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zzh_er zzh-er
SLAM and Navigation-related worker, always learning!
Giang Nguyen Alex108306
B. Eng Mechatronics @hust, Intelligent robotics research group.
Chen Yao crankler
There is a rapture on the lonely shore

HIT / HITSZ / SUSTech Shenzhen

Chenyang Cao Kuleccy
Graduate student in the direction of mobile robotics


Edson Filho eferreirafilho
Engineer with a robotics passion and PhD. Extensive research experience (12 years) in the field of robotics and autonomous vehicles.

FS Studio / Microsoft São Paulo

Lhyan Henryhongw
Robotics,Localization,3D LiDAR SLAM,Lifelong Navigation,Robot Learning & Planning

Zhejiang Lab Hangzhou, China

Ricardo B. Sousa sousarbarb
PhD candidate in ECE @ FEUP. Researcher @ INESC TEC

INESC TEC Porto, Portugal