The aim of this use case is to show how to build a pipeline and how to reproduce it.
Requirements: setup the environment (tutorial setup)
Pipeline Overview
`20news-bydate_py3.pkz` = Split => `data_train.csv` = Tokenize => `data_train_tokenized.csv` = Classify => `fasttext_model.bin` = Evaluate => `metrics.txt`
`data_test.csv` = Tokenize => `data_test_tokenized.csv` ============================== + \ = Evaluate => `metrics_test.txt`
This pipeline step is based on the 01_Extract_dataset.ipynb
Jupyter notebook. It loads
data downloaded in setup and splits them into a train or a test data set.
Step Input: | ./poc/data/20news-bydate_py3.pkz |
Step Output: | ./poc/data/data_train.csv |
./poc/data/data_test.csv |
Generated files: | ./poc/pipeline/steps/ |
./poc/commands/dvc/mlvtools_01_extract_dataset_dvc |
Add the pipeline input file under DVC versioning
dvc add ./poc/data/20news-bydate_py3.pkz
Copy the
from the resources directory to the poc project:cp ./resources/01_Extract_dataset.ipynb ./poc/pipeline/notebooks/
Open the notebook, read info about parameters and try it.
Commit it.
git add ./poc/pipeline/notebooks/01_Extract_dataset.ipynb **/*.dvc git commit -m 'Tutorial: use case 1 step 1 - Add notebook'
Convert the Jupyter notebook into a parameterized Python script using
ipynb_to_python -w . -n ./poc/pipeline/notebooks/01_Extract_dataset.ipynb
is well created. -
Create a DVC command to run the Python script using DVC
gen_dvc -w . -i ./poc/pipeline/steps/
is created -
Run the DVC command
If you are satisfied with the result, track scripts and DVC meta files
git add *.dvc ./poc git commit -m 'Tutorial use case 1 step 1: split dataset'
If you are not satisfied with the result, do not edit generated script. Edit the Jupyter notebook which is the reference then re-run ipynb_to_python and gen_dvc.
The next step in the pipeline (see 02_Tokenize_text.ipynb
Jupyter notebook) is to tokenize
the text input, as is usual in Natural Language Processing. In order to do that, we use the wordpunkt
tokenizer provided by NLTK.
We also remove English stopwords (frequent words who add no semantic meaning, such as "and", "is", "the"...).
Each token is also converted to lower-case and non-alphabetic tokens are removed.
In this very simple tutorial example, we do not apply any lemmatization technique.
Step Input: | ./poc/data/data_train.csv |
Step Output: | ./poc/data/data_train_tokenized.csv |
Generated files: | ./poc/pipeline/steps/ |
./poc/commands/dvc/mlvtools_02_tokenize_text_dvc |
# Copy resource to project pipeline directory
# and then open the notebook, read info about parameters and try it.
cp ./resources/02_Tokenize_text.ipynb ./poc/pipeline/notebooks/
# Git versioning
git add ./poc/pipeline/notebooks/02_Tokenize_text.ipynb
git commit -m 'Tutorial: use case 1 step 2 - Add notebook'
# Convert to Python script
ipynb_to_python -w . -n ./poc/pipeline/notebooks/02_Tokenize_text.ipynb
# Generate command
gen_dvc -w . -i ./poc/pipeline/steps/
# Run pipeline ./poc/commands/ ./poc/data/
git commit -m 'Tutorial use case 1 step 2: tokenize text'
# Version the result
git add *.dvc ./poc
git commit -m 'Tutorial use case 1 step 2: tokenize text'
In the 03_Classify_text.ipynb
Jupyter notebook, we are going to train a classifier on the tokenized text input,
using the FastText libary.
In addition to the input data file, we give to the command a few hyperparameter values, and we store the binary file representing the learned model as output.
We only learn for a few epochs, because the purpose is to see how the versioning tools work, and not train the best classifier possible.
Step Input: | ./poc/data/data_train_tokenized.csv |
Step Output: | ./poc/data/fasttext_model.bin |
./poc/data/fasttext_model.vec |
Generated files: | ./poc/pipeline/steps/ |
./poc/commands/dvc/mlvtools_03_classify_text_dvc |
# Copy resource to project pipeline directory
cp ./resources/03_Classify_text.ipynb ./poc/pipeline/notebooks/
# Git versioning
git add ./poc/pipeline/notebooks/03_Classify_text.ipynb
git commit -m 'Tutorial: use case 1 step 3 - Add notebook'
# Convert to Python script
ipynb_to_python -w . -n ./poc/pipeline/notebooks/03_Classify_text.ipynb
# Generate command
gen_dvc -w . -i ./poc/pipeline/steps/
# Run
# Version the result
git add *.dvc ./poc
git commit -m 'Tutorial use case 1 step 3: classify text'
Next, in the Jupyter notebook 04_Evaluate_model.ipynb
, we want to evaluate how well the model is doing,
first on training data.
Step Input: | ./poc/data/data_train_tokenized.csv |
./poc/data/fasttext_model.bin |
Step Output: | ./poc/data/metrics.txt |
Generated files: | ./poc/pipeline/steps/ |
./poc/commands/dvc/mlvtools_04_evaluate_model_dvc |
# Copy resource to project pipeline directory
cp ./resources/04_Evaluate_model.ipynb ./poc/pipeline/notebooks/
# Git versioning
git add ./poc/pipeline/notebooks/04_Evaluate_model.ipynb
git commit -m 'Tutorial: use case 1 step 4 - Add notebook'
# Convert to Python script
ipynb_to_python -w . -n ./poc/pipeline/notebooks/04_Evaluate_model.ipynb
# Generate command
gen_dvc -w . -i ./poc/pipeline/steps/
# Run
# Version the result
git add *.dvc ./poc
git commit -m 'Tutorial use case 1 step 4: evaluate model on train data'
Check the result:
cat ./poc/data/metrics.txt
Once this step is reached, half of the pipeline is created. For each Jupyter notebook we have the corresponding Python script and the DVC command.
Python executable scripts are "generic", that means they can be applied to any inputs.
Next steps for this pipeline is to run the tokenization and the evaluation steps (notebooks 02_Tokenize_text.ipynb
and 04_Evaluate_model.ipynb
) on the test dataset (./poc/data/data_test.csv
The Jupyter notebook involved in this step is 02_Tokenize_text.ipynb
. We have already generated the corresponding script.
We only need to run this step with different inputs and outputs.
To do that we will create a new DVC command file with new inputs/outputs.
Step Input: | ./poc/data/data_test.csv |
Step Output: | ./poc/data/data_test_tokenized.csv |
New file: | ./poc/commands/dvc/mlvtools_02_test_tokenize_text_dvc |
# Copy DVC command file
cp ./poc/commands/dvc/mlvtools_02_tokenize_text_dvc ./poc/commands/dvc/mlvtools_02_test_tokenize_text_dvc
Edit ./poc/commands/dvc/mlvtools_02_test_tokenize_text_dvc
Replace :
with :
In the same file, update the DVC meta file variable. It is a very important step. If 2 DVC steps have the same name, they will overwrite their meta file and break their pipeline.
Replace :
with :
Save the file.
Run new DVC pipeline step.
Check DVC meta file is created (it is used by DVC to track inputs and outputs of this pipeline step).
Commit this step.
git add *.dvc ./poc
git commit -m 'Tutorial use case 1 step 5: tokenize test dataset text'
Step Input: | ./poc/data/data_test_tokenized.csv |
./poc/data/fasttext_model.bin |
Step Output: | ./poc/data/metrics_test.txt |
New file: | ./poc/commands/dvc/mlvtools_04_evaluate_test_model_dvc |
The notebook involved it this step is 04_Evaluate_model.ipynb
. We have already generated the corresponding script.
We only need to run this step with different inputs and outputs.
To do that we will create a new DVC command file with new inputs/outputs.
# Copy DVC command file
cp ./poc/commands/dvc/mlvtools_04_evaluate_model_dvc ./poc/commands/dvc/mlvtools_04_evaluate_test_model_dvc
Edit ./poc/commands/dvc/mlvtools_04_evaluate_test_model_dvc
Replace :
with :
Edit the DVC meta file variable. It is a very important step. If 2 DVC steps have the same name they will overwrite their meta file and break their pipeline.
Replace :
with :
Save the file.
Run new DVC pipeline step.
Check DVC meta file is created (it is used by DVC to track inputs and outputs of this pipeline step).
Commit this step.
git add *.dvc ./poc
git commit -m 'Tutorial use case 1 step 6: evaluate model on test data'
All steps of the pipeline are run. We can compare metrics obtained in ./poc/data/metrics.txt
We can run an ultimate step to print the result of the pipeline.
dvc run -f PipelineUseCase1.dvc -d ./poc/data/metrics.txt -d ./poc/data/metrics_test.txt \
cat ./poc/data/metrics.txt ./poc/data/metrics_test.txt
git add *.dvc
git commit -m "Tutorial use case 1 step 7: end of pipeline"
Once all those steps are run, the pipeline is complete. It is possible to reproduce it using:
dvc repro [pipeline file identifier] -v
The pipeline file identifier is the DVC meta file generated by the last step of the pipeline.
Here it is PipelineUseCase1.dvc
dvc repro PipelineUseCase1.dvc -v
You should obtain :
Debug: updater is not old enough to check for updates
Debug: Dvc file 'poc/data/20news-bydate_py3.pkz.dvc' didn't change
Debug: Dvc file 'mlvtools_01_extract_dataset.dvc' didn't change
Debug: Dvc file 'mlvtools_02_tokenize_text.dvc' didn't change
Debug: Dvc file 'mlvtools_03_classify_text.dvc' didn't change
Debug: Dvc file 'mlvtools_04_evaluate_model.dvc' didn't change
Debug: Dvc file 'mlvtools_02_test_tokenize_text.dvc' didn't change
Debug: Dvc file 'mlvtools_04_evaluate_test_model.dvc' didn't change
Debug: Dvc file 'PipelineUseCase1.dvc' didn't change
Pipeline is up to date. Nothing to reproduce.
As nothing has changed in input/outputs the pipeline is not re-run, the cache is used.
If we change input data the pipeline will be re-run.
make change-input-data
dvc repro ./PipelineUseCase1.dvc -v
The complete pipeline is run on new data:
Debug: updater is not old enough to check for updates
Debug: Saving info about '/home/sbracaloni/sandbox/dev/peopledoc/ml-poc-version/.dvc/cache/31/9586a10af45dcec57cb01386a2cb99' to state file.
Warning: Corrupted cache file .dvc/cache/31/9586a10af45dcec57cb01386a2cb99
Debug: Removing '.dvc/cache/31/9586a10af45dcec57cb01386a2cb99'
Debug: Dvc file 'poc/data/20news-bydate_py3.pkz.dvc' changed
Reproducing 'poc/data/20news-bydate_py3.pkz.dvc'
Verifying data sources in 'poc/data/20news-bydate_py3.pkz.dvc'
Saving 'poc/data/20news-bydate_py3.pkz' to cache '.dvc/cache'.
Debug: Cache type 'reflink' is not supported: EOPNOTSUPP
Created 'hardlink': .dvc/cache/e7/f2e115ff18407a87f8a1a29f62881f -> poc/data/20news-bydate_py3.pkz
Debug: 'poc/data/20news-bydate_py3.pkz.dvc' was reproduced
Saving information to 'poc/data/20news-bydate_py3.pkz.dvc'.
Debug: Dvc file 'mlvtools_01_extract_dataset.dvc' changed
Debug: Removing 'poc/data/data_train.csv'
Debug: Removing 'poc/data/data_test.csv'
Reproducing 'mlvtools_01_extract_dataset.dvc'
Running command:
poc/pipeline/steps/ --subset train [...]
See changes:
git status -s
M mlvtools_01_extract_dataset.dvc
M mlvtools_02_test_tokenize_text.dvc
M mlvtools_02_tokenize_text.dvc
M mlvtools_03_classify_text.dvc
M mlvtools_04_evaluate_model.dvc
M mlvtools_04_evaluate_test_model.dvc
M poc/data/20news-bydate_py3.pkz.dvc
Commit changes:
git commit -m 'Tutorial use case 1: repro with shuffled data' *.dvc **/*.dvc
It is possible to see pipeline steps running
dvc pipeline show ./PipelineUseCase1.dvc
You reached the end of this tutorial part, see Use Case 2: Create a new version of a pipeline