administration. During Obama’s he had the press praising him as the second coming and all the while he was destroying this country. The press was blind to the true facts because Obama was the black messiah…he and they totally believed it. Somehow, someway we must bring the press to its knees and only when they realize it is doom for them will they grow brains again. Pray for Trump, he will need it.
Hillary is crooked, always has been and always will be, Ask some people in Arkansas and they will tell you she just know how to tell the truth about anything, she also only cares about herself and no one else. She has avoided jail by the feds, she need to simply fade away and thank Obama for not having charge filed on her. She is now a has been, can’t win anything, even after 2 attempts at the President, then counting votes, then the electoral. Like I said a has been.
…the embarrassingly corrupt, despised and loathed, staggeringly incompetent, mentally defective beast of benghazi and life-long serial-rapist enabler, should at least do ONE decent thing in her disgusting, foul life…find the person she hired to kill Vince Foster and as an act of compassion ask him/her to put herself out of HER misery…OR if the clintons did away with that person as well…the foul beast should find a quiet space somewhere and do it herself…
I would never vote for a Democrat because they are socialists / communists. And I am an American, how does that play in my life, it doesn’t and those who want to be Democrats better think about moving OUT of OUR COUNTRY, ASAP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have had it with people who want to take over OUR COUNTRY and it’s not just Democrats, it’s terrorist, and drug dealers, it’s everyone who can’t stand the USA ! Well all of you, stand in line so WE THE PEOPLE CAN FORCE YOU OUT OR WE WILL END YOUR LIFE.
Faith Spotted Eagle got more electoral votes then the Green Party
Republicans 3 Democrats 0.
Republicans win election, recount, and now the electoral college.
Democrats win nothing.
What total , corrupt losers they all are. Boy, am I enjoying this.
“Hopefully this is a wake-up call for the Democrat Party – a warning that their push for full-fledged socialism and cultural Marxism is a political loser, and that most Americans are not unhinged leftists.”
If it isn’t, it’s their death knell. They’ve got to get their Communist wing, like Warren, under control if they’re going to exist as a political party!
The Lemming-of-the-Liberal-Left have a lot in common with the “Walking Dead” as they just keep moving towards the ‘sound of money’, ignoring Reality. There may even be a genetic marker they have in common?
Hopefully they stocked up on coloring books, crayons and play-dough before there’s a run on those manufacturers. 🙂
This whole gong show is getting embarrassing what the rest of the world must think of American Politics and our media .
I have proposed a song for the Obama farewell, although in truth it should have been played a long time ago. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rW9-FOLG-iA
Those “Vote Your Conscience” signs backfired.
Michael. Actually they probably did vote their conscience. It just told them to do they job they were elected to do. The Trump electoral college voters have the unique distinction of being the most threatened, bashed and harassed ever on record. They should be extremely proud that the Communists feared them enough so as to come after them.
No they didnt backfire, they voted their conscience and Hillary lost AGAIN. Should tell the Democrats and the lefties and Hillary something. Now we will see if they are listening.