The Foreign Relations of the United States (FRUS) series presents the official documentary historical record of major U.S. foreign policy decisions and significant diplomatic activity. The series is published in print and online editions at the U.S. Department of State Office of the Historian website.
In keeping with the spirit of the Digital Government Strategy's goals to provide the public with access to high-quality digital government information and services and help unlock the power of government data to spur innovation, the Office of the Historian is releasing the source files for the online edition of the Foreign Relations series. These source files are encoded in XML. The text is identical to that found on the Office of the Historian website.
The present release contains a representative set of volumes from the 1969-76 subseries — volumes I through X. The repository's location and organization should be considered experimental as we evaluate the feasibility of GitHub as a platform for publishing this data. Updates will be posted here.
Each volume is a single file in the volumes
directory. These files have been prepared according to
the Text Encoding Initiative (TEI) P5 Guidelines. We have also supplied a schematron
file containing markup rules specific to this collection in the schema
We welcome your feedback about this repository and how we can improve it. Please submit an issue or email us at
The files in this repository are in the public domain and may be copied and distributed without permission. For more information, see