Autoruns is a tool developed by Sysinternals that allows you to view all of the locations in Windows where applications can insert themselves to launch at boot or when certain applications are opened. Malware often takes advantages of these locations to ensure that it runs whenever your computer boots up.
More on Autoruns here:
From an Admin Powershell console run .\Install.ps1
. This script does the following:
- Creates the directory structure at c:\Program Files\AutorunsToWinEventLog
- Copies over AutorunsToWinEventLog.ps1 to that directory
- Downloads Autorunsc64.exe from
- Sets up a scheduled task to run the script daily @ 11am
If you'd like to run it immediately, open up the scheduled tasks library and launch it from there.
Autoruns conveniently includes a non-interactive command line utility. This code generates a CSV of Autoruns entries, converts them to JSON, and finally inserts them into a custom Windows Event Log. By doing this, we can take advantage of our existing WEF infrastructure to get these entries into our SIEM and start looking for signs of malicious persistence on endpoints and servers.