In addition to configuring many libraries, this template also includes some boilerplate files that end up in most apps (e.g. theme). These files/components serve mainly as examples and are meant for you to change and expand upon or remove if unneeded.
File | Description |
eslintrc.js | My preferred eslint confugration. Configured for TypeScript and to ignore rules from prettier. |
.detoxrc.json | Configuration for running detox e2e tests. Please see go through detox documentation to learn how to use it (Android, iOS). |
.env, .env.staging, | Environment variables used with react-native-config. If you modify these, the app must be rebuilt to reflect changes. Additionally, you can get type autocomplete by generating the types using this npm script. |
jest.config.js, jest.setup.js | Configration for Mirage JS to allow its usage in jest unit tests. |
react-native.config.js | Extra configuration such that running react-native-link will automatically add our custom fonts under ./src/common/assets/fonts to our native iOS and Android projects making them available for use. |
reactotron.ts | Setup for Reactotron. We also attach it to the globally available console instance in __DEV__ for convenience. |
tsconfig.json | TypeScript configuration. |
Gemfile | Main Gemfile. References our list of dependencies (plugins) for our fastlane setup. |
App.tsx | The root of our app. Contains setup to enable react-native-screens, initialize Sentry, enable LayoutAnimation for Android, instantiate our Mirage JS server. The app component renders our root error boundary, our redux store provider, our portal provider and our root navigator. |
(Default contents; as per official template)
File | Description |
settings.gradle | Increased memory for build process. Added boilerplate release signing config variables. |
build.gradle | Modified for Detox integration. |
app/build.gradle | Modified for Detox integration. Modified for react-native-config integration. | | Added for Detox integration. |
AndroidManifiest.xml | Modified for react-native-bootsplash integration. |
bootsplash.xml colors.xml styles.xml |
Added for react-native-bootsplash integration. |
File | Description |
config.json environment.js |
Added for Detox integration. |
firstTest.e2e.js | Smoke test for template to confirm detox integration is working. |
File | Description |
.env | Fastlane environment variables. |
Fastfile | Fastlane automation configuration. 1- Automated deployment to App Center. 2- Automated versioning and icon badge generation. If you are not familiar at all with fastlane, I recommend these 2 posts by me: 1- React Native, fastlane and Visual Studio App Center. 2- Automatic Versioning for React Native Apps. You can also read through the file generated by fastlane after every run. It contains a list of the available commands. |
Pluginfile | List of dependencies (plugins) required by our Fastlane setup. Imported by the main Gemfile. |
File | Description |
AppDelegate.m info.plist |
Modified for react-native-bootsplash integration. |
BootSplash.storyboard | Added for react-native-bootsplash integration. |
(project schemes) | Added STAGING and PRODUCTION schemes and modified the main scheme ${APP_NAME} . Modified pre-actions for all schemes for react-native-config integration. |
File | Description |
buildConfig.js | Node script to generate TypeScript types for react-native-config based on the contents of our .env.x files. To run it, you can use generate-build-config .To learn more, you can read my article: Generating TypeScript Types for Environment Variables |
images.js | Node script to generate image imports based on filenames in src/common/assets/images .To run it you can use generate-image-imports npm script. |
File | Description |
fonts | Example font files. Unlinked by default. To link and use them in your app, see linking fonts. |
images | Sample image file and sample index.js file generated by generate-image-imports npm script. |
File | Description |
PortalContext.tsx | Sample portal context and portal provider. Consumed by Portal.tsx |
File | Description |
BaseException.ts | Base error class that extends Error .If thrown, we can match for it using err instanceof BaseException . |
HttpException.ts | Sample exception that extends BaseException. If thrown, we can match for it using err instanceof HttpException . |
HttpTimeoutException.ts | Sample exception that extends BaseException. If thrown, we can match for it using err instanceof HttpTimeoutException . |
File | Description |
base64Utilt.ts | Base64 helpers. |
dateUtil.ts | Dates helpers. |
layoutUtil.ts | UI helpers. |
logUtil.ts | Logging helpers. |
networkUtil.ts | Networking helpers. |
File | Description |
theme.ts | Sample app theme. Contains theme (common styles) and palette (app colors and fonts to choose from). |
File | Description |
env.d.ts | Environment variables typings for react-native-config module. This file can be regenerated using generate-build-config npm script. |
types.d.ts | Common types. |
File | Description |
RootErrorBoundary.ts | Sample error boundary used at the root of the app. |
File | Description |
Home.tsx | This screen exists to showcase navigation (from Landing.tsx to Home.tsx), data fetching with SWR and redux usage. |
File | Description |
Landing.tsx | Template landing screen. Slightly modified from the official template. Has a button to go to Landing.tsx. |
File | Description |
Navigator.tsx | Stack navigator example. react-native-bootsplash is used here to hide the splash screen. |
File | Description |
middleware | Middleware to be used with redux. Currently only contains sentryMiddleware.ts , a redux actions logger for Sentry. |
slices | Contains our main redux action logic.slices/exampleSlice.ts contains minimal examples of Redux Toolkit and Redux Observable usage. |
rootReducer.ts | Our root reducer. You will rarely need to edit this file unless when adding new state slices. |
store.ts | Our redux store. You will rarely need to edit this file unless when adding new redux observable epics or modifying the store configuration. |
File | Description |
cacheService.ts | Wrapper around AsyncStorage. Add common interactions here. |
File | Description |
navigationService.ts | Global navigation service. Allows interacting with our navigator from outside React components (e.g. Redux actions). |
File | Description |
githubService.ts | Sample apisauce client setup for the GitHub API. |
models.ts | Types related to the GitHub API. |
File | Description |
mirage.ts | In memory server for mocking APIs. By default, this server is created in development builds only (not in staging or production). |