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File metadata and controls

111 lines (60 loc) · 2.55 KB

Queries to the ledger state

This document describes how user queries map to the ledger state.

Keys in the merkleized state are all binary, but for readability, we describe them as ASCII, with / as the delimiter.

All queries are range queries, but in cases where a single value is of interest, the range contains only one key.

Queries marked N/A are not available in a merkleized form. Queries marked ??? need more research.


  • Get account with balance & nonce:

    get /accounts/:id -> Account

  • Get project metadata, including osrank, contract type and balance:

    get /projects/:id -> Project

  • Get project members (range):

    get /projects/:id/members/{0..n} -> [AccountId]

  • Get specific checkpoint hash of project:

    get /projects/:id/checkpoints/:index -> Hash

  • Get latest checkpoint hash of project:

    get /projects/:id/checkpoints/latest -> Hash

  • Get the first n checkpoints of a project:

    get /projects/:id/checkpoints/{0..n} -> [Hash]

  • Get checkpoint version or other metadata, given the hash:

    get /checkpoints/:hash -> Checkpoint

  • How much rewards did a project get in the given epoch?

    get /projects/:id/rewards/:epoch -> Balance

  • How much rewards in total did a project get?

    get /projects/:id/rewards/{0..-1} -> [Balance]

    And sum the returned balances.


  • Resolve "acme", returning the public key it resolves to and TTL:

    get /names/acme -> NameEntry

Graph Data

  • Get all checkpointed contributions to a project:

    get /projects/:id/contributions/{0..-1} -> [Contribution]

  • Check whether someone is a verified contributor to a project, given their account id and a contribution index:

    For someone to be considered "verified", they have to verify their GPG key on-chain.

    get /projects/:id/contributions/:index -> Contribution { gpgkey } get /keys/:gpgkey -> AccountId

  • Get all registered projects that project depends on:

    get /projects/:id/dependencies/{0..-1} -> [(ProjectId, Hash)]

    Returns the project ids along with the checkpoint hash which contains the version depended on.

  • What registered projects depend on project ?


  • Who donated to project ?

    get /projects/:id/donations/{0..-1} -> [(AccountId, Balance)]

  • What are all the rewards received by project and how were they redistributed?


Reverse lookups

These lookups are not possible via the Merkle state, and should be handled locally by the client.

  • What projects am I a member of?


  • What projects have I contributed to?


  • What names do I own?