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Node.js and Express make a powerful pair when used together on the server
side, and are used everyday to make fast, modular and dynamic web

For this project, you'll use Node.js, Express and Pug templates to create a
portfolio site to show off the projects you've built.


So far you've worked with a lot of "client-side" JavaScript.
Which is just an industry way of saying JavaScript in the browser.
All of the JavaScript you've written for the first five projects in this
Techdegree is run right in the browser.

Now it's time to continue your journey out of the browser and start writing
some powerful "server-side" JavaScript.

In this project, you'll create a gorgeous portfolio site to showcase the
great projects you've built.

The site will contain a modern landing page, an about page where you'll
have a chance to share contact info, practice your elevator pitch and talk
a little about yourself, and a series of project pages to show off and
detail at least your first five projects from this Techdegree.

You'll create a JSON file.
You'll use this to store all the data about the projects you've created.

You'll use Pug to complete provided templates that utilize the JSON to
generate the markup that is ultimately displayed in the browser.

You'll use Node.js and Express to:

  Import the required dependencies
  Link the JSON with the Pug templates
  Set up routes to handle requests
  Set up the middleware to utilize static files like CSS
  Handle errors
    Set up a server to serve the project

After building this project,
you should have a comfortable working knowledge of:
    Express and Pug,
    setting up a server,
    handling requests,
    working with server-side JavaScript,
    and building a powerful and modern back end project.

And you'll have an important new skill to make you more marketable as a....
Full Stack JavaScript Developer.



Review the policy on Reusing Code in a Techdegree project.


  Create a new repo for this project.

  Create a .gitignore. Make sure your node_modules folder is not stored in
  or tracked by your repo.

  Create a file for your repo that explains what the project is
  and anything your user or fellow developers might need to know to use
  the project.

  Create a license for your project. Learn more about that here.

Understand what you are working with

  Have a basic understanding of Node.js, Express, and Pug.
  See the Resources links on this page and the material in this unit for
  more help understanding these concepts.

Download the project files.

  We've supplied several files for you to use in four folders:

    example-html -

      contains three HTML files that you can open in the browser
       to see an example of what the final project should look like.

    mockups -

      contains three .png files that demonstrate what the final project
        should look like.

    public -

      contains the necessary CSS and client side JS for the project.
        For the basic requirements of this project, you won't need to do
        anything with these files, except to reference the folder when you
        set up your middleware.

    views -

      contains the four Pug files you will need for this project.
        You won't need to create any new Pug files, but you will need to
        add info to each Pug file to make it work with your project.
        We've provided comments in each file to help guide you through what
        needs to be done in each file.

Follow the Instructions Below

  Be sure to reach out on Slack if you get stuck or run into difficulties

    Creating a server
    Setting up routes
    Handling server-side errors
    Creating and managing JSON data,
    connecting JSON data to a templating engine with Node,
    and utilizing JSON data in Pug templates
    Portfolio practice
    Creating and optimizing images for the web


Initialize your project

  Open the command line, navigate to your project, and run the npm init
  command to set up your package.json file.

  Add your dependencies

  At a minimum, your project will need Express and Pug installed via the
  command line.

  Don't forget to use the --save flag if you're using a version of npm
   prior to 5.0, to ensure that references to the dependencies are stored
   in your package.json file.

  Handle files and folders that shouldn't be stored in your repo

  Create a .gitignore file in your directory and save a reference to the
  node_modules folder so that your repo doesn't store or track that folder.


  Create an images folder in your directory to store your images.

  Add a profile pic of yourself that you would feel comfortable sharing with
  potential employers. It should present well at 550px by 350px.

  Take screenshots of your projects.
  You will need at least two screenshots for each project.

  A main shot for the landing page which should be a square image that can
  display well at 550px by 550px.

  Between one and three additional images that can be any dimensions you
   want, but work well in this project as landscape images that present
    well at 1200px by 550px.

Add your project data to your directory

  Create a data.json file at the root of your directory

  The recommended structure for your JSON is to:
   create an object literal that contains a single property called projects.
   The value of projects is an array containing:
    an object for each project you wish to include in your portfolio.

    Each project object should contain the following properties:

        - give each project a unique id,
          which can just be a single digit number
          starting at 0 for the first project
          1 for the second project, etc.

        - name of the project

        - a description of the project

        - an array of strings containing a list of the technologies
        used in the project

        - link to the live version of the project

        - link to the GitHub repo

        - an array of strings containing file paths from the views
        folder to the images themselves. You'll need a main image to be
        shown on the landing page, and three images to be shown on the
        project page.

      Note: Feel free to add extra projects to this portfolio
       if you have them to show off.

Setup your server, routes and middleware

  Create an app.js file at the root of your directory.

  Add variables to require the necessary dependencies.

  You'll need to require:


    The path module

    Your data.json file

Set up your middleware:

  set your “view engine” to “pug”

  use a static route and the express.static method to serve the static
   files located in the public folder

Set your routes. You'll need:

  An "index" route (/) to render the "Home" page with the locals set to

  An "about" route (/about) to render the "About" page

  Dynamic "project" routes (/project or /projects) based on the id of the
  project that render a customized version of the Pug project template
  to show off each project. Which means adding data, or "locals", as an
  object that contains data to be passed to the Pug template.

Finally, start your server.

  Your app should listen on port 3000, and log a string to the console that
  says which port the app is listening to.

Handle errors

  If a user navigates to a non-existent route, or if a request for a
  resource fails for whatever reason, your app should handle the error in
  a user friendly way.

  Add an error handler to app.js that sets the error message to a user
  friendly message, and sets the status code.

  Log out a user friendly message to the console when the app is pointed
   at a URL that doesn't exist as a route in the app, such as /error/error.

  Refer to the video on Error handling Middleware, which is linked in the
  project resources list.

Complete your Pug files

  Go through each of the four Pug templates to inject your data.
  The Pug files contain comments that detail each change you will need to
  make. You can and should delete these comments when you are finished
  with this step. But you should wait to do so until everything is working
  as it should, in case you need to refer to these notes during development.

  Leave the example HTML files in your project so your reviewer can
  reference them.

Layout, CSS and styles

  The layout of the finished project should match the provided mockups.

  Without affecting the layout, consider making adjustments to things like
   the color, background color, fonts, shadows, transitions and animations
    to make this project your own.

  You can even add additional assets like more images or a even a
   customized logo to the header.

   If you do so, just make sure your changes work on the
    mobile layout before dialing them in on the desktop layout.

Quality Assurance and Project Submission Checklist

  Add good code comments

  Check for cross-browser consistency

  Review the "How you'll be graded" section

  Perform QA testing on your project, checking for bugs, user experience
   and edge cases.

  Check off all of the items on the Student Project Submission Checklist.

NOTE: Seeking assistance

  If you're feeling stuck or having trouble with this project:

  Review material in the unit.

  Practice your Google skills.
  Try finding different ways to ask the questions you have,
  paying close attention to the sort of results you get back
   depending on how your questions are worded.

  Reach out to the team on Slack.

NOTE: What you submit is what will get reviewed.

  When you submit your project, a snapshot is taken of your repository,
  and that is what the reviewer will see.

  Consequently, any changes you make to your repo after you submit
  will not beseen by the reviewer.

  So before you submit, it's a smart idea to do a final check
   to make sure everything in your repo is exactly what you want to submit.


Customize the package.json file

  Set up your package.json file so that running npm start will run the app.

  Use error handling middleware to render a Pug template

  Create a new Pug template in the views folder and name it error.pug.
  This Pug file should extend the layout, be set to block content,
  and display the error.message, error.status, and error.stack properties.

  When the request URL is for a non-existent route,
  the error.pug template should be displayed in the browser
   along with the following properties:


Customize the style

  Change or add at least three of the following
   to make this project your own:

    background color
    box or text shadows
    transitions or animations
    add a logo

Your can either add your changes to the end of the CSS file
 or add your own and link it in the head of the layout.pugfile,
 below the other CSS links.

Document your style changes in your file
 AND the project submission notes.

Do not alter the layout or position of the important elements on the page.


  To get an "Exceeds Expectations" grade for this project,
  you'll need to complete each of the items in this section.

  See the rubric in the "How You'll Be Graded" tab above
   for details on how you'll be graded.

  If you’re shooting for the "Exceeds Expectations" grade,
   it is recommended that you mention so in your submission notes.

  Passing grades are final.

  If you try for the "Exceeds Expectations" grade,
  but miss an item and receive a “Meets Expectations” grade,
  you won’t get a second chance.

  Exceptions can be made for items that have been mis-graded in review.