CVXPY inference algorithm [0/2]
Auto-generate cliques of graph
STRT Refactor drawing modes
Remove “Select” as a mode.
Make it, as well as the “t” key, special submodes, that only apply for
a single operation.
Actions + Keystroke Display
Make such “Special Operations” visually clear and automatically display which ones are available. Important for ease of use
State “DONE” from “TODO” [2022-05-23 Mon 16:02]
KILL change δ (edge offset) + length parameters of hyperedges
State “KILL” from “TODO” [2022-05-23 Mon 16:02]
One possibility: multiple link nodes.
Blender style
Issue: distances are for pairs of connected nodes / links.
So how do you scale things separately?
Associate list to each node
State “DONE” from “TODO” [2022-12-12 Mon 18:56]
Nested Borders (Compress full PDGs as nodes + folding)
Split and Merge functionality
Move entire PDGs around the screen
Importing of other formats
Class Graph / Objet Graph from javascript
Visualize a Joint distribution
Information Diagrams (both for joint dists + PDGs)
[X] bounding box for nodes
[X] edge labels in hypergraph
[X] new “node” for each hypergraph
[X] repulsion between edges
[X] add “new hyperedge” tool
[X] selection: (nodes + edges)
[X] selection operators: union, subtraction
[X] add to hyperedges w/drawing