When you send your locaion on telegram, weatherbot showed at the moment weather condition.
Open Your telegram app and find telegram BotFather and write these word respectively
/start -> for starting
/newbot -> for creating new bot
You will then be prompted to name your newly created bot.
Then you will be prompted to pick a username of the bot that must be unique and also end in bot.
That is it, a token will be given to you when all transactions are finished. This unique code required for spring boot.
In this project we used the Weather Api, if you use this api, they give api token for the request. When you send latitude and longitude they give json objest about wheather status. Of course, you can include other apis.
Oğuzhan Çevik - @oguzhancevik
Arda Ağdemir - @ardaagdemir
Ahmet Tayyip Müjde - @ahmetmujde