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Geekhouse IoT Server

I was looking for a set of sensors to demonstrate some IoT concepts. When I found this kit on Amazon I decided it's perfect for the job. It's one thing to work with a bunch of sensors connected to your breadboard, but it's so much more fun to have a real tangible object to control.

Smart Home Kit


  • HATEOAS-compliant REST API (see Wikipedia)
  • Modular architecture
  • Sensor calibration support
  • Dynamic device configuration
  • Flexible device management
  • Support for multiple sensor types and actuators

Hardware Requirements

  • Raspberry Pi Pico W (or compatible microcontroller with WiFi)
  • Supported sensors:
    • ADC-based sensors (light, temperature)
    • Digital sensors (touch, motion)
  • Supported actuators:
    • LEDs
    • DC motors
    • Servo motors
    • Stepper motors
    • Buzzers

Software Requirements

  • MicroPython (latest version recommended)
  • Microdot web framework
  • Development machine with Python 3.x (for configuration tools)

Project Structure

├── config                         # Configuration files
│   └── config_example.toml
├── deploy                         # Deployment scripts
│   ├──
│   └──
├── geekhouse.code-workspace       # Cursor/VS Code workspace
├── images                         # Images
│   └── smart_home_kit.webp
├── mp_requirements.txt              # MicroPython requirements
├── Pipfile                        # Python dependency file
├── Pipfile.lock                   # Python dependency lock file
├──                      # This file
└── src                            # Source code


  1. Install MicroPython on your Pico W. Follow the instructions here.

  2. Clone this repository

    git clone
    cd geekhouse
  3. Configure your server

    • Copy config_example.toml to config.toml and edit with your settings.
    • Most importantly, set your WiFi credentials.
  4. Create a virtual environment and install mpremote

    Use pipenv

    pipenv install # It will use the provided Pipfile
    pipenv shell

    Or use pip

    python -m venv venv
    source venv/bin/activate
    pip install mpremote
  5. Upload files to Pico W using the deployment script



Device Configuration (config.toml)

# WiFi Configuration
ssid = "YourSSID"
password = "YourPassword"

# Server Configuration
port = 80

# LED Configuration
pin = 2
color = "yellow"
location = "roof"
type = "led"

# Sensor Configuration
pin = 0
type = "light"
location = "roof"
unit = "lux"
adc = true

type = "polynomial"
params = { coefficients = [0.0, 0.1] }

Sensor Calibration

Internal temperature sensor

The internal temperature sensor is connected to the ADC pin 4. It gives us a voltage value which we need to convert to temperature.

The maximum voltage is 3.3V and the ADC resolution is 16-bit (65535).

According to the datasheet, when it's 27 degrees Celsius, the voltage is around 0.706V, and for every degree the temperature changes, the voltage goes up or down by about 1.721mV.

This gives us a calibration formula:

T = 27 - (ADC_voltage - 0.706)/0.001721

Where ADC_voltage is: ADC value / 65535 * 3.3 (ADC value is a 16-bit number and 3.3 is the ADC reference voltage).

This can be simplified to:

T = -0.02926 * V + 437.2

For this example, the calibration type is linear and the parameters are m = -0.02926 and b = 437.2.

API Documentation

Root Endpoint

Response: {
  "data": {"message": "Welcome to IoT API"},
  "_links": {
    "self": {"href": "/"},
    "leds": {"href": "/leds"},
    "sensors": {"href": "/sensors"},
    "status": {"href": "/status"}

LED Endpoints

  • GET /leds - List all LEDs
  • GET /leds/filter?color={color}&location={location} - Filter LEDs
  • POST /leds/{id}/toggle - Toggle LED state

Sensor Endpoints

  • GET /sensors - List all sensors
  • GET /sensors/filter?type={type}&location={location} - Filter sensors
  • GET /sensors/{id}/value - Get sensor reading
  • GET /sensors/{id}/config - Get sensor configuration
  • POST /sensors/{id}/config - Update sensor configuration

Usage Examples

Reading a Sensor

Using Python:

import requests

# Get sensor reading
response = requests.get('http://your-device-ip/sensors/roof_light/value')
data = response.json()
print(f"Light level: {data['data']['calibrated_value']} {data['data']['unit']}")

Using curl:

curl http://your-device-ip/sensors/roof_light/value

Controlling an LED

Using Python:

import requests

# Toggle LED
response ='http://your-device-ip/leds/yellow_roof/toggle')
data = response.json()
print(f"LED state: {'ON' if data['data']['state'] else 'OFF'}")

Using curl:

curl -X POST http://your-device-ip/leds/yellow_roof/toggle


Adding New Sensors

  1. Add sensor configuration to config.toml
  2. Upload new configuration to device (the deployment script will handle conversion from TOML to JSON)

Implementing New Features

  1. Modify appropriate module
  2. Test locally if possible
  3. Upload changes to device
  4. Test on device


Common Issues

  1. WiFi Connection Fails

    • Check SSID and password
    • Verify WiFi signal strength
    • Check router settings
  2. Sensor Reading Errors

    • Verify wiring
    • Check pin configurations
    • Validate calibration settings
  3. Server Not Responding

    • Check IP address
    • Verify port settings
    • Check network connectivity


  1. Fork the repository
  2. Create your feature branch
  3. Commit your changes
  4. Push to the branch
  5. Create a Pull Request

Educational Use

This project is designed for teaching:

  • IoT fundamentals
  • REST API design
  • HATEOAS principles
  • Sensor integration
  • Device configuration
  • Code organization


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
