The following examples are completely based on Free Code Camp's APIs and Micro-services Certification: Basic Node and Express.
In this repo, I will document and recreate the same functionality, but with serverless architecture to include single use functions, shared middleware, and static hosting with automated deployments through Begin.
Click the button to deploy this app to live infrastructure with Begin.
Once your app is deployed, clone the repo Begin creates and npm install
git clone
cd begin-app-project-name
npm install
npm start
Serverless is another tool for web developers to develop applications and deploy them to scalable infrastructure. I got started using FreeCodeCamp and I am forever grateful. I wanted to encourage new developers to take a look at developing with cloud functions instead of long lived stateful server processes. This means building APIs and back-end systems with a new mindset. In this project, the FCC API is replicated using serverless technologies and deployed with Begin CI/CD. Requirements include Node.js and a Github Account. No AWS Account needed because we will deploy with Begin CI/CD and they handle account provisioning.
The first step to this is launching a new project and cloning the repo that Begin provisions for you from GitHub.
git clone
cd begin-app-project-name
npm install
Your source code is primarily in /src
. Each HTTP
function represents a discrete endpoint with self-contained logic. For example get-index
contains the code for what the response is for a GET request to the root of your application. Static assets and items that would normally be behind a CDN are in /public
. The app.arc
file is a manifest that describes your source code and the resulting AWS infrastructure. /src
and /public
are the only folders that will be deployed, the rest are ignored by remain in your GitHub repo.
├── public
│ └── default.css
│ └── me_begin.jpg
└── src
└── http
└── get-index
└── index.js
└── package.json
console.log('got here')
is probably my most used debugging tool. It's a simple way to walk through your code execution and inspect different logic paths. To view logs in Begin, go to your Begin console and inspect the route you want. Each function is isolated and has it's own execution environment. In our case, it's a Node environment. When your function is invoked with an HTTP method, AWS will bring up your function code, execute it, and wipe out it's memory. Each time that function is called, it behaves as if it is being run for the first time. This is different from a regular Express server that is long living and can retain data between route invocations. We'll talk about how to persist information in a separate repo. If you are eager to skip ahead to sessions and data persistence, check out
Let's add a console.log()
statement to the get-index
// src/http/get-index/index.js
let body = `
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="utf-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1">
<title>Hello HTML</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="_static/default.css">
<h1>Hello Beginners!</h1>
<img src="_static/me_begin.jpg">
<p>Oh yea, wait a minute</p>
<form action="/name" method="post">
<label>First Name :</label>
<input type="text" name="first" value="Mr."><br>
<label>Last Name :</label>
<input type="text" name="last" value="POSTman"><br><br>
<input type="submit" value="Submit">
exports.handler = async function http(req) {
console.log('Praise Cage')
return {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {
'content-type': 'text/html; charset=utf8',
'cache-control': 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=0, s-maxage=0'
Now when you visit your index route you should see the console output:
In the FCC Express challenge, they show you how to create a web server and opening a listening port. With serverless functions, you don't need to create that layer of code. HTTP requests are handled by AWS API Gateway, a service that will act like part of your web server. When users make a request, each route is handled by a Lambda Function. This gives us the ability to only write logic that pertains to the request and response needed by a single route. It also has added security because the control of that function is only allowed by your app on your Begin domain. Architect takes care of IAM roles and service permissions when your code is deployed.
The combination of code and the underlying infrastructure is called "Infrastructure as Code". We achieve this by writing a manifest called app.arc
in the root of the project. Architect captures cloud resources and associated function code in a single file.
So let's take a look at it now.
# app.arc
fcc-apis # app namespace - this helps organize the backend resources
@static # declaration of static assets, defaults to the /public folder
@http # declaration of HTTP routes, each route has it's own function handler organized by folder
get / # the function handler is found in /src/http/get-index/index.js
Each function is self contained in it's own function folder according to route and HTTP method. One failing function won't take down the entire app, just the code behind that route.
To start serving HTML and static assets, we can put them into the /public
folder. Notice that the image served from /public
is referenced with _static
. Take a look at line 13, <img src="_static/me_begin.jpg">
The heart of a REST API is specifying some action with a URL path, and an HTTP method. The method is defined by app.arc
, which tells API Gateway how to interpret the HTTP request on a route. That path could return JSON data, an HTML string, or any other kind of text. In this section, we want to return JSON at the route /json
. Setting it up means adding this route to app.arc
and writing a get-json
handler function.
# app.arc
get /json
// src/http/get-json/index.js
exports.handler = async function http (req) {
let message = "Praise Cage!"
return {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {
"content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
body: JSON.stringify({"message": message})
Environment variables are values that can be used during runtime. We typically hold sensitive information like API keys and configuration secrets that should not be stored in .git
. In order to use environment variables with Sandbox, our development server, we need to create a .arc-env
file. Then we can add staging
and production
environment variables in the Begin Console.
# .arc-env
Refactor get-json
to check for the environment variable MESSAGE_STATUS
// src/http/get-json/index.js
exports.handler = async function http (req) {
let message = "Hello json"
// new code to check for environment variable
if (process.env.MESSAGE_STYLE==="uppercase") {
message = message.toUpperCase()
return {
statusCode: 200
headers: {
"content-type": "application/json; charset=utf-8"
body: JSON.stringify({"message": message})
Add the environment variable in the Begin Console by navigating to "Environments", typing in your key and value, and clicking add
. Note that there are different areas for staging
and production
In order to create a logger on every request, we can use a special folder called src/shared
to create utilities that multiple functions can access. Since each function is isolated, Architect will copy everything in src/shared
into the node_modules
folder of every function. We will start with declaring a new route, writing a handler function, and writing a logger utility function.
# app.arc
get /now
// src/shared/utils.js
function logger(req){
// takes a request and logs the HTTP method, path, and originating public IP address.
console.log(`${req.httpMethod} ${req.path} - ${req.headers['X-Forwarded-For']}`)
module.exports = logger
Now you can add logger()
to any function you want by requiring it at the top. We can combine the shared code with an Express style middleware in @architect/functions
to complete the next challenge.
cd src/http/get-now/
npm init -y
npm install @architect/functions
// src/http/get-now/index.js
// require logger and @architect/functions
let logger = require('@architect/shared/utils')
let arc = require('@architect/functions')
// first function call to modify the req object
function time(req, res, next) {
req.time = new Date().toString()
// response function with response object
function http(req, res) {
let time = `Praise Cage! The time is: ${req.time}`
"json": {time: time}
// arc.http registers multiple functions and executes them in order
exports.handler = arc.http(time, http)
registers multiple functions. Each function will get executed to modify the req
object. If a function does not end the request/response cycle, it must call next()
and the final function must call res()
To learn more about the arc.http
request and response methods, check out
In this function, we will build an echo endpoint to respond with a JSON object of the word that is passed in as a request parameter. Add a new endpoint to app.arc
and write a corresponding handler function.
# app.arc
get /echo/:word
// src/http/get-echo-000word/index.js
exports.handler = async function http(req){
let { word } = req.pathParameters
return {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {
'content-type':'application/json; charset=utf-8'
body: JSON.stringify({ echo: word})
A GET request to /echo/freecodecamp
, will result in a request object that has a property pathParameters
with the object { word: 'freecodecamp'}
as a value. This is useful for dynamic routes like users
or postId
where the route can be appended with any string that you can catch and reference.
Another way to pass data to your API endpoint uses query parameters. We're going to add a get-name
HTTP route with a corresponding handler.
# app.arc
get /name
// src/http/get-name/index.js
exports.handler = async function http(req, res) {
let { first, last } = req.queryStringParameters
return {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {
'content-type':'application/json; charset=utf-8'
body: JSON.stringify({
"name": `${first} ${last}`
A GET request to /name?first=nic&last=cage
, will result in a request object that has a property queryStringParameters
with the object { first: 'nic', last: 'cage' }
as a value. We can treat this similarly to route parameters. A query parameter can give the backend certain keys to filter or sort items.
Another way to receive data is from a POST request as an HTML form. HTML forms allow the browser to submit data to the server-side without using JavaScript. The data is part of the HTTP payload in the request body. In this example, we are using urlencoded
body. Architect uses Base64 encoded strings for all request bodies, and we have a helper method in @architect/functions
to help parse request bodies. Since each function is isolated, we will have to install and manage dependencies per function folder.
But first, let's set up a post-name
function and route.
# app.arc
post /name
Then we can install @architect/functions
for the body parser.
cd src/http/post-name
npm init -y
npm install @architect/functions
Now let's write the function handler
// src/http/post-name
let arc = require('@architect/functions')
exports.handler = async function http(req) {
let {first, last} = arc.http.helpers.bodyParser(req)
return {
statusCode: 200,
headers: {"Content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8"},
body: JSON.stringify({
name: `${first} ${last}`
Now you can use index.html
to submit a form with any name you would like, i.e. Nic Cage, and the post-name
handler with reply with { "name": "Nic Cage"}
This is a serverless approach to building a REST API and serving static assets. Take a look at your final app.arc
file, and you will see an entire rundown of your entire app.
# app.arc
get / # root proxy to static assets
get /json # deliver JSON data
get /now # middleware example
get /echo/:word # get path parameters
get /name # get query string parameters
post /name # process HTML Form data
Each commit to your default .git
branch triggers a deploy to staging
on Begin. When you are ready for production, click Deploy to Production
in your Begin Console and say "Hello" to Ship-it Squirrel.
For extra funsies, you can see the original FCC Express app with all the same capabilities, running in a single giant Lambda function. You can see that code here: