Provides items in the dashboard directly from the config itself
"$schema": "",
"connectors": [
"type": "RAW",
"config": {
"items": [
"name": "Home Assistant",
"category": "Home",
"link": ""
"$schema": "",
"connectors": [
"type": "RAW",
"config": {
"items": [
"name": "Home Assisant",
"category": "My Category", // Optional, defaults to null
"icon": "@svg-icons/simple-icons/Homeassistant", // Optional, defaults to null
"link": "", // Optional, defaults to null
"state": "GREY", // Optional, defaults to null. Valid options: "RED" | "GREEN" | "YELLOW" | "GREY"
"status": "", //Optional, defaults to null. Status text will appear under the item in the dashboard
"parents": ["parent"] //Optional, defaults to []
For icon options see /README#Icons