To use Stripe with Pay, you'll need to add your API keys and Signing Secret(s) to your Rails app. See Configuring Pay for instructions on adding credentials or ENV Vars.
You can create (or find) your Stripe private (secret) and public (publishable) keys in the Stripe Dashboard.
By default we're linking to the "test mode" page for API keys so you can get up and running in development. When you're ready to deploy to production, you'll have to toggle the "test mode" option off and repeat all steps again for live payments.
Webhooks use signing secrets to verify the webhook was sent by Stripe. Check out Webhooks doc for detailed instructions on where/how to get these.
The Webhooks page on Stripe contains all the defined endpoints and their signing secrets.
View the webhook signing secret used by the Stripe CLI by running:
stripe listen --print-secret
See JavaScript