This manual provides detailed instructions for operating a validator node on the Lumera Protocol. It covers hardware requirements, software setup, security practices, common operations, and troubleshooting guidelines.
- CPU: 8 cores, x86_64 architecture
- RAM: 32 GB RAM
- Storage: 2 TB NVMe SSD
- Network: 1 Gbps dedicated line
- Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or higher
- CPU: 16 cores, x86_64 architecture
- RAM: 64 GB RAM
- Storage: 4 TB NVMe SSD
- Network: 5 Gbps dedicated line
- Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or higher
- CPU: 8 cores, x86_64 architecture
- RAM: 16 GB RAM
- Storage: 1 TB NVMe SSD
- Network: 1 Gbps
- Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or higher
- CPU: 16 cores, x86_64 architecture
- RAM: 64 GB RAM
- Storage: 4 TB NVMe SSD
- Network: 5 Gbps
- Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04 LTS or higher
- ARM-based processors (like Apple M1) are not recommended for production
- Hard drives (HDD) are not suitable due to I/O requirements
- SATA SSDs may underperform during high load
binary: Downloaded from official releases or compiled from source.- Go 1.21 or later.
- Git.
- System Updates
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install build-essential jq curl git wget snap unzip gpg -y
- Security Basics
# SSH Configuration
sudo vim /etc/ssh/sshd_config
# Set:
# PermitRootLogin no
# PasswordAuthentication no
# MaxAuthTries 3
# Firewall Setup
sudo ufw default deny incoming
sudo ufw default allow outgoing
sudo ufw allow ssh
sudo ufw allow 26656/tcp
sudo ufw enable
- Go Installation
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.21.5.linux-amd64.tar.gz
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin" >> ~/.profile
echo "export PATH=$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin" >> ~/.profile
source ~/.profile
- Download the appropriate binary from the official releases page on GitHub.
- Verify the checksum of the downloaded binary.
- Make the binary executable:
chmod +x lumerad
. - Move the binary to an executable path (e.g.,
- Initialize the Node:
lumerad init <moniker> --chain-id <chain-id>
- Replace `<moniker>` with your validator's moniker.
- Replace `<chain-id>` with the chain ID of your network.
- Copy Genesis File:
- Copy the downloaded
file to$HOME/.lumerad/config
- Copy the downloaded
- Configure Node:
- Adjust parameters in
:- Update
with the list of initial peers provided by the core team.
- Update
- Adjust parameters in
:- Example: set
- Example: set
- Adjust parameters in
- Start the Node:
lumerad start
- Securely store
. - Use hardware wallets or encrypted storage for private keys.
- Never expose your private keys.
- Use a strong password for keyring.
- Always back up your keys offline
- Implement a sentry node architecture to mitigate DDoS attacks.
- Validators should only connect to trusted full nodes.
- Sentry nodes shield validator nodes from direct internet exposure.
# In sentry config.toml
pex = true
persistent_peers = "[validator-node-id]@[validator-private-ip]:26656"
private_peer_ids = "[validator-node-id]"
# In validator config.toml
pex = false
persistent_peers = "[sentry1-node-id]@[sentry1-private-ip]:26656,[sentry2-node-id]@[sentry2-private-ip]:26656"
private_peer_ids = ""
- Configure the firewall to allow only necessary traffic.
- Restrict access to ports used by
(e.g., port 26656). - Use SSH key authentication.
- Disable root login
- Keep the OS and software up-to-date with the latest patches.
- Regularly update the
- Set up tools to monitor node performance and health.
- Set up alerting to be notified in case of issues
- Limit access to authorized personnel.
- Use strong passwords and/or SSH keys.
- Avoid running validators directly on the public internet; use private networks and secure tunnels.
- Check node status:
lumerad status
- Display validator node ID:
lumerad tendermint show-node-id
- Get validator information:
lumerad query staking validator <your_validator_address>
- Delegate tokens to validator:
lumerad tx staking delegate <validator_address> <amount> --from <key_name> --chain-id <chain_id> --gas-prices <gas_price>
- Unbond tokens from validator:
lumerad tx staking unbond <validator_address> <amount> --from <key_name> --chain-id <chain_id> --gas-prices <gas_price>
- Redelegate tokens from one validator to another:
lumerad tx staking redelegate <source_validator_address> <destination_validator_address> <amount> --from <key_name> --chain-id <chain_id> --gas-prices <gas_price>
Actively participate in network governance.
- List all governance proposals:
lumerad query gov proposals
- Query specific proposal:
lumerad query gov proposal <proposal_id>
- Check voting status on proposal:
lumerad query gov votes <proposal_id>
- Vote on proposal:
lumerad tx gov vote <proposal_id> <option> --from <key_name> --chain-id <chain_id> --gas-prices <gas_price>
Manage rewards and commissions
- Withdraw rewards:
lumerad tx distribution withdraw-rewards <validator_address> --from <key_name> --chain-id <chain_id> --gas-prices <gas_price>
- Withdraw all rewards and commissions:
lumerad tx distribution withdraw-all-rewards --from <key_name> --chain-id <chain_id> --gas-prices <gas_price>
- Unjail validator if slashed:
lumerad tx slashing unjail --from <key_name> --chain-id <chain_id> --gas-prices <gas_price>
- Edit validator data:
lumerad tx staking edit-validator --new-moniker <new_name> --website <new_website> --identity <keybase_id> --details <new_details> --chain-id <chain_id> --from <key_name> --gas-prices <gas_price>
- Show validator public key: `lumerad tendermint show-validator
- Consult official documentation for common issues and solutions.
- Contact the core team or other validators for assistance.
- Recommended: YubiHSM 2.
- Alternative: Ledger Nano S/X with Tendermint app.
- Follow HSM-specific documentation for key generation and usage.
# Disable root login
sudo passwd -l root
# Set up automatic security updates
sudo apt install unattended-upgrades
sudo dpkg-reconfigure -plow unattended-upgrades
# Secure shared memory
echo "tmpfs /run/shm tmpfs defaults,noexec,nosuid 0 0" >> /etc/fstab
# Set up fail2ban
sudo apt install fail2ban
sudo systemctl enable fail2ban
sudo systemctl start fail2ban
# Create dedicated user
sudo useradd -m -s /bin/bash validator
sudo usermod -aG sudo validator
# Set up process limits
sudo vim /etc/security/limits.conf
# Add:
# validator soft nofile 65535
# Install Node Exporter
tar xvf node_exporter-1.7.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv node_exporter-1.7.0.linux-amd64/node_exporter /usr/local/bin/
# Create service file
sudo tee /etc/systemd/system/node_exporter.service > /dev/null <<EOF
Description=Node Exporter
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable node_exporter
sudo systemctl start node_exporter
- Prometheus Configuration
# /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
scrape_interval: 15s
- job_name: 'validator'
- targets: ['localhost:26660']
- job_name: 'node'
- targets: ['localhost:9100']
- Alert Rules
# /etc/prometheus/alerts.yml
- name: validator
- alert: ValidatorDown
expr: up == 0
for: 5m
severity: critical
- alert: BlocksMissed
expr: validator_missed_blocks > 10
for: 10m
severity: warning
Daily Tasks
- Check validator status.
- Monitor system resources.
- Review logs for errors.
- Verify synchronization status.
Weekly Tasks
- Update security patches.
- Back up validator keys.
- Check disk usage.
- Review performance metrics.
Monthly Tasks
- Full system audit.
- Review and update documentation.
- Test backup restoration.
- Check for software updates.
- Node Recovery
# Quick status check
lumerad status
# Reset node (if needed)
lumerad unsafe-reset-all
# Restore from backup
cp backup/priv_validator_key.json ~/.[$binary]/config/
cp backup/node_key.json ~/.[$binary]/config/
# Restart service
sudo systemctl restart [binary]
- Double-Sign Prevention
- Never run validator keys on multiple machines.
- Always use recent snapshots for recovery.
- Implement proper backup procedures.
# Check node status
lumerad status
# Check sync status
lumerad status 2>&1 | jq .sync_info
# Check validator status
lumerad query staking validator $(lumerad keys show validator --bech val -a)
# Check blocks signed
lumerad query slashing signing-info $(lumerad tendermint show-validator)
# Unjail validator
lumerad tx slashing unjail --from validator --chain-id [chain-id] --gas-prices [gas-price]
# Edit validator
lumerad tx staking edit-validator \
--new-moniker [new-name] \
--website [new-website] \
--identity [keybase-id] \
--details [new-details] \
--chain-id [chain-id] \
--from validator \
--gas-prices [gas-price]
# Withdraw rewards
lumerad tx distribution withdraw-rewards $(lumerad keys show validator --bech val -a) \
--from validator \
--commission \
--chain-id [chain-id] --gas-prices <gas_price>
- Node Not Syncing
- Check network connectivity.
- Verify genesis checksum.
- Check disk space.
- Review peer connections.
- Missing Blocks
- Check system resources.
- Review network latency.
- Verify time synchronization.
- Check validator status.
- Slashing Events
- Document the incident.
- Check for double-signing evidence.
- Prepare recovery plan.
- Contact chain support.
- Chain Documentation: [DOCS_URL]
- Community Forum: [FORUM_URL]
- Technical Support: [SUPPORT_URL]
- Emergency Contact: [EMERGENCY_CONTACT]
This manual provides essential information for operating a validator node on the Lumera Protocol. Follow the security best practices, stay informed about updates, and engage with the community to ensure the health and stability of the network.
(C) 2024 Lumera Protocol