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322 lines (285 loc) · 22.2 KB


  • Foreword
  • Internals
  • Adding New Elements
  • Program Loop


The original design and implementation of the simulation is based on the book Electronic Circuit and System Simulation Methods (Pillage, L., Rohrer, R., & Visweswariah, C. (1999)).

The core part of the simulation uses Modified Nodal Analysis to determine the voltage of each node in a given circuit, as well as the current of select elements. You can find a detailed introduction to modified nodal analysis here (Cheever, E., Swarthmore College, (2005)).


The simulation constructs and solves the following matrix equation:

X = A⁻¹B


  • A is a square matrix containing one row for each node in the circuit (each connection between two or more elements) and one row for each independent voltage source. The contents of this matrix describe how the elements of the circuit are connected, expressed as admittance.
  • B is a column vector also containing one entry for each node in the circuit and one entry for each independent voltage source. The entries associated with circuit nodes are usually zero, unless an independent current source is present. The entries associated with the voltage sources contain the voltage of those sources.
  • X is a column vector that will contain, after solving: one entry for each node in the circuit containing the voltage at that node and one entry for each independent voltage source containing the current across the voltage source.
  • A⁻¹ means the inversion of the matrix A via LU decomposition (also called LU factorization).
  • A⁻¹B means multiplying the result of the inversion of the A matrix with the column vector B.

If you have a resistor, you want Vb-Va=IR or Vb/R - Va/R = I. So the net current out of node b and into node a depends on the voltage Vb and Va. You add matrix elements -1/R and 1/R at rows a and b and columns a and b to reflect this. (See CirSim.stampResistor()). Then after adding all resistors to the matrix, you solve for x, and that gives you the voltage at each node, and from that you can derive the currents through each element. We leave out node 0, the ground node, because the matrix would be singular otherwise (there would be an infinite number of solutions, because all nodes can be shifted up or down by the same voltage).

To implement a current source of current I, we simply subtract I from row a of the right side vector, and add I to row b. This represents a flow of current I from a to b. (CirSim.stampCurrentSource())

We need to add additional rows to the matrix to implement voltage sources. Each voltage source needs an additional row to enforce the voltage constraint, and also an additional element in x (and an extra matrix column) to solve for the current (since we have no other way to obtain it). For a voltage source with voltage Vs across nodes a and b, the voltage constraint equation is Vb-Va = Vs. To express that as a row in the matrix, you add matrix elements 1 and -1 in the extra row at columns b and a, and set the corresponding element of the right side (B) to Vs. Also, to represent a flow of current I from node a to b, we add matrix elements 1 to -1 in rows a and b in the extra column. (CirSim.stampVoltageSource()) Now when solving for x, we get the voltage at each node, and the current through each voltage source.

When simulating inductors, the current state changes over time. We use a small timestep value to step through time iteratively to simulate the circuit. We treat an inductor as a current source in parallel with a resistor. The current source has current equal to the current through the inductor at a particular time. The resistor represents resistance to changes in current, and the resistance value is proportional to the inductance. So for each time step, we solve the equation, get the new current, and then update the current source value. (We just need to change the right side for this, not the matrix.)

This is numerical integration, and there are several ways to do it. There's forward Euler which we don't use. There's backward Euler which is more stable than forward Euler. And there is trapezoidal which is more accurate than backward Euler but less stable. You can select either trapezoidal or backward Euler. Trapezoidal will give you better accuracy for something like an LRC circuit or a filter, but backward Euler will give you better stability (much less oscillation) if an inductor is suddenly switched on or off. To implement these in our inductors, we simply choose different values for the resistor and the current through the current source, depending on which method is being used.

To simulate capacitors, you could simulate it as a voltage source in series with a resistor. But this would require two extra rows in the matrix. Instead, we simulate it as a current source in parallel with a resistor. The resistor value is inversely proportional to the capacitance, because large capacitors can store more charge (accept more current flow) without a large change in voltage. The current from the current source flows in a loop through the resistor and this simulates the charge on the capacitor. This current changes after each timestep, like the inductor. After each step, we get the new voltage and current and update the current source appropriately.

For nonlinear devices the matrix must be solved iteratively. For example, a diode has current that is an exponential function of the voltage. For that we start with a given voltage and linearize the diode's response at that point, so we can represent it in the matrix. We find the tangent line to the diode's response curve at that voltage, and that line can be expressed as a resistance (depending on the slope of the line) and a current source (depending on its height). After solving the matrix, we get a new voltage across the diode, and we compare it with the old voltage to see if it's nearly the same. If not, then we have to calculate a new linearization and create a new matrix. This continues until it converges on a value that is nearly the same as the previous one.

When simulating diodes and transistors, we have to be careful to limit the changes in voltage at each iteration. Since the response is an exponential function, we could easily end up with an enormous current. The linearization could be too large to represent accurately in the matrix.

Nonlinear devices require iteration, which requires us to create a new matrix and fully solve it at least once per timestep. If there are no nonlinear devices, we don't need to do this. The matrix doesn't change, only the right side. We can partially solve this matrix beforehand, by doing an LU factorization. This saves a lot of time for large linear circuits, so we do this whenever possible. We call CircuitElm.nonLinear() for each element when analyzing the circuit to see if we need to do the extra work.

Whenever the circult changes, we call analyzeCircuit(). When analyzing a circuit, we call stamp() for each CircuitElm to create the matrix. This creates the circuit elements that don't change. Then for each time step, we call doStep(). This modifies the right side as needed (for linear elements) or modifies the matrix further (for nonlinear elements). doStep() should also check to see if we are within convergence limits and set the converged flag to false if not.

One of the first steps in analyzing the circuit is building the node list. Every circuit element is connected to one or more nodes, which are connection points in the circuit. We have to allocate a node for each point and assign it a number. We also allocate internal nodes, which are used by some circuit elements that need an extra node in the matrix to determine their internal state. For example, a tri-state buffer is implemented by a voltage source in series with a resistor. So we need an internal node, in the matrix but not shown on screen, so they can be connected in series.

We used to allocate a node for each end of a wire, too, and implement a wire as a zero-valued voltage source. But we stopped doing that because it is very inefficient; every wire required two extra rows in the matrix. Instead, all points connected by wires are considered the same node. The calculateWireClosure() method figures this out and builds a map to determine which nodes are connected.

We also have the calcWireInfo() method to calculate the info we need to generate wire currents. The wire currents are not necessarily to simulate the circuit, but they are necessary to display it, since this simulator shows an animation of current flowing through the circuit. When wires were implemented as voltage sources, figuring out the current was easy. We got it by solving the matrix, as described above. But with points connected by wires being considered the same node, we don't get the current by solving the matrix. All we know is the voltage. So we have to get the current from the elements they are connected to. If a wire is connected in series with two resistors, we know the current is the same as the resistor currents. We use getCurrentIntoNode() to retrieve this. If one side of a wire is connected to multiple resistors, then we can add up all the resistor currents to get the current through the wire. If a wire is only connected to other wires, then we have to wait until those wires' current is calculated some other way. When we have enough information to determine the current on one side, then we can calculate the current. So we have to determine what order to process the wires in, which side to look at, and which elements to get the current from. This is basically like solving a matrix equation, except that the steps are predetermined beforehand.

After stamping all the circuit elements into the matrix, we simplify the matrix (in simplifyMatrix()). This was an important step before we removed wires from the matrix; now it's less important. Since the number of steps required to solve a matrix is proportional to n^3, where n is the number of rows, it is worth a lot of effort to reduce the size of the matrix as much as possible. So we build a new matrix by removing rows that are trivial. For example, if we find a row with only one nonzero element, then we can remove that row and the nonzero column. We can solve that row without looking at the rest of the matrix. This can get tricky, because if the circuit is nonlinear, we still might modify the matrix after doing this. So we have to build a mapping to map the old row numbers to the new ones. We also have to keep track of which rows may be filled in later, so we know to leave those rows alone. This is what circuitRowInfo[] is for.

Adding New Elements

To add a new element, you do the following:

  • pick a dump type by going to createCe() in and picking an unused number. I wouldn't pick the next higher number because that's what I do, and you don't want to pick the same one. Pick an unused number somewhere in the 200 or 300 range.
  • add an entry to createCe() for your new dump type
  • add an entry to constructElement() (also in for your class name
  • add your new element to the menu somewhere in composeMainMenu()
  • create a new class deriving from CircuitElm, or from another element if that makes more sense. Pick an element that is most similar and copy the implementation. If you are making a chip, then derive from ChipElm. If you want to implement your element using other elements, then derive from CompositeElm.
  • implement the first constructor, the one that takes two integers. This one is used when creating a new element from the user interface. The second one that takes a StringTokenizer is used when loading from a file (and from links, doing recovery, performing duplicate, paste, and undo, etc.) Start with the first one; the second one can come later.
  • change getDumpType() to match the dump type you picked
  • change getPostCount() to have the correct number of posts (aka the terminals)
  • implement setPoints() to lay out the element, calculating the locations of all the posts and all the intermediate points. Call super.setPoints() first. Then point1 (or x, y) will the the location of the starting location where the user started dragging, and point2 (or x2, y2) will be the location where the user stopped dragging. These are also the first two posts by default, but they don't have to be. dn will be the total length. See CircuitElm.setPoints(). For simple two terminal elements, you can call CircuitElm.calcLeads() to simplify this.
  • implement getPost() to return the posts
  • override drag() if there's something unusual you want, like an element that can only be horizontal or vertical.
  • implement draw() to draw the element. Also call drawPosts() to draw the posts.
  • also in draw(), calculate the bounding box by calling the various forms of setBbox() and adjustBbox(). If you forget to do this, then the element will not be selectable with the mouse.
  • test out your draw() method. Make sure all the nodes are connected to something with a well-defined voltage, or else you may get a matrix error or other weird behavior if you haven't implemented stamp() yet, and if you are using the default getConnection() (see below).
  • implement getInternalNodeCount() if your element needs internal nodes.
  • implement getVoltageSourceCount() if your element needs voltage sources. If you just need one then your voltage source id will be stored in the voltSource member. If you need more than one then you need to implement setVoltageSource(). If you are making a digital chip, each output is a voltage source, so this is equal to the number of outputs.
  • if you are making a chip, implement setupPins(), getChipName(), and execute(). You don't need to implement setPoints(), getPost(), or draw(). For a digital chip, you don't need to implement stamp(), doStep(), getCurrentIntoNode(), getConnection(), hasGroundConnection(), or worry about currents.
  • implement stamp() to stamp matrix values for linear elements. This is called once when the circuit is analyzed. Call any of the various sim.stamp* methods. Use the nodes[] array to get the node numbers to pass to the stamp methods. The posts are the first n nodes, followed by the internal nodes. Again, make sure all your nodes are connected to something when testing, or weird things may happen.
  • implement doStep() to stamp additional matrix values for nonlinear elements. This is called at least once every timestep, possibly multiple times if it takes additional iterations for convergence. Add an implementation of nonLinear() which returns true if your element is nonlinear. Use volts[] to access the voltages of all the posts and internal nodes.
  • implement startIteration() if you want to do some work before a simulation step starts, and/or stepFinished() if you want to do work after it's done.
  • test out your implementation. If you have matrix problems, then you might want to go to, and search for "uncomment this line to disable matrix simplification" to aid debugging.
  • calculate current(s). The simulator tells you the voltage of every post, but not the currents. You have to calculate those from the voltages. The exception is if you have voltage sources; if you have more than one, you need to implement setCurrent() to get the currents. Otherwise, current is the current.
  • update draw() to draw current. For every separate current that flows through part of your element, you need to calculate a curcount (the phase of the current animation) using updateDotCount(), and then draw it using drawDots(). For a simple two-terminal element where the current just moves from one terminal to the other, you can call doDots(). If your element has more than two elements, then there will be multiple currents and multiple curcounts.
  • implement getEditInfo() or setEditInfo() if your element has parameters that can be edited. getEditInfo() gets called multiple times to get a series of editable values. It returns null when there are no more values. Then setEditInfo() will get called if the user changes one of them. If changing a value changes the number of posts, then you need to call allocNodes() and setPoints().
  • implement the second constructor, the one that takes a StringTokenizer, so you can save circuits containing your element. Also implement dump(), starting by calling super.dump() and adding any other information you need. Make a test circuit, then do File->Export as Text... and click Re-Import and make sure all your element's state is remembered. Boolean state can be stored as bits in flags which is saved and restored for you. Check parent classes to make sure you don't pick a bit that's in use.
  • make sure the voltage, current, and power are displayed correctly in the scope. You can override getVoltageDiff(), getCurrent(), and getPower() to fix this.
  • implement getInfo() to display the mouse-over info.
  • override reset() if there's extra work to be done there.
  • remove (or fix) your implementation of getShortcut() if you copied another element that has one. Override it to return 0 (or something else) if you subclassed an element that has one.
  • implement getConnection() to determine if your terminals are internally connected. By default this just returns true, meaning that all the terminals are connected to each other somehow. This method is necessary in case one of your terminals are not connected to something, to avoid a singular matrix. For example, a transistor has all terminals connected. But a relay or a transformer do not; they have two separate circuits. So if someone creates a transistor with something connected to the primary, but nothing connected to the secondary, then the voltage of the secondary will be undefined, causing a matrix error. The simulator calls this method to detect this and handle it.
  • implement hasGroundConnection(). This is similar to getConnection() but handles the case where one of your terminals is connected to ground (or any other voltage reference). For example, a digital chip output returns true for hasGroundConnection().
  • implement getCurrentIntoNode(). If you don't do this then wires connected to your element may have weird currents. Test it by doing something like the following: Pretend the resistor is your new element. In this case, both terminals of your element are connected to wires which are connected to posts that have shunt stub wires attached. This forces the simulator to call your getCurrentIntoNode() to get the wire currents. If it looks correct then you are all set. Otherwise you need to implement getCurrentIntoNode() to return the wire flowing into node n out of your element.
  • test of your element works in a subcircuit (if applicable). Make a test circuit, make sure it works, save it, and make sure you can reload it. Note that setPoints() and draw() are never called for an element that's part of a subcircuit, so if you have anything important in there, you may have problems.
  • make sure your element works with a white background. (Use whiteColor instead of Color.white)
  • if you are modifying an existing element rather than creating a new one, then make sure your changes don't break existing circuits. Make sure you can still read the old dump format (if you changed it) and that everything works the same.

Program Loop

An incomplete description of the program loop and descriptions of major functions.


This is the main loop. It runs after platform-specific initialization and loops continuously until program shutdown. It has two main sections:

  • Run the circuit. Running the sim for a single timestep conditionally involves three main steps:
    1. Analyze the circuit: analyzeCircuit()
    2. Build the circuit matrices: stampCircuit()
    3. Run the simulation: runCircuit()
  • Draw the circuit graphics
    • This is the simulation graphics state (i.e. the center screen). Menus and property interfaces are managed elsewhere (by GWT).


Called when something in the circuit changes. This function does some initial setup for the overall simulation state, then searches the circuit for the presence of various invalid configurations and edge cases.

  • Map groups of connected wire-like elements to the same node: calculateWireClosure()
  • Sets the root ground node, important for the simulation: setGroundNode()
  • Determines nodes that are not connected indirectly to ground: findUnconnectedNodes().
    • All nodes must be connected to ground somehow, or else we will get a matrix error.
    • The unconnected nodes won't actually be connected here, but in the next step stampCircuit().
  • validateCircuit() searches for these invalid cases:
    • Inductors with no current path.
    • Current sources with no current path.
    • VCCS elements with no current path.
    • Voltage loops with no resistance.
    • Voltages that connect to ground with no resistance.
  • stampCircuit() will always be called following analyzeCircuit().


Creates the MNA matrices using info gathered by analyzeCircuit() and fills them with data from each circuit element.

  • connectUnconnectedNodes() connects isolated nodes by connecting them to ground with a large resistor.
  • simplifyMatrix() is an important function which is run after the initial stamping of the matrix is complete. Since the number of steps required to solve a matrix is proportional to n^3, where n is the number of rows, it is worth a lot of effort to reduce the size of the matrix as much as possible.
  • If the circuit is linear, we can factor the circuit matrix one time inside stampCircuit() instead of needing to do it every frame (inside runCircuit()).


This function has two major loops: the iteration loop and the subiteration loop, the latter being a child of the former. The iteration loop can be thought of as executing a single full step of simulation. Each run of the iteration loop increments the circuit time by the timestep. The inner loop, called the subiteration loop, normally runs at least once per call to runCircuit. The subiteration loop tries to solve the circuit matrix (via lu_solve()). The number of times the subiteration loop runs inside the iteration loop depends on whether or not the circuit has converged.