Releases: peteroupc/CBOR
Releases · peteroupc/CBOR
Version 4.1.2
Version 4.1.1
Version 4.1.0
Added the following to the CBORObject class: Entries property; ToJSONBytes, CalcEncodedSize, WithTag, and FromJSONBytes methods.
Added overload to From JSONString, allowing only a portion of a string to be used
Added support for reading JSON text sequences (FromJSONSequenceBytes, ReadJSONSequence).
F# types are supported better by CBORObject.FromObject
JSON writer now checks circular references.
Improved performance when reading JSON numbers, thanks in part to an upgrade of the Numbers library used by the CBOR library.
Added number conversion options and PreserveNegativeZero property to JSONOptions.
Added ParseJSONDouble method, other methods, and additional ParseJSONNumber overloads to CBORDataUtilities
Deprecated some existing overloads of ParseJSONNumber
Deprecated many CBORObject properties and methods, including the following: CanFitInInt32, CanFitInInt64, IsInfinity, IsNaN, AsDecimal, AsEInteger, AsEFloat, AsERational, AsUInt16, AsUInt32, AsUInt64, AsSByte, AsByte, Abs, Negate, Sign, IsPositiveInfinity, IsNegativeInfinity, FromJSONString(string, CBOREncodeOptions)
Added several methods and properties to CBORNumber (including certain methods deprecated in CBORObject), and exposed the kind of number stored in the class.
JSONOptions string constructor now sets ReplaceSurrogates to false by default (previously, it was inadvertently true).
Bug fixes
Version 4.0.1
Version 4.0.0
Version 4.0.0-beta2
Version 4.0.0-beta2:
The features in this version include:
The CBOR library no longer stores numbers in a special form beyond the CBOR data model, which represents all "65-bit" signed integers and all "double" values. This means the CBOR library no longer stores certain numbers as EDecimal, EInteger, EFloat, etc., rather than as tagged CBOR objects.
CBORObject.CompareTo now compares objects using the default deterministic encoding comparison in the draft revision of the CBOR specification, and no longer treats numbers (objects with the former type CBORType.Number) as a special class.
CBORType.Number is deprecated; CBORObjects no longer have this type. In its place, certain numbers now have new CBORTypes Integer or FloatingPoint.
CBORObject now stores floating-point numbers internally as the bits that make them up, rather than as doubles, to avoid data loss in conversions.
Methods were added to CBORObject to read and write floating-point numbers in terms of their bit patterns rather than as doubles or floats.
Ctap2Canonical was made more strict and now works when decoding CBOR objects.
Added ReadSequence and DecodeSequence to CBORObject for reading CBOR sequences.
New CBORNumber class for storing numbers representable in CBOR. The new CBORObject.IsNumber property checks whether a CBOR object represents a number.
Bug fixes