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Gross Domestic Product Analysis

Ivelin Angelov, Laura Bishop, Ethan Graham, Scott Gozdzialski


The global economy is accelerating at a rapid pace. The World Bank, which is the world's largest development institution, looks at influencing factors like climate change, conflict, food security, education, agriculture, finance, and trade. Questions are being asked about Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Income categories for 189 countries in which there is sufficient data to analyze.

The data source for this analysis is from the World Bank's Education Statistics ( web site for basic information on a country, including income grouping, date of last census data, systems of trade, government accounting approach, and many others basic data points except GDP. The GDP information, also from the World Bank, is not a part of the Education Statistics information collection and dissemination.

It is important to note that the World Bank's Education Statistics (EDSstat) does differentiate between countries that participate in the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). The OECD was founded in 1960 and contains 35 member countries today, including the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany. The goal of this organization is to help developing countries create and sustain economic prosperity. In this analysis, the "Income Group" used in the ranking of GDP for a country does contain an indicator of whether a high income country is part of the OECD.

This analysis takes a closer look at the relationship between GDP and Income Groups.

1. With the merged data frame how many IDs matched?

After merging the Data from the EDStats with the GDP data, it is expected that some of the rows will not perfectly match up. Looking at the data from both sets and merging them together ends up with some data points that do not have information in the GDP, those values are excluded from analysis. So how many use full observations are present?

# Load the merged tidy data file
Data = read.table(file.path("data", "merged_data.csv"), header = TRUE, encoding='UTF-8')
cat('There are', nrow(Data), 'rows of clean merged data for further analysis.')
## There are 189 rows of clean merged data for further analysis.

2. With the the data frame in decending order by GDP(United States last) what is the 13th value?

Here is an example of which county lie at the thirteenth position if the data is in descending order. This lists row in unordered data frame, three letter country code, country name, GDP in millions of US dollars, and finally which Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development group it belongs.

# reorder by GDP
Data = Data[order(Data$GDP),]
# print 13-th
cat('The 13th country in the sorted dataset is:', as.character(Data$CountryName[13]))
## The 13th country in the sorted dataset is: St. Kitts and Nevis

3. What are the average GDP rankings for the "High Income: OECD" and "High Income:nonOECD" groups?

There are five different economic groups as classified by the Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). They are the high income and member of the OECD, the high income and non-member OECD, the upper middle income, the middle income, and the low income groups. Comparing average incomes of the high income OECD to average incomes in high income nonOECD indicates if there is a difference between being a member of OECD or not.

Data$GDP.rankings = rank(Data$GDP)
OECD_rankings = Data$GDP.rankings[Data$Income.Group == "High income: OECD"]
cat('The "High income: OECD" group has an average GDP of', mean(OECD_rankings),'millions in US dollars.')
## The "High income: OECD" group has an average GDP of 157.0333 millions in US dollars.
nonOECD_rankings = Data$GDP.rankings[Data$Income.Group == "High income: nonOECD"]
cat('The high income nonOECD group had an average GDP of', mean(nonOECD_rankings), 'millions in US dollars.')
## The high income nonOECD group had an average GDP of 98.34783 millions in US dollars.

Based on the analysis the OECD group has a higher average GDP.

4. Plot the GDP for all of the countries. Use ggplot2 to color your plot by Income Group.

Plotting the data frame's data helps visualize all the data concisely. The chart below is all the data in the data frame.

# Load needed packages
# Allows for setting up the ggplot
# For conclusion
require (Hmisc) 
# For histograms in conclusion
require (lattice) 

# Gets rid of the exponential numbers on the Y axis

# Sets up GGPLOT2 scatter plot
ggplot (Data, aes(x=Data$Income.Group, y=Data$GDP)) + 
  # Sets up Y axis with labels and range
    name="GDP -- In USD$ Millions",
    labels= scales::comma,
    expand = c(0,0),
    limits=c(0, 20000000),
    breaks=seq(0,18000000, 2000000)
    ) + 
  # Sets up x axis for abbreviates of categorical variable to prevent overlap and promote readability
    "Income Group",
    labels = c("Low income" = "LI", "High income: nonOECD" = "nHI", "High income: OECD" = "oHI", "Lower middle income" = "LMI", "Upper middle income" = "UMI")
  ) + 
  # Sets up aspect ratio so consistent with each output
  theme(aspect.ratio = 2/1) + 
  # Sets up colored points
  geom_point(aes(color = Data$Income.Group)) +  
  # Changes legend title
  scale_color_discrete (name="Income Group")

5. Cut the GDP rankings into 5 seperate quantile groups. Making a table versus income group. How many countries are "lower middle income" but within the 38 nations with the highest GDP?

The chart above indicates that the groups are not built on GDP alone. The selection into the high income and member of the OECD, the high income and non-member OECD, the upper middle income, the middle income, and the low income groups come from many variables. These data shows some members of the lower income groups may have the higher GDP then members of the high income group. How many of the countries in the top 38 GDPs are actual in the lower middle income?

# Split the rankings to 5 quantile groups
OrderData <- Data[order(Data$GDP.rankings), c(1:4)]
colNames <- c("Country Name", "Country Code", "GDP in Millions USD$", "Income Group")
# Load the thml table package
# Print a table
  OrderData[c('CountryName', 'CountryCode', 'GDP', 'Income.Group')],
  caption = "Ranking in Income Groups"
Ranking in Income Groups
CountryName CountryCode GDP Income.Group
173 Tuvalu TUV 40 Lower middle income
92 Kiribati KIR 175 Lower middle income
113 Marshall Islands MHL 182 Lower middle income
137 Palau PLW 228 Upper middle income
155 S�o Tom� and Principe STP 263 Lower middle income
59 Micronesia, Fed. Sts. FSM 326 Lower middle income
169 Tonga TON 472 Lower middle income
46 Dominica DMA 480 Upper middle income
39 Comoros COM 596 Low income
184 Samoa WSM 684 Lower middle income
180 St. Vincent and the Grenadines VCT 713 Upper middle income
69 Grenada GRD 767 Upper middle income
93 St. Kitts and Nevis KNA 767 Upper middle income
183 Vanuatu VUT 787 Lower middle income
66 Guinea-Bissau GNB 822 Low income
65 Gambia, The GMB 917 Low income
151 Solomon Islands SLB 1008 Low income
161 Seychelles SYC 1129 Upper middle income
8 Antigua and Barbuda ATG 1134 Upper middle income
100 St. Lucia LCA 1239 Upper middle income
168 Timor-Leste TMP 1293 Lower middle income
22 Belize BLZ 1493 Lower middle income
99 Liberia LBR 1734 Low income
28 Bhutan BTN 1780 Lower middle income
40 Cape Verde CPV 1827 Lower middle income
30 Central African Republic CAF 2184 Low income
111 Maldives MDV 2222 Lower middle income
102 Lesotho LSO 2448 Lower middle income
12 Burundi BDI 2472 Low income
1 Aruba ABW 2584 High income: nonOECD
71 Guyana GUY 2851 Lower middle income
52 Eritrea ERI 3092 Low income
160 Swaziland SWZ 3744 Lower middle income
152 Sierra Leone SLE 3796 Low income
164 Togo TGO 3814 Low income
57 Fiji FJI 3908 Upper middle income
120 Mauritania MRT 4199 Low income
26 Barbados BRB 4225 High income: nonOECD
122 Malawi MWI 4264 Low income
117 Montenegro MNE 4373 Upper middle income
156 Suriname SUR 5012 Upper middle income
23 Bermuda BMU 5474 High income: nonOECD
64 Guinea GIN 5632 Low income
108 Monaco MCO 6075 High income: nonOECD
95 Kosovo KSV 6445 Lower middle income
90 Kyrgyz Republic KGZ 6475 Low income
125 Niger NER 6773 Low income
166 Tajikistan TJK 6972 Low income
146 Rwanda RWA 7103 Low income
109 Moldova MDA 7253 Lower middle income
14 Benin BEN 7557 Low income
75 Haiti HTI 7843 Low income
19 Bahamas, The BHS 8149 High income: nonOECD
116 Malta MLT 8722 High income: nonOECD
97 Lao PDR LAO 9418 Low income
114 Macedonia, FYR MKD 9613 Upper middle income
189 Zimbabwe ZWE 9802 Low income
7 Armenia ARM 9951 Lower middle income
110 Madagascar MDG 9975 Low income
118 Mongolia MNG 10271 Lower middle income
115 Mali MLI 10308 Low income
15 Burkina Faso BFA 10441 Low income
121 Mauritius MUS 10486 Upper middle income
127 Nicaragua NIC 10507 Lower middle income
4 Albania ALB 12648 Upper middle income
163 Chad TCD 12887 Low income
124 Namibia NAM 13072 Upper middle income
82 Iceland ISL 13579 High income: OECD
37 Congo, Rep. COG 13678 Lower middle income
91 Cambodia KHM 14038 Low income
149 Senegal SEN 14046 Lower middle income
119 Mozambique MOZ 14244 Low income
29 Botswana BWA 14504 Upper middle income
85 Jamaica JAM 14755 Upper middle income
138 Papua New Guinea PNG 15654 Lower middle income
62 Georgia GEO 15747 Lower middle income
27 Brunei Darussalam BRN 16954 High income: nonOECD
187 Congo, Dem. Rep. ZAR 17204 Low income
20 Bosnia and Herzegovina BIH 17466 Upper middle income
67 Equatorial Guinea GNQ 17697 High income: nonOECD
60 Gabon GAB 18377 Upper middle income
73 Honduras HND 18434 Lower middle income
130 Nepal NPL 18963 Low income
175 Uganda UGA 19881 Low income
2 Afghanistan AFG 20497 Low income
188 Zambia ZMB 20678 Low income
54 Estonia EST 22390 High income: nonOECD
43 Cyprus CYP 22767 High income: nonOECD
170 Trinidad and Tobago TTO 23320 High income: nonOECD
153 El Salvador SLV 23864 Lower middle income
35 C�te d'Ivoire CIV 24680 Lower middle income
36 Cameroon CMR 25322 Lower middle income
142 Paraguay PRY 25502 Lower middle income
24 Bolivia BOL 27035 Lower middle income
174 Tanzania TZA 28242 Low income
105 Latvia LVA 28373 High income: nonOECD
18 Bahrain BHR 29044 High income: nonOECD
86 Jordan JOR 31015 Lower middle income
167 Turkmenistan TKM 35164 Lower middle income
185 Yemen, Rep. YEM 35646 Lower middle income
134 Panama PAN 36253 Upper middle income
154 Serbia SRB 37489 Upper middle income
89 Kenya KEN 40697 Low income
63 Ghana GHA 40711 Low income
55 Ethiopia ETH 41605 Low income
103 Lithuania LTU 42344 Upper middle income
98 Lebanon LBN 42945 Upper middle income
106 Macao SAR, China MAC 43582 High income: nonOECD
41 Costa Rica CRI 45104 Upper middle income
158 Slovenia SVN 45279 High income: OECD
171 Tunisia TUN 45662 Lower middle income
177 Uruguay URY 49920 Upper middle income
70 Guatemala GTM 50234 Lower middle income
17 Bulgaria BGR 50972 Upper middle income
179 Uzbekistan UZB 51113 Lower middle income
104 Luxembourg LUX 55178 High income: OECD
148 Sudan SDN 58769 Lower middle income
48 Dominican Republic DOM 59047 Upper middle income
74 Croatia HRV 59228 High income: nonOECD
101 Sri Lanka LKA 59423 Lower middle income
21 Belarus BLR 63267 Upper middle income
11 Azerbaijan AZE 66605 Upper middle income
42 Cuba CUB 68234 Upper middle income
132 Oman OMN 69972 High income: nonOECD
162 Syrian Arab Republic SYR 73672 Lower middle income
50 Ecuador ECU 84040 Lower middle income
157 Slovak Republic SVK 91149 High income: OECD
107 Morocco MAR 95982 Lower middle income
140 Puerto Rico PRI 101496 High income: nonOECD
3 Angola AGO 114147 Lower middle income
16 Bangladesh BGD 116355 Low income
76 Hungary HUN 124600 High income: OECD
182 Vietnam VNM 155820 Lower middle income
96 Kuwait KWT 160913 High income: nonOECD
131 New Zealand NZL 167347 High income: OECD
143 Qatar QAT 171476 High income: nonOECD
176 Ukraine UKR 176309 Lower middle income
144 Romania ROM 192711 Upper middle income
44 Czech Republic CZE 196446 High income: OECD
88 Kazakhstan KAZ 203521 Upper middle income
135 Peru PER 203790 Upper middle income
49 Algeria DZA 205789 Upper middle income
81 Iraq IRQ 210280 Lower middle income
79 Ireland IRL 210771 High income: OECD
141 Portugal PRT 212274 High income: OECD
133 Pakistan PAK 225143 Lower middle income
56 Finland FIN 247546 High income: OECD
68 Greece GRC 249099 High income: OECD
136 Philippines PHL 250182 Lower middle income
83 Israel ISR 258217 High income: OECD
126 Nigeria NGA 262597 Lower middle income
51 Egypt, Arab Rep. EGY 262832 Lower middle income
72 Hong Kong SAR, China HKG 263259 High income: nonOECD
33 Chile CHL 269869 Upper middle income
150 Singapore SGP 274701 High income: nonOECD
123 Malaysia MYS 305033 Upper middle income
47 Denmark DNK 314887 High income: OECD
5 United Arab Emirates ARE 348595 High income: nonOECD
165 Thailand THA 365966 Lower middle income
38 Colombia COL 369606 Upper middle income
181 Venezuela, RB VEN 381286 Upper middle income
186 South Africa ZAF 384313 Upper middle income
10 Austria AUT 394708 High income: OECD
6 Argentina ARG 475502 Upper middle income
13 Belgium BEL 483262 High income: OECD
139 Poland POL 489795 High income: OECD
129 Norway NOR 499667 High income: OECD
80 Iran, Islamic Rep. IRN 514060 Upper middle income
159 Sweden SWE 523806 High income: OECD
32 Switzerland CHE 631173 High income: OECD
147 Saudi Arabia SAU 711050 High income: nonOECD
128 Netherlands NLD 770555 High income: OECD
172 Turkey TUR 789257 Upper middle income
77 Indonesia IDN 878043 Lower middle income
94 Korea, Rep. KOR 1129598 High income: OECD
112 Mexico MEX 1178126 Upper middle income
53 Spain ESP 1322965 High income: OECD
9 Australia AUS 1532408 High income: OECD
31 Canada CAN 1821424 High income: OECD
78 India IND 1841710 Lower middle income
84 Italy ITA 2014670 High income: OECD
145 Russian Federation RUS 2014775 Upper middle income
25 Brazil BRA 2252664 Upper middle income
61 United Kingdom GBR 2471784 High income: OECD
58 France FRA 2612878 High income: OECD
45 Germany DEU 3428131 High income: OECD
87 Japan JPN 5959718 High income: OECD
34 China CHN 8227103 Lower middle income
178 United States USA 16244600 High income: OECD
top38 <- tail(Data, n = 38)
# An answer to the question: How many countries are "lower middle income" but within the 38 nations with the highest GDP
cat('There are', NROW(top38[top38$Income.Group == 'Lower middle income', ]), 'countries "lower middle income" but within the 38 nations with the highest GDP')
## There are 5 countries "lower middle income" but within the 38 nations with the highest GDP


There are many factors that influence a country's GDP and overall prosperity. This data analysis effort looks at GDP and the categories of Income Group as provided by the World Bank data. Many data points were looked at in this analysis of Gross Domestic Products of different countries around the world.

Before analysis is possible, the data must be in a clean and usable format. Cleaning and merging of the different dataframes included with some incomplete records, which were removed from further analysis, leaving 189 usable records.

To check the cleaned data, the 13th nation from the top when sorted in descending order is manually and programmatically found to be St. Kitts and Nevis. Comparing the OECD and nonOECD groups shows a difference in their GDP, where the OECD high income group has a higher average GDP than the nonOECD high income group. Using data visualization tools helped determine how strong GDP is in the OECD scoring and checked the number of nations in the top 38 GDPs that were ranked in the OECD lower middle income group, which is 5.