We want free, we want simple, so WikitPage... This is not a creative, but a aggregate project. Hope you will like it!
This is a private wiki with pure javascript that design for users that want free wiki host. We thanks Github that provide the free Github Page service. Everyone who want to build a wiki, that can clone this project and follow the steps to build your own wiki. The wiki using GitHub md file markdown format to write your pages. You can just follow the GitHub format, and the page can show. (Almost the popular tag...)
Thanks the marked.js that provide the fancy way to translate markdown to html, the core tech to translate markdown is marked.js.
Follow the Install Instruction to create your private wikitpage.
- Fork first (no server need)
- Login your github account (you can use the github editor directory)
- Edit:
- html: using github edit (open your github project, and select your file, then click edit...)
- md file: when view the wiki, using the "Edit" button in the right-top.
- Install first (need server)
- Download a nice markdown editor, recommandation:
- If you use Mac, MOU is the best choice: http://mouapp.com/
- Chrome plugins, I suggest MaDe
- Other: Sumlime Text2