If you already have some experience with Symfony or other frameworks the structure of the Park-Manager may seem a little strange at first. But, don't worry once you understand the basics it should be all clear.
In short, Park-Manager is build using a Hexagonal architecture.
The most important things to know about a Hexagonal architecture are:
Each layer doesn't know anything about it's upper layers, and only minimum details about it's lower layer.
A port receives information, an adapter transforms the information before passing it to the port of the lower layer.
Communication is inbound, a lower layer returns a response and doesn't depend on details of higher layers.
Instead a lower layer provides an interface that higher layers layers implement and use for communicating with lower layers.
To ensure a proper separation, each Module is split into 4 layers. Who in turn are each kept within a separate package and repository.
A -module
repository/package contains the Domain
layer of a module,
so webhosting-module
contains the Domain layer of the webhosting module.
The Domain layer provides the foundation upon which all other layers are build. It's the primary source of "knowledge", also know as the business logic.
The Domain doesn't know anything about it's upper layers, it receives requests and gives responses.
Also know as: ApplicationServices or Service layer.
The Application layer communicates between the Domain and the UI layer. But this layer doesn't know anything about a UI layer's details, instead the layer defines interfaces which can be can be used by higher layers.
The upper layers must provide information in a normalized format that the Application can understand (like a Data Transfer Object (DTO)).
The Infrastructure layer provides implementations for interfaces that were defined in lower layers (Domain and Application) and keeps files that are shared between UI implementations (but are not specific to one UI implementation).
The sole purpose of this layer is an adapter between the UI layer and Application. Otherwise the UI layer would have to duplicate to much logic for each implementation.
Framework specific adapter implementations are kept within
the same Infrastructure package and the Bridge
Each implementation is component first, and Framework second.
Providing an adapter implementation for a UrlGenerator uses
the Symfony Routing Component and later an InfrastructureBundle
(in the same package) registers the service definition for actual usage.
The user interface (UI) also know as the delivery mechanism is the final layer of the architecture.
Unlike all deeper layers the UI layer can have multiple implementations at the same time, eg. web (traditional website), API (REST API), RabbitMQ CommandHandler, and/or Command line (CLI).
The UI layer MUST NEVER communicate with the Domain direct directly! Instead it can only communicate with the Application and Infrastructure layers.
Each UI implementation is "standalone", it may not communicate or depend on other UI implementations directly.