Mininet-WiFi is a fork of Mininet ( which allows the using of both WiFi Stations and Access Points. Mininet-WiFi only add wifi features and you can work with it like you were working with Mininet.!forum/mininet-wifi-discuss
step 1: $ sudo apt-get install git
step 2: $ git clone
step 3: $ cd mininet-wifi
step 4: $ sudo util/ -Wnfv
-W: wireless dependencies
-n: mininet-wifi dependencies
-f: OpenFlow
-v: OpenvSwitch
-l: wmediumd (optional)
Ubuntu 14.04 x64
user: wifi
pass: wifi
Mininet-WiFi should work fine in any Ubuntu distribution from 14.04, but in some cases (only if you have problems when start it) you have to stop NetworkManager with stop network-manager
(you can also use sudo systemctl stop network-manager
or sudo service network-manager stop
Ramon dos Reis Fontes ([email protected])
Christian Rodolfo Esteve Rothenberg ([email protected])
We are members of INTRIG (Information & Networking Technologies Research & Innovation Group) at University of Campinas - Unicamp, SP, Brazil.