This is a DRAFT and but gives you the overview of how to do it. Future updates will go into more details. I also do not cover how to deploy your release after it's created and copied to a bucket.
This example uses Google Cloud Container Builder to build an Elixir Phoenix app. We are going to create a container with elixir and mix that gets our dependencies, compiles our app and creates the release using distillery. The resulting tar.gz file is then going to get copied to a release bucket and named with :appname-version-git_hash.tar.gz.
The domain is used here as an example, when you see it, you'll know you need to change something.
I don't cover how to link your repository to container build, see the docs for directions.
-Start with a stock Phoenix 1.2 application.
-Add Distillery, mix release.init, and update config/prod.exs (see plugins and version)
-Comment out prod.secrets.exs in config/prod.exs
-Add docker/Dockerfile for elixir container that also has mix.
-Add distillery plugin to rel/plugins/plugin.exs. Plugin will copy the resulting .tar.gz files to the _build/prod/rel/artifacts directory.
-Change version in rel/config.exs to append git hash to end of version string
-Add cloudbuild.yaml with steps to build and copy artifact
The first thing lets send the docker/Dockerfile to be built and sent to storage.
Replace $PROJECT with your gcloud project name:
gcloud container builds submit --tag$PROJECT/elixir-mix .
At a minimum you'll need to change the destination on the very last line to your own bucket.
Brunch in step 2 has dependencies on phoenix and phoenix_html, so we need to get the Elixir dependencies first.
Install the npm dependencies and do a brunch build to compile the static assets.
Compile everything and create a release using distillery.
Copy the .tar.gz files created by distillery to a bucket.