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Larson T. Lrs121
Migrating back to selfhosted git.


EK EKE00372

Taipei, Taiwan

Lucas sharkAndshark
friend of two cats.
噢哎哟喂 oiuv


Eric Friday ericbfriday
Minneapolis based developer who adores JavaScript.

NMDP Minneapolis, MN

a student, and had a deep interest in software development
42 LeXwDeX
42 42 42

Kira kira0x1
Hi 💜

@redacto London, UK

Stephen Comino StephenComino
Software Engineer: C# .NET

Mr World

Faldarith the Gnome Faldarith
I am a funny little man who lives in the side of a hill

Ak'Anon, Faydwer

CosMos 171497767
Tim Martin t-mart
Looking for work

Austin, TX, USA

Victor Melo Xunjin
A software developer who loves to learn better ways to build high quality code :)

@GetAmbush @perimeter-inc Londrina, Brazil

Zeck zZeck
Analyzing systems to preserve or extend them. Always looking for better concepts to achieve this more quickly and maintainably for more people.
Daniel S. Reichenbach danielsreichenbach
Counts using hex values, bakes cookies with bits.

@kogito-ops Berlin, Germany

Rain K. Wilson ghostintheruins
Autistic Traumatic Brain Injury Survivor. Gamer. Pronouns: she/her/hers Undergraduate Mathematician UNIVERSITY of WASHINGTON | Tacoma | Seattle

University of Washington