Build an Open Network Install Environment (ONIE) compatiable network operating system (NOS) installer image for network switches, and also build docker images running inside the NOS.
SONiC V2 is using SAI 0.9.4.
To clone the code repository recursively, assuming git version 1.9 or newer
git clone --recursive
If it is already cloned, however there is no files under ./dockers/docker-base/ or ./src/sonic-linux-kernel/, manually fetch all the git submodules.
git submodule update --init --recursive
You also need to change all git paths to relative path as we build all submodules inside the docker.
git submodule foreach --recursive '[ -f .git ] && echo "gitdir: $(realpath --relative-to=. $(cut -d" " -f2 .git))" > .git'
NOTE: In order to be more familiar with build process and make some hanges to it, it is recommended to read this short Documentation
To build NOS installer image and docker images, run command line
Supported PLATFORM AND SKU are:
- PLATFORM=broadcom SKU=Force10-S6000
- PLATFORM=mellanox SKU=ACS-MSN2700
- PLATFORM=cavium SKU=AS7512
You can find rules/config file useful. It contains configuration options for build process, like adding more verbosity or showing dependencies, username and password for base image etc.
Every docker image is built and saved to target/ directory. So, for instance, to build only docker-database, execute
make target/docker-database.gz
Same goes for debian packages, which are under target/debs/:
make target/debs/swss_1.0.0_amd64.deb
Every target has a clean target, so in order to clean swss, execute
make target/debs/swss_1.0.0_amd64.deb-clean
It is recommended to use clean targets to clean all packages, that are built together, like dev packages for instance.
If you are running make for the first time, a sonic-slave-${USER} docker image will be built automatically. It is a one time action, so be patient.
The root is disabled, but the created user could sudo.
The target directory is ./target, containing the NOS installer image and docker images.
- sonic-generic.bin: SONiC switch installer image (ONIE compatiable)
- sonic-aboot.bin: SONiC switch installer image (Aboot compatiable)
- docker-base.gz: base docker image where other docker images are built from, only used in build process (gzip tar archive)
- docker-database.gz: docker image for in-memory key-value store, used as inter-process communication (gzip tar archive)
- docker-fpm.gz: docker image for quagga with fpm module enabled (gzip tar archive)
- docker-orchagent-brcm.gz: docker image for SWitch State Service (SWSS) on Broadcom platform (gzip tar archive)
- docker-orchagent-cavm.gz: docker image for SWitch State Service (SWSS) on Cavium platform (gzip tar archive)
- docker-orchagent-mlnx.gz: docker image for SWitch State Service (SWSS) on Mellanox platform (gzip tar archive)
- docker-syncd-brcm.gz: docker image for the daemon to sync database and Broadcom switch ASIC (gzip tar archive)
- docker-syncd-cavm.gz: docker image for the daemon to sync database and Cavium switch ASIC (gzip tar archive)
- docker-syncd-mlnx.gz: docker image for the daemon to sync database and Mellanox switch ASIC (gzip tar archive)
- docker-sonic-p4.gz: docker image for all-in-one for p4 software switch (gzip tar archive)
All contributors must sign a contribution license agreement before contributions can be accepted. Contact [email protected].
We're following basic GitHub Flow. If you have no idea what we're talking about, check out GitHub's official guide. Note that merge is only performed by the repository maintainer.
Guide for performing commits:
- Isolate each commit to one component/bugfix/issue/feature
- Use a standard commit message format:
[component/folder touched]: Description intent of your changes [List of changes] Signed-off-by: Your Name [email protected]
For example:
swss-common: Stabilize the ConsumerTable * Fixing autoreconf * Fixing unit-tests by adding checkers and initialize the DB before start * Adding the ability to select from multiple channels * Health-Monitor - The idea of the patch is that if something went wrong with the notification channel, we will have the option to know about it (Query the LLEN table length). Signed-off-by: [email protected]
- Each developer should fork this repository and add the team as a Contributor
- Push your changes to your private fork and do "pull-request" to this repository
- Use a pull request to do code review
- Use issues to keep track of what is going on
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.