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Rudger Gravestein pv-rudger

@lionsville Rotterdam

ninjacyberdefense ninjacyberdefense

ninja cyber defense Kerala, India

Carlos Fortes cdfortes
“He who is not courageous enough to take risks will accomplish nothing in life.” — Mohamad Ali

Praia - Cabo Verde

Jacob Michael Silva Funkmyster

RegulatedCloud Austin, TX, USA

Locodarwin locodarwin
Developer of tools to make life easier for others.

Las Vegas, Nevada

nickg nickg-ws


mauvehed mauvehed
Hacker, Troll, and Mental Health Advocate.

@AustinHackers, @attrition-org, @SOCgoons, @RestInCode Austin, TX

Suhail AR Chougule sarc007
Director Data Scientist & Solution Architect | 25+ Yrs Exp | Expert in Scalable Enterprise Solutions Cloud Tech & Advanced Analytics | Proven Leader with Tier-1

Neomoment AIOT Mumbai