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KrapMaster-2000 Mr-Gang
Intern working at Adapt-IT, also working on various projects to grow my online profile also to get funding for my company {TITAN<>TECHNOLOGIES}

DarkCloud-co PVT

Francesco Bruzzesi FBruzzesi
Data Scientist at HelloFresh. Mathematician at heart. Open source enthusiast.

@HelloFresh Berlin


Saudi Arabia

Ebrahim Espootin e-espootin
Data Engineering professional. ML and data science enthusiast. All things data related


Konrad Konieczny Psyhackological
Linux System Admin by day, Rustacean and CS student by night. I love automation and tinkering with FOSS software.

Nokia Wrocław, Poland

Jared Sulzdorf jsulz
I love my family, coffee, food, and code.

Seattle, Wa

Troy Howard thoward

Pulumi Portland, OR

James Hoover JamesHoover
Product Designer

@unionai Seattle, WA

Biniyam Ajaw biniyam69
ML Engineer and AI Engineer | Python Lover

StartupAgile አዲስ አበባ፤ ኢትዮጵያ

Joe Eschen squiishyy
Software Engineer @ Union | Game Dev Hobbyist

Seattle, WA

Stefan Wang 1fanwang

@LinkedIn @Microsoft @apache Mountain View, CA

Gianni Hong kkpan11
Coder. Book lover. Enthusiastic cyclist. T1D.

Taipei, Taiwan

Frank Flitton FrankFlitton
UX Engineer. Fullstack Web + UI/UX

@summationai Seattle, WA, USA

Chris Soyars ctso Seattle, WA

zeryx zeryx
A builder guy

@NVIDIA Toronto, Ontario

Kevin Su pingsutw
Coding is my life.

@unionai Taiwan

Haytham Abuelfutuh EngHabu

@flyteorg Seattle, WA

Iaroslav Ciupin iaroslav-ciupin
Software Engineer

Chisinau, Moldova

SteffEn Henkelmann sthenkel23
human / Alumnus @ubc, @uniGoettingen, @ATLASexperiment @CERN / Data Science, Physics, Mountains, Technology. For more information see @linkedin

Vancouver, BC / Canada