/* error_message: db1: hook early check failed: CRASH db2: Database execute error: HY000, [MySQL][ODBC 8.2(a) Driver][mysqld-8.0.11-TiDB-v7.5.1]runtime error: index out of range [0] with length 0 */ WITH cte_0 AS (select ref_0.c_adpy2in as c0, ref_0.c_d2mi as c1, ref_0.c_ejree as c2, ref_0.c__4y7wl4 as c3 from t_eeardo8_f as ref_0 where (EXISTS ( select ref_1.c_sw_6 as c0, (select max(c_subsn97_6_) from t_m9j7wwx16k) as c1, ref_0.c_mf10bmguf as c2, 1807634460 as c3, -1166936097 as c4, 772664064 as c5, ref_1.c_subsn97_6_ as c6, ref_1.c_e44r as c7, ref_1.c_e44r as c8 from t_m9j7wwx16k as ref_1 where 1=1))), cte_1 AS (select ref_2.c_ub_1s91wi as c0, case when ((cast(null as char) != 'x') != (ref_2.c_ub_1s91wi is not NULL)) then ref_2.c__4y7wl4 else ref_2.c__4y7wl4 end as c1, ref_2.c_adpy2in as c2, case when (ref_2.c__4y7wl4 not like 'tpf%n') then 1695619752 else ref_2.c_ub_1s91wi end as c3, ref_2.c_ub_1s91wi as c4, case when (((ref_2.c__4y7wl4 not in ( select 'h_co' as c0 from t_c95_pl as ref_3 where (ref_3.c_ouiymw5d7 not in ( select -93293466 as c0 from t_y770lt10b0 as ref_4 where 0<>0))))) and (('fz' <= 'bdb'))) or (0<>0) then ref_2.c__4y7wl4 else ref_2.c__4y7wl4 end as c5, 831903250 as c6, rtrim( cast(cast(nullif( ref_2.c__4y7wl4, (select c__4y7wl4 from t_eeardo8_f order by c__4y7wl4 limit 1 offset 75) ) as char) as char)) as c7, ref_2.c_ejree as c8, quote( cast(ref_2.c__c53r as char)) as c9, ref_2.c_ub_1s91wi as c10 from t_eeardo8_f as ref_2 where (ref_2.c__c53r not like 'os_cw') order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10 desc limit 32), cte_2 AS (select ref_5.c_k3kss19 as c0, ref_5.c_k3kss19 as c1, ref_5.c_x393ej_ as c2, ref_5.c_wzmb0 as c3, FIRST_VALUE( cast(ref_5.c_wzmb0 as char)) over (partition by ref_5.c_x393ej_ order by ref_5.c_x393ej_, ref_5.c_k3kss19, ref_5.c_q6qt9_, ref_5.c_wp7o_0sstj, ref_5.c_gus881_9, ref_5.c_wzmb0) as c4, ref_5.c_gus881_9 as c5, ref_5.c_wp7o_0sstj as c6, ref_5.c_x393ej_ as c7, (select c_u from t_fg31 order by c_u limit 1 offset 43) as c8, ref_5.c_q6qt9_ as c9 from t_bhze93f as ref_5 where (ref_5.c_k3kss19 is NULL) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9 desc limit 136), cte_3 AS (select case when 1=1 then case when (-325985579 not in ( select ref_7.c_e44r as c0 from t_m9j7wwx16k as ref_7 where (ref_7.c_subsn97_6_ = 29.79))) then ref_6.c_pv else case when ((-3997 <> cast(null as double))) or ((((64.69 && 65536.8)) and ((0<>0) or (0<>0))) and (1=1)) then ref_6.c_weg else (select min(c_weg) from t_xf1at0) end end else case when ((ref_6.c_u3zry <= ( select 0<>0 as c0 from t_xf1at0 as ref_9 where (-6986705084447424649 || 1372252829) union (select 0<>0 as c0 from t_yyb8142hi_ as ref_10 where (-665862 > -8320)) order by c0 limit 1))) or ((1=1) or ((ref_6.c_u not like 'w%k_'))) then ref_6.c_weg else length( cast(ref_6.c_u as char)) end end as c0 from t_xf1at0 as ref_6 where (((cast(null as signed) >> 1629451109) <> (select c_zhouc from t_b0t order by c_zhouc limit 1 offset 11) )) or ((ref_6.c_ngdu3 between (select c_x393ej_ from t_bhze93f order by c_x393ej_ limit 1 offset 3) and ref_6.c_weg)) order by c0 desc limit 66), cte_4 AS (select (select c_y3ddp41ho from t_hh6_ty order by c_y3ddp41ho limit 1 offset 1) as c0, ref_11.c_menn1dk as c1, ref_11.c_ly0mz4s7 as c2, (860991242104702746 << (ref_11.c_ngdu3 * 76.35)) as c3, case when (ref_11.c_ngdu3 || 513924807) then ref_11.c_bu else max( cast(57.80 as double)) over (partition by ref_11.c_pv order by ref_11.c_weg, ref_11.c_u, ref_11.c_bu, ref_11.c__icnfdo_, ref_11.c_ly0mz4s7, ref_11.c_ngdu3, ref_11.c_curc3h, ref_11.c_menn1dk, ref_11.c_pv, ref_11.c_u3zry, ref_11.c_b, ref_11.c_ldqj5xa) end as c4, ref_11.c_curc3h as c5, ref_11.c_bu as c6, cast(null as signed) as c7, ref_11.c_ngdu3 as c8, (select c_d2mi from t_eeardo8_f order by c_d2mi limit 1 offset 1) as c9 from t_xf1at0 as ref_11 where (ref_11.c_ldqj5xa < ( select lower( cast(ref_11.c_ly0mz4s7 as char)) as c0 from t_e4pe4mz as ref_12 where (ref_12.c_yetrdfma66 = ( select ref_11.c_curc3h as c0 from t_e4pe4mz as ref_13 where 1=1 union (select ref_11.c_bu as c0 from t_bhze93f as ref_14 where ('t' > 'z3tto')) order by c0 limit 1)) order by c0 asc limit 1)) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9 asc limit 73), cte_5 AS (select ref_15.c_wzmb0 as c0, ref_15.c_wp7o_0sstj as c1, (20.75 & 1408144) as c2 from t_bhze93f as ref_15 where (EXISTS ( select ref_16.c_ngdu3 as c0, ref_16.c_curc3h as c1, ref_16.c_curc3h as c2, ref_16.c_weg as c3, ref_16.c_weg as c4, ref_16.c_ngdu3 as c5, ref_16.c_pv as c6, ref_16.c__icnfdo_ as c7, RANK() over win_fru73h9zyn as c8, ref_16.c_ly0mz4s7 as c9, ref_16.c__icnfdo_ as c10 from t_xf1at0 as ref_16 where (8079681669779187658 > round( cast(4294967294.9 as double))) window win_fru73h9zyn as ( partition by (20640 & (ref_16.c__icnfdo_ is NULL)), ref_16.c_ldqj5xa order by ref_16.c_weg, ref_16.c_u, ref_16.c_bu, ref_16.c__icnfdo_, ref_16.c_ly0mz4s7, ref_16.c_ngdu3, ref_16.c_curc3h, ref_16.c_menn1dk, ref_16.c_pv, ref_16.c_u3zry, ref_16.c_b, ref_16.c_ldqj5xa desc)))), cte_6 AS (select substr( cast(case when (ref_17.c_ouiymw5d7 between ref_17.c_ouiymw5d7 and ref_17.c_ouiymw5d7) then (select c_ow6bvuvjth from t_fg31 order by c_ow6bvuvjth limit 1 offset 1) else 'eusdtk9rx4' end as char), cast((8451 & -26542) as signed)) as c0, ref_17.c_bxq9xkn0 as c1, quote( cast(cast(null as char) as char)) as c2, ref_17.c_ouiymw5d7 as c3, cast(null as signed) as c4, ref_17.c_ouiymw5d7 as c5, ref_17.c_f4du8kb as c6, cast(nullif( (select c_este10ce0x from t_yyb8142hi_ order by c_este10ce0x limit 1 offset 88) , ref_17.c_ouiymw5d7 ) as signed) as c7, cast(nullif( length( cast('xfb43' as char)), (4308188 | ref_17.c_bxq9xkn0) ) as signed) as c8, -1826709953 as c9, ref_17.c_bxq9xkn0 as c10, ref_17.c_f4du8kb as c11 from t_c95_pl as ref_17 where 0<>0 order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9, c10, c11 asc limit 35), cte_7 AS (select round( cast(ref_18.c_ij as double)) as c0, ref_18.c_am85keno6 as c1, (cast(null as signed) ^ (ref_18.c_ij + (((91.44 != (-455553315 is NULL))) or (((ref_18.c_xkdhc2i7yy <> ( select cast(null as signed) as c0 from t_m9j7wwx16k as ref_19 where 1=1 order by c0 asc limit 1))) or ((ref_18.c_oioj1ogum not like 'nv_1'))) DIV -9335))) as c2, ref_18.c_vb as c3, ref_18.c_am85keno6 as c4, ref_18.c_oioj1ogum as c5, (select c_o46g from t__os6ctn5 order by c_o46g limit 1 offset 6) as c6, ref_18.c_vb as c7 from t_y770lt10b0 as ref_18 where (ref_18.c_oioj1ogum not like 'y%cn7ss') order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7 asc limit 181), cte_8 AS (select ref_20.c_bxq9xkn0 as c0, case when (ref_20.c_bxq9xkn0 && ref_20.c_bxq9xkn0) then ref_20.c_bxq9xkn0 else ref_20.c_bxq9xkn0 end as c1 from t_c95_pl as ref_20 where (ltrim( cast((select c_unzlg from t_e4pe4mz order by c_unzlg limit 1 offset 4) as char)) in ( cast(coalesce( 'ifgmih7jk', case when (-1887933310 is not NULL) then 'ji9yc4' else 'sib8wvc' end ) as char))) order by c0, c1 asc limit 176), cte_9 AS (select ref_21.c_g as c0, case when (((124803892 && 22141) <=> 26.68)) and ((ref_21.c_y3ddp41ho between ref_21.c_e and ref_21.c_y3ddp41ho)) then ref_21.c_ckudqh1 else (select count(c_pmcktqkj) from t_e4pe4mz) end as c1, (case when (ref_21.c_o3m21nowl in ( select (EXISTS ( select -2052769994 as c0 from t_e4pe4mz as ref_23 where 0<>0)) as c0 from t_yyb8142hi_ as ref_22 where (0<>0 >= 586) union (select (-7229946 < 29184) as c0 from t_e4pe4mz as ref_24 where 0<>0))) then 11.88 else ref_21.c_snna51z0c end <=> (EXISTS ( select ref_25.c_o46g as c0, (select c_e44r from t_m9j7wwx16k order by c_e44r limit 1 offset 6) as c1, ref_25.c_n9 as c2 from t__os6ctn5 as ref_25 where (cast(null as signed) XOR 10.58)))) as c2, ref_21.c_e as c3, ref_21.c_ckudqh1 as c4, case when (6463126393756898277 <> (select c_bxq9xkn0 from t_c95_pl order by c_bxq9xkn0 limit 1 offset 6) ) then case when (ref_21.c_g is NULL) then case when (ref_21.c_y3ddp41ho is NULL) then ref_21.c_snna51z0c else ref_21.c_snna51z0c end else ref_21.c_snna51z0c end else ref_21.c_snna51z0c end as c5, ref_21.c_o3m21nowl as c6 from t_hh6_ty as ref_21 where (quote( cast(cast(null as char) as char)) = 't9omut')), cte_10 AS (select (ref_26.c_curc3h / 236354325) as c0, ref_26.c_curc3h as c1, ref_26.c_u3zry as c2, ref_26.c__icnfdo_ as c3, (select c_kf8_1c from t_fg31 order by c_kf8_1c limit 1 offset 92) as c4 from t_xf1at0 as ref_26 where (case when (ref_26.c_bu < ( select ref_26.c_curc3h as c0 from t_hh6_ty as ref_27 where ('eb' > '_crvdke3fk') order by c0 asc limit 1)) then ref_26.c_menn1dk else ref_26.c_menn1dk end <=> ref_26.c_bu)), cte_11 AS (select distinct ref_28.c_bu as c0, ref_28.c_ldqj5xa as c1, (select c_t4ureymjc from t_eeardo8_f order by c_t4ureymjc limit 1 offset 2) as c2, ref_28.c_menn1dk as c3, -945252928 as c4, ref_28.c_weg as c5, cast(coalesce( ref_28.c_pv, ref_28.c_b ) as signed) as c6, ref_28.c_ngdu3 as c7, ref_28.c_bu as c8, cast(coalesce( ref_28.c_curc3h, ref_28.c_curc3h ) as double) as c9, ref_28.c__icnfdo_ as c10 from t_xf1at0 as ref_28 where (1417355321 < cast(null as signed))), cte_12 AS (select ltrim( cast(case when ((select count(c_rlhcni__o) from t_yyb8142hi_) <> ( select cast(null as signed) as c0 from t_y770lt10b0 as ref_32 where (ref_29.c_o3m21nowl is NULL) order by c0 asc limit 1)) then 'bb5___4' else cast(null as char) end as char)) as c0, ref_29.c_y3ddp41ho as c1, ref_29.c_o3m21nowl as c2 from t_hh6_ty as ref_29 where (ref_29.c_o3m21nowl not in ( select 1=1 as c0 from t_yyb8142hi_ as ref_30 where (cast(coalesce( ref_30.c_este10ce0x, ref_30.c_rlhcni__o ) as signed) between ref_30.c_rlhcni__o and ref_30.c_este10ce0x) union (select (3899630251627533096 <= -4473139) as c0 from t_c95_pl as ref_31 where (ref_31.c_bxq9xkn0 is not NULL))))), cte_13 AS (select ref_33.c_weg as c0, ref_33.c_ldqj5xa as c1, ref_33.c_ly0mz4s7 as c2 from t_xf1at0 as ref_33 where (case when (170170070 >= 61.50) then ref_33.c_u else ltrim( cast(ref_33.c_ly0mz4s7 as char)) end like '_xlphjt3')), cte_14 AS (select distinct ref_34.c_subsn97_6_ as c0, ref_34.c_subsn97_6_ as c1, ref_34.c_sw_6 as c2, (select c_at from t_b0t order by c_at limit 1 offset 3) as c3, 731781889 as c4, ref_34.c_e44r as c5 from t_m9j7wwx16k as ref_34 where (EXISTS ( select ref_34.c_sw_6 as c0, ref_35.c_mf10bmguf as c1, ref_35.c_ejree as c2, ref_34.c_subsn97_6_ as c3, -885759685 as c4, round( cast(ref_35.c_t4ureymjc as double), cast(ref_35.c_ejree as signed)) as c5, ref_35.c_t4ureymjc as c6 from t_eeardo8_f as ref_35 where (EXISTS ( select ref_36.c_yetrdfma66 as c0, ref_36.c_unzlg as c1, (select c_euu from t__os6ctn5 order by c_euu limit 1 offset 3) as c2, ref_34.c_sw_6 as c3, ref_36.c_yetrdfma66 as c4, ref_36.c_fgtia7ypyu as c5, ref_36.c_fgtia7ypyu as c6 from t_e4pe4mz as ref_36 where (ref_36.c_stcu2zv between ref_35.c_k and ref_35.c_ub_1s91wi) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 asc limit 126)) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5, c6 asc limit 106)) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 desc limit 145), cte_15 AS (select count( cast(abs( cast(ref_37.c_tr0jvz8im as double)) as double)) over (partition by ref_37.c_ij order by ref_37.c_euu, ref_37.c_tr0jvz8im, ref_37.c_k76gntv, ref_37.c_o46g, ref_37.c_n9, ref_37.c_i, ref_37.c_r9c, ref_37.c_ij) as c0, ref_37.c_euu as c1, case when ((31.5 <= -7463)) or ((ref_37.c_euu <= ( select ref_37.c_k76gntv as c0 from t_fg31 as ref_38 where (EXISTS ( select 2066244459 as c0, -615693330 as c1, -2039359729 as c2, -212609595 as c3, 923658898 as c4, 1653937228 as c5, -2140678978 as c6, 2044704643 as c7, 1513219579 as c8 from t_b0t as ref_39 where (EXISTS ( select 1076137894 as c0, 1974072478 as c1 from t_fg31 as ref_40 where 0<>0)))) order by c0 asc limit 1))) then case when (('q9056g2bn' not like 'fbba90__')) and ((ref_37.c_euu > ( select distinct -409770679 as c0 from t_y770lt10b0 as ref_41 where (EXISTS ( select 1347771642 as c0, -1743049604 as c1 from t__os6ctn5 as ref_42 where 1=1 order by c0, c1 desc limit 124)) union (select -701665551 as c0 from t_b0t as ref_43 where 1=1) order by c0 limit 1))) then ref_37.c_tr0jvz8im else ref_37.c_i end else case when (647580942 <= -5486929427130129811) then ref_37.c_tr0jvz8im else (select sum(c_at) from t_b0t) end end as c2, DENSE_RANK() over (partition by ref_37.c_tr0jvz8im order by ref_37.c_euu, ref_37.c_tr0jvz8im, ref_37.c_k76gntv, ref_37.c_o46g, ref_37.c_n9, ref_37.c_i, ref_37.c_r9c, ref_37.c_ij) as c3, cast(nullif( ref_37.c_r9c, (ref_37.c_euu between round( cast((select c_k3kss19 from t_bhze93f order by c_k3kss19 limit 1 offset 57) as double)) and ref_37.c_k76gntv) ) as unsigned) as c4, ref_37.c_ij as c5 from t__os6ctn5 as ref_37 where ((abs( cast((select c_k3kss19 from t_bhze93f order by c_k3kss19 limit 1 offset 4) as double)) < 78.96)) or ((ref_37.c_k76gntv <=> 5.55))), cte_16 AS (select case when (ref_44.c_g <> (select c_snna51z0c from t_hh6_ty order by c_snna51z0c limit 1 offset 2) ) then round( cast(ref_44.c_at as double), cast(ref_44.c_xb as signed)) else 5082910955214075088 end as c0, ref_44.c_g as c1, ref_44.c_at as c2, (select c_e44r from t_m9j7wwx16k order by c_e44r limit 1 offset 3) as c3, substr( cast((select c_wp7o_0sstj from t_bhze93f order by c_wp7o_0sstj limit 1 offset 2) as char), cast(ref_44.c_xb as signed)) as c4, ref_44.c_xb as c5, ref_44.c_m9g6b as c6 from t_b0t as ref_44 where (ref_44.c_zhouc is not NULL)), cte_17 AS (select ref_45.c_f4du8kb as c0, case when (ref_45.c_ouiymw5d7 not in ( ref_45.c_ouiymw5d7, ref_45.c_ouiymw5d7)) then ref_45.c_bxq9xkn0 else ref_45.c_bxq9xkn0 end as c1, abs( cast(ref_45.c_bxq9xkn0 as double)) as c2, (select c_g from t_hh6_ty order by c_g limit 1 offset 1) as c3, upper( cast('y' as char)) as c4, ref_45.c_bxq9xkn0 as c5, ref_45.c_bxq9xkn0 as c6, case when (EXISTS ( select distinct ref_46.c_menn1dk as c0, ref_46.c_pv as c1, ref_46.c_b as c2, ref_46.c_bu as c3, ref_46.c_ngdu3 as c4, (select c_ij from t_y770lt10b0 order by c_ij limit 1 offset 4) as c5 from t_xf1at0 as ref_46 where (71.16 >= ref_45.c_bxq9xkn0) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 desc limit 48)) then (select c_fgtia7ypyu from t_e4pe4mz order by c_fgtia7ypyu limit 1 offset 5) else (EXISTS ( select cast(null as signed) as c0, ref_47.c_rlhcni__o as c1, ref_47.c_b6b as c2, ref_47.c_rlhcni__o as c3, ref_47.c_este10ce0x as c4, ref_47.c_rlhcni__o as c5, ref_47.c_b6b as c6, ref_47.c_b6b as c7, (select c_unzlg from t_e4pe4mz order by c_unzlg limit 1 offset 3) as c8, ref_47.c_rlhcni__o as c9 from t_yyb8142hi_ as ref_47 where ('ws' != 'czblb'))) end as c7, (select c_este10ce0x from t_yyb8142hi_ order by c_este10ce0x limit 1 offset 4) as c8, 559807327 as c9, (7522606752267842469 + -8221204) as c10 from t_c95_pl as ref_45 where 0<>0), cte_18 AS (select ref_48.c_este10ce0x as c0, ref_48.c_b6b as c1 from t_yyb8142hi_ as ref_48 where (upper( cast('w' as char)) not like '%0tulb%')), cte_19 AS (select distinct PERCENT_RANK() over (partition by ref_49.c_mx5_w41em order by ref_49.c_xkdhc2i7yy, ref_49.c_mx5_w41em, ref_49.c_npf, ref_49.c_oioj1ogum, ref_49.c_key_npmrt9, ref_49.c_ij, ref_49.c_am85keno6, ref_49.c_vb) as c0, ref_49.c_oioj1ogum as c1 from t_y770lt10b0 as ref_49 where (trim( cast(ref_49.c_oioj1ogum as char)) >= 'pm1')), cte_20 AS (select distinct ref_50.c_bxq9xkn0 as c0, ref_50.c_f4du8kb as c1, ref_50.c_ouiymw5d7 as c2 from t_c95_pl as ref_50 where (round( cast(ref_50.c_bxq9xkn0 as double)) between ref_50.c_ouiymw5d7 and ref_50.c_ouiymw5d7)), cte_21 AS (select (select c_ow6bvuvjth from t_fg31 order by c_ow6bvuvjth limit 1 offset 4) as c0, LEAD( cast(ref_51.c_ouiymw5d7 as signed), 82) over (partition by ref_51.c_ouiymw5d7 order by ref_51.c_ouiymw5d7, ref_51.c_f4du8kb, ref_51.c_bxq9xkn0) as c1, ref_51.c_ouiymw5d7 as c2, ref_51.c_f4du8kb as c3, (select count(c_ij) from t_y770lt10b0) as c4, ref_51.c_ouiymw5d7 as c5 from t_c95_pl as ref_51 where (EXISTS ( select ref_52.c_rlhcni__o as c0 from t_yyb8142hi_ as ref_52 where (trim( cast(cast(null as char) as char)) not like 'dgiuf%pg'))) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 desc limit 88), cte_22 AS (select (select c_stcu2zv from t_e4pe4mz order by c_stcu2zv limit 1 offset 3) as c0, ref_53.c_sw_6 as c1, trim( cast('zif' as char)) as c2 from t_m9j7wwx16k as ref_53 where (case when ((ref_53.c_e44r in ( select ref_54.c_ngdu3 as c0 from t_xf1at0 as ref_54 where 0<>0 union all (select ref_55.c_ouiymw5d7 as c0 from t_c95_pl as ref_55 where (ref_55.c_ouiymw5d7 not in ( select 961007465 as c0 from t_b0t as ref_56 where 1=1)))))) and ((-1580781777934411617 XOR 32162)) then 'y4' else (select count(c_wp7o_0sstj) from t_bhze93f) end like 'n_xx%')), cte_23 AS (select (select c__c53r from t_eeardo8_f order by c__c53r limit 1 offset 4) as c0, (select c_u from t_fg31 order by c_u limit 1 offset 3) as c1 from t_b0t as ref_57 where (1247892972152004392 <> 1550343138) order by c0, c1 desc limit 181), cte_24 AS (select ref_58.c_r9c as c0, ref_58.c_euu as c1, ref_58.c_euu as c2, (select c_rlhcni__o from t_yyb8142hi_ order by c_rlhcni__o limit 1 offset 5) as c3, ref_58.c_r9c as c4, ((((-8046302 != (EXISTS ( select 2125959529 as c0, 626013018 as c1, 1434032044 as c2, 1287620723 as c3, 124344018 as c4, -64432367 as c5 from t_m9j7wwx16k as ref_59 where 1=1 order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 asc limit 46))) > 3228396) is not NULL) * (abs( cast(ref_58.c_euu as signed)) between (select count(c_zhouc) from t_b0t) and ref_58.c_k76gntv)) as c5, case when (ref_58.c_euu between ref_58.c_k76gntv and (select sum(c_ejree) from t_eeardo8_f) ) then (-26030 <=> ((select c_xkdhc2i7yy from t_y770lt10b0 order by c_xkdhc2i7yy limit 1 offset 4) - 779612666)) else ((select c_b6b from t_yyb8142hi_ order by c_b6b limit 1 offset 5) is not NULL) end as c6, ref_58.c_tr0jvz8im as c7, ref_58.c_n9 as c8, lower( cast('trga8sv' as char)) as c9 from t__os6ctn5 as ref_58 where ('uau02vyd' <=> ref_58.c_n9)), cte_25 AS (select (304549 | round( cast(ref_60.c_ij as double), cast(ref_60.c_am85keno6 as signed))) as c0, ref_60.c_vb as c1, ref_60.c_mx5_w41em as c2, ref_60.c_oioj1ogum as c3, ref_60.c_am85keno6 as c4 from t_y770lt10b0 as ref_60 where (ref_60.c_am85keno6 > (select c_snna51z0c from t_hh6_ty order by c_snna51z0c limit 1 offset 5) )), cte_26 AS (select (select c_subsn97_6_ from t_m9j7wwx16k order by c_subsn97_6_ limit 1 offset 5) as c0, ref_61.c_rlhcni__o as c1, ref_61.c_rlhcni__o as c2 from t_yyb8142hi_ as ref_61 where ((select c_npf from t_y770lt10b0 order by c_npf limit 1 offset 1) != 'm4') order by c0, c1, c2 desc limit 93) select ref_62.c1 as c0, ((select c_npf from t_y770lt10b0 order by c_npf limit 1 offset 1) >= 'q1j1ja0o') as c1, ref_62.c2 as c2, 1584573943 as c3, ref_62.c1 as c4, ref_62.c2 as c5 from cte_12 as ref_62 where (round( cast(abs( cast(88.94 as double)) as double)) <= (58.40 ^ 1178956464)) order by c0, c1, c2, c3, c4, c5 desc limit 34;