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Mehmet Giritli mehmetgiritli
Senior Software and DevOps Engineer. Python, FastAPI, TypeScript, Vue, Bootstrap, Linux, Docker, Kubernetes & ELK.PHP & Laravel in the past. APIs with OpenAPI.

@stfc, UK Research & Innovation Oxfordshire, UK

Iris Burdick CoronaBorealis02
Computer Networks student at the University of Portsmouth. Network Engineer for the STFC


Honey Sukesan honey-speaks-tech
Senior Software Engineer. Programming is my bread & butter - C, C++ & Python. Interested in learning & sharing knowledge, Professional networking.

JLR Ireland

Harry Swift harryswift01
Scientific Computing Graduate at STFC

STFC Daresbury Laboratory

Chengcheng Xiao Chengcheng-Xiao
Postdoctoral researcher @ Imperial College London. Predicting how electrons move since 2016. Currently working on ONETEP.

Imperial College London London, United Kingdom

Gang Tang obaica
Associate Professor at Beijing Institute of Technology ([email protected]).

Beijing Institute of Technology Beijing, China

Nalin Gupta Neonbluestoplight
Scientific Computing Graduate


Dillon Wall DillonWall
Engineering around the globe at the speed of light. Surrender now or prepare to fight! ワン, that's right!

Oregon, USA

Gabriel Kissin Gabriel-Kissin

Manchester, UK

Wendi Liu Wendi-L
Senior Computational Scientist at the Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK

Science and Technology Facilities Council Daresbury, UK

Aren arenmarsden
21 | Software Engineer @ STFC

@AmmoniumStudios Oxford, United Kingdom

Akello (234.48:4) DolicaAkelloEgwel
Descendant of warriors and cannibals. Lover of cats and "extreme" sounds. Cardiacs stan. Squeak's human ♥️🌈. Future wheyfu. Tech-art doula.

Cosmic Coincidence Control Centre The edge of the moshpit / the black iron prison.

Matt Bolitho MattBolitho
Senior Software Engineer at Alpine F1 Team

Alpine F1 Team Oxfordshire, UK

Edoardo Altamura edoaltamura
Maintainer of @qiskit-community | Consultant in data visualization and information design | Previously computational galaxy formation with @SWIFTSIM

@qiskit United Kingdom

Ross Titmarsh rosstitmarsh

ISIS Neutron and Muon Source @STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory

Martin Pollard mp15

Wellcome Sanger Institute

HN huongbn

Ha Noi

Josh Williams jvwilliams23
Researcher in scientific computing (CFD+ML).
Will Hawthorn hawthwill
Graduate data scientist
Drew Silcock drewsilcock
Senior Research Software Engineer at STFC Hartree Centre.

@stfc Liverpool

Michael Tint mtint London

Timothy Noble Thysk

Science and Technology Facilities Council

Douglas Harvey douglas-m-harvey

UKRI Science and Technology Facilities Council Scotland

Computer Science Degree Apprentice at STFC, training with BNU. 20.

STFC Oxfordshire

Laura Murgatroyd lauramurgatroyd
Software engineer working in the Tomography & Imaging team in the scientific computing department at STFC. Core developer of CCPi's Core Imaging Library
