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Dimitri Yola yolaa
metaverse source-code project and trial of mine here




urassh urassh
- 04 / Product Developer - Rails - iOS/ Flutter / Unity - TypeScript (Nuxt, Next) - AWS


润泽 godsboy404
busy YNUer, current dealing with cpp&Java...

Yunnan University Yunnan

Umut Berke Pezük umutbrkee
Marmara University CSE


Barış Akçay barisakcay
iOS Developer | Electrical Engineer


Kerem Demir keremdemirios
iOS Developer

Izmir / Turkey

Anup D'Souza anupdsouza
Software Developer


Joel Gethin Lewis JGL
I am an interaction designer and lecturer @ual-cci. I research solar-powered computing, the history of weaving and global scale augmented reality sculpture.


Layla Emanuele LaylaEmanuele
iOS Engineer | Web Developer


Peter R. Falk FalkPR
Apple iOS/SWIFT Software Developer

Seattle Area

Changyeob Lee YeoPEVA
#Back-End #DevOps & DevSecOps #DFIR #CTI


Edgar Vilchis codedvil
iOS Developer. Computer Engineer by UNAM, Mexico.

Mexico City

Nevio Hirani N3v1
iOS Dev | Web Developer | Graphic Designer | founder of @ScribbleLabApp | member of @SchoolRate and @SpectraFoundation | Contirbutor to @AuroraEditor | Student

@ScribbleLabApp North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Moussa Kakaymi10

NDjamena, Chad

Zewei (Whiskey) Liao whiskey0504
CS & Public Policy @ UChicago

University of Chicago Chicago, IL

tochi tochi
Software engineer.

DIGITALJET Inc. Japan, Okayama

Xiang Li Maecenas
🙋‍♂️ Software Engineer @jpmorganchase @JPMC-EPX | 👨‍🎓Alumni @carnegiemellon | 👨‍💻 Former @Activision @Demonware, @miotech, @idvxlab, @Tezign @design-net

@jpmorganchase Glasgow, UK

Yassine ElBadaoui yassinotec

Photoruction, Inc. Tokyo, Japan

akidon0000 akidon0000
徳島の化学大学院生 M2

Tokushima University Tokushima , Japan

Yogi Arif Widodo yogithesymbian
💸 i'm Powered by Strong Ai 🔨

scodeid Planets Mars

Ikmal Azman esikmalazman
iOS Engineer, UX Designer & Apple WWDC' 22 Scholar


Damin Kim daminoworld
visionOS Develper


Adit Chakraborty Yeffian
Code go brr.

Garden International School Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Axiom Axiom0599
I build random stuff!
Yiyuan Lu Shadow-Song
iOS Developer, StarCraft II Player.

Edinburgh, United Kingdom

yankchina yankchina

Southeast University Nanjing, Jiangsu

James Hughes jmshgs
i like computers


Hyunjun Ahn thisnicework
Seoul Institute of the Arts - digital art AFA
Jairo Júnior J41R0JUNIOR
UCB - Computer Science |  IOS Developer | Back-end Developer 👨🏾‍💻

Brasília - DF