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Gitesh Sarvaiya giteshsarvaiya
An Avid Learner 🤖💪🏻👨🏻‍💻🚀

Durg, Chhattisgarh, India

Bluzzi Bluzzi
There is nothing I love and respect more than passionate people.

Seedext France

fengmk2 fengmk2
Developer of @eggjs

@toeverything Hangzhou, China

Manuel Raynaud lunika
software craftmanship

Raysys | DINUM France, Clermont-ferrand

MdialloC19 MdialloC19
Software Engineer- Geek. Passionate about mathematics, algorithms, and problem-solving. I immerse myself in the world of coding, teaching, and entrepreneurship

SC-95, Dakar, Senegal

Sik' sikelio
Young DevOps trusting Open Source

@FrApp42 France

Osman Zeki osmanzeki
Interactive Developer with interests for the web, cloud computing, game development, VR, AR and immersive environments (domes, mapping, etc.)

Montréal, Canada

Justin Hoang ScorpyG
"Why am I malding at the computer 24/7?" - Justin

Vancouver, Canada

OkDo OthyTenk
hobbyist in technology

@AgulaTeam, @BidMindTeam, Mongolia, Ulaanbaatar

Chungnh98f Chungnh98f
curious to tech Hanoi, Vietnam

Simon Y. Blackwell anywhichway

AnyWhichWay United States


Replica Brisbane, Australia

Danne Lundqvist dannelundqvist
Building content managmenet solutions for media through Co-founder of Swedish event guide

Dotvoid AB Europe

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Meowu Meowu
What I can't create, I don't understand.
Mohan Narayanaswamy mohanmca
Just code! Als refer :
Archer qddegtya
Author/Lead Maintainer of @hlang-tech. Do some crazy work at @a-side-project. Make web application development better at @a-web-studio. Previously at @alibaba.

Indie Hacker Shanghai

Aakash Gajjar skyme5
Physics Scholar | Generalist


Vinit Dantkale Vinit-Dantkale
...Still Learning


Kryspin Ziemski kziemski

QCOMPUTE United States

Cloud hevi1991
what a road!

@Programming-With-Love Shenzhen

steam oakland

@ThreatBook Beijing, China

J. McC. jmhmccr
Information security pro and a developer. Known to use Ruby, Python, C, C++, JavaScript, Kotlin, bash, and dabbling in others.

Cammio Stuttgart

Sridhar SridharRG

Pondicherry University

Fernando Belotto fernandobelotto
Helping companies build remarkable products and developers craft outstanding code.

Campinas, SP