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130 lines (97 loc) · 3.56 KB


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BuckleScript bindings over BigInteger.js@1.6.x

How do I use this?

For specifics, see the documentation for [email protected], from which this library was based.


As far as I am aware, all methods from version 1.6.47 are supported, to some extent.

Notable omissions are:

  • the constructor (does not support alphabet or caseSensitive arguments).
  • isProbablePrime (does not support iterations or rng arguments)
  • isInstance (we have a type checker!!!!)
  • randBetween (does not support rng argument)
  • toString (does not support alphabet argument)

There are even some minor improvements, such as variant types for comparison operations, rather than -1, 0, 1.

However, there is no in-library error handling! In particular, if you do something crazy with the `String(string) polymorphic argument, you may see runtime errors unless you catch and handle them:

let x = BigInteger.bigInt(`String("IAmNotANumber"));
Js.log("I am unreachable due to an unhandled type error above");

Add as much error handling to your own code as you think appropriate given your use case, for example:

Option variant

let x =
  try (Some(BigInteger.bigInt(`String("IAmNotAValidNumber")))) {
  | _ => None

switch (x) {
| Some(bigInteger) => Js.log2("I'm a bigInt", bigInteger)
| None => Js.log("Oh no, there was an error")
// Logs "Oh no, there was an error".

Belt.Result (polymorphic variant error type)

let suspiciousFunction = stringOfInt =>
  try (Belt.Result.Ok(BigInteger.bigInt(`String(stringOfInt)))) {
  | Js.Exn.Error(e) =>
      switch ( {
      | Some(error) =>
        switch (error) {
        | "Error" => `BigIntegerError(e)
        | _ => `UnmatchedError(e)
      | None => `SomeUnknownError

let handleResult =
  | Belt.Result.Ok(bigInteger) => Js.log(bigInteger)
  | Belt.Result.Error(err) =>
    switch (err) {
    | `BigIntegerError(_) => Js.log("1")
    | `UnmatchedError(_) => Js.log("2")
    | `SomeUnknownError => Js.log("3")

// ^^ Logs 1
// ^^ Logs "Integer { value: 777n }"


For convenience, this library exports exception BigIntegerException. You should prefer the other options above though!

let suspiciousFunction = stringOfInt =>
  try (BigInteger.bigInt(`String(stringOfInt))) {
  | _ => raise(BigInteger.BigIntegerException)

switch (suspiciousFunction("I am not a valid number")) {
| bigInteger => Js.log(bigInteger)
| exception BigInteger.BigIntegerException => Js.log("There was an error!")
// ^^ Logs "error"

switch (suspiciousFunction("777")) {
| bigInteger => Js.log(bigInteger)
| exception BigInteger.BigIntegerException => Js.log("There was an error!")
// ^^ Logs "Integer { value: 777n }"


$ yarn add @pckilgore/bs-biginteger


$ npm install @pckilgore/bs-biginteger

Then add @pckilgore/bs-biginteger to bs-dependencies in your bsconfig.json:

  /* rest of file ... */
  "bs-dependencies": ["@pckilgore/bs-biginteger"]


Contributions are welcome, especially for the small portions of this library that lacks coverage by typings.