From 7f8411a4d5b9c9ac6fcec06e293878982cd320c8 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Tartasprint <>
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2023 09:37:40 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Mitigate errors in reporting grammars that can cause the
 parser to run indefinetely (#848)

* fixed pest_meta::non_progressing

* deeper analysis of is_non_progressing

* analysis of is_non_progressing and is_non_failing should be complete, including checking their usage

* written some tests and fixed some bugs

* formatting
 meta/src/ | 1008 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++-
 1 file changed, 994 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)

diff --git a/meta/src/ b/meta/src/
index d9c2ed3c..a365530c 100644
--- a/meta/src/
+++ b/meta/src/
@@ -216,6 +216,12 @@ pub fn validate_undefined<'i>(
 pub fn validate_ast<'a, 'i: 'a>(rules: &'a Vec<ParserRule<'i>>) -> Vec<Error<Rule>> {
     let mut errors = vec![];
+    // WARNING: validate_{repetition,choice,whitespace_comment}
+    // use is_non_failing and is_non_progressing breaking assumptions:
+    // - for every `ParserExpr::RepMinMax(inner,min,max)`,
+    //   `min<=max` was not checked
+    // - left recursion was not checked
+    // - Every expression might not be checked
@@ -229,15 +235,32 @@ pub fn validate_ast<'a, 'i: 'a>(rules: &'a Vec<ParserRule<'i>>) -> Vec<Error<Rul
+/// Checks if `expr` is non-progressing, that is the expression does not
+/// consume any input or any stack. This includes expressions matching the empty input,
+/// `SOI` and ̀ `EOI`, predicates and repetitions.
+/// # Example
+/// ```pest
+/// not_progressing_1 = { "" }
+/// not_progressing_2 = { "a"? }
+/// not_progressing_3 = { !"a" }
+/// ```
+/// # Assumptions
+/// - In `ParserExpr::RepMinMax(inner,min,max)`, `min<=max`
+/// - All rules identiers have a matching definition
+/// - There is no left-recursion (if only this one is broken returns false)
+/// - Every expression is being checked
 fn is_non_progressing<'i>(
     expr: &ParserExpr<'i>,
     rules: &HashMap<String, &ParserNode<'i>>,
     trace: &mut Vec<String>,
 ) -> bool {
     match *expr {
-        ParserExpr::Str(ref string) => string.is_empty(),
+        ParserExpr::Str(ref string) | ParserExpr::Insens(ref string) => string.is_empty(),
         ParserExpr::Ident(ref ident) => {
-            if ident == "soi" || ident == "eoi" {
+            if ident == "SOI" || ident == "EOI" {
                 return true;
@@ -249,12 +272,27 @@ fn is_non_progressing<'i>(
                     return result;
+                // else
+                // the ident is
+                // - "POP","PEEK" => false
+                //      the slice being checked is not non_progressing since every
+                //      PUSH is being checked (assumption 4) and the expr
+                //      of a PUSH has to be non_progressing.
+                // - "POPALL", "PEEKALL" => false
+                //      same as "POP", "PEEK" unless the following:
+                //      BUG: if the stack is empty they are non_progressing
+                // - "DROP" => false doesn't consume the input but consumes the stack,
+                // - "ANY", "ASCII_*", UNICODE categories, "NEWLINE" => false
+                // - referring to another rule that is undefined (breaks assumption)
+            // else referring to another rule that was already seen.
+            //    this happens only if there is a left-recursion
+            //    that is only if an assumption is broken,
+            //    WARNING: we can choose to return false, but that might
+            //    cause bugs into the left_recursion check
-        ParserExpr::PosPred(_) => true,
-        ParserExpr::NegPred(_) => true,
         ParserExpr::Seq(ref lhs, ref rhs) => {
             is_non_progressing(&lhs.expr, rules, trace)
                 && is_non_progressing(&rhs.expr, rules, trace)
@@ -263,17 +301,58 @@ fn is_non_progressing<'i>(
             is_non_progressing(&lhs.expr, rules, trace)
                 || is_non_progressing(&rhs.expr, rules, trace)
-        _ => false,
+        // WARNING: the predicate indeed won't make progress on input but  it
+        // might progress on the stack
+        // ex: @{ PUSH(ANY) ~ (&(DROP))* ~ ANY }, input="AA"
+        //     Notice that this is ex not working as of now, the debugger seems
+        //     to run into an infinite loop on it
+        ParserExpr::PosPred(_) | ParserExpr::NegPred(_) => true,
+        ParserExpr::Rep(_) | ParserExpr::Opt(_) | ParserExpr::RepMax(_, _) => true,
+        // it either always fail (failing is progressing)
+        // or always match at least a character
+        ParserExpr::Range(_, _) => false,
+        ParserExpr::PeekSlice(_, _) => {
+            // the slice being checked is not non_progressing since every
+            // PUSH is being checked (assumption 4) and the expr
+            // of a PUSH has to be non_progressing.
+            // BUG: if the slice is of size 0, or the stack is not large
+            // enough it might be non-progressing
+            false
+        }
+        ParserExpr::RepExact(ref inner, min)
+        | ParserExpr::RepMin(ref inner, min)
+        | ParserExpr::RepMinMax(ref inner, min, _) => {
+            min == 0 || is_non_progressing(&inner.expr, rules, trace)
+        }
+        ParserExpr::Push(ref inner) => is_non_progressing(&inner.expr, rules, trace),
+        ParserExpr::RepOnce(ref inner) | ParserExpr::NodeTag(ref inner, _) => {
+            is_non_progressing(&inner.expr, rules, trace)
+        }
+/// Checks if `expr` is non-failing, that is it matches any input.
+/// # Example
+/// ```pest
+/// non_failing_1 = { "" }
+/// ```
+/// # Assumptions
+/// - In `ParserExpr::RepMinMax(inner,min,max)`, `min<=max`
+/// - In `ParserExpr::PeekSlice(max,Some(min))`, `max>=min`
+/// - All rules identiers have a matching definition
+/// - There is no left-recursion
+/// - All rules are being checked
 fn is_non_failing<'i>(
     expr: &ParserExpr<'i>,
     rules: &HashMap<String, &ParserNode<'i>>,
     trace: &mut Vec<String>,
 ) -> bool {
     match *expr {
-        ParserExpr::Str(ref string) => string.is_empty(),
+        ParserExpr::Str(ref string) | ParserExpr::Insens(ref string) => string.is_empty(),
         ParserExpr::Ident(ref ident) => {
             if !trace.contains(ident) {
                 if let Some(node) = rules.get(ident) {
@@ -281,21 +360,66 @@ fn is_non_failing<'i>(
                     let result = is_non_failing(&node.expr, rules, trace);
-                    return result;
+                    result
+                } else {
+                    // else
+                    // the ident is
+                    // - "POP","PEEK" => false
+                    //      the slice being checked is not non_failing since every
+                    //      PUSH is being checked (assumption 4) and the expr
+                    //      of a PUSH has to be non_failing.
+                    // - "POP_ALL", "PEEK_ALL" => false
+                    //      same as "POP", "PEEK" unless the following:
+                    //      BUG: if the stack is empty they are non_failing
+                    // - "DROP" => false
+                    // - "ANY", "ASCII_*", UNICODE categories, "NEWLINE",
+                    //      "SOI", "EOI" => false
+                    // - referring to another rule that is undefined (breaks assumption)
+                    //      WARNING: might want to introduce a panic or report the error
+                    false
+            } else {
+                // referring to another rule R that was already seen
+                // WARNING: this might mean there is a circular non-failing path
+                //   it's not obvious wether this can happen without left-recursion
+                //   and thus breaking the assumption. Until there is answer to
+                //   this, to avoid changing behaviour we return:
+                false
-            false
         ParserExpr::Opt(_) => true,
         ParserExpr::Rep(_) => true,
+        ParserExpr::RepMax(_, _) => true,
         ParserExpr::Seq(ref lhs, ref rhs) => {
             is_non_failing(&lhs.expr, rules, trace) && is_non_failing(&rhs.expr, rules, trace)
         ParserExpr::Choice(ref lhs, ref rhs) => {
             is_non_failing(&lhs.expr, rules, trace) || is_non_failing(&rhs.expr, rules, trace)
-        _ => false,
+        // it either always fail
+        // or always match at least a character
+        ParserExpr::Range(_, _) => false,
+        ParserExpr::PeekSlice(_, _) => {
+            // the slice being checked is not non_failing since every
+            // PUSH is being checked (assumption 4) and the expr
+            // of a PUSH has to be non_failing.
+            // BUG: if the slice is of size 0, or the stack is not large
+            // enough it might be non-failing
+            false
+        }
+        ParserExpr::RepExact(ref inner, min)
+        | ParserExpr::RepMin(ref inner, min)
+        | ParserExpr::RepMinMax(ref inner, min, _) => {
+            min == 0 || is_non_failing(&inner.expr, rules, trace)
+        }
+        // BUG: the predicate may always fail, resulting in this expr non_failing
+        // ex of always failing predicates :
+        //     @{EOI ~ ANY | ANY ~ SOI | &("A") ~ &("B") | 'z'..'a'}
+        ParserExpr::NegPred(_) => false,
+        ParserExpr::RepOnce(ref inner) => is_non_failing(&inner.expr, rules, trace),
+        ParserExpr::Push(ref inner)
+        | ParserExpr::NodeTag(ref inner, _)
+        | ParserExpr::PosPred(ref inner) => is_non_failing(&inner.expr, rules, trace),
@@ -583,17 +707,873 @@ mod tests {
  --> 1:13
-1 | COMMENT = { soi }
+1 | COMMENT = { SOI }
   |             ^-^
   = COMMENT is non-progressing and will repeat infinitely")]
     fn non_progressing_comment() {
-        let input = "COMMENT = { soi }";
+        let input = "COMMENT = { SOI }";
             PestParser::parse(Rule::grammar_rules, input).unwrap(),
+    #[test]
+    fn non_progressing_empty_string() {
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::Insens("".into()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::Str("".into()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn progressing_non_empty_string() {
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::Insens("non empty".into()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::Str("non empty".into()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn non_progressing_soi_eoi() {
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::Ident("SOI".into()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::Ident("EOI".into()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn non_progressing_predicates() {
+        let progressing = ParserExpr::Str("A".into());
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::PosPred(Box::new(ParserNode {
+                expr: progressing.clone(),
+                span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+            })),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::NegPred(Box::new(ParserNode {
+                expr: progressing,
+                span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+            })),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn non_progressing_0_length_repetitions() {
+        let input_progressing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str("A".into()),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &input_progressing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::Rep(input_progressing_node.clone()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::Opt(input_progressing_node.clone()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::RepExact(input_progressing_node.clone(), 0),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::RepMin(input_progressing_node.clone(), 0),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::RepMax(input_progressing_node.clone(), 0),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::RepMax(input_progressing_node.clone(), 17),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::RepMinMax(input_progressing_node.clone(), 0, 12),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn non_progressing_nonzero_repetitions_with_non_progressing_expr() {
+        let a = "";
+        let non_progressing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str(a.into()),
+            span: Span::new(a, 0, 0).unwrap(),
+        });
+        let exact = ParserExpr::RepExact(non_progressing_node.clone(), 7);
+        let min = ParserExpr::RepMin(non_progressing_node.clone(), 23);
+        let minmax = ParserExpr::RepMinMax(non_progressing_node.clone(), 12, 13);
+        let reponce = ParserExpr::RepOnce(non_progressing_node);
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(&exact, &HashMap::new(), &mut Vec::new()));
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(&min, &HashMap::new(), &mut Vec::new()));
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &minmax,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &reponce,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn progressing_repetitions() {
+        let a = "A";
+        let input_progressing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str(a.into()),
+            span: Span::new(a, 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        let exact = ParserExpr::RepExact(input_progressing_node.clone(), 1);
+        let min = ParserExpr::RepMin(input_progressing_node.clone(), 2);
+        let minmax = ParserExpr::RepMinMax(input_progressing_node.clone(), 4, 5);
+        let reponce = ParserExpr::RepOnce(input_progressing_node);
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &exact,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(&min, &HashMap::new(), &mut Vec::new()));
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &minmax,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &reponce,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn non_progressing_push() {
+        let a = "";
+        let non_progressing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str(a.into()),
+            span: Span::new(a, 0, 0).unwrap(),
+        });
+        let push = ParserExpr::Push(non_progressing_node.clone());
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(&push, &HashMap::new(), &mut Vec::new()));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn progressing_push() {
+        let a = "i'm make progress";
+        let progressing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str(a.into()),
+            span: Span::new(a, 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        let push = ParserExpr::Push(progressing_node.clone());
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(&push, &HashMap::new(), &mut Vec::new()));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn node_tag_forwards_is_non_progressing() {
+        let progressing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str("i'm make progress".into()),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &progressing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        let non_progressing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str("".into()),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &non_progressing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        let progressing = ParserExpr::NodeTag(progressing_node.clone(), "TAG".into());
+        let non_progressing = ParserExpr::NodeTag(non_progressing_node.clone(), "TAG".into());
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &progressing,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &non_progressing,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn progressing_range() {
+        let progressing = ParserExpr::Range("A".into(), "Z".into());
+        let failing_is_progressing = ParserExpr::Range("Z".into(), "A".into());
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &progressing,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &failing_is_progressing,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn progressing_choice() {
+        let left_progressing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str("i'm make progress".into()),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &left_progressing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        let right_progressing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Ident("DROP".into()),
+            span: Span::new("DROP", 0, 3).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::Choice(left_progressing_node, right_progressing_node),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ))
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn non_progressing_choices() {
+        let left_progressing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str("i'm make progress".into()),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &left_progressing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        let left_non_progressing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str("".into()),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &left_non_progressing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        let right_progressing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Ident("DROP".into()),
+            span: Span::new("DROP", 0, 3).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &right_progressing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        let right_non_progressing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Opt(Box::new(ParserNode {
+                expr: ParserExpr::Str("   ".into()),
+                span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+            })),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &right_non_progressing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::Choice(left_non_progressing_node.clone(), right_progressing_node),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::Choice(left_progressing_node, right_non_progressing_node.clone()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::Choice(left_non_progressing_node, right_non_progressing_node),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ))
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn non_progressing_seq() {
+        let left_non_progressing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str("".into()),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        let right_non_progressing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Opt(Box::new(ParserNode {
+                expr: ParserExpr::Str("   ".into()),
+                span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+            })),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::Seq(left_non_progressing_node, right_non_progressing_node),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ))
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn progressing_seqs() {
+        let left_progressing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str("i'm make progress".into()),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &left_progressing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        let left_non_progressing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str("".into()),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &left_non_progressing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        let right_progressing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Ident("DROP".into()),
+            span: Span::new("DROP", 0, 3).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &right_progressing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        let right_non_progressing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Opt(Box::new(ParserNode {
+                expr: ParserExpr::Str("   ".into()),
+                span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+            })),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(is_non_progressing(
+            &right_non_progressing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::Seq(left_non_progressing_node, right_progressing_node.clone()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::Seq(left_progressing_node.clone(), right_non_progressing_node),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::Seq(left_progressing_node, right_progressing_node),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ))
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn progressing_stack_operations() {
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::Ident("DROP".into()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::Ident("PEEK".into()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_progressing(
+            &ParserExpr::Ident("POP".into()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ))
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn non_failing_string() {
+        let insens = ParserExpr::Insens("".into());
+        let string = ParserExpr::Str("".into());
+        assert!(is_non_failing(&insens, &HashMap::new(), &mut Vec::new()));
+        assert!(is_non_failing(&string, &HashMap::new(), &mut Vec::new()))
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn failing_string() {
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::Insens("i may fail!".into()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::Str("failure is not fatal".into()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ))
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn failing_stack_operations() {
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::Ident("DROP".into()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::Ident("POP".into()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::Ident("PEEK".into()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ))
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn non_failing_zero_length_repetitions() {
+        let failing = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Range("A".into(), "B".into()),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &failing.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::Opt(failing.clone()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::Rep(failing.clone()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::RepExact(failing.clone(), 0),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::RepMin(failing.clone(), 0),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::RepMax(failing.clone(), 0),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::RepMax(failing.clone(), 22),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::RepMinMax(failing.clone(), 0, 73),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn non_failing_non_zero_repetitions_with_non_failing_expr() {
+        let non_failing = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Opt(Box::new(ParserNode {
+                expr: ParserExpr::Range("A".into(), "B".into()),
+                span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+            })),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &non_failing.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::RepOnce(non_failing.clone()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::RepExact(non_failing.clone(), 1),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::RepMin(non_failing.clone(), 6),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::RepMinMax(non_failing.clone(), 32, 73),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn failing_non_zero_repetitions() {
+        let failing = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::NodeTag(
+                Box::new(ParserNode {
+                    expr: ParserExpr::Range("A".into(), "B".into()),
+                    span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+                }),
+                "Tag".into(),
+            ),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &failing.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::RepOnce(failing.clone()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::RepExact(failing.clone(), 3),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::RepMin(failing.clone(), 14),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::RepMinMax(failing.clone(), 47, 73),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn failing_choice() {
+        let left_failing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str("i'm a failure".into()),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &left_failing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        let right_failing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Ident("DROP".into()),
+            span: Span::new("DROP", 0, 3).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::Choice(left_failing_node, right_failing_node),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ))
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn non_failing_choices() {
+        let left_failing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str("i'm a failure".into()),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &left_failing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        let left_non_failing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str("".into()),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &left_non_failing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        let right_failing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Ident("DROP".into()),
+            span: Span::new("DROP", 0, 3).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &right_failing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        let right_non_failing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Opt(Box::new(ParserNode {
+                expr: ParserExpr::Str("   ".into()),
+                span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+            })),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &right_non_failing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::Choice(left_non_failing_node.clone(), right_failing_node),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::Choice(left_failing_node, right_non_failing_node.clone()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::Choice(left_non_failing_node, right_non_failing_node),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ))
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn non_failing_seq() {
+        let left_non_failing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str("".into()),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        let right_non_failing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Opt(Box::new(ParserNode {
+                expr: ParserExpr::Str("   ".into()),
+                span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+            })),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::Seq(left_non_failing_node, right_non_failing_node),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ))
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn failing_seqs() {
+        let left_failing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str("i'm a failure".into()),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &left_failing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        let left_non_failing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str("".into()),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &left_non_failing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        let right_failing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Ident("DROP".into()),
+            span: Span::new("DROP", 0, 3).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &right_failing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        let right_non_failing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Opt(Box::new(ParserNode {
+                expr: ParserExpr::Str("   ".into()),
+                span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+            })),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &right_non_failing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::Seq(left_non_failing_node, right_failing_node.clone()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::Seq(left_failing_node.clone(), right_non_failing_node),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::Seq(left_failing_node, right_failing_node),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ))
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn failing_range() {
+        let failing = ParserExpr::Range("A".into(), "Z".into());
+        let always_failing = ParserExpr::Range("Z".into(), "A".into());
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(&failing, &HashMap::new(), &mut Vec::new()));
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &always_failing,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+    }
+    #[test]
+    fn _push_node_tag_pos_pred_forwarding_is_non_failing() {
+        let failing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str("i'm a failure".into()),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &failing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        let non_failing_node = Box::new(ParserNode {
+            expr: ParserExpr::Str("".into()),
+            span: Span::new(" ", 0, 1).unwrap(),
+        });
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &non_failing_node.clone().expr,
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::NodeTag(failing_node.clone(), "TAG".into()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::NodeTag(non_failing_node.clone(), "TAG".into()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::Push(failing_node.clone()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::Push(non_failing_node.clone()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(!is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::PosPred(failing_node.clone()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+        assert!(is_non_failing(
+            &ParserExpr::PosPred(non_failing_node.clone()),
+            &HashMap::new(),
+            &mut Vec::new()
+        ));
+    }
     #[should_panic(expected = "grammar error
@@ -647,12 +1627,12 @@ mod tests {
  --> 1:7
-1 | a = { (\"\" ~ &\"a\" ~ !\"a\" ~ (soi | eoi))* }
+1 | a = { (\"\" ~ &\"a\" ~ !\"a\" ~ (SOI | EOI))* }
   |       ^-------------------------------^
   = expression inside repetition is non-progressing and will repeat infinitely")]
     fn non_progressing_repetition() {
-        let input = "a = { (\"\" ~ &\"a\" ~ !\"a\" ~ (soi | eoi))* }";
+        let input = "a = { (\"\" ~ &\"a\" ~ !\"a\" ~ (SOI | EOI))* }";
             PestParser::parse(Rule::grammar_rules, input).unwrap(),