The purpose of this project is to collect, organize, and provide interesting security metrics for open source projects to stakeholders, including users.
This project is in early development and we welcome community support. For more information or to get involved, please see our workgroup page.
Setting up a basic development environment is straightforward:
- Clone the repository (
git clone
). - Ensure that you have Docker Compose installed.
- Copy
and modify the values in that file for your local environment. - Do the same thing for
. - Run
. - Open
The first configuration file has a template at docker/db/
, which should
be copied or renamed to docker/db/
. There is only one field in that file
that you need to change, the password for your local PostgreSQL database.
The second configuration file has a template at docker/web/
, which
similarly should be copied or renamed to docker/web/
. Open this file in your
favorite text editor and update the SECRET_KEY
fields. Use the same value for DB_PASSWORD
as you specified in the first
configuration file.
When you're done, you can try building and running the Docker application. From the root of the repository, run:
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml build
This should take 5-10 minutes to complete (perhaps more, depending on bandwidth and the images that Docker needs to pull).
Now you can run the application with:
docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml run
NOTE: You might see some errors the first or second time you run this. I know about
them, but haven't had cycles to fix them yet. Press Ctrl-C to exit the application,
and then re-run docker-compose -f docker/docker-compose.yml run
. In my testing,
"third time's the charm". I hope this to be fixed shortly.
Open a web browser to http://localhost:8000. You should see an error message from Django. (This is also a bug that hasn't been fixed yet.)
Now open a web browser to http://localhost:8000/grafana/.
That last slash is important. You should be asked to login. Do so using admin/admin
and then
change the password to whatever you'd like. Now you'll have an empty Grafana instance.
Click on the gear icon on the left and select Data Sources
/ Add data source
. Choose
PostgreSQL and use the following details:
- Host:
- Database:
(unless you changed it
above) - User:
(unless you changed it
above) - Password: Use what you specified in
above. - SSL Mode:
. - Version: 12 (though it might work set as other versions too).
Click Save & Test
Now we just need to import the current dashboard configuration. Click on the icon with
four squares (above the gear icon) on the left and select Manage Dashboards
. Press
Now open a new browser tab and access
this URL.
You can get to it by accessing, opening
a dashboard, clicking on the share icon on the top, then Export
and View JSON
. Copy the JSON
content and paste it into your local instance and click Save
Now you have Grafana set up, but you don't have any data yet. Open a command prompt and check to see what the name of the containers are:
PS C:\dev> docker ps -a
cf11aee4c908 docker_nginx "/docker-entrypoint.…" 9 hours ago Up 9 hours>80/tcp docker_nginx_1
cd8978797dd9 docker_web "/usr/src/app/entryp…" 9 hours ago Up 9 hours 8000/tcp docker_web_1
010bd148d19a redis:alpine "docker-entrypoint.s…" 9 hours ago Up 9 hours 6379/tcp docker_redis_1
f64a3ccd0ac4 docker_grafana "/" 9 hours ago Up 9 hours 3000/tcp docker_grafana_1
7c431e863842 postgres "docker-entrypoint.s…" 9 hours ago Up 9 hours>5432/tcp docker_db_1
We need to kick off a reload job on the web server:
PS C:\dev> docker exec -it docker_web_1 /bin/bash
root@cd8978797dd9:/usr/src/app/src/management# /etc/cron.daily/openssf-reload-all
OpenSSF: Starting data reload.
[25/Apr/2021 21:25:06] INFO [load_bestpractices_data.handle:25] Gathering all best practice data.
[25/Apr/2021 21:25:06] DEBUG [connectionpool._new_conn:971] Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
[25/Apr/2021 21:25:06] DEBUG [connectionpool._new_conn:971] Starting new HTTPS connection (1):
Now grab a snack, or let it run overnight. For me, this initial load took approximately 7 hours to complete. (This is absurdly long, and something that we'll need to fix.)
Once the process has started, you can immediately access the site. The main URL (http://localhost:8000) should work, and Grafana should have some projects populated.
The Django application is set up to run from the host machine, so you can immediately edit
files and see them reflected in the running application. For example, change some text
in the src/management/app/templates/app/index.html
file and then access http://localhost:8000.
If you change the model, you'll need to either reload the application or execute the command
in the running container like we did above.
If you change an import job, then you'll need to ensure it's properly plumbed together, which means:
- Creating the import job in
- Adding the job to
There are definitely bugs in this documentation and in the individual components. Please report them as a GitHub issue and we'll get it fixed/improved.