is a Mustache implementation
written for PHP. It conforms to the principles and syntax of
mustache, and allows for extension of the format via pragmas.
In addition, it offers one unique feature: template inheritance. The syntax
used follows that of hogan.js, using the
Mustache is primarily a syntax and specification for templating. The basic concepts are:
Templates, which contain a variety of tokens, delimited with double braces, or mustaches:
. These typically are used for variable substitution, but a variety of simple control structures and mechanisms for dealing with iterable or hierarchical datasets are also provided. -
Views, which provide subsitutions for templates. In PHP, these can be either associative arrays or objects. Member variables may be any valid PHP values, including callbacks; when callbacks are used, the return value will be substituted — which provides a mechanism for computing values, filtering them, etc.
This guide will take you through the basics of using the phly-mustache
library, provide a thorough reference of the syntax supported, and cover all
implementation-specific features.