ts-node src/orca/buy.ts --token <ADDRESS_TOKEN> --sol <NUMBER_OF_SOL>
ts-node src/orca/sell.ts --token <ADDRESS_TOKEN> --percentage <SELL_PERCENTAGE>
import {buy, sell} from "../orca";
import {wallet} from "../helpers/config";
async function main() {
const tokenAddress = "7GCihgDB8fe6KNjn2MYtkzZcRjQy3t9GHdC8uHYmW2hr";
const sol = 1; // buy 1 SOL worth of token using WSOL
const sellPercentage = 50; // sell 50% of the token
await buy(tokenAddress, sol) // buy 1 SOL worth of token
await sell(tokenAddress, sellPercentage); // sell 50% of the token
import {getCurrentPriceInUSD, getCurrentPriceInSOL} from "../orca";
const currentPopcatPriceInSOL = await getCurrentPriceInSOL("7GCihgDB8fe6KNjn2MYtkzZcRjQy3t9GHdC8uHYmW2hr");
const currentPopcatPriceInUSD = await getCurrentPriceInUSD("7GCihgDB8fe6KNjn2MYtkzZcRjQy3t9GHdC8uHYmW2hr");
import {fetchWhirlPoolId} from "../orca";
async function main(){
const tokenAddress = "7GCihgDB8fe6KNjn2MYtkzZcRjQy3t9GHdC8uHYmW2hr";
const poolId = await fetchWhirlPoolId(tokenAddress); // output Address: POPCAT/WSOL or WSOL/
import {getCurrentMarketCap, getCurrentSolInPool} from "../orca";
async function main(){
const tokenAddress = "7GCihgDB8fe6KNjn2MYtkzZcRjQy3t9GHdC8uHYmW2hr";
const currentMarketCap = await getCurrentMarketCap(tokenAddress); // to get the current market cap of the token
const currentSolInPool = await getCurrentSolInPool(tokenAddress); // to get the current number of SOL in the pool