diff --git a/packages-new/components/phone-number/src/components/osds-phone-number/core/controller.spec.ts b/packages-new/components/phone-number/src/components/osds-phone-number/core/controller.spec.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index a5cf149d06..0000000000
--- a/packages-new/components/phone-number/src/components/osds-phone-number/core/controller.spec.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-import { ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE, ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODES } from '@ovhcloud/ods-common-core';
-import { OsdsPhoneNumber } from '../osds-phone-number';
-import { OdsPhoneNumberController } from './controller';
-class OdsPhoneNumberMock extends OsdsPhoneNumber {
-  constructor(attribute: Partial<OsdsPhoneNumber>) {
-    super();
-    Object.assign(this, attribute)
-  }
-  emitChange = jest.fn();
-  emitFocus = jest.fn();
-  emitBlur = jest.fn();
-describe('spec:ods-phone-number-controller', () => {
-  let controller: OdsPhoneNumberController;
-  let component: OsdsPhoneNumber;
-  function setup(attributes: Partial<OsdsPhoneNumber> = {}, language?: string) {
-    component = new OdsPhoneNumberMock(attributes);
-    controller = new OdsPhoneNumberController(component);
-    global.navigator = {
-      ...global.navigator,
-      language,
-    }    
-  }
-  afterEach(() => {
-    jest.clearAllMocks();
-  });
-  describe('methods', () => {
-    describe('methods:setDefaultIsoCode', () => {
-      it('should get the default iso code', () => {
-        setup();
-        const isoCode = controller.setDefaultIsoCode();
-        expect(isoCode).toBe(ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE.AD);
-      });
-      it('should get the component iso code', () => {
-        setup({ isoCode: ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE.FR });
-        const isoCode = controller.setDefaultIsoCode();
-        expect(isoCode).toBe(ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE.FR);
-      });
-      it('should get the navigator iso code', () => {
-        setup({ }, 'fr-FR');
-        const isoCode = controller.setDefaultIsoCode();
-        expect(isoCode).toBe(ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE.FR);
-      });
-      it('should get the navigator iso code with the second language', () => {
-        setup({ }, 'en-us');
-        const isoCode = controller.setDefaultIsoCode();
-        expect(isoCode).toBe(ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE.US);
-      });
-      it('should not get the navigator iso code because of a wrong isoCode', () => {
-        setup({ }, 'en');
-        const isoCode = controller.setDefaultIsoCode();
-        expect(isoCode).toBe(ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE.AD);
-      });
-      it('should not get the component iso code because of a wrong isoCode', () => {
-        setup({ isoCode: 'fake' as ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE });
-        const isoCode = controller.setDefaultIsoCode();
-        expect(isoCode).toBe(ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE.AD);
-      });
-    });
-    describe('methods:setDefaultLocale', () => {
-      it('should get the default locale', () => {
-        setup();
-        const locale = controller.setDefaultLocale();
-        expect(locale).toBe(ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE.FR);
-      });
-      it('should get the component locale', () => {
-        setup({ locale: ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE.GB });
-        const locale = controller.setDefaultLocale();
-        expect(locale).toBe(ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE.GB);
-      });
-      it('should get the navigator locale', () => {
-        setup({ }, 'fr-FR');
-        const locale = controller.setDefaultLocale();
-        expect(locale).toBe(ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE.FR);
-      });
-      it('should get the navigator locale with the second language', () => {
-        setup({ }, 'en-us');
-        const isoCode = controller.setDefaultIsoCode();
-        expect(isoCode).toBe(ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE.US);
-      });
-      it('should not get the navigator locale because of a wrong isoCode', () => {
-        setup({ }, 'en-UK');
-        const locale = controller.setDefaultLocale();
-        expect(locale).toBe(ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE.FR);
-      });
-      it('should not get the component locale because of a wrong isoCode', () => {
-        setup({ locale: 'fake' as ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE });
-        const locale = controller.setDefaultLocale();
-        expect(locale).toBe(ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE.FR);
-      });
-    });
-    describe('methods:getCountriesList', () => {
-      it('should get all countries', () => {
-        setup({ countries: 'all' });
-        const countries = controller.getCountriesList();
-        expect(countries).toEqual(ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODES);
-      });
-      it('should get no countries', () => {
-        setup({ });
-        const countries = controller.getCountriesList();
-        expect(countries).toEqual([]);
-      });
-      it('should get a list countries', () => {
-        const countries = [ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE.FR, ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE.GB]
-        setup({ countries });
-        expect(controller.getCountriesList()).toEqual(countries);
-      });
-    });
-  });
diff --git a/packages-new/components/phone-number/src/components/osds-phone-number/core/controller.ts b/packages-new/components/phone-number/src/components/osds-phone-number/core/controller.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 6c6d63c3c2..0000000000
--- a/packages-new/components/phone-number/src/components/osds-phone-number/core/controller.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-import { ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE, ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODES } from '@ovhcloud/ods-common-core';
-import { OsdsPhoneNumber } from '../osds-phone-number';
-class OdsPhoneNumberController {
-  constructor(private readonly component: OsdsPhoneNumber) { }
-  setDefaultLocale(): ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE {
-    if (this.isOdsCountryCode(this.component.locale)) {
-      return ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODES[ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODES.indexOf(this.component.locale)];
-    }
-    const navigatorLang = this.getNavigatorLang();
-    if (navigatorLang) {
-        return ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODES[ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODES.indexOf(navigatorLang)];
-    }
-  }
-  setDefaultIsoCode(): ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE {
-    if (this.isOdsCountryCode(this.component.isoCode)) {
-        return ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODES[ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODES.indexOf(this.component.isoCode)];
-    }
-    const navigatorLang = this.getNavigatorLang();
-    if (navigatorLang) {
-        return ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODES[ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODES.indexOf(navigatorLang)];
-    }
-  }
-  getCountriesList(): ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE[] {
-    if (this.component.countries === 'all') {
-    }
-    return this.component.countries || [];
-  }
-  private getNavigatorLang(): ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE | undefined {
-    const language = navigator.language?.split('-')[0];
-    if (language && this.isOdsCountryCode(language)) {
-      return language;
-    }
-    const language2 = navigator.language?.split('-')[1];
-    if (language2 && this.isOdsCountryCode(language2)) {
-      return language2;
-    }
-    return undefined;
-  }
-  private isOdsCountryCode(value: string | ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE | undefined): value is ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE {
-    return !!value && ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODES.includes(value as ODS_COUNTRY_ISO_CODE);
-  }
-export {
-  OdsPhoneNumberController,
diff --git a/packages-new/storybook/stories/components/phone-number/phone-number.specifications.stories.mdx b/packages-new/storybook/stories/components/phone-number/phone-number.specifications.stories.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0fdce48c05..0000000000
--- a/packages-new/storybook/stories/components/phone-number/phone-number.specifications.stories.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
-import { Meta } from '@storybook/addon-docs';
-import SpecificationsPhoneNumber from '@ovhcloud/ods-component-phone-number/documentation/specifications/specifications-phone-number.mdx';
-import Notes from '../notes.mdx';
-<Meta title="UI Components/Phone Number [molecule]/Specifications" />
-# Phone Number - Technical Specifications
-<SpecificationsPhoneNumber />
diff --git a/packages-new/storybook/stories/components/phone-number/phone-number.web-component.stories.page.mdx b/packages-new/storybook/stories/components/phone-number/phone-number.web-component.stories.page.mdx
deleted file mode 100644
index 0f3049b808..0000000000
--- a/packages-new/storybook/stories/components/phone-number/phone-number.web-component.stories.page.mdx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-import { Canvas, Description, Meta, DocsContainer } from '@storybook/addon-docs';
-import APITable from '@ovhcloud/ods-component-phone-number/dist/docs/components/osds-phone-number/readme.md';
-import Usage from '@ovhcloud/ods-component-phone-number/src/docs/osds-phone-number/usage.mdx';
-<Meta title="UI Components/Phone Number [molecule]/Web Component" />
-# `<osds-phone-number>`
-## Table of Contents
-> - **[Usage](#usage)**
-> - **[Getting Started](#getting-started)**
-> - **[API Table](#api-table)**
-<Usage />
-<div id="api-table"><Description>{APITable}</Description></div>
diff --git a/packages-new/storybook/stories/components/phone-number/phone-number.web-components.stories.ts b/packages-new/storybook/stories/components/phone-number/phone-number.web-components.stories.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index d49fe1fbe4..0000000000
--- a/packages-new/storybook/stories/components/phone-number/phone-number.web-components.stories.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,90 +0,0 @@
-import { html } from 'lit-html';
-import { defineCustomElements } from '@ovhcloud/ods-component-phone-number/loader';
-import { extractArgTypes, extractStoryParams, getTagAttributes } from '../../../core/componentHTMLUtils';
-// @ts-ignore
-import changelog from '@ovhcloud/ods-component-phone-number/CHANGELOG.md';
-// @ts-ignore
-import page from './phone-number.web-component.stories.page.mdx';
-/* Default story parameters  */
-const storyParams = {
-  value: {
-    category: 'Misc',
-    control: { type: 'text' },
-  },
-  clearable: {
-    category: 'Misc',
-    defaultValue: false,
-  },
-  disabled: {
-    category: 'Misc',
-    defaultValue: false,
-  },
-  error: {
-    category: 'Misc',
-    defaultValue: false,
-  },
-  locale: {
-    category: 'Général',
-    control: { type: 'text' },
-    defaultValue: 'fr',
-  },
-  isoCode: {
-    category: 'Général',
-    control: { type: 'text' },
-    defaultValue: 'fr',
-  }
-const countriesParams = {
-  countries: {
-    category: 'Général',
-    defaultValue: [
-      'fr', 'pt', 'gb'
-    ]
-  },
-const allCountriesParams = {
-  countries: {
-    category: 'Général',
-    defaultValue: 'all'
-  },
-export default {
-  title: 'UI Components/Phone Number [molecule]/Web Component',
-  id: 'phone-number',
-  parameters: {
-    notes: {
-      changelog,
-    },
-    docs: { page }
-  },
-  argTypes: extractArgTypes({...storyParams, ...countriesParams })
-/* Default */
-const OsdsPhoneNumberDefault = (args: Record<string, unknown>) => html`
-  <osds-phone-number ...=${getTagAttributes(args)} @keydown=${(e: KeyboardEvent) => e.stopPropagation()}>
-  </osds-phone-number>
-export const Default = OsdsPhoneNumberDefault.bind({});
-// @ts-ignore
-Default.args = {
-  ...(extractStoryParams(storyParams)),
-export const Countries = OsdsPhoneNumberDefault.bind({});
-// @ts-ignore
-Countries.args = {
-  ...extractStoryParams({ ...storyParams, ...countriesParams }),
-export const AllCountries = OsdsPhoneNumberDefault.bind({});
-// @ts-ignore
-AllCountries.args = {
-  ...extractStoryParams({ ...storyParams, ...allCountriesParams }),
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/packages/components/input/src/components/osds-input/osds-input.tsx b/packages/components/input/src/components/osds-input/osds-input.tsx
index a7d69bce66..f784133e5c 100644
--- a/packages/components/input/src/components/osds-input/osds-input.tsx
+++ b/packages/components/input/src/components/osds-input/osds-input.tsx
@@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ export class OsdsInput implements OdsInputAttribute, OdsInputEvent, OdsInputMeth
   private hasPlaceholder(): boolean {
-    return !!this.placeholder && !this.inputEl?.value;
+    return !!this.placeholder && !this.value;
   render() {
diff --git a/packages/components/phone-number/src/components/osds-phone-number/osds-phone-number.scss b/packages/components/phone-number/src/components/osds-phone-number/osds-phone-number.scss
index bdd156af71..8794c6b38f 100644
--- a/packages/components/phone-number/src/components/osds-phone-number/osds-phone-number.scss
+++ b/packages/components/phone-number/src/components/osds-phone-number/osds-phone-number.scss
@@ -11,6 +11,10 @@
     --ods-size-select-border-radius-bottom-right: 0;
     --ods-size-select-border-radius-top-right: 0;
     --ods-size-select-border-right-width: 0;
+    &-label{
+      width: 24px;
+      height: 18px;
+    }
     &__option {
       display: flex;
diff --git a/packages/components/phone-number/src/components/osds-phone-number/osds-phone-number.tsx b/packages/components/phone-number/src/components/osds-phone-number/osds-phone-number.tsx
index f14bbf490e..e0e9cf0792 100644
--- a/packages/components/phone-number/src/components/osds-phone-number/osds-phone-number.tsx
+++ b/packages/components/phone-number/src/components/osds-phone-number/osds-phone-number.tsx
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ import { DEFAULT_ATTRIBUTE } from './constants/default-attributes';
 import { OdsPhoneNumberController } from './core/controller';
 import { ODS_THEME_COLOR_INTENT } from '@ovhcloud/ods-common-theming';
 import { ODS_PHONE_NUMBER_COUNTRY_PRESET } from './constants/phone-number-countries';
-import { PhoneNumberFormat, PhoneNumberUtil } from 'google-libphonenumber';
+import { PhoneNumber, PhoneNumberFormat, PhoneNumberUtil } from 'google-libphonenumber';
 import { ODS_TEXT_LEVEL, ODS_TEXT_SIZE } from '@ovhcloud/ods-component-text';
@@ -56,6 +56,8 @@ export class OsdsPhoneNumber implements OdsPhoneNumberAttribute, OdsPhoneNumberE
   @State() hasCountries: boolean = false;
+  @State() slotSelectedLabel?: HTMLSpanElement;
   componentWillLoad(): void {
     // order matter
@@ -82,6 +84,15 @@ export class OsdsPhoneNumber implements OdsPhoneNumberAttribute, OdsPhoneNumberE
     this.hasCountries = !!this.parsedCountries?.length;
+  @Watch('isoCode')
+  @Watch('slotSelectedLabel')
+  onIsoCodeChange(): void {
+    if (!this.slotSelectedLabel || !this.isoCode) {
+      return;
+    }
+    this.slotSelectedLabel.innerHTML = `<osds-flag lazy iso=${this.isoCode}></osds-flag>`;
+  }
   handlerOdsValueChange(event: CustomEvent<OdsInputValueChangeEventDetail | OdsPhoneNumberValueChangeEventDetail | OdsSelectValueChangeEventDetail>): void {
     if ('isoCode' in event.detail) {
@@ -133,11 +144,16 @@ export class OsdsPhoneNumber implements OdsPhoneNumberAttribute, OdsPhoneNumberE
   getPlaceholder(): string | undefined {
-    if (!this.isoCode) {
-      return undefined;
-    }
-    const exampleNumber = this.phoneUtils.getExampleNumber(this.isoCode);
-    return this.phoneUtils.format(exampleNumber, PhoneNumberFormat.E164);
+    const exampleNumber = this.getExampleNumberByIsoCode();
+    return exampleNumber && this.phoneUtils.format(exampleNumber, PhoneNumberFormat.NATIONAL);
+  }
+  getPrefix(): string | undefined {
+    return `(+${this.getExampleNumberByIsoCode()?.getCountryCode()})`
+  }
+  private getExampleNumberByIsoCode(): PhoneNumber | undefined {
+    return this.isoCode && this.phoneUtils.getExampleNumber(this.isoCode);
   render() {
@@ -150,6 +166,14 @@ export class OsdsPhoneNumber implements OdsPhoneNumberAttribute, OdsPhoneNumberE
+            <span ref={ (el?: HTMLSpanElement) => {
+              if (!el) {
+                return;
+              }
+              setTimeout(() => this.slotSelectedLabel = el, 0);
+            }}
+              slot="selectedLabel"
+              class="phone-number__select-label" />
             { this.parsedCountries?.map((country) => {
               const i18nCountry = this.i18nCountriesMap?.get(country);
               return <osds-select-option value={ country } key={ country }>
@@ -173,6 +197,7 @@ export class OsdsPhoneNumber implements OdsPhoneNumberAttribute, OdsPhoneNumberE
             'phone-number__input': true,
             'phone-number__input--not-first': this.hasCountries,
+          prefix-value={this.getPrefix()}