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Releases: pinax/pinax-stripe-light


28 Nov 02:09
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  • Renamed package to pinax-stripe-light
  • Dropped most models and all actions, retaining only templatetags and the webhook integration pieces
  • Added a script to generate webhook handlers
  • Added webhook verification using signature header
  • Updated packaging and CI


04 Aug 13:53
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  • Pin python-stripe to >2.0 after the merge of PR 574 which fixed compatibility. PR 581


04 Aug 13:40
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  • Pin python-stripe to <2.0 as that major release broke things in pinax-stripe PR 580


17 Nov 19:36
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We had 485 commits since the last release from 13 different contributors closing 131 issues and pull requests!

You can check out the Samwise Milestone for more details but here is a summary:

The highlight of this release is Stripe Connect support which enables site builders to create multi-sided marketplaces. In addition to Connect support:

Additional Enhancements

Bug Fixes


Developers of pinax-stripe pushed Pinax engineering forward this month by setting new standards for our quality engineering as well as tweaks to some of our coding style.

There are a lot of PRs and Issues around this so I won't link them. Here is the TL;DR:

  • Switched to CircleCI from TravisCI
  • Switched to CodeCov from Coveralls
  • Added pytest support
  • Added linting for double-quotes (the Pinax standard)
  • Added linting for import ordering using isort
  • Added checks for missing migrations as part of the linting
  • Dropped support for Django 1.7
  • Updated how test settings are structured
  • Added testing against postgres

Many Thanks!

As previously stated we had 13 contributors this release and it simply would not have happened without them. I especially want to thank Daniel Hahler, Luke Burden, and Nicolas Delaby, for their relentless support in getting the Stripe Connect support implemented.



16 Nov 03:31
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14 Apr 19:53
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This release is long overdue. It includes coupon support, improved admin,
fixing some bugs and deprecation warnings, support for taxes on subscriptions
and handling unicode in customers names.


03 Oct 18:05
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This release saw contributions from 6 people!


30 Jul 22:07
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  • PR 266 added some docs for webhooks and signals


28 Jul 18:17
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We continue to have a healthy group of contributors helping to maintain and
grow pinax-stripe.

This is mostly fixes and clean up to some bits of documentation but one
enhancement of the removal of Sites framework from being a hard requirement. It
is now optional, though if you are not running Sites framework, you'll want to
override some of the hooks in the DefaultHookSet to handle your specific

  • added a link to our code of conduct
  • added support for wheels in our release packaging
  • updated the classifier to Production/Stable (from Alpha!)
  • PR 253 - fixed a typo
  • PR 261 - fixed a documentation bug
  • PR 263 - fixed documentation bug dealing with installation
  • PR 256 - conditional sites framework import