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77 repositories
PublicReact Redux Example- The Source Code for "The Road to React" Book
Public- Introduction to React Hooks for function components (released in React 16.7.)
- Custom hook to bridge Custom Elements (Web Components) to React.
PublicCustom hook to include a callback function for useState.- React state management with Redux philosophy.
Public- The Road to Learn React - Русский перевод
- An example implementation of React's children as a function for implementing a currency converter
- How to mock data in React with a fake API
PublicAutosave on a Form for React by Example- Custom hook to combine all useReducer hooks for one global state container.
- A solid test setup for React components with Jest and Enzyme in a React + Webpack application.
PublicReact Range Component by Examplereact-slider
PublicReact Slider Component by Example- Showcasing when and how to prevent a rerender of a component in React
- Showcasing of the Intersection Observer API in React with createRef()
- React Styled Components Example
- Update an Item in a List in React