- Technologies
- High-level components
- Prerequisites & Installation
- Illustration
- Roadmap
- Troubleshooting Tips
- Authors
- Acknowledgment
- License
- React - Frontend JavaScript library developed by facebook
- STOMP - Text oriented protocol over WebSocket
- SockJS - API compatible with WebSocket
- NPM - Build automation tool
- FFmpeg.wasm - A pure WebAssembly / JavaScript port of FFmpeg enabling powerful and blazing fast audio processing.
- wavesurfer - Audio visualization library for creating interactive, customizable waveforms.
- reactour - Interactive tourist guide library.
The Gameroom page is the central interface for gameplay, displaying essential player information (name, avatar, readiness, round status, and score) on the left, based the current round. The top section features room details (name and theme) alongside a volume control for audio adjustments. On the right, a timer counts down each round, complemented by widgets showing current round details and reminders. The bottom-right contains audio recorders supporting recording, playing and reversing, an answer input field, and buttons for uploading/sharing and confirming answer validation. Before and after the game, the bottom-right area will have only the confirm ready pop up or the ranked leader board pop up showing the final result.
The lobby page serves as a navigation hub to various parts of the site. In the top-left, user information (avatar and name) is displayed; clicking here allows access to profile editing. The bottom-left features a logout button, redirecting users to the login/register page. Near the center, an animated info button activates a pop-up with game rules and buttons to activate mic and redirect to the rule guide page. On the right, a list of game rooms shows real-time details (current status, available seats, players, room theme, and name), each clickable to join a game directly from the lobby.
The Rule Guide page offers a step-by-step walk-through for new players, detailing each stage of a complete game round for both speaking and guessing roles. It features instructional messages and highlighted boxes to indicate necessary actions.
For your local development environment, you will need Node.js.
We urge you to install the exact version v20.11.0 which comes with the npm package manager. You can download it here.
If you are confused about which download to choose, feel free to use these direct links:
- MacOS: node-v20.11.0.pkg
- Windows 32-bit: node-v20.11.0-x86.msi
- Windows 64-bit: node-v20.11.0-x64.msi
- Linux: node-v20.11.0.tar.xz (use this installation guide if you are new to Linux)
If you happen to have a package manager the following commands can be used:
- Homebrew:Β
brew install [email protected]
- Chocolatey:Β
choco install nodejs-lts --version=20.11.0
After the installation, update the npm package manager to 10.4.0 by running npm install -g [email protected]
You can ensure the correct version of node and npm by running node -v
and npm --version
, which should give you v20.11.0 and 10.4.0 respectively.
Before you start your application for the first time, run this command to install all other dependencies, including React:
npm install
Next, you can start the app with:
npm run dev
Now you can open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
Notice that the page will reload if you make any edits. You will also see any lint errors in the console (use a Chrome-based browser).
The client will send HTTP requests to the server which can be found here.
In order for these requests to work, you need to install and start the server as well.
npm run lint
Automatically check an format your code following predefined ESlint rules.
Testing is optional, and you can run the tests with npm run test
This launches the test runner in an interactive watch mode.
See the section about running tests for more information.
For macOS user running into a 'fsevents' error: jest-community/vscode-jest#423
Finally, npm run build
builds the app for production to the build
It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance:
The build is minified, and the filenames include hashes.
See the section about deployment for more information.
User Registration and Login:
- Users can register with username and password.
- After registration, users will log in and access the lobby.
Beginner's Guide:
- For a newly registered user, he/she will go through a beginner's guide to get familiar with the UI and game flow.
- After Beginner's Guide, users will navigate to lobby where they can see their avatars and usernames on the left-hand side and room lists on the right-hand side.
- Users can edit their username and choose a new avatar in profile pop-up
- Users can create a new room by specifying room settings (e.g. room name, maximum players, game theme).
- Alternatively, users can join an existing room by clicking on the room from the list.
- In the room, users can get ready and wait for other players to join.
- The room creator can start the game once players in the room are all ready.
Game Start:
- The game starts with one player designated as the Speaker and others as the Challengers.
- The Speaker receives a word, records it, and sends this audio to the Challengers.
- The Challengers listen to the inverted audio sent by the Speaker, mimic the recording and play their recording backwards to guess the original word. Then, they submit the original word and can share audio as well. Multiple guesses are allowed before the time runs out.
- Points are awarded for correctly guessing the word.
- The faster the guess, the more points are earned.
- The final score board will be displayed when the game is finished.
- The game is played in rounds with each round having a different Speaker.
- Players take turns being the Speaker.
- β Implement a live chat feature.
- β Allow to finish each round earlier
- β Configurable setting of game rounds and word difficulty.
- β Optional re-match after a game ends.
Ensure your microphone is enabled before starting the game. If your microphone is not accessible, a toast notification will appear to alert you. You can enable microphone access in your browser settings as shown in the images below.
First time mic access granting:
Re-grant the access if blocked before:
Some users may experience issues with an inaccurate counter. To ensure an uninterrupted experience, verify that your computer's clock is set correctly. We depend on the local machine's time to sync game counters and challenges for accurate timing throughout your audio adventure. Most systems will already be synchronized, but if you encounter issues, follow the steps below for manual synchronization:
For Windows:
Image from Windows Report
For macOS:
Image from MacInstruct
Name | Personal page |
Han Yang | |
Shaochang Tan | |
Yixuan Zhou | |
Zehao Zhang | |
Zihan Liu |
- The client code is based on the SoPra FS24 - Client Template.
- Many thanks to Miro Vannini who helped us as a Tutor and Scrum Master during this SoPra project.
We publish the code under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License that allows distribution, modification, and commercial use. This software, however, comes without any warranty or liability.