# type_spec - Pre/Post conditions for Python functions

This is a python module that type checks for Python function arguments
and return values.

## Installation

pip install type_spec

## Example Usage

A function that takes built-in types:

from type_spec import typeSpec

@typeSpec(int, int, int)
def add(a, b):
  return a + b

A function that takes any of a number of built in types with certain constraints:

from type_spec import typeSpec, AllOf, AnyOf, type_check

def Number(v):
    return type_check(v, AnyOf(int, float))

def GreaterThanZero(v):
    if v <= 0:
        return 'must be greater than zero'

@typeSpec(Number, AllOf(Number, GreaterThanZero), Number)
def div(a, b):
    return a / b

## Usage Details

To specify a pre/post condition for your function you use the `typeSpec`
decorator. The signature is:

typeSpec(arg_1_type, ..., arg_n_type, return_type)

The arguments/types provided to typeSpec can be any of the following:

* A built-in type such as `int`, `float`, `str`, `bool`, `list`, `dict`, `set` etc.
* A class, i.e. `MyClass`
* A function/callable that takes a value as argument and returns `None` if the value has a valid type and an error message (string) otherwise.
* A `dict` instance that specifies that a valid value must be a dictionary with a certain structure, i.e. `{'name': str, 'enabled': bool}`
* A `list` instance that specifies that a valid value must be a list with items of a certain
type, i.e. `[str]`.
* A predicate function that returns True or False, i.e. `lambda n: n > 0`. Note that you
can use the `callable` built-in predicate function to type check functions.
* An example value/instance, i.e. `None`, `"2017-01-01"`. This means the value needs to be an instance of the same type as the example value.

## Resources

* [typeannotations](https://github.com/ceronman/typeannotations) - uses the elegant approach of overriding `isinstance` for its type checks (through metaclasses) along with the built-in Python 3 type annotation syntax.
* [PEP 362 - Function Signature Object - annotation checker](https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0362/#annotation-checker)